13 weeks of pregnancy toxicosis intensified. A detailed explanation of the problem of nausea, vomiting and toxicosis (early preeclampsia) during pregnancy: causes and effective treatment. Gag reflex in pregnancy

So the moment has come when the first trimester of your pregnancy ends. Toxicosis, nausea and bad mood, strong feelings behind. You enjoy your pregnancy with pleasure.

Fetal development during this period

Now your baby is about 7 cm long and weighs about 28 grams (this is the standard size of the fetus). This week he is in the stage of active completion of the development of all organs, after which he will begin to gain fat.

The skeleton is fully formed, ribs have begun to appear. The bones begin to harden, including the skull. Future fingerprints continue to form on the fingers.

The head becomes more proportional to the body. The muscles of the face are developing, the child is already smiling. Vocal cords appeared. The tuft of future hair stands out clearly on the eyebrows and head.

The brain is enlarged. The intestines are growing and have already completely taken their place in the abdominal cavity. It is covered with villi that aid in digestion. The pancreas produces insulin. The child's body continues to improve and already creates blood itself.

The sexual organs continue to develop actively. The girl has already formed ovaries. They are laying eggs, there are already more than 2 million of them. During the thirteenth week, the boy's genitals are also actively developing, now he is developing a prostate.

The most interesting development during this week in the development of the baby, he began to smell. Now, when he swallows the water he is in, he smells it. The smell of amniotic fluid depends on what you are currently eating. The kid gets used to this smell, for him it becomes native. So that in the future, when he is born, he would not refuse milk. Now you need to eat those foods that you will eat during breastfeeding. So now pay attention to what you eat the most. And if during the period of breastfeeding your baby refuses to eat, you simply introduce into the diet those foods that you are now eating.

What happens during this period?

During the 13th week of pregnancy, there are no unpleasant sensations. You feel great. Every day is joyful, you are anxiously watching your tummy and sensations.

During this period, you may experience increased sexual desire. Enjoy while your tummy is small and does not interfere with making love.

The uterus continues to grow and, naturally, your belly grows. Favorite jeans have already become small for a long time, now you are smoothly changing your wardrobe. During this period, it is time to change your shoes so that your legs do not get tired when walking, because now they are gradually under load every day stronger and stronger.

The chest has ceased to hurt a lot, and has already increased in size. Try to wear a bra at all times. To prevent stretch marks on the chest. Colostrum begins to stand out, this is a normal process of development of the mammary glands.

The most pleasant sensation this week is your emotional state, everything around you pleases. You see the world differently. Your body is psychologically preparing for a new status - mom.

One of the events this week is the beginning of the rapid growth of the abdomen, you gain weight, and gradually the pelvis expands. In this regard, stretch marks (striae) can form, the body intensively gains weight and grows, and the skin does not have time to stretch. “Tears” appear on the skin, which are tightened by skin tissue and scars appear as a result.

During pregnancy, the skin in the abdomen, chest and hips does not have time to grow, as the body grows faster than the skin.

Stretch marks are very difficult to remove after childbirth. It is possible to avoid the problem of stretch marks during pregnancy! Pay attention to your skin. The first sign of stretch marks is itchy skin. This suggests that the skin cells are trying to divide faster, but do not have time, in connection with this, the skin is stretched, and you feel itchy.

  • Starting this week, you need to carry out prophylaxis against stretch marks. First of all, it is food. From the diet it is necessary to remove foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Also include protein-rich foods in your diet. It is recommended to eat more dietary meat, fish, green vegetables.
  • You also need to watch your weight. Engage in light gymnastics, this helps your skin to be elastic.
  • Use folk remedies. For example, olive oil improves the skin and increases its elasticity. Also now in any pharmacy you can find creams that are used to prevent stretch marks.
  • From the 13th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a bandage and a supportive bra. Your skin does not have time to grow with the tummy and scars appear on it. Therefore, more skin care is required in the chest and abdomen.


To help your body grow and develop, you now need protein. So enrich your diet with foods that contain protein during this period. Protein is found in foods: fish, dietary meat, eggs, dairy products.

Your body also needs iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia. The human body absorbs iron faster from animal foods than from plant foods. Animal meat is well enriched with iron. But if for some reason you do not eat meat, plant foods that are rich in iron (for example, legumes) will come to your aid. Iron is well absorbed in the body when it also receives vitamin C, so do not forget about citrus fruits.

For the full development of the baby is required calcium. After all, now he is laying milk teeth, the skeleton and bones are getting stronger. If during this period he does not have enough calcium, he will take calcium from your body, which can lead to the deterioration of your hair, nails and teeth. So, dairy products should be an integral part of your diet.

Remove coffee from your diet. Coffee for a pregnant woman does not give any positive result. Only it can worsen the physical condition. If you love coffee very much and cannot refuse to drink it, drink less of it, no more than one cup a day. What exactly the amount of coffee is not harmful to you and your baby during pregnancy has not been scientifically proven.

Discussion of current topics

I am 13 weeks pregnant. I do not feel very well (weakness and body aches, headache, slight runny nose). What's this? The first signs of a cold or the usual state of a pregnant woman?

A small, as you put it, runny nose may be due to overheating. Perhaps you are too warmly dressed and rush home from the store, then you sweat more and have a watery discharge from the nose, like a runny nose. A headache can also begin in a healthy person, for example, due to overexertion at work. The rest of the symptoms occur in most pregnant women in the first trimester.

But the possibility of a cold is not ruled out. Therefore, if possible, observe bed rest, drink more warm liquids (milk with honey, tea with lemon or warm cranberry juice). It is not advisable to soar your legs, lie in a hot bath and put mustard plasters!

For more severe cold symptoms (chills, fever above 37.9°C, or coughing), contact your doctor immediately for treatment. You can bring down a high temperature on your own, even before a visit to the doctor, with one tablet of paracetamol.

Remember that the normal body temperature of a pregnant woman is between 37.2 ºС - 37.4 ºС!

13th week of pregnancy, how many months of pregnancy is it?

To make it easier for you to determine how much it is in normal weeks, subtract two weeks from the obstetric period. This will be the actual (usual) gestational age or, as they say, the period from conception.

For example, 13 obstetric weeks - 2 = 11 weeks from conception. That is, 13 obstetric weeks is 11 weeks from conception or 2 months and 3 weeks (11/4 \u003d 2.75).

I am 13 weeks pregnant. A week ago, brown discharge began, I did not attach any importance to them, I thought it was normal. It’s just that my periods usually started at these times, so I thought that the body reacts like that out of habit. Then the daubing stopped. Now there is bleeding. Do I need to go to the hospital or can the bleeding be stopped at home? Will medications to stop bleeding harm the child?

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital, otherwise it is impossible. Without the help of doctors, you risk not only losing a child, but also aggravating your health. Brown discharge and bleeding usually indicate a threatened miscarriage.

If pregnancy is important to you, then you should react immediately after the first abnormal discharge from the genital tract. Don't expect everything to work itself out! Do not self-medicate and do not look for reasons to put off going to the hospital! Doctors will definitely help you and make every effort so that you endure the child.

If the embryo can no longer be saved, then you need to undergo an examination and a complete cleaning of the uterus so that inflammation does not begin.

I can’t understand, they appointed me to do a screening at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What weeks are these: obstetric or actual (ie, from conception)?

In medicine, only the term "obstetric weeks of pregnancy" is used, so the entire pregnancy should be guided only by them. When the doctor says: “Come at 13 weeks for a routine screening,” it means that you are expected at the antenatal clinic at 13 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The lower abdomen hurts, there is no blood discharge. I am 13 weeks pregnant. What to do?

Pain in the lower abdomen at any time is an alarming sign. It is necessary to drink no-shpu and do an ultrasound to confirm that the embryo is not in danger. Anything can cause pain, and not necessarily in a feminine way, so stay calm.

Video (our permanent video guide)

At 13 weeks pregnant, you feel just great. During this period, you are curious about how your baby develops and what changes occur in your body. And maybe you already started a diary to write down all the new sensations every day. After all, it will be so nice later, leafing through it, to remember your pregnancy and read it to your baby.

We are on the site - a site for moms - we continue our "investigation" on the topic of toxicosis. So, let's talk today why some women are not "let go" of toxicosis at the 14th week of pregnancy and later.

How it should have been

You finally got pregnant, went through all the joys and difficulties of the first trimester and are looking forward to the end of this period, primarily because (after reading a lot of literature on this topic, you certainly know) that this terrible toxicosis should end.

But now the 13th week is coming to an end, and then the 14th, and you are all sick, sick and vomit ...

But you probably know that by this time the placenta has already fully formed and should have completely taken over, among other things, the function of cleaning the blood, which means that the baby's metabolites should not poison your body. Is it normal that toxicosis does not go away by the end of the first trimester?

Toxicosis 14 weeks: what are the reasons?

So, let's figure out what could go "wrong" and prolong this "pleasure":

  • Firstly, you could simply calculate the term incorrectly. Perhaps, in fact, it is less than you think (there was a late ovulation or conception occurred later than you think). Therefore, it is worth waiting for some more time, and the nausea will pass by itself;
  • You are taking any medications that cause nausea. These may include complex vitamins for pregnant women that are not suitable for you, iron supplements, etc.;
  • You and your baby have an Rhesus conflict or a blood type conflict. This is one of the common causes of toxicosis at the 14th week of pregnancy, which, sadly, can continue until the very birth;
  • You really have problems with the placenta, and it does not function as it should. In this case, you need to constantly be under the supervision of doctors and take certain drugs;
  • Other specific causes associated with chronic or infectious acute diseases.

To find out which of the listed causes of toxicosis at 14-15 weeks is typical for your body, the site advises you to contact your consulting gynecologist with this problem and undergo an examination, because the treatment method and its results depend on this.

At 14 weeks, toxicosis only appeared

It happens that the first trimester of pregnancy is not overshadowed by negative emotions associated with toxicosis, when suddenly, at the end of this period, a woman suddenly feels nausea, headache and other “charms”. This cannot be, you say. But the fact remains.

Such toxicosis is already called and is not a variant of the norm.

Most often, this disease of pregnant women manifests itself in the third trimester, but it can occur earlier. In addition, at the same time, protein is detected in urine tests (the kidneys do not work well), pressure may “jump”, there are signs of vegetovascular dystonia.

In this case, doctors determine the pregnant woman to the hospital, since this condition is very unsafe for both the expectant mother and the child.

Gestosis is more likely if:

  • you are pregnant for the first time;
  • you are over 35 years old;
  • you have a multiple pregnancy;
  • you suffer from chronic diseases;
  • you have an STD.

14 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis does not go away: what to do?

If you have morning sickness during this period of pregnancy, experts give some simple but effective tips to prevent nausea and its other manifestations:

  • leave an apple, orange or other fruit on your bedside table in the evening that you need to eat without getting out of bed. This will help avoid morning sickness;
  • eat fractionally throughout the day, in small portions, so that you do not get sick in transport;
  • do not overfill the stomach, but do not starve, as the gastric juice will begin to corrode the stomach, and this will certainly lead to nausea;
  • drink enough liquid, give preference to clean water without gas and berry fruit drinks;
  • if you have toxicosis and headaches at the 14th week of pregnancy, do not make sudden movements, get up slowly from a sitting position so as not to feel dizzy;
  • avoid unpleasant odors that can trigger an attack of nausea.

In addition, every woman can find for herself a purely “own” method of getting rid of bouts of toxicosis. Someone practices aromatherapy, someone uses homeopathy that is harmless to pregnant women. In particularly difficult cases, exotic methods can be used - hypnosis, acupuncture, electrosleep, etc.

If the toxicosis of 14 weeks of pregnancy does not leave you and this condition has exhausted you very much, you should definitely consult with specialists.

Perhaps you need medication that will quickly alleviate your condition, because in this case we are talking not only about your health, but also about the health and sometimes the life of your unborn child.

Toxicosis at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy is a protective reaction of the expectant mother to the ingress of a foreign body into her body. The fact is that in the future baby, which is now being formed and developed in the female body, only half is “familiar” to the woman, and the rest of it “belongs” to the father of the child, with all his problems, heritage and genetics.

Therefore, all organs of the abdominal cavity begin to wage a kind of war with the embryo, supporting the native body and producing as much insulin as possible. This is where the strange taste in the mouth comes from, and the increased sensitivity of women to food, and toxicosis at 14 weeks of gestation.

It cannot be said that all women are susceptible to toxicosis, but there are those who are “lucky” and have experienced all the delights of toxicosis. 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis manifests itself to a greater extent in those women who have chronic diseases of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, are regularly exposed to stress, eat improperly and even smoke a little.

Also, toxicosis can develop in the second week of pregnancy, it is considered late, and is called preeclampsia or preeclampsia. Such a condition is not the norm for a pregnant woman - this is already a disease that should be treated without fail, since it can harm not only the mother, but also the unborn baby.

How to deal with toxicosis?

What to do with the appearance of nausea and toxicosis at the 14th week of pregnancy? Fight or endure? Definitely not tolerable. If possible, attacks of vomiting and nausea should be prevented in every possible way. How to do it? Yes, it is very easy, you just need to follow the advice of experts. So, for example, it is worth having breakfast without getting out of bed. At the same time, it is best to have a small cheese sandwich or cracker, some raisins or dried apricots for breakfast. Try to snack as often as possible throughout the day so that it does not happen badly on the street. You need to eat in small portions. If the stomach remains empty for a long time, then its acid will begin to digest its own “contents”, as a result of which this can lead to vomiting and nausea. At the same time, you should abandon foods and smells that can provoke an attack of nausea.

Behind the most exciting period - the first trimester of pregnancy, and with it many fears and uncertainty about the future. With the onset of the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman wants to know in detail what is happening in the body with her and her growing baby.


Of course, one cannot be unequivocally sure that toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy will come to naught, and will no longer bother. Unfortunately, this does not happen to everyone.

But most often (especially if the toxicosis was mild), it passes without a trace, and already at the beginning of the new trimester, the expectant mother no longer remembers about him. If nausea is still worrying, you should not be very upset, because it will gradually become less and by the 16-20th week, when the baby begins to move, it will pass.


External changes, still imperceptible some couple of weeks ago, become apparent. This is especially true of the breast, because at the 13th week of pregnancy it continues to grow actively and adipose tissue is replaced by glandular tissue, for future lactation.

Worries about unpleasant and often painful sensations in the chest are no longer there - they are a thing of the past when the hormonal system was intensively rebuilt in a new way.


This time, perhaps, can be called calm, which means that the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is not periodically in good shape, as during dangerous periods (8-9 weeks). But this does not mean that you can neglect your health. A moderately active lifestyle without frills and overstrain will allow you to fully enjoy your condition and watch your growing tummy.

By the way, he has already grown a little and can already be seen in some pregnant women under light clothing. But it looks more like a slightly recovered mommy and an unknowing person will not be able to distinguish a tummy from a “pregnant one”.

How is the baby changing?

The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is very active, its weight is already equal to 20 grams. This is how much a small peach or an average plum weighs. The longer the period becomes, the faster the weight gain in the baby goes.

The size of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is from 65 to 80 mm. Such a big difference may be due to the individual characteristics of the future man. After all, among adults there are tall and short people. Outwardly, the baby is starting to resemble a little man more and more.

The gastrointestinal tract has acquired villi, which will soon be involved in the process of digesting food. The pancreas is already producing insulin, and the rudiments of future baby teeth are already in the gums.

The movements of the baby are becoming more active, and soon mommy will be able to feel them. In the meantime, they are not yet strong enough to be felt. The baby's vocal cords are laid exactly at 13 weeks.

Analyzes and examinations at 13 weeks

Anyone who for some reason did not undergo an ultrasound now, it's time to make up for this omission. Often in this period the sex of the baby is very clearly visible, but during the second ultrasound monitoring this is not so well seen.

All tests in the first trimester have already been passed and now a woman can only go through narrow specialists, and before each visit to the antenatal clinic, take a general blood and urine test.

Feeding a woman at 13 weeks pregnant

Now, when toxicosis has already passed for many, or has become much less, there is a great desire not to limit yourself in anything and eat foods that until recently you didn’t even want to look at. This is fraught with a sharp jump in weight and rapid addiction, which will subsequently lead to excess weight for both mother and child.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in this period is correct, and, of course, regular. It is better to give preference to easily digestible foods, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products. This good habit will be very relevant with further breastfeeding.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a kind of golden time for the expectant mother. Her body has almost completely adapted to its new position.

The well-being of a pregnant woman in the second trimester also needs to be monitored by the attending physician. In general, the beginning of the second trimester is a very important time for a future mother. Psychologically, she is already a little easier. She not only gets used to her position, but also begins to enjoy it, enjoying the processes associated with the development of the fetus.

13 weeks pregnant stomach sensations

If at the 13th week of pregnancy the expectant mother has a pain in the lower abdomen, then this is a rather alarming sign. With such a symptom, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, prescribe certain recommendations, and possibly put it in storage. The situation when the lower abdomen is pulled at the 13th week of pregnancy may indicate an increased tone of the genital organ, which in turn can lead to a miscarriage. But there is still no need to panic. The most important thing is not to delay with the advice of a specialist.

What is the discharge at 13 weeks pregnant

Bleeding at 13 weeks of gestation may mean placental abruption, which is a threat to maintaining gestation. If the expectant mother observes even slight brownish strokes on the underwear, she should definitely notify her gynecologist. Upon examination, the doctor will decide how to normalize the situation.

Thrush at 13 weeks of gestation is another problem that a future mother may face. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: itching, redness, curdled discharge from the vagina.

Can you feel sick at 13 weeks pregnant?

Toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy is quite rare. A pregnant woman feels dizziness if the gestation itself proceeds with some problems and causes concern among the specialist. So, the answer to the question of whether toxicosis occurs at the 13th week of pregnancy will be no rather than yes.

Cold at 13 weeks pregnant

Throughout the entire period of gestation, viruses and those situations where they can be caught should be avoided. Since, for example, SARS at the 13th week of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, that is, a halt in the development of the fetus.

During the occurrence of a respiratory infection, the blood flow in the expectant mother decreases, which can lead to embryonic hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency is extremely dangerous for its consequences, so the specialist will try to do everything that depends on him for the health of the pregnant woman and her fetus.

Causes of missed pregnancy at 13 weeks

Many are concerned about the question of how to recognize a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks. Indeed, expectant mothers are often afraid of the signs of a missed pregnancy at 13 weeks. What it is? Stopping the development of the embryo and its death is just such a name. Why did the pregnancy freeze at 13 weeks?

In fact, there can be several reasons: these are various anomalies that have arisen during the course of gestation, and genetic pathologies, and the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother, and much more.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy at week 13 may not be immediately detected. Often this can only be determined on examination by a doctor. As visible factors, the disappearance of signs of gestation is called. But these are rather conditional grounds that a pregnant woman may not see.
