Which radiators are best for a bear boiler. Heating radiators: which is better for an apartment. But aluminum models also have their drawbacks.

In order for the house and apartment to be warm and comfortable during the cold season, it is important to properly design and install the heating system. And the radiator is one of the important components. It is thanks to properly selected equipment that the efficiency of the heating system can be ensured.

But among the rich assortment of batteries presented by such manufacturers as Prado, Konrad, Global Style, Tenrad, Viadrus, Konner and others, it is difficult to navigate, isn't it?

You do not know how to avoid mistakes when choosing and what points should be paid attention to first of all? We will help to understand this issue - in the article we will talk in detail about the criteria for choosing radiators in a private house and in an apartment, which are of paramount importance.

Also consider the types of equipment and their features. We will give recommendations to buyers, supplementing them with visual photos and useful videos.

The variety of heating radiators on the market is truly amazing. And it is especially difficult to make the right choice for an unprepared user.

Therefore, within the framework of our article, we will try to consider in detail the types of heating devices, paying attention to their key characteristics, and give recommendations on choosing the appropriate option based on living conditions, type of heating system and the specific requirements of the owner.

Classifications of heating radiators

Heating appliances used in the water circuit differ in design, material of manufacture, technical characteristics, and design. Next, let's talk in more detail about the types of radiators and their features.

What materials are batteries made from?

The most commonly used materials for heating devices are:

  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • combination of two metals.

Criterion #5 - manufacturer's reputation

When choosing a radiator, it is better to give preference to trusted brands with a good reputation, including:

  • Steel– Lidea, Konrad, Prado, Charlston, Kermi, Arbonia, Israp Tesi, Buderus PURMO, Delonghi, Korado.
  • Aluminum– Global, Rifar, Ferroli, Purmo, Radena, Faral Trio.
  • Cast iron– Adarad, Viadrus, Demrad, KIRAN, Konner, Cheboksary plant and Minsk plant.
  • Bimetallic– Global Style, Sira, Rifar, Tenrad, Halsen, Radena, Rommer.

As you can see, many manufacturers produce more than one type of radiators, which differ in the material of manufacture and other characteristics.

But sometimes it is difficult to distinguish an aluminum radiator from a bimetallic one, the cost of which is much higher. What an unscrupulous seller can take advantage of. Therefore, before buying, you can conduct a test, for example, with a magnet - a magnet will always be attracted to a bimetal.

One of the main components of a home heating system is a radiator - a heating battery, as we used to call it. Consider radiators for heating - which ones are better for a private house, what are they made of?

Living in a private house has many advantages, along with this, a lot of worries and efforts fall on our shoulders, we strive to ensure that everything is equipped competently and of high quality. An autonomous heating system in a private house is one of the main aspects responsible for comfortable living. You will not be dependent on a centralized system, you will always be able to heat your home, regardless of the schedule for turning on the heating (as is the case in urban residential buildings). Your own heating system can be calculated and installed as you wish, and, of course, each of us strives to ensure that everything in this matter is done reliably, for many years to come.

The right choice of equipment is important both for the budget and for subsequent comfortable operation. Today, the construction market offers a wide range of modern heating equipment. When choosing radiators, you should consider options with a favorable price ratio and a limiting heat transfer rate. Judging objectively, any batteries can be suitable for a home heating system, but there are still certain nuances.

Heating radiators - which are better

What are modern batteries? If we consider the so-called steel options, then there are panel or tubular models. Despite the fact that they are considered the most budgetary, they are characterized by good heat dissipation, relative compactness. Panel models consist of two metal plates interconnected by welding. Due to their area, such radiators are able to give a lot of heat.

Panel option, photo:

Tubular options will come out to you a little more expensive than panel counterparts, they have a very concise appearance, somewhat reminiscent of old cast-iron batteries. They can have a variety of designs, shapes and sizes.

Tubular batteries, photo:

Some models of steel radiators have an internal polymer coating that prevents corrosion processes.

Advantages of steel structures:

  • reasonable price along with high efficiency;
  • do not oxidize from low-quality water;
  • long operating life
  • light weight
  • convenient sizes.

The disadvantages include:

  • rough appearance (panel version);
  • require flushing every 3-4 years (to avoid slagging of the system);
  • need constant filling with water (to avoid activation of corrosion processes).

Aluminum radiators

Due to their low weight, they can be mounted even on thin walls and partitions. They have an aesthetic modern design, are characterized by high heat dissipation. Cons - a short service life (15-17 years), susceptibility to corrosion, leaks can form at the joints of sections. According to the specifics of connecting sections, aluminum batteries are arranged, solid and combined. One-piece models are more reliable, they do not have connections through which water can seep over time. The assembled radiators allow you to replace the sections that have become unusable. Combined models have the qualities of the first two analogues.

Aluminum batteries, photo:

Bimetal heating radiators

They are considered the most "advanced" and improved. These batteries combine the qualities of different types of metal - heat dissipation of aluminum, resistance to rust (inside they are made of copper or high quality steel). A bimetallic radiator has a layer of anti-corrosion coating both inside and outside (for more expensive models). The declared service life of such batteries is 40 years. They have a higher price compared to all other types of radiators, but the money costs are offset by quality and high performance.

Bimetallic version, photo:

Cast iron radiators

The most durable, reliable and time-tested. The first cast iron batteries appeared more than 100 years ago. Everyone knows their appearance, despite the fact that the life of this radiator is 50 years, they can still be found in many houses now. Such batteries cool down slowly, retain heat longer (compared to, for example, an aluminum counterpart) - this factor allows you to reduce gas costs.

Examples of modern cast iron batteries, photo:

Cast iron heating radiator is highly resistant to corrosion processes, has a large wall thickness. Despite the fact that the internal volume of the sections is quite large and requires a large amount of water to fill, this feature allows you to provide heat to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Such batteries are heavy and require appropriate powerful brackets for mounting. Over the years, their appearance has not changed much, but today you can find improved versions of modern cast-iron radiators on sale. The outer surface of such structures has an improved design that is suitable for a certain style in the interior (classic, retro).

At a price, these radiators are more expensive than aluminum models, but cheaper than bimetallic ones.

Which radiators are good

After a small comparative analysis of the proposed models for a private house, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • If you want a reliable economy option, then choose a high quality aluminum battery from a well-established manufacturer. They are aesthetic, have a low weight, and will work perfectly in a home autonomous heating system.
  • If the issue of price does not bother you, then choose sectional bimetallic radiators - they are good in all aspects.
  • Reliable, solid cast-iron options will keep heat in your house for a long time, and it is also very convenient to dry things on them in the cold season.

To the question - heating radiators, which are better for a private house, the answer will be as follows: in each individual case, you need to calculate your capabilities and take into account the requirements of your individual heating system. It is necessary not only to calculate the correct number of radiators, but also to produce high-quality thermal insulation of the whole house. If the dwelling is poorly insulated, not a single radiator will help in the fight against cold.

Radiators and radiators - which are better for a private house? This question is asked by every owner of a country house who decides to provide his home with an autonomous heating system. Today we will consider which radiators to choose for a summer residence.

For installation in an apartment where a centralized heating system is installed, not all radiators can be used. But for a country house, all types of appliances are suitable. Indeed, in the water that passes through pipes in private homes, most often there are no impurities with bleach and alkali. A variety of materials are used for the manufacture of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • metal (steel);
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal.

Types of heating devices for a country house

And according to their design, aluminum and other devices are divided into sectional, tubular, panel and convector. Let's study each of the types of heating radiators for installation in a private house - knowledge of the advantages, disadvantages and features of operation will help you make the right choice.

The simplest type of radiators is cast iron. These products are still popular on the market, despite more modern counterparts. It is quite simple to explain such popularity - cast iron products have a lot of advantages, including:

  • strength and durability, time-tested - can serve two decades or more;
  • the ability to assemble a radiator from a different number of sections;
  • rust resistance;
  • low level of heat transfer;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical attack.

Cast iron radiators

The strength is due to the fact that cast iron batteries are equipped with very thick walls. But this is precisely the main disadvantage of the products - too much weight due to the severity of the materials used for the production. Low thermal conductivity is considered both a plus and a minus at the same time. The main advantage is that the batteries, although they warm up slowly, also cool down slowly - if the heating is turned off, the radiators will remain warm for some more time. But quickly adjusting the temperature with the help of regulators for such radiators will not work.

Another disadvantage of cast iron batteries is their unpresentability. True, on the modern market you can find models with an exclusive design, but their cost will be much higher than the price of ordinary radiators.

Steel batteries are produced in two types: they can be tubular and panel. Panel are two connected plates with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Their advantages include low inertia, radiation of a large amount of heat, a modern stylish look, the possibility of manufacturing products of various shapes, low cost and resistance to doubling inside the heating system. However, steel types of radiators have such disadvantages as:

  • high risk of rust;
  • restrictions on the use in heating systems, the coolant in which contains various reagents from alkali;
  • the inability to choose the number of sections - steel radiators are produced already assembled ready-made panels.

steel battery

One of the varieties of steel radiators is tubular models. Their main advantage is in an interesting design and the ability to choose the appropriate shape. You can buy a product with an internal coating of steel with special polymer compositions, which will reduce the risk of rust.

Autonomous types of heating in private homes are most often made in the form of a system of pipes and radiators, where hot water acts as a coolant. Such systems are called . If you have such a system installed at your home, it is better to stop at aluminum heating radiators for a private house. They have benefits such as:

  • light weight, which will allow you to install radiators even on fragile plasterboard walls;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high level of heat transfer;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature with special taps.

Temperature control tap for aluminum radiator

However, aluminum products have some disadvantages, which it is desirable to know about in advance. So, for example, the coolant in such radiators must be free from chemical additives and solid particles that can destroy the material. In addition, aluminum radiators are known for not having the highest quality threaded connections, which increases the risk of leaks.

Today on sale you can find a new type of radiators - bimetallic. Such batteries are made of an alloy of aluminum and steel, which makes them quite practical and reliable. The design of the device is presented in the form of a core made of steel, which is covered with aluminum. As a result of this, the coolant, passing through the steel elements, does not harm aluminum. Thanks to this design, such radiators can also be used in apartments with a centralized heating system. The main advantages include:

  • the ability to withstand pressure surges in pipes (up to 35 atmospheres);
  • light weight due to the use of aluminum;
  • high level of heat transfer.

Bimetal radiator

If we talk about the minuses, then it is one - a rather high price. Such radiators cost more than aluminum, steel and cast iron, which slows down their wide distribution a little.

How to choose the right heating radiators for a private house? Here, not only the appearance of the products is important, but also the power - when buying a device, you need to find out how much power is needed to heat the system. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first. So, for heating one square meter in a room with a ceiling height of three meters and one window, about 100 watts are needed. Then simply multiply the area of ​​the room by 100 watts. And to make the calculations even more accurate, do not forget:

  • if the room has one window and two external walls, add about 20% more to the calculated power;
  • if there are two windows and two external walls - we add about 25-30%;
  • when the window faces the northern part, it is worth adding at least 10% to the calculations.

Having carried out such calculations, you can more accurately choose the right radiator for your home. And the power of the devices can always be viewed in the documents - the "passport" of the device. By the way, it does not matter at all which radiators you decide to choose for installation in a private house, if you install them incorrectly, they will decorate your home, but will not provide the necessary heat to heat the room.

The choice of radiators for a country house

Let's look at where to mount radiators - this information will definitely be useful to you when you create. So, batteries should be placed under light openings - windows. This place always has the most heat loss, even if you have modern double-glazed windows installed. A radiator placed under the window will warm the air around it. After that, the heated air rises and creates a curtain in front of the window, preventing the penetration of cold into the room.

When choosing which heating radiators are best purchased for a private house, do not forget about the importance of the length of the appliances - it must correspond to the width of the window opening. In extreme cases, the length should be at least 50% of the width of the window. In a corner room, it is worth placing 1-2 additional devices along the outer walls exposed to cold air. If you are going to install heating risers, mount them in the corners, which will ensure their heating and avoid the possibility of blackening of the walls and the appearance of mold in them.

And do not forget that access to the batteries must be open. Many owners of private houses cover heating radiators with drywall sheets, which is undesirable - this will complicate the process of cleaning and repairing appliances if necessary. In addition, the use of such a fence will lead to a revision of previously performed power calculations.

We told you how and which radiators are best to choose for installation in a private house. Now you know that when buying appliances, you need to consider the quality of the water in the pipes, the power of the devices, their appearance, and even the ability to install on fragile partitions, if necessary.

Efficiency and durability of the heating system private house depends on many factors, including from properly selected heating radiators. It is important to understand their characteristics and features even before starting the installation and decide which of them best meet the requirements you have presented.

Features of heating in a private house

In country houses and cottages, the heating system is usually connected to and differs from centralized systems. The most important ones are:

  • coolant pressure - it usually does not exceed 3 atm .;
  • type and quality of the coolant.

Unlike centralized systems. in autonomous. correct operation of the boiler. the possibility of water hammer is virtually eliminated. This feature, as well as the low pressure of the coolant, allows you to use almost any type of radiator without fear of destruction and leakage.

If water is used as the heat transfer medium, its quality can also affect the operating conditions of the radiators. In particular, hard water with a large amount of salts can cause sediment to form on the inner surface of radiators, and, as a result, to narrow the clearance and reduce heat transfer.

The type of system - open or closed - is also important.

In an open system oxygen dissolved in water is constantly present, which at elevated temperatures leads to rather active corrosion of some types of radiators.
In closed systems With a membrane expansion tank, oxygen, during the initial heating of the coolant, binds into insoluble compounds - metal oxides, after which corrosion stops until a fresh portion of water is poured.

Also, in private heating systems, antifreezes are sometimes used that do not freeze at sub-zero temperatures. Their use allows you to stop the boiler in the winter, which is convenient for country cottages and houses used for periodic residence. Not all types of radiators can be used in systems with antifreeze.

Types of radiators and their features

Currently, the market offers a huge selection of models from various materials and with different heat dissipation. Before choosing heating radiators for a country or private house, you need to study their features and technical characteristics.

The most common types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • anodized;
  • bimetallic.

They differ in shape, appearance, allowable pressure, heat transfer, as well as other characteristics, having studied which you can make the best choice.

Cast iron

They have a prefabricated structure and consist of the required number of sections, providing the necessary heat transfer for the room. The history of the use of cast iron radiators is very long, they began to be used in heating systems more than a century ago. At the same time, their durability has been tested by time, and in houses of old buildings you can find normally functioning cast-iron radiators installed more than half a century ago.

Advantages of cast iron models:

  • sufficient resistance to corrosion in systems with any water quality;
  • high heat capacity to avoid temperature fluctuations - cast-iron radiators cool down slowly, which is important when heating a house with a solid fuel boiler with regular stops for cleaning and maintenance;
  • durability and strength;
  • modern models have an attractive original design.

Disadvantages of cast iron models:

  • rather high price, higher than that of aluminum and steel models;
  • big weight;
  • in systems using antifreeze, it is better not to use prefabricated radiators due to its increased fluidity.


They can be made in the form of panels or have a tubular design. Steel panel radiators, completely unsuitable for centralized systems due to the low pressure limit, are widely used in private homes. They have a small thickness, aesthetic design and low price.

Tubular steel batteries are similar in design to cast iron batteries and have a prefabricated sectional structure. They are more expensive than panel ones, but at the same time they have a more aesthetic and attractive appearance and can decorate the design of the room.

Advantages of steel models:

  • low price, panel models have the most budgetary ones on the market;
  • sufficient resistance to corrosion, resistance to leakage when using antifreeze;
  • long service life;
  • light weight, compact size.


  • tendency to form insoluble sediment when used in systems with hard water, which requires periodic flushing;
  • for the summer period, the coolant cannot be drained - this will lead to rapid corrosion of steel.


This type of radiators is widely used due to the combination of low price and good heat dissipation. The modular design allows you to choose the required number of sections. However, the use of aluminum radiators for heating a private house has a number of features.

Distinctive feature of aluminum- resistance to corrosion in atmospheric conditions in a neutral environment. With a low quality of the coolant, when the pH shifts, active corrosion of aluminum begins with the release of hydrogen. This creates air in the system, which can lead to noise, bubbling, and in some cases to a sharp increase in system pressure, ruptures and leaks. To avoid corrosion, aluminum is coated with a layer of protective coating on the inside and resistant powder paint on the outside.

Advantages of aluminum radiators:

  • high heat transfer coefficient, fast heating;
  • high allowable pressure, resistance to water hammer;
  • light weight;
  • attractive laconic design;
  • ease of care and maintenance;
  • some models are equipped with a built-in thermal head that allows you to adjust the temperature.

Disadvantages of aluminum models:

  • tendency to corrosion and airing;
  • seething and noise in radiators when gas bubbles are released;
  • when temperature changes - heating or cooling - deformation of aluminum sections and a characteristic clang occurs, which is eliminated by proper installation;
  • in adverse conditions, the service life of aluminum radiators is significantly reduced, leaks appear.
When using aluminum radiators for heating a private house, it is important to follow the rules of water treatment in order to prevent the ingress of solid particles that can damage the protective coating. It is not recommended to use aluminum radiators in systems with an open expansion tank.


A more expensive, but durable type of aluminum radiators with a particularly durable coating. After manufacturing, aluminum sections are processed, after which aluminum oxide is formed on the surface, which is resistant to any kind of corrosion, the appearance of solid deposits, dust and pollution.

Advantages of anodized radiators:

  • increased heat transfer;
  • resistance to damage, corrosion, destruction;
  • the use of coupling joints eliminates narrowing and leakage;
  • eliminated the main drawback of aluminum models - gas formation and corrosion.

They have only one drawback.- high price.


Their design is based on the joint work of two metals: steel and aluminum. At the same time, the advantages of steel and aluminum radiators are realized in bimetallic models - corrosion resistance and increased heat transfer. The weight of bimetallic batteries is also small.

Bimetallic radiators are a prefabricated structure, while all parts in contact with the coolant are made of steel, and the external panels that radiate heat into the room are made of aluminum coated with powder paint.

Steel, when used in systems with any type of coolant, is resistant to corrosion, and, unlike aluminum, is not prone to gas formation. The outer surface of bimetallic radiators, made of aluminum, has a high thermal conductivity, quickly heats up the room and does not weigh down the structure.

Thanks to these characteristics, bimetallic radiators are in high demand and popular with owners of private houses, even despite the high price.

Advantages of bimetallic models:

  • resistance to corrosion and sedimentation;
  • noiselessness;
  • resistance to high pressure and water hammer;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • modular design allows you to choose radiators for any room.

The disadvantage of bimetallic models:

  • prefabricated structure when using antifreeze may leak;
  • high price, which is why their use in a private house is not always advisable.

What radiators are preferred for a private house

Having considered the described characteristics, we can conclude which radiators are more practical and better for heating a house.

  1. As a budget economical option, according to experts, steel panel models are perfect. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be installed in a niche under a window sill, where they create a thermal screen for cold air, or at the bottom of walls. They do not take up much space, are resistant to any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. A more expensive option is steel tubular or cast iron prefabricated batteries. Modern models have an attractive design, do not require maintenance and painting, and are easy to clean. These types of batteries are resistant to rust and salt deposits. Their shape allows not only to heat the house, but also to dry things and shoes, which is a nice option for a summer house or a village house.
  3. The choice of wealthy people is bimetallic models with a long service life and increased heat transfer, corrosion resistance and good performance. Their installation eliminates the problem of heating for many years, so the initial costs pay off over time.
  4. Aluminum prefabricated radiators can be used in autonomous heating systems only with appropriate water treatment or the use of high-quality antifreeze.

Alternative to water heating

Installing a boiler in a private house is not always advisable. For example, if it is impossible to connect to gas and the price of solid fuel is high, in some regions it is easier to install cheap electric heaters.

Electricity is not a cheap resource, but if you calculate all the costs for the purchase and installation of boiler equipment and installation of the heating system, it turns out that with the help of electric heaters you can heat the house for these funds for several years. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of the owners of cottages and houses with periodic residence.

When talking about electric radiators, they usually mean convectors or oil heaters. Their use has a number of features.

Convectors outwardly similar to panel steel radiators, they have a small thickness and dimensions, different power. They can be hung on the wall or installed on the floor, usually the models are equipped with legs and brackets for mounting to a vertical plane. Most modern ones are equipped with an automatic temperature control system, and sometimes a timer. They are silent, safe, quickly heat up the room.

Oil coolers- an analogue of floor-standing cast-iron batteries, they have a prefabricated sectional design, filled with oil from the inside, which has a high heat capacity. Like convectors, they are equipped with sensors and a regulator, and sometimes with a fan. They quickly heat up the air, but it is better to use them under supervision: the oil is highly flammable, and if leaked, it can lead to a fire.

When installing electric heaters, it is necessary to properly install the electrical wiring. Heaters of high power require connection with a cable of the appropriate section to a separate machine.

Video: requirements for heating systems in a private house

The choice of radiators for a private house is a crucial step on which the performance of the system as a whole depends. It is allowed to combine different types of radiators, taking into account the peculiarities of using specific models, and home heating will be efficient and safe.

In the article, we will consider what kind of heating radiators are for an apartment. How to choose a device? What technical parameters to rely on? Let's figure out which heating radiators are best for a country house. Let's find out how aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron, steel heating radiators differ, which ones better meet individual requirements?

NEED TO KNOW! The choice depends on the components of the coolant. In DSP, the coolant is often of poor quality. When in contact with liquid, aluminum is corrosive, so it is not suitable for an apartment building.

On the features of centralized and autonomous heating systems. What to pay attention to?

Residents of apartment multi-storey, private houses (dachas, cottages) use different heating systems (OS). Each has features, advantages, disadvantages. Keep in mind: for each OS, you need to select radiators in your own way. An unsuccessful purchase of equipment will lead to low heat transfer, a short service life, and quick damage.

water hammer(water hammer) - a sharp jump in pressure in a system filled with water. The reason for it is the rapid change in the speed of the flow of water. The consequences of water hammer: the appearance of longitudinal cracks in the pipeline.

Depending on whether you live in an apartment building or private, heating can be:

  • Central (DSP). Heat is supplied to several buildings, apartments from a single source (boiler room). The pipeline distributes the coolant, supplying to consumers. After the heat is removed, the carrier returns to the source (heat generator).
  • Autonomous system useful for serving residents of a private house. It is also used in cottages, dachas: they are not connected to the DSP. To heat the coolant, a boiler or boiler is mounted. Next is the control unit, piping system, batteries. The advantage of autonomous control in the function of setting based on needs: adjustment of the heating temperature, automatic maintenance of the set settings. Disadvantage: high price of the battery, installation work, complicated maintenance.

What are the batteries for an apartment, a private house?

Material is the main criterion by which equipment is selected. Affects heat transfer, pressure, cost, service life, strength, reliability.

By material:

  • Bimetal. Undemanding to the coolant, focused on long-term use. Expensive.
  • Cast iron. The indicator of residual heat retention is 30% (for other varieties - 15%). Slowly heat up, slowly lose temperature. Reliable, corrosion resistant.
  • Aluminum. They heat up quickly and lose heat quickly. Useful in offline systems. Characterized by high thermal power, reasonable price.
  • Steel. They are compact, have good heat dissipation, are durable, and are slightly oxidized from a low-quality coolant.

By installation type:

  • Wall. The most common radiators in apartments, cottages, cottages, private houses. Mounted on the wall.
  • Plinth. They are mounted in metal boxes, taking up space instead of a standard plinth. Almost do not occupy the area of ​​the room. Inconspicuous, will not stand out from the decor of the room.
  • Intrafloor. Water convectors save space: they are built below the floor level.

Heating radiators - which are better for an apartment?

When choosing a battery for installation in an apartment, pay attention to main technical parameters:

  • Heat dissipation characterizes how efficiently the device will cope with space heating. When choosing, take into account heat losses (they are affected by the thickness of the walls, the size of window and door openings), the volume of the room. In sectional models, power is indicated per section. The calculation of the number of fins will accurately determine the required level of heat transfer. The thermal power of one section averages 0.15–0.2 kW.
  • Operating pressure it is important that the hardware can work on your system. The pressure depends on the material. Incorrectly selected pressure will cause water hammer damage.

  • Material or coating capable of protecting against wear, leakage. Thick walls, primers extend service life. The ability to connect a battery to work with an aggressive coolant will expand the scope of operation.
  • Design heating equipment. Consider how the heating equipment will fit into the surroundings. Due to the choice of models, the device can be selected for various styles of design, colors.
  • The weight it is worth considering immediately before buying: can you transport the unit to the house, fix it on the wall, connect it without causing a breakdown. The most massive cast-iron batteries, lighter aluminum (the mass of one segment is up to 2 kg), steel (about 2.5 kg).

Options for choosing radiators for a country house

Unlike the central heating system of apartment buildings, the autonomous heating system of private dwellings is much less demanding on pressure. Due to this, it becomes possible to purchase equipment designed for low pressure. Models with thin walls are suitable: for example, aluminum.

NEED TO KNOW! Inexperienced cottage owners are faced with freezing fluid in pipes. This leads to the appearance of chips on the body: it bursts. To avoid this, drain the water.

Due to the smaller distance between the heat source and the battery, heat loss in autonomous heating systems is small. Equipment in a private house must be adapted to high temperature coolants.

Cast iron radiators - which are better? Advantages and disadvantages

Cast iron is a strong reliable material, heavy and durable. Cast iron heating equipment is used in apartments, private houses, cottages, dachas. The material takes a long time to heat up, which will cause discomfort at the beginning of the heating season. But it works in the opposite direction - when disconnected, the batteries remain warm for a while.

Advantages of cast iron models:

  • Long cooldown. The thick body retains heat - the heating season will end later than the neighbors.
  • Reliability and durability. In old houses there are cast-iron batteries that are 50 or more years old.
  • Corrosion resistant. The material is undemanding to the quality, type of coolant.


  • Big weight. Difficult to deliver and install.
  • The price is higher than that of steel and aluminum.
  • Long heating. It will take time to warm up.

Bimetallic heating radiators - which ones are better? Advantages and disadvantages

A feature of bimetal devices is that they consist of two materials. Aluminum shell, steel core. Strong, durable. Resistant to corrosion and water hammer, easy to install, have a high heat transfer. Due to the relatively high price and ability to withstand high pressure, they are installed in apartment buildings. Which bimetallic heating radiators are best for an apartment - trademarks Halsen, Radena, Bilit.

Advantages of bimetallic equipment:

  • High resistance to corrosion: steel components protect against harmful effects.
  • High heat dissipation due to the aluminum surface. Aluminum heats up quickly.
  • Long service life. On average, bimetallic devices operate for 25 years.

Flaw one - a high price compared to aluminum, steel, cast iron.

Aluminum heating radiators - which are better? Advantages and disadvantages

Suitable for private houses, cottages with an autonomous OS: they are not designed for high pressure due to the fragility of aluminum. They are inexpensive. They heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly. The service life is about 15 years.

Which radiators are better: aluminum or bimetallic?

Aluminum appliances characterized by a low price. Are suitable for installation in private houses, cottages, dachas. With a high heat output, prices are relatively low (if you look at Russian manufacturers - Halsen, Royal Thermo, Radena), the design will fit into the environment.

The advantages of aluminum models include a relatively low price (there are expensive options and analogues on the market for those who want to save money), a high heat transfer rate. Disadvantages: demanding on the acidity of the liquid (destruction of the walls is possible due to the susceptibility of the material).

Bimetallic batteries made of two materials: steel on the inside, aluminum on the outside. Designed for a service period of approximately 40 years, reliable, expensive relative to other varieties. Unpretentious (no special requirements for water). Inside and outside coated with a primer to prevent corrosion.

Bimetallic ones are suitable when a durable unit is required. The only drawback is that the price will not suit everyone.

Sectional or steel - which is better?

Sectional heating batteries are installed in several blocks: they are connected into a single structure. It is convenient and practical: it will allow you to control the efficiency of space heating. Difficult to install: leaks due to incorrect connection are possible. Install such heating equipment in private dwellings with an autonomous OS. This is safe because sectional models are less protected from water hammer.

Dimensions steel (panel) units are known in advance (find out in the technical specifications or from the seller). When choosing, be guided by the parameters of an apartment, a private house (amount of free space, length and depth of niches). The price of panel units is higher. The pipes of most models have a primer that prevents corrosion from low-quality coolant. The coating increases the service life. Are mounted in apartment buildings (stand-up system).

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