Is it possible to receive communion during critical days? About the so-called female impurity

Critical days are an integral companion of a woman from the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause. Cyclic bleeding indicate the health of both the reproductive system and the woman’s entire body. But can this manifestation of bodily well-being affect her spiritual life? How is the female cycle interpreted from a religious point of view? Is it possible to read namaz during menstruation? Is it permissible to go to church while menstruating? Let's try to understand these issues, relying on the Holy Scriptures and the opinions of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

How does the church view menstruation according to the Old Testament?

To answer the question of whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, it is necessary to understand the view of the Orthodox Church on this physiological phenomenon.

Sin of Eve and Adam

According to the Old Testament, menstruation is a punishment to the human race for the Fall, to which Eve pushed Adam. Having tasted the fruit of the forbidden tree on the advice of the Tempter Serpent, the first of people, seeing their corporeality, lost their angelic spirituality. The woman, showing weakness of spirit, doomed the human race to eternal suffering.

In the third chapter of Genesis of the Old Testament, after Adam and Eve saw their nakedness and confessed to God what they had done, the Creator said to the Woman: “I will make your pregnancy painful, you will give birth to children in pain.”

Later, many biblical scholars of antiquity were inclined to believe that not only the hardships of pregnancy and soreness labor activity became a punishment female half the human race for the sin of disobedience, but menstruation is also a monthly reminder of the loss of the former angelic nature.

Answering the question: “Is it possible to go to church while on your period?” from the point of view of Old Testament theologians, we can confidently say: “No!” Moreover, any of the daughters of Eve who neglects this prohibition defiles Holy place and plunges his family into the abyss of sin.

Symbol of death

Many theologians tend to personify the monthly blood not with the sacrament of birth, but with a systematic reminder to the human race of its mortality. The body is a temporary vessel filled with the Holy Spirit. Only by constantly remembering the imminent death of “matter” can you tirelessly improve your spirituality.

The ban on visiting the temple on menstruation days is closely related to the processes that give rise to the appearance of spotting. During menstruation, the body rejects an unfertilized egg. This process, quite physiological from a medical point of view, in religion borders on the death of a potential fetus, and therefore the soul, in the womb. According to the religious dogmas of Old Testament times, a dead body defiles the Church, recalling lost immortality.

Christianity does not prohibit praying at home, but, according to orthodox theologians, a woman is prohibited from visiting the House of God.


Another reason forbidding a woman to cross the threshold of the Holy House during menstruation is concern for hygiene. Pads, tampons and menstrual cups appeared relatively recently. Means of “protection” from the outpouring of uterine secretions were quite primitive in the past. Speaking about the date of origin of this ban, we must remember that the church was then the place of the most mass gathering of people. Especially during festive, significant services.

The appearance of a woman during menstruation in such a place endangered not only her health, but also the health of those around her. There were, and still are, many diseases transmitted through substances rejected by the body.

Summing up the first results of the search for an answer to the question: “Why can’t you go to church during your period,” we will highlight several reasons for this prohibition from the perspective of Old Testament theologians:

  1. Hygienic.
  2. Menstruation is a tangible reminder to descendants of Eve's fall from grace.
  3. From a religious point of view, a rejected egg is equivalent to a fetus that died as a result of a miscarriage.
  4. Equating bloody discharge to a symbol of the mortality of all things.

Menstruation according to the New Testament

Christianity of the New Testament era looks more kindly at a woman’s opportunity to participate in church life during critical days. Changes in views, and therefore theological interpretations, are associated with a new concept of human essence. Having accepted suffering for human sins on the Cross, Jesus Christ freed humanity from the mortal shackles of the body. Only spirituality and purity, strength of spirit are paramount from now on. A woman who bleeds from month to month is what God intended, which means there is nothing unnatural about menstruation. After all, the carnal cannot interfere with a pure and sincere desire for communication with God.

IN in this case It is appropriate to remember the Apostle Paul. He argued that every creation of God is beautiful and there cannot be anything in it that could defile the Creator. New Testament does not give a clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to visit holy places during menstruation. This position gave rise to disagreements between the Holy Fathers. Some were sure that prohibiting a girl from attending Church meant going against the very teachings of Christianity. To support their words, theologians who adhere to this opinion cite biblical parable about Jesus and the woman bleeding long time.

Touching the hem of the Savior’s robe healed her, and the Son of Man not only did not push away the sufferer, but said to her: “Be brave, daughter!” Many women ask whether it is possible to read prayers during menstruation at home. Wouldn't this be a deviation from accepted canons? Christianity is loyal to this issue and does not consider critical days an obstacle to communication with God.

Is it possible to go to church on “unclean” days?

There is no clear answer from the priest about whether it is possible to enter the church during menstruation. It is necessary to seek the blessing of the priest-rector of the church that the woman wants to visit.

Remember that spiritual matters are purely individual. In case of extreme need or spiritual turmoil, the priest will not refuse to confess a woman. Bodily “uncleanness” will not be a hindrance. The doors of the Lord's House are always open to those who suffer. There is no strict canon about how to behave correctly or incorrectly in matters of Faith. For God, both a woman and a man are a beloved child who will always find refuge in his loving arms.

If there is a ban on visiting the cathedral, then the question naturally arises as to what to do if it is not possible to reschedule the event. Follow the link to get answers to these questions.

Standards of behavior in church on menstruation days

The opinion has taken root that a woman during menstruation can visit the Temple, but she should adhere to certain rules, the observance of which will avoid desecration of the holy place.

During menstruation, a woman cannot take part in any church Sacraments.

Is it possible to confess

Many of the women looking for an answer from a priest on the forums ask whether it is possible to confess during menstruation. The answer is quite categorical: no! You cannot confess, receive communion, get married, or take part in baptism on these days. Exceptions include severe illnesses due to which bleeding is prolonged.

If menstruation is the result of an illness, it is necessary to ask for a blessing from the priest, and only then take part in the Sacraments of the Church and eat the Body and Blood of Christ.

Is it possible to drink holy water during menstruation?

There is no exact answer to this question in the Bible, but when studying the regulations church service You may come across a ban on this action. Regardless of whether this happens at home or in the temple, it is better to wait until the end critical days. In modern Christianity one can find a ban on the use of prosphora and consecrated Cahors during menstrual periods.

Is it possible to kiss icons during menstruation?

Turning to the works of New Testament theologians, it becomes clear that venerating icons or iconostasis is strictly prohibited. Such behavior desecrates a holy place.

During your period you can go to services, but it is better to take a place for the “catechumens” or next to the church bench.

The New Testament says that the Temple is where the name of Christ is remembered. Do strict prohibitions also apply to home prayer? The works of theologians say that turning to God in prayer, both at home and in the Church, is not prohibited in any state of body and spirit.

Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation?

Those who seek the priest's answer to this question receive a categorical refusal. Democratic approach modern church and a number of concessions for women during menstrual periods do not apply to the Holy Mysteries. You should abstain from confession, communion and confirmation until after your period. The only exception is in cases of severe illness. Bloody issues, caused by a long-term illness, cannot become an obstacle even for Unction with previous preparation for communion.

Please note that before taking part in the Holy Sacraments, even in a state of illness, you must take a blessing from Father.

Many stories on thematic forums telling that a woman was confessed and allowed to venerate shrines during her period are associated precisely with the illness of the one in question.

It is worth noting that girls who come to church services on critical days are allowed to submit prayer notes for the health and repose of their loved ones.

Is it possible to go to a monastery while on your period?

Many girls are concerned not only about the possibility of praying at home and visiting the House of God during regular periods. Women attending religious forums are keenly interested in the question of whether it is possible to come to the monastery during menstruation. Sister Vassa answers this question in detail and vividly in her materials.

Summarizing the information presented in her materials, we come to the conclusion that no one will kick a woman out of the monastery just because she arrived on “unclean” days.

Restrictions may be imposed on attendance at services, the keel way of life, or restrictions on obedience. The nuns continue to carry out their obedience in accordance with the rules of the particular monastery. You can find out about the restrictions imposed on a novice or sister during menstruation from the Mother Superior of the monastery where the fair sex arrived.

Is it possible to venerate relics during menstruation?

Many of the women visit the monastery in order to touch the remains of the Saint, buried on the territory of a particular monastery. Associated with this desire is the desire to receive an answer from the priest to the question of whether it is possible to venerate relics during menstruation. There is no clear answer to this question. It is unlikely that there will be those for whom this action is of an idle nature.

Before the trip, regardless of whether it coincides with the regulations or not, it is necessary to ask for the blessing of the Priest of the parish in which the woman leads church life. In this conversation, it is advisable for the girl to state her motives and warn her about the possibility of menstruation. Having weighed all the pros and cons, the priest will be able to give a definite answer.

Is it possible to pray at home during menstruation?


Offering prayer to the Lord during menstruation at home is not prohibited.


In Islam, it is widely believed that a woman on such days is in a state of ritual defilement. Such a view of menstruation entails a prohibition for the fair sex to perform prayer before the end of menstruation.

Haid means natural monthly bleeding, and istihadah means bleeding outside the cycle or postpartum discharge.

The opinions of Islamic theologians differ regarding the possibility of prayer, but, in most cases, it is recommended to refrain from praying and touching the Holy Quran on Arabic.

When can you attend church after giving birth?

Returning to the review of the opinions of the Church Fathers, it is worth noting those who, without insisting on a strict prohibition, put forward a number of rules regulating the presence of the fair sex in the church during menstrual periods and after the birth of a child. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that this religious view has taken root and exists to this day.

One thing is certain: despite the many opinions of theologians and the variety of interpretations Holy Scripture, in order to answer for yourself the question of whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation and when it is worth returning to church life after childbirth, you need to find out the answer of the priest of the parish to which the woman “belongs”.

The question of whether it is possible to go to church while menstruating worries many people. Orthodox women. After all, their arrival cannot be planned in any way.

What if a special event is planned, for example Easter, on such a holiday it is necessary to visit church, but what to do if critical days have arrived? Should you really miss going to church?

Is it possible to go to church with menstruation - Old Testament times

In Old Testament times, not only women were considered unclean in these days, but also people who suffered from the plague. Moreover, it was forbidden to touch women these days; it was believed that whoever touched them would also become unclean. Therefore, in those days, visiting church was strictly prohibited.

It was believed that a woman who gave birth to a son should not attend church until one month had passed after giving birth. If you have given birth to a daughter, then in this case you cannot cross the threshold of the temple for more than three months.

Is it possible to attend church during menstruation - New Testament times

One can recall the words of the great Gregory Dvoeslov and the Apostle Paul, who argued that everything that the Lord created was beautiful and bright. Woman was created by the Creator God, which means she is beautiful. Menstrual cycle- This a natural phenomenon, in which the woman is not at all to blame and she should not be banned from attending church.

There is a parable about a bleeding woman who for a long time she was sick and no one could help her. Having learned that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was coming, she touched His clothes with faith. The Lord did not push her away, but on the contrary healed her and approved of her action: “Your faith has saved you,” Christ told her.

The Savior himself did not oppose the bleeding woman, and therefore she has the right to visit the temple.

Is it possible to confess and receive communion during menstruation?

In the 21st century, asking a question on this topic, you can get different answers from priests.

Some say that women on critical days can go to church, light candles and pray, take a blessing, but they cannot touch shrines - the Cross, icons, relics of the Holy Saints of God. You cannot take part in the Sacraments Orthodox Church- baptism, wedding, confirmation, communion, confession, consecration of oil (unction), priesthood.

Others say that you can do all of the above. You need to be guided in this matter by your conscience, and also follow the rules that are accepted in your church where you go to worship.

If a woman is planning to go to a monastery, to holy places, and plans to take part in the Sacraments, she needs to consult with her confessor or parish priest and take a blessing for the trip. The issue of critical days should also be resolved during the conversation.

When should women not go to church?

How many days after the birth of a child can one be in the presence of God at a Divine service?

In the times of the Old Testament, it was believed that a woman after giving birth for 40 days, while she was being cleansed, had no right to attend divine services. Currently, this tradition has also been abolished.

Patriarch of Serbia Paul on female impurity

Patriarch Paul, reflecting on female impurity, talked about Dionysius of Alexandria, who argued that a woman does not have the right to receive communion or touch the holy relics of the Savior, but is always obliged to pray and be baptized.

According to Dionysius, a woman does not have the right to confession until she is completely cleansed. There is also an opinion that you cannot enter the temple for exactly 40 days from the moment of childbirth or miscarriage.

But Father Pavel’s personal answer was different. It draws on the parable of the bleeding woman. If the Savior himself did not consider women with blood unclean, then why should there be prohibitions in our time,” the father reasoned.


Menstruation is a natural course of events given to a woman by nature, which was created by God. In the 21st century, there are many ways to hide the smell and protect against leaks so as not to desecrate the church.

A woman must be in church, try to live a full spiritual life, fulfill the commandments of Christ, repent of her sins in confession and take part in the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion). All this is much more important than calculating the dates of critical days.

Olga Fedoriv

Archpriest Igor Ryabko answers:

Very often priests are asked the following question: “Why can’t you go to church while on your period?” But its very formulation contains an error. On critical days, women are not allowed to receive communion in church, but they can enter the church and attend the service.

But to make it clearer why, let's take a short excursion into history.

Precepts regarding what is “pure” and what is not are found in the Old Testament. If we look carefully at everything related to human ritual uncleanliness, we will see that this is in one way or another connected with hygiene standards. Impurity is a dead body, various discharges, some diseases.

In the New Testament, God Himself, who became Man, says that the place from which “uncleanness” comes is located significantly above the waist. Our heart, damaged by sin, generates that impurity that defiles a person. And everything that relates to our physiology cannot be unclean. The Savior not only speaks about this in words, but also shows it through his actions, breaking many “taboos” that the Jews sacredly observed.

He touches the dead (healing the son of the widow of Nain), allows the bleeding woman to touch him, and despite the fact that she technically broke the law by touching him in uncleanness, Jesus tells her: “Be of good cheer, daughter.”

The Apostle Paul gave a lot of explanations about what is “pure” and what is not. But he doesn’t have a word about the so-called “female impurity.” We know for sure that Christians received communion at services on every first day of the week, and we do not know a single historical monument of that time, which would have prohibited women from doing this during their periods. If such a rule existed then, church authors would certainly have mentioned it.

However, over time, mention of critical women's days appears, but only in the middle of the third century.

Saint Clement of Rome in his essay “Apostolic Constitutions” writes harshly about this issue: “ Woman, refrain from empty speech... without observing anything - neither natural cleansing... nor bodily vice. These observations are empty and meaningless inventions of stupid people... and natural cleansing is not abominable before God, who wisely arranged everything».

In the sixth century, already Saint Gregory Dvoeslov wrote to Archbishop Augustine: “ A woman should not be prohibited from entering church during her menstruation, for she cannot be blamed for what is given to her by nature.”

He also writes that : “It is impossible at such a time to forbid a woman to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If she does not dare to accept him out of great respect, this is commendable, but by accepting him she will not commit a sin" This point of view became predominant in the West, where issues with women's critical days were never on the agenda at all.

In the East, the following point of view nevertheless began to prevail: for the sake of reverence and fear of God before the great Sacrament, it is still better for a woman to refrain from partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on these days. Saint Dionysius of Alexandria and some other holy Fathers write about this. Although it must be said that not everyone agreed with them. For example, Saint Athanasius of Alexandria polemicizes on this matter: “ Tell me, beloved and reverent, what is sinful or unclean that comes out naturally? How, for example, if someone wanted to blame the discharge of phlegm from the nostrils and saliva from the mouth? We are only defiled when we commit every sin, the worst stench».

But thirty years later, Athanasius’s successor in the department, Saint Timothy of Alexandria, spoke differently on the same topic. When asked whether it is possible to baptize or give communion to a woman who “has had the usual thing happen to women,” he answered: “It must be postponed until she is cleansed.”

As we see, controversial issue There is only one - to take communion or not? Everything else - going to church, venerating shrines, kissing the Gospel - is not even discussed. Of course you can.

Summarized the debate on this issue His Holiness Patriarch Serbian Pavel in his article: “Can a woman come to church for prayer, kiss icons and receive communion when she is “unclean” (during menstruation)?”

His Holiness the Patriarch writes: “ The monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. In addition, since modern hygienic means can effectively prevent the accidental flow of blood from making the temple unclean... we believe that from this side there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly cleansing, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, can come to church , kiss icons, take antidor and blessed water, as well as participate in singing. She would not have been able to receive communion in this state, or if she was unbaptized, she would not have been able to be baptized. But in fatal disease can take communion and be baptized».

At first glance, the conclusion You can’t take communion in this state"contradicts the entire previous text - " this uncleanness is only physical, bodily“But, on the other hand, we can conclude why it’s not possible. There is only one reason - a reverent attitude towards the sacrament.

Therefore, I would like to advise women to still listen to the authoritative opinion of the entire church and do correct conclusions. Menstruation is not an “impurity” that needs to be dealt with. Fear that impurity that actually separates you from God - the impurity of our fallen soul.

I received a lot of different and contradictory answers about a woman’s behavior during women’s monthly impurity. What can and cannot be done: is it possible to go into church, take communion, touch a lamp at home, venerate icons in church? And this diversity just makes your head spin. Are there clear rules, advice from the holy fathers?

Dear Olga!

Indeed, in church publications From different centuries and even different decades, you can see quite different recommendations on how women should behave during the period of monthly cleansing in the temple and at home. This difference is precisely due to the fact that this area does not relate not only to dogmatized, but even to unambiguously canonically defined ones. Fundamentally, reverence for the sacraments presupposes, in addition to extreme cases of excessive danger, illness, abstinence from communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and the reception of others church sacraments during the period of regular monthly cleansing. But behind this is not a view of a woman as an unclean creature, but rather reverence for the holy sacraments and the remembrance that in the sacrament of communion the Lord unites with us. On the day of the reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the requirements of chaste and reverent behavior are also applied to men. In this sense, it is easy to understand in what sense abstinence from the sacrament is advised. But I repeat - this is not a fundamental impossibility. The same canons that cover this area say that in the case mortal danger, of extreme necessity, a woman can be baptized and confessed and given communion, but only if there is really an urgent need for this.

Everything else is an extension (semantic, vital, meaningful) of this canonical principle. In previous centuries, when all life was completely churched and when what in Byzantium, what in Orthodox Rus' 5-6 days of a woman’s absence from church did not mean the “de-churching” of her life. When one missed Sunday service due to monthly purifications did not tear her out of the circle of the church liturgical year, then the measure of severity, the measure of what must be abstained from, was greater.

Now, when we can say with certainty that if we recommend to our parishioners not to approach the threshold of the church at all every 5, 6, 7 days for a month, then this will not pass without damage to their church life. Others will accept this with ease and even the inner joy of self-justification: here I can’t go to church - that’s good, I can’t go to church, I can’t pray at home, I can’t light lamps, I can’t take the Gospel in my hands, I can’t do anything, I can only use household do things. Let's think, will this be good? But for others, who are more reverent, this loss, absence from worship will result in sorrow and despondency and the inability to go to church with their children, separation from their spouse, who will nevertheless go to pray. Therefore, now we do not prohibit our parishioners from attending church.

What should you abstain from? Of course, from applying to holy relics, icons, the cross that the priest gives after the service, and to other church shrines. Of course, the Gospel can and should be read at home at this time. The church liturgical Gospel lies on the throne, which is why they do not apply to it. And if there is no one else to light the lamp or straighten the icon, of course, a woman can do this in this state. The main thing in the hierarchy of our values ​​and internal attention is not to devote more time to this than the natural physiological process deserves.

Issues of religion are always discussed by all generations, by every inhabitant of the planet. So many people, so many opinions. The priests are not unanimous on some issues. Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation? The main question that worries women so much.

History goes back to the distant past, to the time of Jesus Christ. The entire procedure of communion is described repeatedly in the Bible in the New Testament. On the eve of the great holiday of Easter, the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and his disciples - the 12 apostles - took place. The teacher broke off a piece of bread to everyone and handed it to them with the words: “Eat, this is my body!” Then he took a sip of wine from a glass, passed it to the students, and they did the same in turn. Jesus said: “Drink, this is my blood!” For this, the royal soldiers came for Christ, and subsequently committed crucifixion. What does this procedure mean, what meaning did Jesus put into these words? Some view it materially, others spiritually. This is the crux of the disagreement.

Communion itself signifies unity with Jesus Christ. Everyone eats his body, drinks his blood, whoever touches him. In material terms, they bake bread, prepare wine, and eat it all in turn. Where is the highest? Where is God? “Bread” and “body” signify the teachings of Jesus Christ. “Eat” means read the Bible, follow Christ. "Wine" means faith. Without faith in the power of Jesus Christ, the Most High God, eating baked goods and drinks makes no sense. Not a word is mentioned in this place about the ban on the sacrament of communion for women with menstruation. If everything is considered physically, women generally do not have the right to receive communion, since only men were present at the Last Supper.

Is it possible to go to confession during menstruation?

One of the conditions for correct communion according to Christian faith is the need to confess. Easter is approaching, and your period is just around the corner. What to do in this case? This issue is also approached in different ways. Some go to church because the law of the church requires it. Others at the call of the soul. If this is the second case, it does not matter whether you have your period or not. For God, the flesh itself is considered unclean. Men and women are equally unclean. God pays attention to the inner world of a person, his thoughts, desires, aspirations. You can confess both on the first day and on the last day of your period! Cleansing occurs spiritually. If tradition is carried out blindly, there is absolutely no power in it.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period?

On what day after menstruation can you take communion?

The tradition is observed by Christians all over the world. It should be remembered that the cleansing of the body occurs after the cleansing of the soul. You can go to church during your period. It is necessary to receive communion at the call of the soul with an understanding of everything that is happening. Simply eating bread will not lead to cleansing. It is absolutely inappropriate to ask whether this can be done on day 7. Examining further the scriptures of the Bible, one can notice that the “church” is faith, and the “temple” is located inside every person - in the soul. As a matter of fact, to receive communion it is not at all necessary to go to a building built by people. At one of his sermons, he said: “A temple built by people can be destroyed in one day, but a temple built by God cannot be destroyed forever!” Jesus held the Last Supper, mind you, at ordinary room. The main thing is to understand why all this is being done. Some people, after the tradition of taking communion in church, remain with the same “dirty” thoughts and deeds as before. Menstruation has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Of course, many are interested in the priest’s answer. It's no secret that priests are different. And at a certain moment they also emphasize that father is also a human being. Opinions vary. Some priests insist on the ban, others do not see anything wrong with a woman visiting church during menstruation.
