How is soft roofing laid? How to install a soft roof - step by step instructions. Is it necessary to buy ready-made mastic? Video of making a primer for shingles

To carry out roofing work, a whole working team was required, since all the necessary activities took a significant amount of time and effort. The advent of modern materials of a new generation has greatly simplified these procedures.

The soft roof with the technical and working qualities surpasses many other materials. It is one of the most requested different configurations.

What properties does this material have?

  • Light weight provides a reduction in the load on the building as a whole and on the roof structure in particular.
  • Excellent soundproofing properties make even the sounds of hail or rain inaudible to the inhabitants of the building.
  • tightness guarantees excellent protection of the house, walls and under-roof space from winds and moisture.
  • Wonderful appearance. Such a coating looks elegant and quite status, in no way inferior in appearance to natural.
  • Significant terms of use. Such a coating is operated on average for about thirty years. Naturally, it needs current repairs and preventive maintenance.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation and aftercare. Even one person can cope with the work, who will need only a few days to work.

What is this wonderful soft roof?

It is important to bear in mind that it is recommended to lay a soft roof on pitched roofs with an inclination angle of more than eleven degrees. The maximum size of the angle of inclination can be any, its value is not limited.

Do-it-yourself roofing

As noted above, one person can handle the installation of soft tiles.

What materials and tools will he need?

  • Directly roofing material.
  • Trowel and mastic for gluing.
  • High-quality sealant for the treatment of coating areas adjacent to walls and pipes, as well as for finishing connecting seams.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Roofing nails and hammer.
  • Pencil and construction plumb line.
  • Planks for neat decoration of ends and cornices.
  • Gloves.

Preparation for laying a soft roof

What is the main difference between soft tiles and other roofing materials?

  1. The fact is that this type of roofing should be laid on a solid solid base.
    Let's say it is successfully mounted on from a bar, and the gaps between the individual bars do not in the least impair the quality of the coating.
  2. But it does not have a fixed rigid structure, like metal or like.
    It has to be mounted on special boards (oriented strand), on a grooved or edged board, thick moisture-resistant plywood.
  3. In the event that a board is preferred as the basis for soft tiles, then it is better to buy it in winter and use it in summer. This is what the experts advise.
    She will benefit from "rest" in the stack for a certain time, during which she will acquire the necessary level of humidity. Ideally, it should be 20 percent. It is better to choose boards about 10 cm wide, it is more convenient to use material of approximately the same size.

Features of the soft roof device

Before proceeding with the flooring and strengthening of the roofing material, it is required to perform a number of mandatory measures to strengthen individual sections.

Roofing carpet device

This is a kind of non-woven cloth impregnated with a bituminous mixture and treated with a special dressing. It is located on the valleys, ends and eaves of overhangs. Usually it is purchased in the same color as the main roofing material.

  1. The canvas is carefully glued with an overlap of 15 cm horizontally and 10 vertically, in the direction from bottom to top.
  2. All joints of the product are well coated with mastic. The skates should have 25 cm of roofing carpet, from the sides of the valley 50 cm each.
  3. Cornice overhangs and ends are trimmed to a width of 40 cm.
  4. Fix the carpet with large roofing nails at a distance of 20 cm from one another.
  5. On the eaves overhangs, on top of the roofing carpet, it is necessary to mount steel cornice strips.
  6. At the ends of the roof, special pediment strips are mounted and fixed.

Soft roof in winter. Prerequisites for installation

Regardless of whether the roofing is installed by one's own hands or by specialists, the work surface must always be clean and dry. This is an indispensable condition!

What else is important when laying a roof in winter?

  • It is desirable that all necessary work be carried out exclusively in relatively warm weather. Temperature indicators should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

  • In the event that there is an urgent need to carry out work in the winter, apply special hot air heater. In addition, the roofing material stored for work must be kept for several hours in a room with a positive temperature (close to room temperature).
  • Freshly laid bituminous roofing needs heat.
    Why does she need it? The fact is that on the inside, each shingle (a sheet of three or four separate tiled petals) is equipped with a self-adhesive lining made of. And although it (shingle) is attached with nails to the base of the roof structure, its individual components are glued together under the influence of solar heat.
    They are also firmly soldered to the roofing base.
    In cold weather, this is impossible, therefore, the reliability and tightness of the roofing will noticeably suffer.
  • In the process of laying bituminous roofing must be used from several different packages at the same time.
    This is required so that there is a uniform alternation of shades of materials. Standard packages may vary slightly in their colors. Knowing this and specifically combining material from different packs, you can get an original drawing. In addition, if repairs are needed in the future, it will be easier to pick up pieces of a suitable color scheme.

Ventilation for soft roof

The installation of a soft roof is a multi-stage process that includes several stages. One of the first is the equipment of a reliable ventilation system. Experts are well aware that poorly ventilated (or not ventilated) roofs are often the cause of rapid damage to the rafters.

Condensation accumulating on the roof, rot and mold, icicles and ice - all these unfavorable factors contribute to the fairly rapid destruction of the rafters.

How to avoid it?

Special air ducts and ventilation outlets under the eaves, as well as a predetermined gap between the tile itself and the roof base, provide excellent air circulation to the under-roof space. They also do a great job of removing water vapor.

Do-it-yourself mastic for a soft roof

This polymeric bituminous material is necessary for laying the outer layer of soft tiles. With its help, an elastic homogeneous coating is formed that can withstand mechanical and thermal deformations of the base. According to the technology, when laying to fix the rolled material on the roof, hot and cold mastics will be required.

Traditionally, cold formulations are used for the inner parts of the coating, while hot ones are used to coat the outer layers. Bitumen and roofing material belong to cold types of mastics, roofing felt and tar to hot ones. The composition of the substance used, in addition to bitumen, should include a dust-like filler or made of fiber. Ash, lime or gypsum is often used as a pulverized material.

The composition of the highest quality mastics includes polymers. You can buy a ready-made composition, and if you wish, it is quite acceptable to make it yourself. There is nothing difficult in this.

cold mastic:

  1. This will require bitumen and filler for it.
  2. You need to take two containers, in one of which you need to place two portions of bitumen, in the other a pair of portions of diesel fuel and one filler.
  3. At the same time, both dishes must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. When water completely evaporates from the bitumen tank, the contents of both are mixed.

As a result of such actions, a cold remedy is obtained.

To make hot paste:

  1. In the bitumen heated to 200 degrees, the filler is carefully added in small portions. The process should proceed at a temperature not lower than 160 degrees, this should be closely monitored.
  2. After uniform mixing, the product is ready. You can also check its quality yourself.
  3. The composition heated to 60 degrees is applied to a slope having an angle of 45 degrees.

If a solid mixture is obtained, then it will not drain from an inclined surface. After hardening, the product will remain smooth, without defects and.

Soft roof laying technology

In the process of work, simple rules should be observed. In different rows, individual roofing sheets are best placed in such a way that the joints are aligned. In other words, this is called running. This order of flooring significantly improves the moisture-proof qualities of the coating.

Each new layer should lie on the previous one with a good overlap of at least 8-10 centimeters. In those places where the coating comes into contact with pipes and other communications, as well as from the edges of the roof, curly trimming of the material is carried out. The edges of the roof are securely glued with mastic.

It is not difficult to lay a roofing carpet around antennas, chimneys and other communications if you measure and calculate everything in advance, apply the necessary markings. At the ready should be the so-called pass-through elements necessary for this. The joints of the pipes and the roof itself are reinforced with a special underlayment, mentioned earlier, and then covered with the same mastic.

Recently, shingle roofing has become very popular among developers. This roofing has an attractive appearance that is not inferior in beauty to traditional tiles, a long service life and high moisture resistance. Thanks to the self-adhesive layer on the back of the shingle, do-it-yourself soft roofing can be done even without professional experience. In this article we will tell you how to properly prepare the base, assemble the crate and lay flexible tiles.

Flexible tiles are called tiles with a figured edge, made of fiberglass impregnated with modified petroleum bitumen. Laid with an overlap, such a roof imitates a rare, but aesthetic shingle covering made of wooden chocks. Fiberglass, which is part of bituminous tiles, can be plain or reinforced with polyester. The technology for the production of this material includes sprinkling the front side with armoring dressing made of stone or basalt chips, which gives color and a rough texture to the roof. The advantages of flexible tiles are:

  1. Durability. The service life of a soft roof based on polyester-reinforced fiberglass is more than 70 years, which fully pays for the cost of installing a roof.
  2. Weather resistance. The soft tile maintains influence of atmospheric moisture, ultra-violet rays and other adverse environmental factors, keeping operational qualities.
  3. Aesthetics. A variety of shapes and colors of the material opens up great opportunities for creating a harmonious, integral image of the house.
  4. Flexibility. Flexible, elastic bituminous tiles are suitable for arranging roofs of complex shape with a large number of slopes, valleys and other decorative elements.

Important! The technology of laying bituminous tiles is distinguished by its simplicity, therefore it can be easily performed even by a non-professional. Do-it-yourself soft roofing is an excellent solution for the roof of a private house, country cottage, gazebo or townhouse.

Features of working with the material

Before you cover the roof with a soft roof, you need to make sure that a reliable foundation has been prepared for work. Also, the technology of installing a soft roof involves the performance of work subject to certain weather conditions. If you do not follow the manufacturer's recommendations, you may encounter the following problems:

  • If bituminous tiles are laid at an ambient temperature of less than 5-10 degrees, then the self-adhesive layer on the back of the tiles does not melt on its own. To melt the bitumen, you have to use a gas burner or a building hair dryer. However, this makes it difficult and slows down the laying of tiles.
  • If you lay shingles at temperatures above 25 degrees, the self-adhesive bituminous layer melts too much and flows down the slope. In addition, high temperatures lead to deformation of the roof.
  • If you install the roof in wet weather or during rain, the rafter frame and lathing acquire excess moisture, which negatively affects the life of the tile, leading to decay.

Important! The material installation technology recommended by the manufacturers prescribes installation at a temperature of 5-15 degrees in dry weather. Most often, such conditions develop only in the summer. However, in winter, you can assemble the truss frame for the roof and prepare the base for the roofing deck.

Lathing installation

Before you make a soft roof, you need to assemble a high-quality, durable crate. The technology of laying bituminous tiles involves the use of a solid base, which gives rigidity and mechanical strength to the soft roofing. The lathing should ensure an even distribution of the weight of the roof between the rafters, so it is created from 3 layers:

  1. Control grid. The counter-lattice for soft tiles is made of wooden bars 3-4 cm thick. It is attached along the rafters of the frame over the waterproofing material. The task of the counter-lattice is to create a ventilation gap between the rafters and the roofing.
  2. Sparse crate. This base element for soft tiles is made from edged boards measuring 20x150 mm. The boards are nailed perpendicular to the counter-lattice at a distance of 30-50 cm.
  3. Solid crate. It is made of moisture-resistant plywood, OSB sheets or edged boards, laid solid with a gap of 1-3 mm, which compensates for the thermal expansion of the material. To prevent damage to soft tiles, it is necessary to sand or trim the elements of the crate so that they are smooth.

Please note that for the manufacture of lathing for a soft roof, it is correct to use dried up to 20 percent softwood. To prevent premature decay of wooden elements, they are treated with antiseptic preparations. If the structure has a high risk of fire, then the crate is impregnated with fire blocking compounds.

Lining carpet

Do-it-yourself soft roofing is laid on a solid crate made of chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood. A lining carpet is laid on top of the base - a lining made of moisture-resistant bituminous material resistant to mechanical damage. The lining carpet protects the roof from leaks, as well as from damage to the shingles by uneven lathing. Coating installation technology recommends:

  • With a roof slope of less than 15-18 degrees, lay a lining carpet on the entire surface of the slopes with an overlap of 15-20 cm, since water can linger on it during the melting of large snow masses.
  • At an angle of inclination of the slopes of more than 20 degrees, the lining carpet can only be laid in places that are particularly vulnerable to leaks, where water can accumulate or stagnate. Additional waterproofing protects the valleys, the joints of the slopes with vertical surfaces, the ridge.
  • Do not use ordinary roofing material as a lining. The low price does not compensate for the poor quality, fragility and short service life of this material.

Experienced craftsmen advise using the material recommended by the manufacturer as a lining carpet, as it is guaranteed to be compatible with the selected shingles.


Do-it-yourself installation of a soft roof is carried out in dry, calm weather at a temperature of 5-15 degrees. If the material is laid on an old truss frame, then it is necessary to check the condition of the wood, and then replace the rotten or deformed elements. Installation is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, the slope is marked with horizontal stripes, marking the location of the rows of soft roofing with white chalk.
  2. It is correct to start laying the material from the bottom of the slope, using the starting strip. Fix the roofing with nails or a self-adhesive layer. If the tiles are self-adhesive, then to stick them, it is enough to remove the protective film, and then attach it tightly to the roof base.
  3. If nails are used to fix the coating, then they must be placed no closer than 2.5 cm from the edge, and also driven flush with the surface of the material.
  4. The second row begins to be laid on the left side of the slope with the help of tiles, from which 143 mm are cut off from the left edge, thus shifting the bituminous tile pattern diagonally.
  5. To start the third row from the tile, a fragment 286 mm long is cut off from the left edge in order to also shift the coating pattern in a diagonal direction.
  6. After completion, a ridge is formed using a ridge element, junctions with vertical surfaces and valleys.

Note! In order for a roof made of soft tiles to function correctly, it is necessary to equip a ventilation system to avoid the "greenhouse effect" and rotting of the truss frame of the structure.

Video instruction

Soft roofing is a generic name for a whole class of flexible building materials. Their popularity among private developers is explained by both numerous operational advantages and the ability to build a modern roof with your own hands. Of course, it will be possible to save on the wages of roofing specialists only if the specifics of the materials and the technology of their installation are fully understood. To make the right choice and get a decent result, we suggest understanding the features of soft roofing and familiarizing yourself with the rules for their installation.

What materials are suitable for arranging a soft roof

One of the advantages of a soft roof is that it can be built on any budget. Since, in the roughest approximation, such a coating is an ordinary waterproofing carpet, the cost of its construction is most dependent on the roofing material. And here everyone can find what suits him in terms of functionality, durability, design and, most importantly, cost.

Ruberoid is one of the cheapest and most popular materials, which is obtained by impregnating roofing paper with bitumen. External protection and durability of waterproofing is ensured by the outer layer of hard resin with mineral filler, which after application is additionally sprinkled with special crumbs. Ordinary roofing material is rarely used on capital facilities, since it is designed for no more than 5 years of service. By adding not only mineral chips, but also fiberglass to the resin, some manufacturers were able to almost double its service life. And yet, it is possible to consider roofing material as the main roofing only for temporary objects.

Ruberoid refers to rolled waterproofing and allows you to create a roof for temporary undemanding structures

Rubemast differs from ordinary roofing material only in a thicker outer layer of bitumen. Thanks to him, the service life of such a soft roof can be more than 20 years, but there is one condition. The fact is that due to the low-temperature destruction of bitumen, it is required to use at least four layers of rubemast - only in this case the manufacturer guarantees its durability.

Being essentially the same roofing material, rubemast allows you to create more reliable and durable roofing

Already by the name it is clear that this roofing material is one of the subspecies of bituminous waterproofing. But unlike roll coatings, soft tiles are produced in the form of small sheets that have the shape of various geometric shapes - a hexagon, a rectangle, a sinusoid, etc. The use of colorants and a variety of sprinkles allows manufacturers to obtain bituminous tiles with interesting color and texture features - under natural ceramics, an aged coating or a roof overgrown with lichen. Soft tiles are interesting for their visual appeal, high noise absorption and ability to be combined with other roofing materials. Its service life is at least 25 years.

Bituminous shingles are an excellent way to make the roof not only reliable, but also visually attractive.

Uniflex rolled roofing material belongs to the class of built-up roofs. Being not the cheapest coating, it fully justifies its price. Unlike other types of waterproofing, uniflex is a membrane that can be used to build a ventilated roof. For use in the lower and upper parts of the roofing cake, there are several varieties of this material separately. For this reason, when using uniflex, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology provided by the manufacturer - then you can count on at least a 25-year roof life.

Like other roll materials, uniflex is most often used for arranging flat roofs.

The basis of technoelast is reinforced fiberglass, so this soft roof has high strength, flexibility and resistance to high temperatures. In the distribution network you can find more than twenty options for this material, which can be used for certain operating conditions. The outer layer of technoelast is sprinkled with red, blue, green or brown basalt chips, which allows you to choose the material in accordance with the style of the building. The service life of fiberglass waterproofing exceeds 30 years - it is no coincidence that builders classify it as a premium class material.

One of the advantages of technoelast is increased strength and soundproofing.

Video: technoelast deposition process

How is a roof with a soft roof

Since soft roofing can be used to build a cold and warm attic, its design can consist of several functional layers.

  1. The base, which includes elements of the truss system and a solid flooring of OSB boards, plywood or boards.
  2. Lining carpet, which consists of several layers of hydro and thermal insulation. With single-layer insulation, together with waterproofing material and thermal insulation, builders use a vapor-tight PVC membrane. The difference between two-layer insulation is only in the use of double thermal insulation, the layers of which are separated from each other by a waterproofing film. At the same time, the thickness of the lower layer is from 7 to 17 cm, while the upper tier is made of a denser insulation and has a thickness of no more than 3–5 cm.
  3. A protective waterproofing layer that prevents moisture from penetrating into the underlay if the roofing material is damaged.
  4. A valley carpet that performs the function of hydroprotection and thermal insulation at the joints of adjacent roof slopes.
  5. Elements of the ventilation passage and chimney.
  6. Mounting accessories and fasteners.

When starting the construction of a soft roof, we must not forget about the need for ventilation of the under-roof space. Constant air circulation will prevent the formation of condensate and protect the lining layer and wooden structures from putrefactive bacteria and fungi.

The durability of a soft roof is ensured not only by modern materials, but also thanks to a carefully thought-out ventilation system.

Material calculation

For the most part, materials for arranging a soft roof are an expensive pleasure. In order not to lament over the unused remnants of the roofing after installation work, or, conversely, not to waste time and nerves due to lack of material, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation.

Thinking logically, we can come to the conclusion that to determine the amount of building materials, it is enough to calculate the quadrature of the roof slopes. And this would be correct, if not for one but. The fact is that when installing a soft coating, part of the material will somehow go to waste. There is no getting away from this, even if you need to cover a gable roof, not to mention more complex structures with numerous turrets, valleys, skylights, etc. Most often, soft tile manufacturers inform about what tolerance should be given "for reserve" . However, this information concerns slopes of a simple geometric shape. In reality, you should take into account the complexity of your roof and, based on this, decide on the share of waste.

To determine the amount of materials required for the construction of the roof of the hip roof, you will need to calculate the area of ​​​​two triangles and two trapezoids

Calculations begin by finding the “net” roof area. For gable structures, calculate the quadrature of a rectangle with sides equal to the width of the overhang and twice the length of the slope. Having obtained a "clean" area, it will not be difficult to calculate the amount of materials for the underlayment and base.

  1. Since the waterproofing is overlapped, it is necessary to make a margin of 4–5%.
  2. Insulation, like plywood, can be calculated according to the area obtained, however, if rolled thermal insulation can be joined in any way, then such a number will not work with board materials. For them, it is necessary to make a calculation in such a way as to lay as many whole sheets as possible on the slope. In this case, a tolerance of 3-4% will be sufficient.
  3. The same margin is recommended when buying soft tiles.

Manufacturers' assurances are good for ideal conditions, but completely unsuitable in the case of real roofs and the lack of skills of beginner roofers.

Before calculating materials for a roof of a complex profile, it is recommended to draw up a drawing indicating the exact dimensions of each element. After that, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the slopes is found and summarized. Due to the complex geometry, the overspending of plywood will be at least 10%. As for hydro and vapor barrier, it will require no more than for simple roofs - a margin of the same 4-5%. There will be no overexpenditure of the heater. As in the previous case, it can be calculated by the “net” area with a margin of 2–3%. But soft tiles should be purchased with a margin of at least 10%, since each joint of adjacent slopes is an additional cost for overlapping.

To determine the amount of materials for a soft roof of a complex roof, you will need its drawing indicating the exact dimensions

Having calculated the amount of material for flat surfaces, they begin to determine the linear footage of valleys and ridge elements. At the same time, one should not forget that the latter will be needed not only at the top, but also for each external bend with an angle of up to 120 degrees.

Finally, the number of elements for wind protection and hemming of the edges of the overhangs is determined, if any are provided for by the roof structure.

Technology of laying bituminous tiles

The process of laying a roofing pie takes place in several stages. Let us consider in detail the features of each stage and understand the differences in installation depending on the type of coating.

What you need for roofing

Such advantages of a soft roof as low weight and flexibility allow installation, as they say, in one hand. In this case, you can get by with the tool that every skilled owner has in stock. Here is a list of what you may need to work on:

  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • cutting knife;
  • spatula for applying mastic;
  • blowtorch or gas burner (in cold weather);
  • a hammer.

We talked about the components of soft coverage in the previous paragraph of this article. The decision what to use for this or that layer, everyone makes individually. We only add that in addition to the materials needed to build the base and the roofing cake, you will need a suitable sealant (for example, liquid rubber), mastic and wooden planks for arranging the ends and cornices of the roof.

Preparatory activities

The base of the soft roof must be strong and rigid enough to exclude the slightest deflection of the multilayer structure. These conditions are met by several materials that can be used to build solid flooring:

  • plywood;
  • OSB boards;
  • grooved board up to 25 mm thick.

Slabs and planed lumber are laid directly on the lathing slats and fastened with self-tapping screws (it is allowed to use nails for flooring from boards). If work is carried out in the summer heat, then the laying of individual elements of the base should be carried out end-to-end. When installing in the cold season, it is necessary to make allowances for the thermal expansion of wood, so plywood and OSB boards are laid with a gap of 2-3 mm. For grooved boards, gaps of 4-5 mm are left, and the lumber itself is oriented with growth rings down.

For the construction of a solid roof base, board materials such as OSB and plywood are best suited.

Experts recommend treating the base of the roofing pie and the wooden frame of the roof with an antiseptic, insecticide and fire retardant. This will make the structure more resistant to fire and protect it from damage by fungi and insects.

Arrangement of the ventilation gap

Laying the underlayment close to the flooring will make it impossible for air to circulate and cause condensation to form on the back of the roofing cake. High humidity threatens with such problems:

  • the formation of ice and icicles in winter;
  • rotting elements of the truss system;
  • wetting of the seal, as a result of which it will lose most of its thermal insulation abilities.

It is not difficult to avoid all these troubles - it is enough to leave a 5-centimeter gap between the lining carpet and the roofing. Air circulation is ensured by ventilation in the overhangs of the cornices and ventilation outlets along the entire length of the ridge.

The ventilation gap provides air circulation necessary for the durable operation of the roofing pie and truss system

The bottom layer of waterproofing (lining)

As a lining layer, a rolled bituminous waterproofing is used, which is mounted over the entire surface of the base. Laying is carried out in the direction from the bottom up, with a minimum overlap in the longitudinal direction of 15 cm, and in the transverse direction - 10 cm. To fix the panels, nails or building staples hammered in increments of 20–25 cm are used..

If the slope has a slope of up to 18 degrees, then the lining layer is equipped only in the most difficult areas - the ends and overhangs of the cornices, junctions with vertical surfaces (wall, chimney or ventilation pipe), in the valley and at the ridge. At the same time, waterproofing is laid at the joints of adjacent slopes on both sides.

The panels of the lining carpet can be placed horizontally or vertically - it is important to ensure the tightness of their joints

The width of the lining layer with incomplete waterproofing is:

  • for valleys - not less than 500 mm;
  • for skates - 250 mm and more;
  • along the cornices and at the ends - at least 400 mm.
Some "masters" are trying to make the roof cheaper by refusing the lining layer. The importance of waterproofing should not be underestimated. So, a layer of bituminous material will protect the base not only during the operation of the roof, but also prevent the penetration of moisture if, for some reason, the installation of a soft roof has to be suspended.

Installation of planks and arrangement of valleys

Eaves and pediment strips, which are otherwise called droppers, allow you to protect the crate from precipitation. The first ones are mounted on the overhangs of the eaves directly on top of the lining layer and fastened with a nail fight in 10 cm increments. To make the installation more reliable, you should choose nails with wide caps and place them in a zigzag pattern. In the places where the cornice strips are joined, an overlap of 30 to 50 mm wide is performed.

The installation of gable strips is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that they are mounted on the end parts of the roof structure.

Cornice and gable planks are stacked on top of each other with an overlap of 3-5 cm

Immediately after installing the drippers, you can start laying the valley carpets. The overlap at the junction of adjacent slopes is an additional protection of these places from precipitation. When choosing a material, they are guided by the color of the roof, and fixation is carried out with bituminous mastic and nails, which are placed at a distance of 10–12 cm.

Eaves tiles are laid on top of mounting strips installed to protect the roof overhangs. Fixation is carried out with galvanized nails, which are driven into the coating at a distance of at least 25 mm from the upper and lower edges of the strip.

Cornice tiles are laid with a slight indent from the outer edge of the drip

By trimming the petals from the shingles of ordinary shingles, you can get starter strips no worse than factory ones. Since soft roof components are sold at unreasonably high prices, such a trick will help save a little. We only note that in this case, fastening must be done end-to-end, departing from the cornice overhang of 15–20 mm.

In order for the soft roof to have an attractive appearance, horizontal marking lines are applied to each slope before installation. Focusing on them in the future, it will be much easier to observe the parallelism of each subsequent row of the roof.

When starting to lay ordinary tiles, it is recommended to mix the shingles from different packages. Since the shades of the material can differ even within the same batch, such a trick will allow you to get a coating without pronounced stripes and color deviations.

Installation of tiles on the main surface of the roof is carried out from the middle of the roof overhang towards the ends. For fastening, all the same galvanized nails are used, of which 4 pieces are enough under normal conditions. on shingle If the building is located in an area with strong, gusty winds or has slopes with a slope of more than 45 degrees, then for a more secure fastening it is recommended to add a couple more nails.

The petals of the first row of shingles should overlap the joints of the eaves shingles

When laying the first row, it is necessary to indent from the edge of the cornice overhang by 10-15 mm. Installation must be carried out in such a way that the petals of the shingles overlap the joints of the cornice tiles. All subsequent shingles are mounted in the same way, with the difference that now the petals should cover the cutouts of the bottom row. At the edges, the soft coating is cut along the edge and glued at least 10 cm in width.

When arranging the valleys, the tiles are cut, getting a 15-centimeter strip. After that, its edges are smeared with glue to a width of at least 7-8 cm and additionally fixed with nails.

The scheme for laying soft tiles must be provided by the roofing manufacturer

The protective film should be removed from soft tiles right before installation, and when cutting it “in place”, it is recommended to place a piece of OSB or plywood under the material. This will protect the already installed coating from damage.

Features of fixing ridge tiles

Starting to equip the ridge, it is necessary to cut the cornice tiles in the places of perforation. The resulting sheets are laid with short sides along the roof ridge and nailed with four nails each. At the same time, the overlap of the previous tile should be at least 5 cm - among other things, this will protect the attachment points from moisture.

The best way to ensure high-quality ventilation through the ridge is a specially shaped aerator

Arrangement of passages and junctions

To seal antennas and communication elements, the places of passage through the roof are protected with the help of special passage elements, which are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. In these places, the edges of the shingles are driven over the seals and trimmed in place. After that, the tiles are glued to the penetration with bituminous mastic.

For the arrangement of places of passage through the roof, special passage nodes are used.

The places where the roof adjoins vertical walls and brick chimneys are arranged differently. In order to prevent the penetration of moisture under the soft coating, a triangular rail with a section of 50x50 mm is nailed at the junction of the slope and the vertical surface. To do this, you can use both a regular plinth and a bar loosened along the diagonal. The lining carpet and the edges of the shingles are smeared with mastic and run over the lath. The final fixation of the tiles is carried out with nails, after which the junction is protected with the help of a valley carpet and a special junction strip.

At the junction with the walls, a valley carpet and a metal plank are used.

Video: do-it-yourself soft roof installation instructions

What you need to know about installing a roofing pie

The roofing cake owes its name to several layers that perform a number of important functions:

  • create the basis for the installation of all elements of the roof structure;
  • increase the thermal insulation properties of a soft roof;
  • protect the under-roof space and the materials used from moisture.

Layered structures are of two types - for cold and warm roofs. The former include outbuildings and buildings not intended for year-round use. The roofing cake of residential buildings in which it is supposed to live in the cold season must be warm.

The minimum number of layers is used for a cold roof roofing cake.

The difference between the roof of both types is the presence of insulation and layers that ensure its functioning. In general, the design consists of the following elements:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • laths of lathing and counter lathing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • a layer of waterproofing or diffusion material;
  • ventilated gap;
  • solid base;
  • soft roof.

During installation, it is important not only to follow the established order, but also to orient the individual materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In particular, this applies to the vapor barrier and diffusion layer, the membrane materials of which allow air to pass only in one direction.

The need for high-quality thermal insulation leads to a serious complication of the design of the roofing pie.

Lathing and counter lathing

Lathing slats and counter-lattices are stuffed over the rafters, thanks to which it is possible to make the wooden frame more rigid and get the gap necessary for air circulation. The installation scheme for these elements when arranging a cold attic is extremely simple:

  • a beam of 50x50 mm is used as a counter-lattice, which is fixed across the rafter beams in increments of 0.3 m (for a standard distance between rafters of 0.7–0.9 m);
  • a solid base is nailed to the counter-beam, making sure that the edge of each slab rests on the beam. At the same time, cruciform joints are avoided, laying the plates apart and fixing them with nails.

When constructing a solid base from a tongue-and-groove board, there is no need for a counter-lattice. In this case, the lumber is attached directly to the rafters.

The counter-lattice performs several functions - from ensuring the rigidity of the truss system to ventilation of the roofing pie

For the insulated roof, a multi-layer roofing cake is used, so the installation of the battens and counter-battens is carried out at separate stages of installation work:

  • from the side of the attic, a vapor barrier membrane is attached over the rafters;
  • on top of the vapor barrier, counterbars are attached, the distance between which is chosen depending on the type and size of the facing material of the attic walls. So, for plasterboard structures, the fastening step is 0.4 or 0.6 m;
  • outside the roof, spacers are attached to the rafters, necessary to hold the slab or roll insulation;
  • insulation is placed in the resulting niches and an external counter-lattice is constructed. To do this, the timber is nailed along the rafter legs in order to be able to form a ventilation gap;
  • lathing slats are stuffed across the counter beam, which serve as a support for a solid base.

If it is necessary to install a thicker layer of thermal insulation (from 15 cm), a two-tier counter-batten is used, nailing the beam first in the transverse and then in the longitudinal direction.

Video: Tegola roofing pie device

Repair and dismantling of a soft roof

If during the operation of the soft roof the coating was damaged for one reason or another, then it is repaired. For this, an inspection of the damage is carried out and a decision is made on how to eliminate them. Small holes can simply be filled with mastic, while tears and other defects require a more serious approach.

First of all, you should clean the damaged area from mineral chips. To do this, you can use anthracene or solar oil, which is applied to the surface and sweep the topping with a rag or brush. Among other things, this will soften the material before repair work.

To avoid melting of the mastic and increased wear of the soft coating, it is necessary to restore the layer of dressing after each repair. To do this, you can use coarse river sand, which can be sifted into a fine sieve. Excess sprinkles can not be removed - over time, they will be washed away by rain and carried away by the wind.

A soft roof that has served its time is easy to dismantle. To do this, choose a cool season with an outside temperature of no higher than 20 ° C - it is important that the mastic remains solid. Roofing material begins to be removed from the ridge, moving towards the cornices. After removing the tiles from the base, the lining is separated, after which the flooring, as well as the layers of hydro- and thermal insulation, are dismantled. As for the rolled-on soft roof, it is much more difficult to dismantle it - you will have to use a wall chaser and cut down the layers of material with a roofing ax.

Knowing the main points of the technology, even a beginner can perform the installation of a soft roof. Of course, within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell about all the nuances and tricks of this work - experience is needed in any business. And yet, following the installation rules and listening to the recommendations of experienced roofers, it is quite possible to build a roof with your own hands.

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It is possible to lay soft tiles on any type of roof, but it is especially suitable for use on roofs of complex configuration with joints and transitions. It is not difficult to carry out the installation of soft tiles with your own hands, but for high-quality work you need to know some features. We tried to cover this in detail in this article.

What is soft tiles?

This elastic material is made using a special technology from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen. Externally, soft tiles are small plates of the most diverse shapes (rectangular or five-, hexagonal), made in the form of rhombuses or ovals, honeycombs, etc.

The use of special additives from styrene-butadienestyrene and polypropylene can significantly increase strength, enhance frost resistance and reduce the thermal conductivity of tiles. Colored stone chips applied to its front side serve not only as a decorative decoration, but also as additional protection against mechanical damage and fading.

Bituminous tile roofing

The procedure for installing soft tiles

1. This type of roofing is mounted only on solid flooring (sheathing). Its thickness depends on the pitch of the rafters: the greater the distance between the rafter legs, the thicker the material from which the flooring is made should be. As it can be used moisture-resistant plywood, tongue-and-groove boards, particle boards, etc.

2. In order for the roofing to look aesthetically pleasing, it must be laid perfectly: at the slightest unevenness, the tiles will look sloppy.

Installation of wooden flooring under flexible tiles

Important! Since wooden sheets or boards can change in size when changing temperatures, it is imperative to leave deformation gaps of 3-5 mm between the boards or flooring slabs.

3. To prolong the service life of the roof, it should be provided with vapor and wind insulation and ventilation gaps.

4. The vapor barrier film is attached to the inside of the crate and fixed with nails or a stapler, and then pressed with a wooden plank in increments of 60 cm. The places where the film overlaps are glued with double-sided tape.

Laying a vapor barrier

5. Residential attics should be pre-insulated. Plates insulation are laid staggered (in a checkerboard pattern) over a layer of vapor barrier between wooden bars.

6. For additional waterproofing of the most problematic areas of the roof on the cornice, valley, ridge slope, in places of its break, lining carpet. If the slope of the roof is insufficient (up to 12-18 °), it should be rolled out over the entire surface of the roof. It is desirable to additionally process all joints with bituminous mastic.

Underlayment installation

7. Underlayment carpet mounted with an overlap 10-15 cm and fixed with roofing nails in 15-20 cm increments. It is undesirable to bend this material. To create overlaps on roof slopes, it can be cut by 10-15 cm.

Installation of the cornice strip

9. Installation of a soft roof begins from the eaves. To do this, it is better to use a special cornice tiles, on which a self-adhesive layer is applied to enhance the waterproofing. If it is absent, the tiles installed on the cornices should be carefully smeared with mastic. Additionally, it is fastened with roofing nails with wide hats.

The order of laying the first row

Advice. For laying, tiles from the same batch should be used. Otherwise, significant color deviations may occur. To obtain an even pattern, it is better to alternately use shingles (tiles) from different packages.

10. When installing decorative tiles of complex shape, the "petals" should be laid out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended drawing scheme.

11. cutting material it is more convenient to carry out a special knife with a hook-shaped blade. To do this, you can use a regular hacksaw for wood. In order not to damage the soft tiles, cutting is best done on a special board.

12. In order for the roof to look neat, it is better to arrange on the slopes lighthouses made of strong threads, which will serve as reference points during installation.

Installation of subsequent rows

13. Subsequent rows of tiles are also attached to the base with roofing nails. Their hats are completely hidden behind the petals of the next row. The first row is laid, starting from the center of the slope gradually moving sideways. Along its edges, the tiles are trimmed if necessary.

14. When installing in the warm season, within a few days, the bitumen, which is part of the flexible tile, will melt, and the shingles will self-vulcanize. If the weather leaves much to be desired, to fuse the tiles together, they should be treated with a building hair dryer.

Important! Flexible roofing is not recommended to be installed at low temperatures (not lower than +5°C) - in the cold, the tiles become too fragile and may break in places of bends.

15. To ensure ventilation, aerators are equipped on the skates or in any other place on the roof. The places of their junction should be protected with a lining carpet and smeared with a layer of mastic.

Roof fans

16. To protect the most vulnerable areas of the roof, additional components are used: ridges and valleys (a flexible strip or curved shingles laid at the junction of the roof planes). They are easy to install: a shingle fragment is bent, and then fixed with roofing nails in 10 cm increments. With the help of ridge tiles, it is possible to strengthen the bypasses of air ducts, communications outlets and antenna attachment points.

17. Since leaks are most common at valley locations, it is desirable to lay two layers of shingles at these locations.

Advice. When working at low temperatures, it is better to warm up the ridge shingles and valleys a little on a warm metal pipe to increase flexibility.

Valley laying

Roof covering materials, united by the common name "soft roof", also have a common feature: they are installed only on a solid base. Soft roofing, which can be installed on various types of roofs, is nothing more than a waterproofing carpet that does not require additional waterproofing. These are bituminous tiles, euroruberoid, mastic materials and polymer membranes.

The use of bituminous tiles is justified in the case when the roof plane has a minimum slope with respect to the horizontal of at least 12 degrees. If the slope is less, moisture will inevitably stagnate at the joints, which will lead to rapid deterioration of the coating.

Better in warm season

It is recommended to mount bitumen shingles on the roof if the “overboard” is at least five degrees above the zero mark. It's all about the features of the shingle - a sheet that consists of three or four "tiles". It can be attached to the surface both with nails and with the help of a special self-adhesive layer located on the inside. The tightness of flexible tiles is ensured by solar heat, under the influence of which the sheets are soldered to each other and to the base. At sub-zero temperatures, this does not happen, so the insulation is unlikely to be of high quality. In addition, the fragility of the shingle in cold weather will not allow you to install the material with an overlap - and this will definitely be required, for example, on a ridge.

If, nevertheless, due to necessity, it is necessary to do the installation of a soft roof with your own hands at the wrong time of the year, before starting work, the tiles must be kept in a room with room temperature. You can also use a hot air burner.

Installation of a soft roof video (tile)

It goes without saying that the installation of a roof is a complex event and includes a certain number of stages.

Foundation preparation

As a basis for flexible tiles, you can use edged boards, moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards and other building materials with a flat surface, the maximum allowable humidity of which is 20%. The boards at the joints are attached to the supports and overlap at least two runs between them.

The seams of the bottom skin must have at least two millimeter gaps. If the crate is made of edged boards, then the gaps are made five millimeters.

Tip: during installation, annual rings on edged boards should be placed with rounded parts up.

The ventilation system provides air circulation, which is necessary to prevent condensation on the bottom of the base. Neglecting this stage of the construction process will lead to the fact that the truss system will begin to rot, and in winter icicles and ice will form.

Elements of the roof ventilation system:

  1. ventilation outlets;
  2. vents in the overhangs of cornices;
  3. air gap between the base and waterproofing - not less than 5mm.

Tip: in order for the attic to ventilate naturally, ventilation holes should be placed evenly under the overhang of the eaves along the entire ridge.

Lining layer

When installing a soft roof, the installation technology provides for laying the lining layer. It is mounted on cornice overhangs, roof ends and valleys from top to bottom.

If the roof slope exceeds 18 degrees, you can limit yourself to lining only where leaks are most likely. Valleys and skates are reinforced by 500mm and 250mm, respectively. At the same time, the valleys are equipped with a lining layer on both sides, and along the eaves and end overhangs, it must be laid to a width of at least 400 mm.

If the roof has a slope of 12 to 18 degrees, the lining carpet is laid over the entire area - in the direction from the bottom to the top, in a parallel direction with the cornice overhang. In the longitudinal direction, the overlap should be 150mm, in the transverse direction - at least 100mm. The lining is nailed to the base with galvanized roofing nails at a distance of 200mm from each other.

Tip: for better tightness of overlapping places, they need to be coated with bituminous mastic.

Cornice strips: installation

Such strips are made of metal and are attached to the lining on the overhangs of the cornices. They are needed to protect the edges of the crate. Fasteners are made with mounting nails, the step between them should be 100mm. Where the cornice strips meet, there must be an overlap of at least 20mm.

Gable strips: installation

They are also made of metal, they are attached to the lining layer at the ends of the roof. Designed to protect the edge of the crate. Fastening is similar to cornice strips.

Valley carpet

Additional protection of the roof from atmospheric precipitation. You need to choose it according to the color of the tiles, it is nailed with roofing nails. The overlaps are carefully glued.

Cornice tiles: laying

When installing a soft roof with your own hands, it should be remembered that before laying the protective film must be removed from the bottom surface of the tile. Cornice tiles are laid at a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge of the cornice along its overhang, exactly butt to butt.

Ordinary tile: laying

Start laying the main part of the tiled roof from the middle of the overhang towards the ends. Under standard conditions, sheets are nailed with four nails, but if the roof slope is very steep or the climate zone is famous for constant strong winds, at least six nails should be used.

The first row is mounted so that the location of its edge is no more than a centimeter from the upper edge of the cornice tiles. The joints should be covered with "petals". When laying the next row and subsequent ones, you need to make sure that the level of the cutouts of the previous row and the ends of the “petals” coincide. Along the edge, the shingles are cut and glued to a width of at least 10 cm.

Tip: before proceeding with laying, the slopes must be marked with chalk - horizontal lines. This is necessary so that the sheets are accurately installed in an even row. If the slope geometry is broken or any additional elements (pipes, dormer windows) are installed on it, then the chalk markings will help align the rows.

Ridge tiles: laying

In order to get a ridge tile, you need to cut the eaves into three parts at the perforation points. They lay it on the ridge of the roof parallel to it - with the short side. Each part is nailed with four nails - a pair on each side. On top of the nails, an overlap is made with the next tiled sheet - at least 5 cm.

Soft roof installation technology: euroruberoid

Euroroofing material is a rolled material of the built-up type, which also applies to soft roofing. Unlike bituminous tiles, it can be laid on a flat roof.

Foundation preparation

A dry and solid base for euroroofing material must be completely cleaned of dirt and dust, and it must also meet all fire safety criteria. Any monolithic floor or concrete slabs can serve as such a base, only they must be equipped with slopes for water runoff, and also have a cement-sand screed.

It is also possible to fuse such roofing material on a pressed plate - OSB. If the roofing is done on an old roof that already has a resin cake, then it will be a good base for the new roofing.

Already prepared base should be treated with bitumen-polymer mastic. It can be purchased both in the form of a concentrate, and already in the finished state. Mastic is not needed when laying euroroofing material on an old coating.

Tip: the mastic packaging indicates how long it will take for it to dry completely. It is categorically not recommended to weld roofing material ahead of time, since the quality of the roof will suffer significantly.

Installation of a soft roof video (euroroofing material)

Laying work should always begin from the point of the roof where the drain line is located - that is, from below. The runoff line is parallel to the slope line, so the runoff water will not get into the junctions of the strips.

The roll is unwound in such a way that it is even, without gaps and folds, after which it is well stretched. One edge is fixed as follows: the roofing material is heated with a burner until the indicator film melts, then the edge of the material is glued to the base. After the edge hardens, the unwound roofing material is again rolled up to a fixed place - tightly, neatly and evenly.

The next step in the laying process is directly fusing. In order to no longer have questions about how to make a soft roof from euroroofing material, you should be especially careful about the rules for its construction.

  1. Under no circumstances should the material be overheated. If this does happen, then you will have to buy a new one - overheating leads to damage, and the roofing material loses its ability to stick.
  2. The finished surface should not have places without protective dressing, black spots and voids: a high-quality deposited coating is always homogeneous.
  3. The fusing of strips of roofing material is done with an overlap of not less than 10 cm. In order to have something to navigate, a special strip is applied along the entire length of the material.

The closest attention should be paid to the places where the roofing material adjoins ventilation ducts, parapets and other elements. Problem areas should be treated with roofing mastic. After drying, it acquires the same protective properties as those of euroroofing material.

Snow can get into places where rainwater can't, so abutment treatment is just as important. If the roof has a steep slope, it is necessary to equip snow retainers, and also try to prevent icing in the winter by properly installing gutter systems and drippers.

When installing a ruberoid soft roof, the installation technology, of course, differs from the process of covering the roof with bituminous tiles, but after completing all the work in both cases, it is necessary to ensure that the roof is cleared of debris, stones and foreign objects. If this is not done, the coating may prematurely become unusable in places of contact with them.
