Foam glass - characteristics and scope of this heat-insulating material. Foamed glass insulation: advantages, disadvantages and application features What is foam glass

What a person does not come up with in order to simplify his existence with his own hands. How many heaters have been invented to create thermal insulation of buildings - do not count.

The most popular of them are on everyone's lips, and you can read reviews about them almost everywhere. These include mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, penoizol and even wood concrete ().

But there are also more exotic heat-insulating materials, which, nevertheless, also do an excellent job with the tasks. One such material is foam glass.

1 Foam glass features

What is interesting initially, in the form of a heater itself, foam glass was not conceived as an insulating material. It was invented by accident, in the thirties of the last century, when many experiments were carried out with various waste materials.

At that time, mineral wool was already on the market, but was not as popular as. A similar fate awaited glass wool. But the emergence of the ability to melt minerals and glass in high-pressure furnaces still had an impact.

A few inquisitive minds from an American company decided that they could try to create some kind of material from glass waste and mineral crumbs. As a result, the first foam glass production was launched.

We will not fully describe the production of foam glass and how it works, if we check the technical documentation. That is the corresponding GOST. But even GOST to an inexperienced person is unlikely to be able to clarify this process to the end. Too complicated algorithms and chemical formulas are used there.

Yes, and it is worth noting that the equipment for the production of foam glass is also bad jokes. It is very expensive and quite roomy. These are large furnaces, with the possibility of aggregating materials, adding chemicals. And to everything else, they are also attached to the foam formers.

The remelted raw material with the addition of astringent chemicals is added inside the foam former, where all this mass is saturated with gases.

As a result, a porous material is obtained from a frozen raw material, which slightly resembles glass. As you can see, the production of foam glass with is a complex and confusing business.

Moreover, each manufacturer comes up with his own or improves the already finished technology for creating products. This is how Foamglas foam glass, Neoporm foam glass, ETIZ, etc. appeared. Each material has its own characteristics, properties and even structure.

For example, Foamglas foam glass is characterized by increased strength. Yes, and it is a product of a very well-known company in construction circles.

But ETIZ gas glass (another name for foam glass, since the material has pores that are formed due to the passage of gases under pressure through the product) is distinguished by open pores and very low weight. It is vapor-permeable, which is a kind of unique feature of the ETIZ company alone.

1.1 Release form

Foam glass is produced in different forms. This must be understood. GOST clearly standardizes the release forms, but each manufacturer may prefer one or another option.

If we talk about basic forms, then foam glass is produced in the form of:

  • Light granules like ;
  • Blocks.

The technical characteristics of foam glass in the form of granules are quite unique. This is a very light material that does not corrode at all. It does not eat fungus or mold, it does not form damage. Foam glass in granules is almost eternal. It is difficult to find a material more resistant to external influences.

However, this does not apply to its density. The main disadvantage of foam glass lies precisely in its low density. Moreover, both in the form of granules and in the form of blocks.

Of course, thermal insulation will withstand medium loads, but only medium ones. The density of foam glass is not much higher than the density of high-quality polystyrene foam.

Most often, in granules, foam glass trims the house from the frame. The granules are added to the adhesive, kneading in the form of a filler. The result is an adhesive with thermal insulation properties or even analogues of plasters with foam glass.

By the way, some manufacturers immediately noticed and appreciated the possibility of adding foam glass granules to the solution, launching a whole line of similar products. Now glue with the addition of foam glass can be matched to any house or structure.

And what is very important, such glue or plaster can really increase the thermal insulation properties of the insulated structure. At least that's what the reviews say.

The second, and much more popular release option is blocks and. Foam glass blocks are rigid relatively light elements. They are in many ways reminiscent of polystyrene foam boards or mineral wool samples, which in our time are used to insulate any suitable house.

However, as we noted above, each manufacturer can choose the option that suits him here. So, Foamglas foam glass is mainly sold in the form of large blocks. ETIZ foam glass is packaged in the form of thinner panels with a large plane. And there are many such variations.

2 Foam glass properties

Let us now analyze the specific properties of foam glass, and also divide them into positive and negative.

Like any other insulation, foam glass has both pros and cons. It's quite normal. Before ordering foam glass insulation, you must first study these properties, so as not to be disappointed later.

In fact, modern manufacturers have learned how to create fairly high quality foam glass. Practically any house can be insulated from beginning to end with foam glass alone. In this case, you can use both plates and heat-insulating glue or plaster.

If we talk about the positive properties of foam glass, then the following list emerges.

Main advantages:

  • stability of shape and size.
  • Durability for .
  • Can be mounted on glue, like conventional heaters.
  • No reaction to any manifestations of corrosion.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Moisture protection.
  • Vapor permeability (optional).

Let's separate the last two points. The fact is that the reaction to moisture and vapor permeability, as properties, in foam glass can either be present or absent.

This is possible due to a change in the original technology for creating the material. For example, Foamglas foam glass is produced with closed cells. They are completely isolated from each other, and therefore the material does not allow moisture, steam, air or anything else to pass through at all.

With it, you can finish the house on the facade, the outer parts of the foundation, etc. Glue for such products will also have to be selected separately, although the difference there is not so big.

But the manufacturer of foam glass ETIZ decided to go the other way. His pores in the blocks are mostly open and connected to each other by a system of channels.

That is, if you insulate the house with foam glass from the outside, then most likely it will let moisture through to the walls. Especially if you are not going to use a special waterproof adhesive for fixing the boards, as well as additional insulation.

However, this material also has disadvantages. Main cons:

  • Impressive cost.
  • Reacts negatively to shock, has a not too high density.
  • For some designs, the weight of the plates may become excessive, the house will have to be calculated for the load, and then it will be determined whether it is convenient to use foam glass for insulation.

In terms of cost, everything is already clear, the expensive production process and a lot of equipment affect the price. However, you need to understand that if you decide to decorate the house with foam glass thermal insulation, you are unlikely to regret it.

It's even easier with punches. Through the process of remelting, the blocks still remain materials that were originally assembled from broken glass, and therefore their strength is rather mediocre.

However, this does not apply to all such products. There are cases when almost the entire house was assembled from foam glass. In the work, of course, slightly different materials were used, but here the differences concerned rather the chemical formula of foam glass.

2.1 Mounting technology

Foam glass is mounted on walls as simply as any other material of the same type and. In form and essence, these are ordinary blocks. They can be placed on the walls, mounted on glue or laid in a pre-assembled frame.

It should only be noted that the weight of foam glass is still greater than the weight of mineral wool or polystyrene, and therefore it must be fixed more reliably.

It is advisable to choose a special glue. Firstly, it provides better adhesion, and secondly, it withstands loads from the weight of the structure well.

As insurance, the blocks can be additionally fixed with dowels. But only very carefully so as not to accidentally destroy the plate completely.

If we are talking about foam glass plaster, then everything is even simpler. It only needs to be applied to the wall using the same technology as a conventional solution. True, such a composition dries a little faster, which must be taken into account.

Foam glass is one of the durable, strong and popular materials for insulation. It is easy to install and highly efficient. The technology was invented almost a century ago in the USSR, and the practical application was invented later in Canada. Foam glass appeared on the building materials market recently, when the technology of its production made it possible to make it affordable and of high quality. Before use, it is worth considering what foam glass granules or slabs are, their main advantages and disadvantages, as well as methods of use for insulation.

Foam glass combines the advantages of two materials at once. It combines silicate glass, which is both strong and brittle, and foam, an incredibly lightweight material. The production of foam glass consists in heating the silicate mass with the addition of a substance that forms a gas. High temperature leads to the melting of the substance, as well as the formation of small bubbles. This technology allows you to get a light and durable material that has a high heat resistance.

In the field of thermal insulation, two main types are used:

  1. Slab foam glass. The insulation has the shape of a plate, which has a structure with closed cells. Optimum is suitable for warming of a socle, a facade, a ceiling, overlappings and the base. The thickness is 6-12 cm, and the size of the plate is 45 * 60 cm. They can withstand even significant operational loads, do not shrink and are resistant to deformation during mechanical stress.

Plate insulation

  1. granular material. Represents microporous granules of spherical shape. It is carried out in granules of various sizes from 1-5 mm to 7-20 mm. It can be used as a heater for internal walls, ceilings and floors.

Granulated foam glass

The technical characteristics of the two types of material are similar, therefore, when choosing it, one should be based only on the convenience and expediency of using a heater of one form or another.

Main characteristics

According to statistics, the higher the hardness index of the material, the lower its thermal insulation properties. Foam glass refers to heaters that not only withstand severe loads, but also have a low thermal conductivity.

Other characteristics of the material include:

  1. Thermal conductivity. Foam glass has a thermal conductivity index of 0.04 W / m * s. If we compare it with a tree, then for this material this indicator is two times lower, and for the minimum wool it is higher by an average of 25%. Therefore, foam glass perfectly protects against heat loss better than wood, mineral wool and many other heaters. High thermal insulation properties are explained by the presence of small closed cells with thin partitions in the structure.
  2. Strength. A square meter of insulation is able to withstand a pressure of 40-100 tons, and the strength index is 0.5-1.2 MPa. This indicator does not worsen over time. However, the impact strength of the material is low. Foam glass can be broken under strong mechanical stress.
  3. Soundproofing. Foam glass is effectively used not only to protect against heat loss, but also from extraneous noise. The material is able to dampen sound waves with a force of 45-56 decibels.
  4. Temperature resistance. The insulation is able to withstand temperatures from -200 to +300 degrees, which allows it to be used even at extreme temperatures.
  5. Density. This indicator of the material is very low and is equal to 100-250 kg per cubic meter. And this figure is at least three times lower than the density of the tree.
  6. Vapor permeability. Foam glass can also be used as a vapor barrier. The vapor permeability index is only 0.005 mg / (m * h * Pa).
  7. Moisture resistance. Plates and granules of foam glass are able to absorb no more than 2% of water from their own volume. The material not only does not absorb moisture, but also does not change its properties when interacting with it.

High moisture resistance

  1. biological stability. Foam glass has a high resistance to insects, rodents and microorganisms. The insulation does not absorb water, so mold and fungi do not form in it. And the high hardness of the material protects it from insects and rodents.
  2. Chemical resistance. Foam glass is a chemically inert material. Therefore, when in contact with acids, alkalis, gases and petroleum products, foam glass does not interact. The only substance that foam glass interacts with is hydrofluoric acid.
  3. Ecological purity. Foam glass does not burn, does not emit toxic gases and does not produce decay products. This makes the material safe for warming residential premises.

The unique characteristics of the material are due to the combination of the properties of silicate glass and gas microcapsules.

Main advantages

The use of foam glass as a heater has a number of significant advantages. These include:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics. They are explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the material - small closed cells with thin partitions.
  2. Versatility. The material is universal, therefore it can be used for insulation of facades, roofs, foundations, communications, walls and floors. It can be used even for objects with a high fire hazard.
  3. Long service life. The material is able to last more than 100 years without loss of performance. At the same time, it tolerates high and low temperatures, as well as their sudden changes.
  4. Good soundproof properties. A layer of insulation of 10 cm is able to drown out even the sounds of a running tractor engine behind the wall. Therefore, the material is effectively used not only to protect against heat loss, but also from extraneous noise.
  5. Ease of installation. An ordinary hacksaw can be used to cut the plates, it is enough just to pour the granules on the prepared surfaces. The material is incredibly light, so working with it is easy.
  6. Security. The material does not emit hazardous compounds, therefore it can be used in public and residential premises.
  7. Fire resistance. Foam glass does not burn, and at a very high temperature it only melts, without releasing toxic components and smoke.

The advantages of foam glass have made it one of the most successful and high-quality materials for insulating floors, roofs, ceilings, plinths, walls and other surfaces.

Main disadvantages

Despite the obvious advantages of foam glass, when choosing it as a heater, disadvantages should also be taken into account. These include:

  1. High price. In the building materials market, foam glass is one of the most expensive insulation materials. This is due to the high energy consumption in production. In addition, the production requires expensive equipment.
  2. Low impact strength. The material has a high compressive strength, but is a rather brittle material. Therefore, with strong impacts, foam glass can crack, and such cracked plates can no longer be used as a heater.
  3. Low steam conductivity. This property of the material is both its advantage and disadvantage. Despite the fact that fungi and mold cannot form in foam glass, there is no air exchange on the surface it covers, so foci of infection may appear.

Foam glass is a high-quality and modern insulation for various types of surfaces, however, when choosing it, disadvantages should also be taken into account.

Details of home insulation with foam glass can be found in the video:


A feature of the material is its excellent thermal insulation properties combined with high strength. Therefore, it can be used to insulate the basement, foundation, load-bearing walls and pipelines. The low rate of water absorption allows it to be used for thermal insulation of the basement, foundation and basement. The granular material can be used as an insulating additive for concrete. For thermal insulation of walls, it is enough to fill it in their cavity.

Insulation with granulated foam glass

Foam glass is well cut and drilled, so it is easy to make pieces of the desired size from the plates. In addition, the plates hold plaster, putty, glue and other surface finishes well.

The material can be used not only for residential and public buildings. It is used for housings of various technological and industrial equipment that operate at high temperatures.

Foam glass insulation

Foam glass insulation technology

To guarantee high thermal insulation qualities of the material, it is required to follow the technology of its installation:

  1. To fix the boards, it is recommended to use a special adhesive, which must be applied to the back of the board and the side walls. After that, the glue should be evenly distributed over the surface of the sheet.
  2. If the surface has pits, bulges or other irregularities, the foam glass adhesive should be applied with slaps to get the most even base.
  3. When insulating a wooden base, it is recommended to fix the plates with special dowels. The tree expands when exposed to moisture and temperature, so the insulation must be mechanically mounted to it.
  4. When installing the slab on a vertical surface, it is necessary to install the bottom bar using the building level. It is best to use a metal profile or rail as a bar.
  5. The first row of insulation should be mounted on a profile that will act as a support. After the adhesive has completely cured, the support can be removed. However, it is best to remove it after the work is completed.
  6. When installing plates on vertical or inclined surfaces, start from the bottom, and on horizontal ones - from the far corner.
  7. Plates should be laid close to each other with an offset of one row relative to the other. After applying and completely drying the glue, it is additionally recommended to strengthen the plates with special dowels.
  8. Around windows and doors, heat-insulating plates are recommended to be mounted in solid figures. It is not allowed to connect separate pieces of material to each other on corner lines.

Roof insulation with foam glass

Foam glass is a high-quality, modern and very light material for thermal insulation of various surfaces. Competently following the installation technology will increase the efficiency of thermal insulation and extend the life of the material.

Foam glass (foamed glass, cellular glass)- environmentally friendly and durable insulation (heat-insulating material). It is produced by heating glass to a temperature of 700-1000 degrees Celsius, as well as adding a blowing agent. The result is a foamed glass mass similar to solid soap suds with cells in the form of spheres or pyramids (spherical and hexagonal cells). Foam glass has high thermal and sound insulation properties. Unlike many other heaters, foam glass is not afraid of moisture and is even able to float on water. Foam glass can be used to insulate walls, floors and roofs.

Since, in addition to glass and blowing agent, manufacturers can add various impurities to foam glass, the color of the resulting product can vary from light brown and blue to black. In addition to color, the characteristics of foam glass from different manufacturers also differ. In particular, some types of foam glass have greater vapor conductivity and / or better thermal insulation properties. And some types of foam glass are so strong that they can be used as a thermal insert under a load-bearing wall. In addition to the advantages used in the production of foam glass, for example, an outdated production technology may also have disadvantages, such as the release of hydrogen sulfide during the operation of foam glass.

Types of foam glass:

  • granulated foam glass (gravel, crushed stone, sand),

  • block foam glass (blocks, plates and shells from foam glass).

Russian manufacturers of foam glass:

  • (ICM Glass / ICMGlass, Kaluga region). Foam glass crushed stone (PSShch).

  • / Saitaks (Dmitrovsky plant of innovative heat-insulating materials and composites, Moscow region). Granulated foam glass (gravel and crushed stone), granulated ceramic foam, plaster and masonry mixture based on foam glass. The granules contain hydrogen sulfide.

  • ("STES-VLADIMIR", Vladimir). Heat-insulating plates, shaped products (shells, segments, knees), fractional heat-insulating crushed stone.

  • (Moscow region). Granulated foam glass.

  • (Krasnoyarsk). Foam glass plates.

  • (LLC "Novouralsk plant of heat-insulating products TEZIZ", Sverdlovsk region). Plate foam glass thorn-groove, foam glass crumb. Foam glass Thesis is not clean, contains an astringent component, due to which vapor permeability is carried out.

  • (CJSC "Modis", Yaroslavl region). Granulated foam glass.

  • (LLC "Penokam", Perm). Plate (block) and granulated foam glass (gravel, crushed stone, sand).

  • (LLC "SBKT", Tula region) - granulated foam glass and foam ceramics.

  • (Moscow region) - granulated foam glass, foam glass crushed stone, dry mixes with foam glass, dry filling from foam glass of various fractions.

  • (Novgorod region) - granulated foam glass.

  • (United Industrial Initiative, Moscow Region). Blocks, plates, shaped products (shells, segments, elbows, boxes) made of foam glass. Imports products of Pittsburgh Corning, in Russia manufactures shells, segments, elbows, conical segments, prefabricated structures.

Belarusian manufacturers of foam glass:

  • (JSC "Gomelsteklo"). Block foam glass and foam glass chips.

What other Russian and Belarusian manufacturers also offer foam glass?

When buying foam glass products, be sure to pay attention to the thermal insulation properties and strength characteristics. They can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Advantages of foam glass:

  1. Good heat and sound insulation

  2. Waterproofing, vapor barrier

  3. Environmental friendliness (does not emit toxic substances), sanitary safety

  4. Incombustibility, fire safety

  5. Durability (retains physical properties for 80-100 years or more)

  6. Wide temperature application range (from extremely low to extremely high temperatures of hundreds of degrees)

  7. Does not absorb or accumulate odors

  8. Resistant to rodents and pests, tk. does not contain organic compounds

  9. Resistant to aggressive media, including acids and organic solvents.

  10. Insoluble in water, not eroded by water, allows the construction of floating structures.

  11. Dimensional stability (no shrinkage due to rigid, non-shrinking structure)

  12. Low coefficient of linear thermal expansion

  13. Strength

  14. Not a breeding ground for fungi, mold, microorganisms

  15. Broken glass and glass production waste can be used for production

Disadvantages of foam glass:

  1. High cost, especially slab foam glass

  2. Fragile structure, so it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

  3. Very low vapor conductivity, which in some cases can lead to moisture being trapped between the wall and the insulation, and, as a result, the appearance of fungi and mold is not excluded.

  4. Damaged by strong alkalis and hydrofluoric acid.

  5. Lack of plasticity of the plates (there is a risk of cracking due to the mobility of the base or walls)

Please note that some manufacturers offer foam glass plates, although they contain gypsum, cement, basalt wool, ... Such products, of course, have little to do with real foam glass, their characteristics can vary significantly. For example, one of the Russian manufacturers offers an innovative "foam glass" based on soda glass; this material has low strength and limited moisture resistance; it is not an analogue of soda-lime glass. Real foam glass has a melted structure, providing moisture resistance, frost resistance, durability, operational stability, incombustibility, strength and durability. The durability of foam insulators from "liquid" glass drops sharply when exposed to water vapor, because. contains silicates.

Some manufacturers suggest using polyurethane adhesive or bituminous mastic for laying foam glass plates. In the case of its use, environmental friendliness is of course lost.

Andrey Kuryshev in his program "" talked a lot about the merits of environmentally friendly foam glass insulation. Unfortunately, since the program went on the air, this heat-insulating material has risen in price greatly. In this regard, the practice of using foam glass in Russia remains very small.

Insulation with foam glass, especially when used on the facade, must be carried out correctly. In this case, it does not hurt to pay attention to the recommendations of manufacturers. Since foam glass reacts with alkalis, it is strictly forbidden to use cement-based glue for blocks. Foamglas, for example, offers an adhesive based on modified bitumen.

  • "Since the outer surface of the material consists of many cut cells, the foam glass is easily and firmly glued with mastics, it is well plastered, combined with aluminosilicate binders (cement, lime-cement mortars)."

  • "Three-layer walls. Blocks are recommended to be used as the middle layer of three-layer brick walls made of ceramic or silicate bricks on cement-sand or cement-lime mortar, as well as from other small-piece materials, for example, structural lightweight concrete, cellular concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate etc."

  • "Two-layer walls. Blocks are recommended to be used as thermal insulation of two-layer walls. Insulation is placed directly on the inner surface with glue, mastic or mechanical fixation."

But since foam glass can react with alkalis, and also due to cement shrinkage, these recommendations should be used carefully.

In 2004, the UE "NIPTIS Institute" developed and approved the recommendations "Application of heat-insulating blocks made of foam glass in the insulation of buildings and structures." In them you can find both recommendations for calculating thermal insulation and design recommendations, including those related to two-layer and three-layer walls, light plaster and heavy plaster, wall insulation from the inside, roof and attic floor insulation, thermal insulation of plinths.

Despite the shortcomings of foam glass, if durability, environmental friendliness, fire safety and inertness are needed, then there are practically no alternatives. At the same time, slab foam glass is very expensive. In addition, foam glass is afraid of alkalis, so cement slabs cannot be used. In addition, in the case of slab foam glass, the issue of blocking moisture in a multilayer wall is not solved.

Instead of foam glass slabs, well brickwork can be used with filling of foam glass granules or foam glass crushed stone. In addition, foam glass is an ideal heat-insulating material for basements, plinths, ceilings, attics, where its heat-insulating properties are complemented by vapor opacity.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Foam glass is a modern heat-insulating material that has practically no analogues. It is made by foaming silicate glass under the influence of a blowing agent and high temperatures.

Sold in the form of pellets, slabs or blocks. Differs in the increased resistance to external influences, long service life.

Technical parameters of foam glass

Due to the use of non-toxic raw materials, the finished material is environmentally friendly and can be used for thermal insulation of any buildings. Foam glass plates can have different sizes, selected for insulation, according to the area and features of the building to be protected. The most important technical characteristics of raw materials and blanks include:

  • moisture absorption: 0-5%;
  • density: 110-200 kg/m. cube;
  • compression strength: 0.7 MPa;
  • bending strength: 0.5 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity: 0.04-0.07 W/(m.K);
  • operating temperature: from -260 to +430 degrees;
  • combustibility: NG (does not burn);
  • vapor permeability: 0-0.005 mg/(m h Pa);
  • maximum noise absorption: about 54 dB;
  • chemical resistance: maximum (not affected by chemicals, solvents);
  • biological stability: maximum (not susceptible to damage by insects, rodents, fungal formations);

These properties are achieved through the use of unique components in the production. Additionally, foam glass has a very low sorption moisture content of only 0.2-0.5%. The minimum percentage indicates low absorption of moisture from the air. Therefore, the material can be used in any regions and in any areas: regardless of the climatic and temperature characteristics of the site.

Application of foam glass

High service life and resistance to aggressive environments, high humidity make it possible to carry out thermal insulation using foam glass in residential, industrial, commercial buildings. Slabs and blocks of foam glass are selected according to the requirements for protecting walls. Materials with a large thickness can prevent increased heat transfer and maintain the temperature regime created in the building. Ideal for wooden buildings (do not lead to rotting wood).

On detailed photos of thermal insulation with foam glass, you can see how raw materials are used: for walls, plinths, basements and rooms, roofs (from the attic or attic).

Granular building material is commonly used to protect flat roofs. It is used together with bituminous and cement mixtures and vapor and moisture insulating materials. The grain composition of raw materials is selected according to the design features and shape of the roof.


The important advantages of the material include a long shelf life, minimal moisture and vapor absorption. It can be used for thermal insulation of any type of buildings. Other advantages of using raw materials include:

  • ease of choice, availability of different types of blocks and slabs;
  • resistance to damage;
  • good tolerance of minor physical exertion;
  • building material efficiency (does an excellent job of retaining heat);
  • does not lead to the slow destruction of the walls or the formation of mold on them.


The main disadvantage of raw materials is the high cost, as reported by customer reviews. The material will not be available to every customer. Another disadvantage is the complexity of installation. Foam glass is fastened to the wall using specialized adhesives. In direct contact with cement (during subsequent finishing) it can be damaged due to heavy loading. Before carrying out work on thermal insulation with foam glass, you should study in detail the video on the features of the use of raw materials. The best solution would be to order a service from professionals or a preliminary consultation with a specialist.


Granulated foam glass, as it is presented in the form of a modern heat-insulating material, which is characterized by a high degree of versatility of use.

Granulated foam glass (produced by Baugran or any other brand), due to the almost zero coefficient of thermal conductivity and the widest range of application possibilities, is rightfully considered one of the best insulation for floor walls and roofs of the house.

1 Material features

A particle of foam glass in a granule, which is pressed into blocks, has found wide application in the process of insulating various parts of the house.

A small part of foam glass in a granule, which forms building blocks, can be used to insulate the walls of frame-type buildings.

At the same time, Baugran blocks are able to retain heat better than ordinary brick blocks. Characteristics of foam glassBaugran allow the walls insulated with it to be absolutely soundproof. Alternative use of Baugran foam glass, as well as in general, is relevant for:

  • Strengthening the insulation of the walls of the building;
  • Making layouts for exhibitions;
  • Reconstruction of historical monuments;
  • Creating walls around the perimeter of the building;
  • Prevention of the formation of cold bridges;
  • Fastening facade plates and panels;
  • Providing insulation by filling hollow walls.

Technology, with an orientation on which the production of foam glass is carried outBaugran, implies the multi-purpose application of the presented product.

The technical characteristics of Baugran granulated foam glass determine the use of the material for the purpose of high-quality insulation of walls and all kinds of ceilings, because in connection with this, heating costs will be significantly reduced.

The use of granulated foam glass brand Baugran, coupled with allows to reduce the cost of construction work. In Russian climatic conditions, which are characterized by sharp temperature changes and high levels of humidity, granular foam glass pressed into blocks is rightfully considered one of the most durable materials.

The technical characteristics of the material indicate an almost unlimited service life. The most significant advantages of granular foam glass are:

  • High degree of resistance to fluctuating temperature conditions;
  • Resistance to the harmful effects of erosion and chemical environments;
  • High thermal insulation performance;
  • Hygienic and environmental safety;
  • Long operational period;
  • resistance to burning;
  • Waterproof like ;
  • Convenience in the implementation of mechanical processing;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage and shrinkage.

All the characteristics of granulated foam glass allow us to consider it a sufficiently high-quality heat-insulating material, the use of which is relevant in any climatic zone.

In addition, its characteristics indicate that throughout its long service life, the material does not lose its basic qualities and properties.

Blocks, provided that their physical integrity is maintained, can last for many decades. The use of foam glass can significantly increase the reliability parameter of the entire structure.

The technology allows the use of the material in cases where it is simply not possible to use other heaters.

2 Production technology and types produced

Foam glass (Baugran or any other), as it is produced with an orientation towards the industrial method in compliance with all necessary quality standards.

In most cases, glass production waste is used as a raw material. The use of quartz sand, soda and limestone is also relevant.

Silicate glass, which is in a crushed state, is artificially saturated with carbon. Coke, dolomite, chalk, anthracite are added to it.

In the oven, the raw material is heated to a temperature of +900°C, after which it foams and undergoes slow cooling.

The result is a solid cellular glass mass. In this case, the foam glass cells can have a closed, round or hexagonal shape.

Sizes range from fractions of a millimeter to a centimeter. The porosity index of the finished material can be from 80 to 90%.

In the process of gas formation and active foaming, the nominal volume of glass increases by 10-15 times. Foam glass can be presented in the form:

  • and plates;
  • Loose insulation;
  • Molded insulation;
  • Foam glass crumbs.

Foam glass blocks and slabs are used in all construction areas and can be combined with all kinds of materials.

When the blocks are subjected to mechanical filing, waste is formed, which is presented in the form of foam glass crumbs. Foam glass is produced in granules, which have different diameters.

2.1 Product specifications

The material has a high degree of strength. At the same time, it exhibits a low degree of thermal conductivity and is not amenable to mechanical compression.

If the material is formed in the form of plates or blocks, then they practically do not shrink and continue to retain such indicators as strength, thermal conductivity and water absorption capacity.

Even over time, structures made using foam glass do not change their original dimensions as a result of the impact of operational loads.

Foam glass is able to withstand temperatures from -200 to +400 ° C without harm to the internal structure.

At the same time, the product demonstrates an absolute degree of water resistance. Along with this, it lends itself easily to gluing and rough machining.

The material exhibits a high degree of chemical resistance and is non-toxic. In granular foam glass, rodents, insects or mold fungus are not able to start. More detailed specifications are expressed in terms of:

  • Bulk density of HPS - no more than 200 kg / m3;
  • The average density of granules is 345 gk / m3;
  • Porosity of granules in 86%;
  • Thermal conductivity in bulk at +200°C from 0.06 to 0.068 W/m;
  • Water absorption by volume - 1.7 - 4%;
  • Tensile strength of 0.5 - 1.1 MPa;
  • Shape factor of granules in 5-40 mm as in ;
  • Frost resistance weight loss - within 15 cycles.

The disadvantages are in the rather high cost compared to other types of heaters.
