Mods for forge 1.11 2. Minecraft Forge for Minecraft all versions

Updated Minecraft Forge 1.11 is required to install and run mods that developers have yet to port to new version. The new game is already available to players, which means they just have to wait for updates to their favorite modifications.

Forge turns the installation of mods on Minecraft of any version into in this case 1.11 or 1.11.2, into an easy process that does not require special knowledge or skills. You just need to copy the add-on file to the mods folder and run the game. Over time, a huge number of modifications will appear on new game. Players are only required to copy the mods to the mods folder, but first they need to download Forge for Minecraft 1.11.2 or 1.11 and follow the simple installation instructions.


Forge installation packages come in several forms. In most cases, it is better to choose automatic installation.

  1. Download the installation package Minecraft Forge 1.11.0 or 1.11.2 with exe extension.
  2. Double-click the file and follow the on-screen instructions.

Universal installer

  1. Download installation file Forge *installer.jar.
  2. Launch the file by double-clicking or select Open with Java and follow the on-screen instructions.

Manual installation

  1. Download the Forge * universal.jar mod.
  2. Find the Minecraft folder and the minecraft.jar file.
  3. Place the contents of universal.jar into minecraft.jar using an archiver (WinRAR will do).

Minecraft Forge is the best API for developing and running mods. Many developers create their modifications based on this mod. To launch you will need Minecraft Forge. Minecraft Forge gained its popularity due to the ease of installation and the ability to run many mods simultaneously. But conflicts are possible if item identifiers match. But this can be solved by installing special modifications that will do everything for you, or by manually changing it in the configuration files. Due to the difficulty of installing new versions, all the latest forge versions come with an installer. Below you will find all the current versions of Minecraft Forge, which can be downloaded from the official website.

The developers insist on using only “Recommended versions”, but if you have any difficulties or encounter bugs, install the most latest version fashion. Some mods may be very sensitive to the version of Minecraft Forge and may stop working when updated or the game itself will stop launching. Everyone often encounters this when using old mods that have not been updated for a long time; before installing them, we recommend that you read the description and compatible version of Minecraft Forge.

All current versions of Minecraft Forge at the time of publication can be downloaded below. If you do not find the version of Forge you need, then follow the link to the source below, there you will find absolutely all versions of this mod that have ever been released.

Starting with version 1.11, Minecraft Forge sets a single energy standard for technical mods in order to improve their compatibility with each other.



How to install Minecraft Forge?

  1. Download the file
  2. Run it using Java
  3. Click "OK"
  4. If everything went well, a message indicating successful installation will appear.
  5. Launch the launcher
  6. In the settings, change the "version used" to the version with "forge" in the name.

How to install mods?

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  1. Download the mod (.zip / .jar)
  2. Copy it to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
  3. Launch the game

Expanding its functionality in every possible way. But time has passed and now Forge has long overtaken Modloader, has a huge number of opportunities and a huge audience. In addition, Forge includes Modloader(FML), so all mods written for it will work without problems.

95% of mods are written specifically for Forge, because no one else provides such a set of functions. When making a mod, you don't have to think about porting it to the server (and, more recently, to Bukkit). Almost any Forge mod will run equally on both the client and the server, thanks to smart system proxy.

Forge for Minecraft is the most important mod for the game, without which other mods simply will not work. Therefore, if you decide to download, then before installing them you must download Forge for your version of the game and install it according to the instructions.

What is Minecraft Forge for?

Forge for Minecraft is a universal library for the game, which is necessary for both mod developers and ordinary players who like to install a wide variety of mods for the game.

For mod developers, Forge makes it much easier to write and create mods due to the fact that most of necessary conditions and libraries have already been added to the game using Forge. Thus, mod authors can not only make their task easier, but also reduce the time it takes to develop a mod for the game.

Players need Forge in order to run almost any mod for the game. Speaking in simple language Minecraft Forge is a set of pre-installed small mods that are necessary to run larger modifications. Agree, it’s better to install Forge and any mod than to install a dozen various components to launch any mod for the game.

How to install Minecraft Forge

Recently, installing Forge has become even easier than you ever imagined. And all this thanks to the auto-installer.

  1. Launch the downloaded .jar (Right click -> Open with -> Java)
  2. Make sure that the path to the .minecraft folder matches yours
  3. Click Install
  4. We launch the new launcher from Mojang, click on the Edit Profile button, and then select the version with Forge from the list. Let's start the game.

Attention! in folder .\minecraft\versions a new folder appeared with the name Forge and version number. There will be a .jar of your current version. Keep this in mind if you have to edit the .jar file again

(minecraft forge) you need an add-on for the mods to work. The principle of operation is simple: the desired mod is placed in a folder, and Forge already adds this mod directly to the game. When you remove a mod, Minecraft Forge, if there are blocks from this mod on your map, will replace them with standard ones from the game. Here you can download forge of popular versions of Minecraft: 1.12 , 1.11.2 , 1.10.2 , 1.9 , 1.8.9 , 1.7.10 , 1.7.2 .In most cases, Minecraft Forge is needed to install mods, otherwise either the mods will not work or your game will close with an error.

How to install Minecraft Forge?

1. Make sure your client is clean.
2. Download Forge.
3. Right-click on the .jar file, Open with-->Java.
4. Click the OK button.
5. Launch our client and check if the word Forge is in the version. If you did everything correctly, then it will be. You can download from us Forge for Minecraft 1.12 free and most importantly fast. It will take you literally 30-60 seconds. You can also .

A simple but necessary addition popular among players. You just need to download Minecraft Forge 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8.9 to open up the opportunity to complement and expand the game world and its features. Add new skills, abilities or characteristics to your character. Let the world generate new types of ores, mobs and buildings. Is the normal dimension, nether and ender world not enough? Add others or even fly to the moon! Build houses from thousands of unusual blocks and drive around your cubic city in a car.

The Forge mod is a global extension for Minecraft, aimed at independently updating the game with any additions. Take a look at the modifications section and select modifications for any task. Expand standard crafting recipes and change the usual Minecraft beyond recognition. Play with convenient innovations that change the interface, character animation, combat system and much more. Players will be able to explore new blocks and items with friends, but first they need to download Forge for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8.9 and install it.


  1. You need to download the required version of Forge for Minecraft.
  2. Run the installer and follow its instructions.
  3. Install the desired modifications on the client.
  4. Select the Forge profile in the game launcher.