5 terre italy. Cinque Terre National Park: an Italian fairy tale. Route #2: from Riomaggiore to Monterosso

The Cinque Terre region stretches along the coast of the Ligurian Sea in the eastern part of the Riviera. The nearest city is La Spezia - the capital of the province of the same name in the Liguria region. It is located approximately 5 km from Cinque Terre. Also nearby are the cities of Levanto (about 9 km from Monterosso) and Portovenere (about 25 km from Riomaggiore).

Cinque Terre on the map
How to get there from other countries
  • Airplane

    There is a fairly wide selection of flights to, from where it is easy to get to the Cinque Terre. Direct flights are operated by S7 airline, with transfer options available from Air France and Alitalia. The latter will cost less - depending on the season, from 10,000 rubles. You can also fly from, but here the price for flights with a transfer starts from 16,000 rubles and above. Alternatively, you can get to, where more airlines fly with cheap flights (for example, Pobeda and Meridiana). You can also find relatively inexpensive air tickets from Moscow to, but it’s better not to consider a trip through or else - the road will be too long and tiring.

  • Train

    The Moscow-Nice route to Milan or Genoa departs from the Belorussky railway station. Travel time is 1 day 18 hours, ticket price is from 10,500 to 16,500.

    A great option for those who are afraid of flying.

  • Bus

    Theoretically, you can get to the Cinque Terre by bus tour from Moscow or St. Petersburg, but in practice this option ranks last in terms of comfort. Firstly, you will have to go through Milan, and secondly, the cost of the ticket is comparable to the price of the flight.

  • Automobile

    This option is suitable only for the most passionate and patient car enthusiasts, since the total distance will be more than 3,000 km. The route can be laid through, or (optional) and. Please note: you need to buy vignettes along the way, and you will also encounter many toll roads.

How to get there from the nearest cities in Italy
  • Train

    The railway network is developed, and you can get to the Cinque Terre in 3 hours from Milan, in 1-2 hours from Genoa or Florence, in 1 hour from Pisa, Rapallo or Viareggio. Trains depart regularly, every hour. But keep in mind: directly to one of the villages of the “Quintuple Lands”, Riomaggiore, the train runs only from Genoa. From other Italian cities you can only get there with a transfer to La Spezia.

  • Rented car

    Do you want to visit not only the Cinque Terre, but also others interesting places, a convenient option would be to fly to one of the nearest cities in Italy, and then rent a car at the airport. Once you reach La Spezia, you can leave your car in the parking lot and go to the reserve by train.

  • Taxi

    From Genoa or Milan to La Spezia you can take a taxi; the distance will be 100 or 200 km, respectively. Also relatively close are Florence (150 km) and Pisa (80 km).

  • Boat

    Traveling by water will be the most scenic way to get to Cinque Terre. Boats depart regularly from La Spezia, Portovenere and Levanto. The schedule is quite tight, flights occur approximately once an hour, but it is worth taking into account the changeable weather of the Gulf of Genoa. The only village without a pier is Corniglia, as it is located in the mountains.

In all villages of the Cinque Terre, driving is prohibited, so it is better to leave your car in La Spezia. The only exception is Monterosso, but there are also many restrictions here, and traveling to this town by car is not recommended.

Weather and temperature by month

The best months for a holiday in the Five Lands are from the end of May to the end of September. But it all depends on what kind of vacation you have in mind. If it's beaches and swimming, it's better to choose summer, because the relatively cold Ligurian Sea becomes comfortable only in mid-June. If we are talking about active recreation, sightseeing excursions and trekking, it is optimal to go to the Cinque Terre in the spring or early autumn, it is not yet hot and there are few tourists.

The worst month for a trip would be November due to its windy and rainy weather. During this time, hiking trails may be washed out and maritime navigation may not work, making even travel between towns difficult. In winter the weather is also not very comfortable; after all, the coastal climate has an effect.

Average temperature during the day:

  • January +10°C;
  • February +12°C;
  • March +14°C;
  • April +17°C;
  • May +21°C;
  • June +25°C;
  • July +28°C;
  • August +29°C;
  • September +25°C;
  • October +20°C;
  • November +15°C;
  • December +12°C.

Keep in mind: August is the warmest month in the Cinque Terre, but this is also the holiday season in Italy. The beaches are usually crowded not only with tourists, but also with local residents, and housing prices rise significantly.

Where to stay

Despite all the beauty of the Five Lands, many tourists still prefer to live not here, but in the nearest large cities. The reason is that all five villages are quite expensive in terms of living, budget options there is no housing to be found here. In addition, the lack of road and bus connections between the villages (except for tourist buses) will complicate the transportation of luggage.

Where is the best place to stay?
  • La Spezia is a large town with many hotels and can be reached by train from Cinque Terra in 10 minutes. However, according to reviews from tourists, it is significantly spoiled by modern buildings and the lack of a beach.
  • In Levanto - there are relatively inexpensive guest houses, many attractions, excellent beaches, and a boat runs daily to the Cinque Terre.

  • Portovenere is a small town with good choice housing, there are luxury 4-star hotels, apartments and inexpensive mini-hotels. The villages of Pyatizemelya are easily accessible by boat.

But for those tourists who decide to stay on the territory national park, we’ll tell you about its most interesting beaches. What’s nice is that they are all free, although some - the most comfortable - have paid services.

The best beaches of Cinque Terre
  • Monterosso Feggina is the largest and most comfortable beach in the reserve, and also the only one with sand (the rest are covered with pebbles). It is the closest to Monterosso al Mare station, so there are many tourists here during the season. There is a big plus for car enthusiasts: this is one of the few places where you can find parking.

  • The beach near the old town of Monterosso is a nice and well-maintained place 600 meters from the station. From here begins the famous Côte d'Azur, which takes you to all 5 villages of the Cinque Terre.
  • Vernazza - there are two beaches here, large and small. An interesting feature of the big one is that you need to go to it through a short tunnel in the rock, located near the main square.

  • Corniglia Spiagione is a not very well-maintained, but nice beach near the Corniglia station. Sometimes it is inaccessible during high tide, in which case you can visit the second beach of the village, which is accessed from the square.

  • Riomaggiore is another beach with car parking nearby (albeit for a fee). From Riomaggiore station it is easily reached in 5 minutes. Nearby there is a marina for boats and from here you can go to other villages of the Cinque Terre.

Interesting: for those who love extreme sports, there is a unique wild beach of Guvano not far from the Corniglia station. But getting here is not easy: previously the path passed through a tunnel, but in 2016 it was closed. Now you can get to the beach along a steep and dangerous path that branches off from the Côte d'Azur between Corniglia and Vernazza. By the way, nudists usually relax in this place.”

Active recreation (trekking)

The entire Cinque Terre area is ideal for hiking. The optimal time for trekking begins at the end of March and lasts until June - during this period everything is in bloom here, there is a lot of greenery and there is still no summer heat. To see the most beautiful sights of the reserve, plan your trip at least 3-4 days in advance. You should choose Monterosso as your starting point: firstly, you can get there by car, and secondly, the Azure Trail begins from here.

The most famous hiking routes of the Cinque Terre:

  • The Azure Trail is a walking excursion route about 12 km long, which includes many of the attractions of the reserve. There is an entrance fee, but the cost is included in the Cinque Terre Card (we will tell you more about this card below). Due to landslides and collapses, some parts of the trail are closed until 2019-2021 - for example, the section from Riomaggiore to Manarola, as well as from Manarola to Corniglia.

  • The Road of Love is a short trail between the villages of Riomaggiore and Manarola. It is completely uncomplicated and, due to the presence of a lift, is accessible even for wheelchair users or families with small children. However, until 2021 the main section of the trail is closed for reconstruction; you can only walk along a small section near Manarola.

There are also many free hiking trails in the Cinque Terre, but it is difficult to know their condition in advance. We recommend using them only if you have hiking experience.

Vacation prices

All five villages of Cinque Terre cannot be classified as budget vacation- hotels here are popular, but quite expensive during the season. Monterosso has the most developed infrastructure, where there are restaurants, bars, discos and other attributes of “nightlife”. Also in this village is the luxurious 4-star Porto Roca Hotel with its own beach. Room rates start from 130 euros ( ~9,547 rub. ) early spring up to 350 euros ( ~25,704 rub. ) and higher in high season. Cheaper options: hotels Palme, La muraria, guest house Arcobaleno and others - here the price per day starts from 95 ( ~6,977 rub. ) up to 220 euros ( ~16,157 rub. ).

The most inexpensive accommodation within the Cinque Terre can be found in Vernazza. For example, this is the Elisabetta Carro Hotel or Rina Rooms, where rooms cost from 4,500 rubles in April to 16,000 rubles in the summer.

In Manarola you can find an inexpensive Cinque Terre hostel - it will cost from 4,000 to 7,000 rubles per day. And in Riomaggiore there are budget hotels Cinque Terre Holidays and Affittacamere Ca’ Dei Lisci from 4,800 rubles.

The average price tag for dinner in small restaurants and cafes is up to 30 euros ( ~2,203 rub. ). You can save money by staying in an apartment with a kitchen and cooking your own meals, but there are very few supermarkets here.

What to see

Before we start talking about the sights, we need to say a few words about such an important thing as the Cinque Terre Card. This is a card that gives you the right to free entry to several museums, use of wi-fi, as well as an unlimited number of trips on trains and buses running between the villages of the reserve. Even for those who are planning to walk, the Cinque Terre Card will be a good buy, because it gives access to the Côte d'Azur.

You can purchase such a card at any station in the reserve, as well as at La Spezia station, from bus drivers and at tourist information centers. Payment for 1 day - from 5 ( ~367 rub. ) up to 8 euros ( ~588 rub. ).

Sights of the “five villages”:

  • Riomaggiore is the first village on the way from the city of La Spezia, dating back to the 13th century. Here you can see the medieval Church of John the Baptist from 1340 - it is interesting for its ancient frescoes, a 19th-century organ, as well as a wooden crucifix and pulpit from the 17th century. It is also worth visiting the ancient temples of Montenero and Santa Maria Assunta. But the most popular site is the Riomaggiore Castle, which was founded in the mid-13th century.
  • Manarola is the oldest settlement of the Cinque Terre, where you can find the Romanesque temple of the Virgin of Health from the 10th century and the small Gothic church of St. Lawrence, built in the 14th century. There was also once a castle here, but today all that remains of it are romantic ruins. However, Manarola is not famous for this, but for the local winery and large-scale Christmas festivities - the largest nativity scene in the world is built here every year.
  • Corniglia is the only village of the Cinque Terre without access to the sea. In addition to another castle ruin, there are several ancient churches here. Among them, the luxurious Church of St. Peter stands out - it itself was founded in 1334, but its chapel is more than 1,000 years old. The church features a majestic interior with arched vaults, columns and a painted ceiling.
  • Vernazza is the most beautiful village of the Cinque Terre with many attractions. It is dominated by the Belforte Tower, built in the 11th century, and Doria Castle, where guided tours are available. For 1.5 euros ( ~110 rub. ) you can explore ancient buildings, admire views of the city and do beautiful photos. Also noteworthy is the Gothic Church of St. Margaret of Antioch from the 11th-12th centuries. And opposite it is the ancient palace and cathedral of Reggio with the icon of the Black Madonna.
  • Monterosso is the largest town in the reserve, which is always full of tourists. Here is the oldest church in Liguria, the Temple of Soviore, the exact date of construction of which is unknown (but the first mention dates back to 1225). Also among the ancient buildings one can note the Gothic Temple of Giovanni Batista from the 13th-14th centuries and the Aurora Tower from the 16th century - one of the three that have survived to this day. And on the coast stands a huge 14-meter statue of Neptune, created by Arrigo Minerbi in 1910.

When traveling through the villages of Cinque Terre, keep in mind that the opening hours of almost all attractions are until a maximum of 18:00. For any evening excursions You can only count on it in Monterosso; in other villages, it is better to inspect all interesting objects in daylight.


Italian cuisine with its characteristic pasta, different types of pizza, good wine in Cinque Terre is enriched with fresh seafood, because many residents here are engaged in fishing. Olives and several varieties of grapes are also grown on the terraces of the reserve, from which local wine, liqueurs and grappa are produced.

The signature white and red Terra di Grandi Vini, as well as the wine liqueur Sciacchetrà, are known not only in Italy, but also far beyond its borders. They are produced at the Cinque Terre winery in the village of Groppo, near Manarola.

And of course, with such an abundance of fresh fish and fruit, Cinque Terre must have several good restaurants. And they are here: right in Manarola there is a beautiful restaurant, Piccola Marina, with sea views, listed in the Michelin Red Guide.

But he's not the only one here that's famous excellent cuisine- many establishments in the “five villages” are owners of the “red shrimp”, the Italian equivalent of a Michelin star. Thus, in Vernazza we can highlight the Belforte restaurant, and those who are more interested not in food, but in the wine list, should definitely visit the Enoteca da Eliseo bar in Monterosso.

Vacation with children

Despite all the charm of the Cinque Terre, at first glance it may seem that this is not the most appropriate place For family vacation with kids. However, there is an exception - the village of Monterosso, which is the largest and can provide all the necessary conditions.

Why is it suitable for children's holidays:

  • In Monterosso there is the only one in the reserve sand beach, which is already good for kids.
  • The beaches here have all the necessary infrastructure - rental of umbrellas, sun loungers, and equipped toilets.
  • Monterosso can be reached by car; there are parking lots here, and vehicle traffic is partially allowed.
  • Large stores, entertainment centers, playgrounds can be found mainly in this village.

Thus, families with small children will also find something to do in the reserve and how to make the most of their vacation.

National Park Cinque Terre is interesting almost any time. Tourists are expected here in summer sunny beaches, diving, boat trips or speedboat rides. In spring and autumn you can explore the sights and hiking trails, and in winter you can take part in the Christmas festivities in Manarola. This village has been full of decorations since December 8th, full of tourists and in full swing preparing for Christmas, but the largest prezepe (nativity scene) in the world closes only at the end of January. Whenever you gather in the Cinque Terre, you should set aside at least 3 days for trips and walks through its five villages. Even though the distances are small and you can travel around everything even in a day, the reserve is too interesting and unusual - you won’t want to rush here.

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Riomaggiore Province of La Spezia, Italy

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How to get to Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre National Park is a complex of 5 fishing villages (Monterosso, Manarola, Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Corniglia), united into one historical and cultural monument. Cinque Terre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Western Italy. Cinque Terre is located on the shores of the Gulf of Genoa in the province of La Spezia in the Liguria region.

To get to the Cinque Terre, you first need to get to Liguria, you can do this by plane to Genoa or by plane to Milan. Next on ground transport you can also get to the five villages themselves (this is how the Italian name “Cinque Terre” is translated).

How to get to the Cinque Terre from Genoa

All settlements within the Cinque Terre are located in close proximity to each other and each can be reached by train, boat or taxi. Distances from Genoa to Monterosso - 88 km, to Vernazza - 97 km, Riomaggiore - 116 km; Manarola – 117 km, Corniglia – 120 km.

By train or boat

Each of the towns of Cinque Terre is served by regional trains (or, as they are also called, electric trains) from Genoa. Travel time to Monterosso – 1 hour 20 minutes; Vernazza – 1 hour 25 minutes; Riomaggiore – 1 hour 35 minutes; Manarola – 1 hour 40 minutes; Corniglia – 1 hour 50 minutes. All trains depart from Genoa Brignoli railway station. There are many trains running throughout the day. You can check the schedule and purchase train tickets from Genoa either at the ticket office of the railway station, or at the railway service .Similarly, you can go to the Cinque Terre by water transport and explore the picturesque coast of the Ligurian Riviera (in summer time). Numerous excursion boats depart from the port of Genoa. Travel time will be from 2 to 2.5 hours.

By taxi

Alternatively, you can get to the towns of Cinque Terre by taxi. You can order a taxi upon arrival at the airport or train station in Genoa, or in advance through the international taxi network that provides transfer services. So, you can find a transfer in advance on the services , and others similar. Travel time to Monterosso – 1 hour 50 minutes travel time, up to Vernazza – 2 hours on the way; before Riomaggiore – 2 hours 10 minutes on the way; before Manarola – 2 hours 15 minutes on the way; to Corniglia – 2 hours 20 minutes on the way.

By rented car

It is no less convenient to travel from Genoa to the Cinque Terre National Park with a rented car. Genoa and the park are connected by highway No. A12/E80; by car, the distance of 80 km to the first village can be covered in 1 hour 20 minutes. In addition, this is an unforgettable opportunity to see the most picturesque views of the Ligurian coast. extremely common; rental offices can be found in the city and at the airport of arrival.

Heatkernel/Cinque Terre

How to get to Cinque Terre from Milan

The average distance from Milan to Cinque Terre is 240 km. You can also get to the towns of the National Park by train or taxi.

By train

Each of the Cinque Terre towns can be reached by train from Milan. A high-speed IC train runs between Milan and Monterosso every 2 hours, with a travel time of about 3 hours. There are no direct trains between Milan and Vernazza, but you can get there with a change in La Spezia or Levanto, the journey time is just over 3 hours. From Milan to Riomaggiore you can drive in 3 hours 20 minutes with a change in Monterosso or La Spezia. You can get to Manarola in 3 hours 25 minutes with a transfer in the same Monterosso or La Spezia. It takes the longest to get to Corniglia - about 3.5 hours with a transfer to Levanto or La Spezia. You can check the schedule and purchase train tickets from Milan either at the ticket office of Milano Centrale railway station, or at the railway service .

By rented car

One of the most convenient and quick ways to get from Milan to Cinque Terre is to rent a car directly at Milan airport. Milan and the Cinque Terre National Park are separated by a distance of 235 km, which passes along the A1 and A15/E33 roads through Parma or along the A7 and A12 roads through Genoa. Travel time will be approximately 3 hours. open at numerous locations around the city, as well as at Malpensa and Bergamo airports.

alans1948/Cinque Terre

Where to stay in the Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre consists of 5 settlements - Monterosso, Vernazza, Riomaggiore, Manarola and Corniglia. If you wish, you can not only take a tour of the Cinque Terre, but also live here for a while. In all 5 settlements there are hotels of different star categories, mainly 3 and 2 stars, as well as guest houses without stars. Our selection includes three-star hotels in the Cinque Terre in the mid-price category:

  • Hotel Due Gemelli, 3 stars: Among the hotels in Riomaggiore, this one stands out for its views, since the Hotel Due Gemelli is located on a hill overlooking the bay. Nearby there is a pine forest and vineyards. The hotel has a restaurant with terrace serving Ligurian cuisine. Private parking is available on site free of charge. Luggage storage is available. Most of the hotel's rooms have sea views. You can find out more about availability and hotel costs for specific dates on the booking website Booking.com.
  • Locanda Il Maestrale, 3 stars: This hotel is located in the town of Monterosso al Mare, the first of the five villages of the Cinque Terre. The hotel is located in a historical building, surrounded by gardens. The convenience of the hotel's location also lies in the fact that the nearest beach can be reached within a few minutes. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout Locanda Il Maestrale. The hotel has economy, standard and superior rooms. You can find out more about availability and hotel costs for specific dates on the booking website Booking.com.
  • Hotel Margherita, 3 stars: Among the hotels in Monterosso, this one is conveniently located for the beach, which is just a few steps away. Monterosso train station is also within walking distance. The hotel has its own garden. Wi-Fi is available free of charge throughout the premises. The hotel offers luggage storage. There is parking nearby. You can find out more about availability and hotel costs for specific dates on the booking website Booking.com.
  • Hotel 5 Terre, 3 stars: The hotel has a convenient location relative to the beach, city center and train station. Monterosso's many cafés and restaurants are also nearby. The hotel has its own garden and bar. Wi-Fi is available free of charge throughout the premises. Free private parking is also available ( pre order not required). The hotel's standard rooms offer garden or sea views. You can find out more about availability and hotel costs for specific dates on the booking website Booking.com.
  • Hotel Marina Piccola, 3 stars: Hotel Marina Piccola is located in Manarola, within walking distance of both the town's beaches and the train station. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi and luggage storage. The disadvantages are that the hotel does not have an elevator or parking spaces. You can find out more about availability and hotel costs for specific dates on the booking website Booking.com.

Kelly Hunter/Cinque Terre

What to see in the Cinque Terre

The attractions of the Cinque Terre are a mixture of natural landscapes and historical monuments preserved within the National Park. Each of the 5 settlements has preserved its own interesting places, and you can move between towns partly on foot (“Path of Love”), partly on public transport(trains run).


Monterosso is the largest of the five villages of the Cinque Terre. Conventionally, the town is divided into an old and a new part. The first is famous for its historical buildings, while the second is famous for its extensive pebble and sand beach (which is generally rare for Liguria). Among the must-see attractions of Monterosso are the Monterosso Castle and 13 towers (16th century), the Capuchin Monastery (17th century), the Church of St. Giovanni Baptista (13th century), the Villa Montale residence (19th century) and others historical monuments. In addition, the idea of ​​​​Monterosso will be incomplete without climbing observation deck, located on the Aurora tower, it is from there that they open best views to the town and the sea bay.

fiore s barbato/monterosso


Vernazza is a very tiny town located on a steep cliff, which is why moving around it requires you to constantly go up or down stairs. It’s worth a visit to Vernazza to admire the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch (14th century), the Franciscan Monastery (17th century), and the ruins of Doria Castle (11th century). Of course, the main decoration of the city is the steep cliffs that go straight into the raging blue sea. These landscapes are infinitely beautiful both from land and from water, which is why boat trips on boats and boats are so popular here.

luca casartelli/vernacca


Riomaggiore, like the rest of the towns of the Cinque Terre, has retained the charm of the Middle Ages. Just look at the ruins of Riomaggiore Castle, the construction of which dates back to the 13th century. Also in the city there are several churches and chapels that date back to the era Early Middle Ages. These include the chapels of St. Anthony, St. Rocco and St. Sebastian and the Church of Assunta. In addition, the picturesque views of the city are complemented by a small secluded beach (not as extensive as in Monterosso, but surprisingly beautiful). Then you can get to the next city - Manarola - along an equipped walking trail - the Path of Love.


Path of Love

The distance of the Path of Love is only 900 m, but it passes by the sheer cliffs of Liguria, going straight into the deep blue sea, which is why the local landscapes are so picturesque. The route is not difficult, there are no sharp ascents and descents, so many tourists are happy to overcome it on foot, although there is also a cable car. You can also travel along the route by train, however most In this case, you won’t see any beauty - the railway runs through a tunnel in the mountains.


Manarola is a combination of colorful red and yellow houses and gray formidable cliffs that go into the sea, at the foot of which fishing boats gently sway. Every morning at the local market you can find fresh seafood and fish caught right there in the bay. Manarola is a very small town, it is decorated with a tiny central square and the Church of St. Lorenzo, made in a magnificent Baroque style. The construction of the church dates back to the beginning of the 14th century. Here the church is surrounded by a chapel and a bell tower, no less magnificent and beautiful.

alquiler de coches/manarola


Corniglia closes the journey through the Cinque Terre; the settlement is located on a hill, a little further from the sea. Here you can find the Gothic Church of St. Peter (14th century), the ruins of fortifications (16th century), and the Chapel of St. Catherine (17th century). By the way, the latter offers magnificent views of Corniglia. There is also a small beach not far from the town, however, it is not suitable for everyone, since it is considered nudist.

Harold Kuiper/Corniglia

Cinque Terre National Park: Overview

Cinque - Terre (Cinque Terre) is a national park located in the Liguria region. According to the administrative division, it belongs to the province of La Spezia. Since 1997, the entire park with its five settlements has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For travelers, this area is attractive with its wonderful forests and mountains, ancient works of architecture, delicious cuisine and many more entertainment options available to guests of the Cinque Terre.

There are five small towns within the park: Monterosso (Monterosso), Vernazza (Vernazza), Manarola (Manarola), Riomaggiore (Riomaggiore) and Corniglia (Corniglia). They are all very ancient. Therefore, there are many ancient buildings from the Middle Ages and the Roman Empire. For example, in Monterosso there are 3 watchtowers left from the 16th century. One of them - Aurora - has become a symbol of the city in our time, as it stands on the border of the old and new quarters. Manarola has a church from 1338, built in the Gothic style. And in Riomaggiore you can find the ruins of a castle from the 15th and 16th centuries and beautiful temple San Giovanni Battista 1340. Each town of Cinque Terre has its own flavor. Manarola is considered the quietest place, Monterosso has the largest beach, and Riomaggiore is famous for its wine.

One of the most popular places in the park can be called the Path of Love. This is a small road that connects Riomaggiore and Manarola. Its length is a little more than a kilometer. There is a path along the sea right above the rocky cliff. Therefore, from it you can admire the Gulf of Genoa and its islands.

The national park is also suitable for active recreation. There are more than 40 trekking routes along the forested foothills of the Apennines. Among them there are thematic ones. For example, the Ancient Temples Trail, which runs from Monterosso to Riomaggiore through the famous Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. And there are also those that simply connect one of the cities with some high-rise landmark. Maps and detailed descriptions routes are presented on the official website of the Cinque Terre: parconazionale5terre.it. Basically, walking one trail takes several hours. However, most of them require good physical fitness and are intended for experienced tourists.

Also, in Cinque Terre you can go diving, kayaking and any other aquatic species sports.

Cinque National Park - Terre: How to get there

By car, the most convenient way to get to any of the cities of Cinque - Terre is from La Spezia (La Srezia) via the SP370 highway or from Carrodano (Carrodano) on the road "SS332". There are signs on both routes. Also, the settlements can be reached by ferry. This type of transport runs from La Spezia, Lerici and Portovenere. A one-way trip will cost from 13 EUR (from Portovenere to Riomaggiore or Manarola) to 22 EUR. You can find out more about prices and schedules on the website navigazionegolfodeipoeti.it. Ferries also operate between towns within the national park itself.

Another good way to get to Cinque Terre is by train. To get to the park, you need to take the Pisa-Genoa route. There are stops in every town of the Five Lands. You can book tickets on the website of the carrier Trenitalia. It is worth remembering that during the spring and summer season trains begin to run more often than in winter and autumn.

The peculiarity of the Cinque Terre Park is that it can also be reached on foot. From the city of La Spezia. Fans of active recreation have the opportunity to choose one of two paths: Alta Via (Altavia), passing along the mountain range, or Sentiero Assurro (Sentiero Azzurro), which runs along the coast. To use the second road, you will need to pay 5 EUR. Or buy a card that simultaneously allows you to walk along the “sea” route and enter the park. It costs 12 EUR for one day or 23 EUR for two.

Cinque National Park - Terre: Lifehacks

The national park has its own official website.

Cinque Terre is not only ancient churches, small towns and beautiful nature, but also a land of vineyards. Therefore, when you come here, you should try the local wine. The best place to have a tasting is in Riomaggiore. There are many cellars and restaurants here that specialize in this drink.

Travelers who want to see all the attractions of the park without fuss and fully enjoy the atmosphere of its cozy towns are best to allocate 2-3 days to visit the Cinque Terre. For this time, you can choose either a hotel or a rented room. At the same time, you will need to pay about 50 EUR for an overnight stay (for one person). Contacts of various hotels and apartments can also be found on the official page of the park.

The Cinque Terre National Park (Parco nazionale delle Cinque Terre) is located on the west coast of Italy, in the Liguria region, province of Spezia. The park's name means "Five Lands"; it received this name because it consists of five small commune towns, picturesquely located near the sea, among the mountain slopes. Since 1997, the Cinque Terre park, as well as the nearby city of Portovenere, have been awarded UNESCO cultural heritage status and are under the protection of this organization.

The first settlements on the territory of modern Cinque Terre appeared in the era of the Roman Empire. But most of the attractions date back to the Middle Ages. Among them are man-made terraces along the seashore, monuments of religious and secular architecture: temples, sanctuaries, palaces and ancient mansions.

How to get there

You can get to the Cinque Terre from other cities in Italy by rail. There is a regular direct train from Riomaggiore, which is part of the park; The travel time will be about two hours. From other cities in Italy you can get to La Spezia, the main city of the province, and then transfer to a regional train to Riomaggiore. The distance from La Spezia to the national park is only about five kilometers, so the travel time will take no more than 10 minutes.


All cities of the “Five Lands”, except Monterosso, are subject to a ban on car traffic (in Monterosso it is also very limited). However, this does not upset anyone particularly: the cities are located so close to each other that you can freely reach any of them on foot, admiring the breathtaking panoramas along the way.

Well, for those who for some reason are not comfortable traveling on foot, you can travel between cities both by sea - on boats, and by land - by train.

Cities of Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre National Park of Italy includes the following cities (in order, if you move from south to north):

  • Riomaggiore;
  • Manarola;
  • Corniglia;
  • Vernazza;
  • Monterosso.

It will help you not to get lost in the cities of the park and between them, especially on the numerous walking paths. detailed map Cinque Terre, on which the main roads, hotels, attractions and other important tourist sites are marked.

The word “most” can be applied to any of the communes that are part of Italy’s Cinque Terre National Park: the largest, the southernmost, and so on. They all form a harmonious, integral, unified space, but each has its own unique appearance and its own attractions.


is the southernmost commune of the park and the closest to the city of La Spezia. It was founded at the beginning of the 13th century. Riomaggiore is divided into three parts: the train station area, the town itself and the marina with a small rocky beach. Riomaggiore is connected to neighboring Manarola by the famous Road of Love (Via dell’amore), a very picturesque walking trail.

Among the attractions of this town are the Church of St. John the Baptist (Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista), which was built in 1340 and painted with beautiful frescoes; Riomaggiore Castle (Castello di Riomaggiore), which was once a city fortification, and has now become one of the most romantic places in the city; Temple of Montenero, built, according to a well-known legend, back in the 8th century, and underwent its last restoration in 1847.


- the oldest of the five communes. Those tourists who visit here on the eve of Catholic Christmas will be very lucky: after all, it is here that the largest nativity scene not only in Italy, but also in the world is being built - a stage dedicated to the birth of the Infant Christ and the adoration of the Magi. The grand opening of the nativity scene always takes place on December 8, and the closing takes place differently each time, but always around the end of January - beginning of February.

In Manarola you can find the ruins of an ancient bastion, visit the small village of Groppo, where wonderful wine is made, and see the image of the Madonna dating back to the 8th century in the Temple of the Virgin of Health (Chiesa della Madonna della Salute).


- the smallest and most highly located town of the Five Lands, but this does not make it any less picturesque. This is the only one of the five cities that does not have a port, so you can only get here by train or on foot.

Corniglia's attractions include the beautiful Church of St. Peter (Chiesa di S. Pietro), built in the Ligurian Gothic style in 1334, the ruins of an ancient Genoese fortress and the beautiful Guvano beach, which is very popular among nudists.


is rightly called the most beautiful of the Five Lands communes and the pearl of the national park. Multi-colored buildings are crowded along the seashore, medieval villas and modern houses are mixed in the streets, and an unforgettable view of the surrounding area opens from the Belforte tower and the walls of Castello Doria.

Attractions in Vernazza, as in other cities of the Cinque Terre, are mainly religious buildings of medieval construction, including the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch (Chiesa di Santa Margherita di Antiochia), the Temple of the Black Madonna of Reggio and many others.


- the fifth, if you go from south to north, and the largest of the cities of Cinque Terre. It is divided into two parts - the new and, accordingly, the old city. Monterosso has the largest and most well-maintained beach; This is one of the reasons that there are more tourists here than in other cities, and the nightlife here is much more extensive.

The main architectural attractions of Monterosso are the Aurora Tower (Aurora Torre), preserved from an ancient fortress and built in the 16th century, a giant statue of Neptune carrying a shell on his shoulder, the Church of John the Baptist (Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista) with the adjacent chapel of Mortis et Orationis (Cappella Mortis et Orationis - “Death and Prayer”).

Cities near the Cinque Terre


is a small town north of the national park. It is sometimes called the "Gateway of the Five Lands." However, the city is interesting in itself, regardless of the Five Lands. There are plenty of architectural attractions here: the Church of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the Church of the Annunciation, the ruins of an ancient fortress and much more. There are also comfortable hotels in Levanto with wide range prices for accommodation - from economy class options to the most luxurious suites.


The name literally means “refuge of Venus” and comes from an ancient legend according to which the goddess of love and beauty Venus hid from people who had stopped worshiping her in a cave near the modern city. Historically, Portovenere was a well-fortified bastion city surrounded by strong walls; now it has turned into a small, very cozy, picturesque and beautiful town, where you can admire the most beautiful views and enjoy the atmosphere of beautiful Italy.


In all the cities of the Five Lands there are a large number of hotels that differ not only in prices for accommodation, but also in design style, additional services etc.

  • Hotel Stella Della Marina is located in Monterosso, at Via XX Settembre 11. It offers guests a spacious outdoor terrace overlooking the sea, cozy rooms equipped with air conditioning, TV, hydromassage shower and other necessary elements. One night in a classic room during the peak tourist season will cost around 95 euros.
  • Hotel Villa Argentina is located in Riomaggiore, just a ten-minute walk from the train station (Via De Gasperi 170). Here, guests are offered a buffet breakfast (if the guest wishes, breakfast can be served in the room), comfortable rooms, some of them with terraces from which... amazing view on the sea. A double room without a balcony will cost an average of 115 euros, with a balcony - from 140 euros.
  • Grand Hotel Portovenere is a luxury hotel located in the town of Portovenere (address: Via Garibaldi 5).
    Guests here are offered luxurious apartments with sea views from their windows; breakfast on the panoramic terrace; entertaining boat trips. Each room, in addition to all the necessary furniture and appliances, has free toiletries. The cost of living in a classic double room in such a hotel is about 290 euros.


Cinque Terre Park amazing a nice place located in the region, thanks to its unique sea and mountain landscapes, as well as medieval attractions, it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Every year, the Cinque Terre protected area attracts many tourists from all over the world who are ready to do a lot just to spend at least one day in the Cinque Terre.

The Cinque Terre National Park stretches for several kilometers along the rocky Ligurian coast, and includes 5 picturesque towns: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare, total population is about 4 thousand people. Every year these cities take pride of place on the lists.

Cinque Terre (Cinque Terre - Italian) - Five Lands (Russian)

Below you will find several video and photos of Cinque Terre.

Cities of Cinque Terre

And so, as I said above, the Cinque Terre park combines 5 small villages, and this is even evidenced by the name, which translated from Italian sounds like “Five Lands”.

Monterosso al Mare

Monterosso al Mare is one of the most visited and largest on the coast, divided into two parts - the old and new town, they are connected by a short tunnel. The main distinguishing feature is large sandy beach, which becomes paid during the high season. Despite its small size, the city is quite spacious and has an impressive number of hotels to accommodate tourists; there are also plenty of restaurants, cafes and shops for shopping. Fishing is still widely developed here.

The most famous attraction is the Aurora Tower (16th century). And if you decide to visit the beach in a new city, you will definitely come across an impressive size sculpture depicting the mythological character - Neptune. Also, do not miss the opportunity to stroll through the winding streets of the historical center and look at the ancient church of San Giovanni Battista.


Vernazza is one of the most unusual and beautiful towns of the Cinque Terre, since part of it is built on a real rock, offering a beautiful view of the sea. Another part of it smoothly flows to the seashore. Here, at the very edge of the cliff, are the main attractions of Vernazza - two ancient defensive towers, although there are quite a lot of such structures throughout the city. Himself the city is like a labyrinth of narrow streets, some of which may seem a little worn.

Compared to Monterosso, the beaches here are not large, and swimming areas are quite limited. But there is other entertainment in the harbor in the form of restaurants, cafes and bars, which are also found in the beautiful central square. Don't miss the opportunity to take a boat trip and see the port of Vernazza from the sea.


Corniglia is the smallest of the Cinque Terre towns, but it is located on the most high point above sea level (out of five). From the hundred-meter hill on which Corniglia is located one can see beautiful sea view, surrounding areas and other towns of the Cinque Terre. Unlike Vernazza and other cities of the Cinque Terre, Corniglia does not have a port, and it is difficult to get to it by car, so there are two options left - take the train or walk.

If you are light, you can walk up the pedestrian path from the train station to the city; for tourists with large luggage, it is better to wait for the bus, which runs from 7:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening (on weekends from 8:00). One of the most memorable sights here is St. Peter's Cathedral, built in the Gothic style, as well as the Chapel of St. Catherine. The local pebble beach "Spiaggione" is famous for its crystal clear water.


Manarola can be called the most photographed town, everything here is conducive to this and colorful houses, and a harbor filled with boats, as well as olive groves and vineyards. On the embankment there are the best restaurants where you can try traditional dishes this region, and bars that are famous for good Italian coffee.

The coastline is famous numerous caves and underwater rocks that divers will love. The trail between Manarola and Riomaggiore is called the Path of Love, it is one of the most beautiful trails for hiking, and at the same time the easiest physically, but in this moment it is closed due to the threat of landslides. The top of the city is crowned by the Church of St. Lorenzo (14th century). The local beaches with very panoramic views will not leave even the most demanding tourist indifferent.


Riomaggiore is the southernmost of the Five Lands. Among the attractions here, there is a well-preserved medieval fortress, which is an architectural treasure of the region, and of the whole of Italy. Also, do not forget to visit the local botanical garden.

The main street, Via Colombo, has many cafes, bars, souvenir and grocery stores. Special place should be given local restaurants where you can try the famous ones. The marina of Riomaggiore is quite large and opens from the sea beautiful view to unusual, but multi-tiered houses typical of these cities. Particularly attracting the attention of tourists is the castle standing on the top of the Cerrico hill, as well as the beautiful church of St. Giovanni Battista. .

Cinque Terre trails

The trails of the Cinque Terre are quite known method spending time in the local area. The trails consist of several walking routes connecting all five cities: Riomaggiore - Manarola - Corniglia - Vernazza - Monterosso al Mare. The coastal paths are more popular among tourists than the inland ones due to the rocky seascapes. The main criterion for hiking is, of course, good weather, and you should definitely take a pair of comfortable shoes and suitable clothing with you.

All routes are divided into several difficulty levels It is believed that the coastal paths (all the way from Riomaggiore to Monterosso), which last about 5 hours on foot from one end to the other, are easier than the route along the shrines (visiting local temples and churches).

The coastal path is called the blue path (“Il sentiero azzurro”) and is not very difficult in terms of difficulty. Walking along some trails is paid, so you will have to buy a special card - the “Cinque Terre Card”, with its help travelers will have the opportunity to freely explore all the mountain paths and attractions.

Today, some trails are closed due to the threat of avalanches and landslides.


Cinque Terre card

In order to travel freely, along the trails (on certain paid routes) and by train (Cinque Terre Express) between cities, each tourist can purchase a special ticket - the Cinque Terre Card.

Card cost without train: Adult 1 day 7.50 €;
adult 2 days 14.50 €;
children's 1 day 4.50 €;
family 1 day 19.60 €.

There is a small discount on two-day cards.

Cost of a train card: Adult 1 day 12.00 €;
adult 2 days 23.00 €;
children's 1 day 7.30 €;
family 1 day 31.50 €.

The card allows you to unlimited number of trips(until the expiration of the Cinque Terre Card) for the railway distance from La Spezia (central station) - to Levanto, on regional and intercity trains. This also includes the use of bus transport.

Weather and climate in Cinque Terre

The local climate, like throughout Italy, is quite mild. In summer, temperatures can reach up to 40 °C, so those who like to sunbathe and take a dip in the cool sea will not be disappointed. The hottest months are usually July and August. Those who travel to the Cinque Terre for hiking trails best time there will be autumn, spring and early summer, winter is also approaching but there is a threat that it will rain.


How to get to the Cinque Terre

By train

As a rule, most travelers, when asked “How to get to the Cinque Terre?”, choose the train, since all five cities are connected to each other by rail, and in the summer the number of trains as well as the number of tourists increases. The starting station can be the central station of La Spezia; train tickets or Cinque Terre cards can be purchased at the ticket office. Tickets for a regional train from city to city will cost approximately 2.00 €. A ticket for the Cinque Terre Express train costs €4.00.

Time between stops:
Riomaggiore - Manarola 2 minutes
Manarola - Corniglia 3 minutes
Corniglia - Vernazza 4 minutes
Vernazza – Monterosso 3 minutes

By sea

The Cinque Terre can be reached by ferry or boat from the port or La Spezia.

By car

Getting to the Cinque Terre by car is quite possible, but the lack of parking spaces in the cities and the extreme winding roads make many tourists say goodbye to this idea. Therefore, many people prefer to leave the car in the parking lot in La Spezia and then travel by train. The distance from Genoa to the Cinque Terre is about 100 km, the journey takes 1.5 hours. Distance from Milan 230 km.

Cinque Terre Airport

The nearest airports are Cinque Terre (Galileo Galilei Airport 85 km) and Genoa (Christopher Columbus Airport 110 km). From the airport you can get to the Cinque Terre by train, which runs regularly to the city of La Spezia, and from there you can get to any city in the Five Lands. From Milan Malpensa Airport to Genoa is about two hours by train.

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Culinary traditions of the Cinque Terre

Once in the Cinque Terre, you should definitely visit the restaurant and try seafood dishes and desserts, which are ideally paired with the local dessert wine Scaichetra. A special feature of the region is also the preparation of pesto sauce; it is believed that Ligurian basil is the most aromatic, so the sauce is unique. Various vegetables are quite widely used as side dishes here - cabbage, artichokes, etc., as a rule, everything is seasoned with aromatic herbs.

Hotels in Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is a very famous holiday destination in Italy, so there shouldn’t be any problems finding accommodation. You just need to choose a hotel in advance, since during the high season all the rooms in the hotel you like can be booked. You won't find large hotels here, but there are plenty of cozy small hotels, B&Bs, apartments, as well as inexpensive hostels and campsites. It is worth noting that many hotels close on winter period and only open in March. Compare hotel prices in the Cinque Terre :

What to do in the Cinque Terre, excursions

The main reason why many tourists come here is its unique nature. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is go for a walk along the local trails and explore the surroundings of the park. For those who like a more active holiday, there is also lots of activities and entertainment, for example diving, mountain biking, sailing. Of course, relaxing on the beach and basic fishing are not discussed.

A great activity would be to stroll through the local souvenir shops, where you can find ceramic and wooden items made by local craftsmen.

To date You can order your entertainment in advance with the help of an excellent online service that will offer you a lot of excursions for every taste - it can be a day fishing trip, a group or individual excursion, private and wine tours, as well as a kayak trip and a walking tour .

Sea and beaches

Throughout the Cinque Terre park, there are a large number good beaches for every taste. Many of them are located directly in cities and are very popular among tourists and local residents, but there are also those that can only be reached from the sea. Most large sandy beach located in Monterosso, in summer part of the beach is equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers, the price of which is from 10.00 €. Another sandy beach is in Vernazza, while pebble beaches can be found near Corniglia and Riomaggiore. Since all the beaches of Cinque Terre are located in a protected area, every year they receive the Blue Flag award, which is awarded only to the best beaches in Italy.

The sea along the entire Ligurian coast is clean, and this is one of the reasons why tourists’ reviews of the Cinque Terre are, for the most part, positive.
