Use of a surface pump. Surface pump installation technology: connection to water supply and irrigation systems. Storage tank system

Surface pumps are very easy to operate and have a simple design. Due to this, they are included in the economy class among other professional pumping units.

Surface pumps are divided into several types. Each type is designed to take a specific amount of water. The principle of operation of such pumps is similar to each other.

If you need water to water the beds or to fill a barrel, then it is better to use a low-capacity surface pump. If you are going to constantly take water from a well, then it is better to opt for self-priming surface pumps.

The principle of operation of such pumps can be divided into several stages:

  • Installing a pump in a water source: river, lake and well;
  • Turning on the pump;
  • Water intake from a source through a hose;
  • The pump stops if it is raised higher than 8 meters from the water source.

The principle of operation of the pump is not fundamentally different from the algorithm of operation of other pumps. There is only one principle of operation - taking water from a source and transferring it through hoses to the right place. When choosing a surface pump, consider the purpose and volume of water you want to pump from the source.

The nuances of the device: pump suction depth, what is it?

Each pump has its own characteristics, properties and parameters. Among them is the suction depth. This is a concept that often describes the quality of a pumping station.

Suction depth is a kind of "height" that indicates how deep the pump can go to pick up water. These parameters are different for different pumps.

There are 3 types of pumps for giving according to the suction depth:

  • About 5 meters;
  • About 15 meters;
  • About 30 meters.

The higher the suction depth, the better

The suction depth indicates the efficiency of the pump. The greater the depth, the longer the pump will be able to pump water from the source.

When choosing a surface pump, pay attention to the suction depth. This is not such an important parameter as to overpay for it at times. But if you are looking for an efficient pumping unit, then consider this characteristic.

We explain how to connect a water pump

Connecting a water pump is an important step in creating an uninterrupted water supply system and obtaining water for your own needs. The speed of pumping water from the source to you depends on the correct connection.

To connect the water pump, it is better to follow the sequential instructions so as not to miss an important connection step. This will help you not to get confused and calmly connect all the necessary parts of the water device.

How to connect a stationary pump:

  1. Install the adapter on the pipe. This will provide a difference with different threaded connections;
  2. Take a powerful power cable. It must meet all the requirements, as we put it in the water. At the same time, the insulation of the wire must fully cope with being in water for a long time;
  3. We use couplings for connection. These are heat shrink tubes that create waterproofing;
  4. We duplicate the internal check valve with an additional metal valve;
  5. Next, we hang the pump along the axis of the well or well;
  6. We fix the pump for stability with the help of an eyelet.

By following these simple steps, you will have your water pump connected in no time. The main thing to remember about safety and use only those wires that are well insulated from moisture.

As you can see, connecting the pump is a simple process. It only requires attention and a little time. Connect the pump correctly, follow the safety rules, and then the treasured water will flow from the other end of the hose.

How does a centrifugal pump start

A centrifugal pump is an installation in which water moves due to centrifugal force, providing the desired pressure. Hence the corresponding name of the pump.

Starting a centrifugal pump has its own characteristics and conditions, without which it simply will not start. Among them is the presence of water. Do not run the pump without water, otherwise it will fail.

Starting a centrifugal pump can be divided into several stages:

  1. Filling water;
  2. We unscrew the tap at the pressure gauge;
  3. We close the valve
  4. We start the electric motor;
  5. We are waiting for the pump to reach the required number of revolutions;
  6. We monitor the pressure that the pressure gauge shows;
  7. We open the valve of the vacuum gauge and the valves on the water supply pipes towards the glands.
  8. We use water.

Start the external pump sequentially, according to the instructions, so as not to break it.

When starting the pump, if you mix up the sequence of actions, the pump may simply break down immediately, or over time. Therefore, it is worth following all the steps one after another, without violating the order, so that such a device does not fail.

Starting the centrifugal pump is done step by step. You should not treat the start-up of the device negligently, otherwise the water installation will fail. The centrifugal pump is one of the popular pumps when it is required to provide an uninterrupted and powerful flow of water.

Installation of a surface pump (video)

A surface pump is a great device for people who are looking for practicality and good efficiency for water intake. It is lightweight, easy to start and operate. It is used both to collect a small amount of water, and to obtain water of medium volumes.

During the installation of equipment for wells, submersible structures are often used. However, surface aggregates are often used. The described structures do not sink into the water, so their body is not exposed to the negative effects of the environment. Surface devices are divided into vortex and centrifugal. The first type of device is used to lift water with increasing pressure, and the second is designed to lift fluid from shallow wells. It is worth remembering that if an artesian well is created on the site, it is worth purchasing more expensive and powerful equipment, since only powerful units are capable of lifting water from a depth of more than 20 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface mechanisms

In the case when a shallow well was drilled at the site, it is surface devices that are used. Such mechanisms have many advantages when compared with deep electric pumps:

The disadvantages of the described electric pumps include the ability to work only at a shallow depth. Also, the disadvantage is that for the normal operation of the device, it is necessary to install special filtering equipment. If this is not done, the mechanism may fail.

Before turning on the surface pump, you should make sure that it does not start pumping air during operation. Also, the disadvantages include a high level of noise during operation of the pump. It is worth remembering that it is possible to install surface self-priming pumps only in insulated structures.

How to choose

Before choosing an electric pump for a well on a site, you need to learn about the criteria on the basis of which it is worth purchasing such products. First of all, you need to know how much water will be pumped daily. To supply water to a country house, a more powerful pump will be required than a greenhouse water supply design.

During the selection, the following data must be taken into account:

  1. If 4 people live in the house for which the mechanism is purchased, you should choose a device that pumps 3 cubic meters of water per hour. This amount is enough for the whole family. If it is necessary to pump water also to supply water to the greenhouse and garden, the flow rate is doubled.
  2. When installing a surface mechanism to provide water to a town house, you need to purchase devices with a capacity of more than 5 cubic meters.

The well for the surface pump, which is created on the site, must have a depth of less than 20 meters. If the depth is greater, you need to look at more powerful types of devices. Typically, centrifugal pumps are purchased for wells deeper than 25 meters.

How is the installation

The installation of the electric pump is quite simple. In order to start using the device, you only need to select a place for installation, and then connect the pipes. To perform such work, it is not necessary to hire specialists, but to install the pump, you must have a minimum experience with plumbing equipment.

The pump is installed as follows:

  1. At the first stage, the location for the installed equipment is selected. It is best to prepare a separate structure for installation. Place it next to the well. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to insulate the created structure.
  2. After that, the concrete foundation for the mechanism is created. Metal fasteners for the described equipment are installed in the base. Metal studs allow you to neutralize the load that constantly affects the structure during operation. If equipment is not protected, vibration can cause it to become unusable in a short time. At the same stage, the installation of a surface electric pump takes place.
  3. Then the equipment is installed, with the help of which the control over the unit is carried out. Many automatic systems are already configured and ready for installation. With knowledge, you can assemble the pump control unit in parts. If you are not familiar with the device of such mechanisms, you should not assemble them yourself. The structure of such a unit includes sensors, as well as control relays that control the water level and other parameters. When the water supply is interrupted, the relays help stop the pump.
  4. The next step is to connect the pump nozzle to the plumbing system. During connection, a non-return valve must be installed on the pipeline. This device prevents water from overflowing and draining after the pump is turned off.
  5. Then the expansion tank is installed. Before starting the connection, it is worth checking the pressure in the chamber. This indicator must correspond to that declared by the manufacturer. If the pressure does not match, it must first be adjusted.
  6. At the last stage, the cables for the installed surface electric pump are connected. It is important to make a dedicated line for the supply of electricity.

After connecting the surface pump to the well, it is necessary to check its performance before turning it on for continuous pumping of water.

Most owners of country houses and summer cottages equip a well or a well on their personal plots, which makes it possible to always have the required amount of water available both for domestic needs and for watering green spaces. In the event that the depth of the source does not exceed 10 meters, surface-type pumps are used to equip it. Various models of such devices offered by modern industry differ from each other both in design and technical characteristics.

It is very important to know how to select surface pumps for specific applications in order to ensure the required efficiency of this equipment. In addition, in order for the surface-type pump to function without abnormal situations for a long time, it is necessary to put it into operation correctly, as well as ensure its regular maintenance.

Surface pumps are perhaps the most popular type of equipment that solves the problem of water supply to a garden plot and a country house.

What are surface pumps

Surface pumps during operation are not immersed in the pumped liquid medium - they are located on the surface of the earth, in close proximity to the water supply source. Most often, pumping devices of this type are used to pump water from well sources, since the depth from which they can effectively pump out a liquid medium is no more than 10 meters.

A surface pump is also used for pumping water from a basement or cellar of a house, as well as for pumping a liquid medium from wells located on quicksand. Surface water pumps are easy to operate. To carry out maintenance of such devices, there is no need to remove them from the pumped medium. They are also distinguished by their versatility: they are equally successfully equipped with water supply and sanitation systems, as well as drainage systems and systems that are used to irrigate green spaces in the garden.

Design features and varieties

The basis of the design of any surface water pump is three nodes:

  1. power unit, the basis of which is a drive motor;
  2. a pressure unit, through which a vacuum and pressure zone is created in the working chamber of the device;
  3. block, with the help of which the power and delivery units of the hydraulic machine are controlled.

According to its design and principle of operation, a surface water pump can be one of the following types of devices:

  • vortex type equipment;
  • centrifugal surface pump;
  • pumping units equipped with an external ejector.

The vortex type water surface pump is an inexpensive and compact hydraulic machine that is able to generate a water flow with a pressure higher than that of centrifugal type models. Meanwhile, an inexpensive surface vortex-type pump has a low efficiency (about 45%), devices of this type cannot be used to pump a liquid medium that contains a large amount of sand or other solid insoluble inclusions. The basis of the design of surface pumps of this type is the impeller, equipped with a large number of blades, which form the flow of the pumped liquid medium with the required characteristics.

A surface centrifugal pump is a more expensive device that effectively copes with pumping a liquid medium, in the flow of which there are air bubbles and plugs that can lead to the formation of pulsating processes. Despite the fact that pumping devices of this type are characterized by a fairly high efficiency, they also cannot cope with pumping liquid media characterized by a high level of pollution. The main working body of centrifugal surface pumps is the impeller, the rotation of which is transmitted by means of a rotor connected to the drive motor shaft.

A surface pump for a well or a well, equipped with an external ejector, is practically not used today, since it was replaced by a submersible type pump, which is characterized by higher performance.

Centrifugal pumping equipment

Surface (external) centrifugal pumps, as mentioned above, pump a liquid medium by rotating an impeller equipped with special blades. The blades of this wheel, driven by an electric motor shaft, create a vacuum in the central part of the working chamber, which ensures the suction of a liquid medium into it through the inlet pipe, and an increase in the pressure of the pumped liquid at the chamber walls, which contributes to the expulsion of water into the pressure line.

Surface centrifugal type pumps are capable of pumping a sufficiently large volume of liquid per unit time, but are not able to form a large head of the pumped liquid medium.

Most often, surface centrifugal pumps, due to the above characteristics, are used to equip irrigation systems for green spaces. Another critical disadvantage of pumping devices of this type is that they make a lot of noise during operation.

Vortex pumping equipment

Surface pumps, belonging to the category of vortex, are used mainly for wells and wells of shallow depth. A surface electric pump of this type is capable of creating the strongest possible pressure of the pumped liquid (compared to other external pumping devices). This is ensured by the fact that the liquid medium sucked from the well or well into the internal working chamber of the hydraulic machine is subjected to turbulence, which significantly increases the energy of the flow.

Surface vortex-type pumps, which are based on the impeller and helical grooves on the walls of the inner working chamber, although they are characterized by a lower suction capacity than models of the centrifugal category, are capable of forming a fluid flow moving through the pipeline system under significant pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages of external pumps

The most significant advantages of surface pumps for a private house or cottage are:

  1. compact size and light weight;
  2. affordable cost (when compared with the price of pumping devices of other types);
  3. ease of installation, which can be performed without even having special knowledge, skills and experience;
  4. ease of operation and maintenance;
  5. the ability to work with a water layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 60 cm (if the layer of the liquid medium in the well or well is characterized by such a small thickness, then the use of submersible pumps is not possible);
  6. air cooling, not liquid;
  7. the possibility of forming a flow of a liquid medium, characterized by a significant pressure;
  8. sufficiently high efficiency;
  9. no need for power supply directly to the water intake area;
  10. high reliability and long service life;
  11. high stability of operational parameters even in the presence of air pockets in the serviced pipeline system.

Naturally, pumping devices installed on the surface of the earth have a number of disadvantages, including:

  1. sufficiently high sensitivity to the presence of various contaminants in the composition of the pumped liquid medium;
  2. restrictions on the depth of a well or well (this parameter cannot exceed 9–10 meters);
  3. a sharp decrease in efficiency and reliability when used in conjunction with an external ejector;
  4. high noise level (up to 50 decibels);
  5. the need to fill the pressure line with water before starting work.

When choosing a surface pump for a summer residence or a country house, you should first decide on the main tasks for which such equipment is purchased. When choosing a pump for outdoor operation, you should focus on a number of basic technical parameters of such a device.

For garden irrigation

If a surface-type pump is planned to be used in order to water a summer cottage or a plot of a country house, then the main attention should be paid to the following parameters of the selected equipment.

  • Productivity, measured by the volume of water that the device is able to pump per unit of time. In order for the garden pump to be able to provide high-quality watering of green spaces, it is enough that its productivity is about one cubic meter of water pumped per hour of operation.
  • The depth of a well or well, with bark, a garden pump will pump out water. You should also take into account the ratio "vertical - horizontal", which should be 1:4. So, if a surface pump is used to pump water from a depth of two meters, it must be eight meters away from the water supply source. In the event that the total length of the vertical and horizontal parts of the pipeline is more than 12 meters, pipes with an internal section increased by 1/4 inch should be used to equip such a system.
  • When choosing the pressure value that a surface-type pump can provide, you should focus on the most distant point of water intake.

For home water supply

Surface-type pumps are also successfully used to ensure the operation of autonomous water supply systems for residential facilities. When choosing a surface pump, which is planned to be used to solve such a problem, one should be guided by the total volume of water consumption by all points of water intake, as well as by the pressure of the liquid flow, which must be provided at such points. To select a surface pump according to these parameters, you can focus on the following data.

  • To provide water to a house in which 4 people live, a pump is needed, the productivity of which is 3 m 3 / hour.
  • To provide water to a house in which two families live, a pump is needed, the productivity of which is 5 m 3 / hour.
  • A four-family house needs a pump with a capacity of 6 m 3 /hour.
  • In order to provide water to a personal plot, the performance of the selected surface pump should be increased by a value equal to 1 m 3 / hour.

If the surface type pump is operated in regions where dry periods are not uncommon, its performance should be increased by another 40-50%.

Most modern pumping units are designed to pump large volumes of water from fairly deep sources. But what to do if there is a shallow well next to the cottage or house. In this case, it is best to use a surface pump. This device is mounted on the surface of the source, consumes a small amount of energy and does not require special care.

The device and principle of operation of a surface pump

The surface water pump must always be outside the liquid. If water seeps into the structure of the device, the unit will fail. To operate the pump, hoses are connected to it, one of which is lowered into the water, and the second is connected to the pipeline.

The device of surface pumps consists of a solid housing, impellers located in it and an engine that drives the shaft with wheels. For smoother operation, there are bearings between the shaft and the motor.

The principle of operation of the equipment is based on underpressure. At the inlet to the unit, a pressure drop is formed, which pushes the water into the pump. In conditions of complete vacuum inside the working chambers of the device, the liquid is absorbed more actively. However, there will always be a small amount of air inside the hose. Because of this, the water supply of the device will never be maximum. Due to this feature, surface pumps are never used to work at a depth of more than 7–8 m.

Due to the weak capabilities of the unit and the lack of complete sealing of its device, the surface pump should be mounted only above the water. To raise water from great depths, you can additionally use an ejector, which must be lowered into the water. During operation, water enters the ejector, which causes a higher pressure to form at the inlet to the pump. This allows the unit to be used for a well with a sufficiently large depth.

Types and description of surface pumps

A surface pump for a private house can have a different design. All units available on the market are divided into several types:

    • Vortex pumps - have compact dimensions and are much cheaper than their counterparts. The vortex unit is able to create a sufficiently high pressure in the system, but its efficiency will be quite low. The device of such a pump consists of a shaft and an impeller equipped with blades. The unit cannot be used for dirty water, otherwise the pump elements will wear out very quickly;

  • Centrifugal pumps - devices of this type have a high efficiency - about 92%, reliability and long service life. However, such units are not capable of creating high pressure. The centrifugal pump device consists of a working shaft and two impellers;
  • Ejector pumps - most of these units are double-circuit, that is, two pipes must be connected to them. Through the first pipe, water enters the ejector, where it is exposed to different pressures. Through the second pipe, water passes directly to the pump. These days, ejector pumps are becoming less and less common, as they are being replaced by more advanced submersible devices.

Surface pumps are also divided among themselves according to their purpose. Depending on this, in stores you can find:

  • Drainage pump - this unit is used for heavily polluted water. This kind of device is ideal for irrigation and for other household needs where clean water is not required. The maximum diameter of solid particles in water should not exceed 12 cm. Surface pumps of this type are often used for barrels, tanks and other utility tanks;
  • Fecal pump - used to clean cesspools. A device of this type is equipped with knives that grind all kinds of debris present in the liquid. Self-priming pump of this type is made of durable reliable materials, does not require frequent repairs and special maintenance.

The classification of surface pumps for summer cottages will help you choose the right equipment with minimal energy consumption and a sufficient power reserve.

How to choose a surface pump - the main factors when buying

First of all, when buying, you need to decide on the tasks that the surface pump will solve. If the unit will pump water for drinking, household needs of residents and watering the garden, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Pump performance - in order to provide a family of 3-4 people with water for drinking and irrigation, the device must pump at least 3 m 3 / h;
  • The length of the pipe horizontally and the depth of the fence - these two parameters are interconnected. To choose a pump for a well, it is necessary to focus on a ratio of 1: 4, that is, if there is a source 2 meters deep, the length of horizontal pipes should not exceed 8 m;
  • Water pressure is a very important factor. Having learned the depth of the well, 30 m should be added to this indicator. The pump must be selected so that the pressure indicated in its passport is not less than the calculations received;
  • The number of water consumption points - it must be taken into account that the more these points, the more powerful the pump should be. Otherwise, when several taps are opened at once, the pressure in the system will drop sharply.

Having studied these characteristics of the equipment and the conditions in which it will work, choosing a surface pump will be quite simple even for a beginner. The main thing is not to try to save money, since the cheapest models are not able to last more than 2-3 years.

Overview of quality models of surface pumps

In today's market, you can find a lot of surface-type equipment. But not all pumps correspond to the quality declared by the manufacturer. Among the highest quality units should be highlighted:

  • The UPS 25-60 180 model from Grundfos is made from quality spare parts and has good technical characteristics. The model has a capacity of 4500 l/min and a suction depth of 6 m maximum. The unit can only be used for clean water with a maximum temperature of 110 °C. The manufacturer recommends mounting the device only in a horizontal position;
  • The Whirlwind pump PN-850 has a power of 650 watts and can be used to pump water from shallow wells. The housing of household pumps of this modification is made of durable plastic. The unit is able to operate smoothly only on the condition that the water does not contain solid particles;
  • The Jumbo 60/35 P model from the Russian company Dzhileks can be used for pumping water with a small amount of solid impurities. At the same time, the unit does not lose its working efficiency. The maximum operating depth of the pump is 8 m. The liquid temperature must not exceed 35 °C. This garden pump features a built-in ejector and a durable plastic housing.

These models have gained a lot of fans due to their good performance, small size and ease of maintenance. At the same time, they are much cheaper than their market counterparts.

Features of equipment installation

The surface pump should be mounted under a solid canopy on a hard fixed surface. The legs of the pump must be fixed with anchors so that it does not move during operation. If the unit is placed on a concrete surface, a thick rubber mat should be placed between it and the pump feet.

A hose equipped with a check valve should be connected to the installed pump. For more reliable fastening, that part of the hose in which there is no valve is connected to the pump using a fitting. The other side of the hose will be submerged under water. FUM tape should be used to seal the joint.

Before connecting the pump to the water supply system at home, you need to install a pressure gauge in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fitting and check the pressure in the pipes. It is best to do this when the inlet line of the device is filled with water. To determine the pressure necessary for the operation of the pump, its passport will help, which contains all the necessary data.

At the end, the device is connected to the water supply system of the house. All connections are treated with a moisture-resistant sealant and FUM tape.

In areas where the depth of the well or well does not exceed 10 meters, surface pumping equipment is installed. The units differ in design, power, method of pumping water. Based on these features, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the source, the appropriate units are selected.

Scope and arrangement of surface pumps

Example of use - watering the garden and garden with water from the nearest reservoir

Surface pumps, unlike submersible ones, are located near the water source. Their body does not come into contact with the liquid, it enters the points of consumption through the inlet pipe.

Devices are used to deliver water to the house, to drain the basement after the spring flood, pumping fluid from the pool. It is possible to use for irrigation of the land - in this case, the pump is placed near the reservoir, and the hose is lowered into the water. Almost all appliances are powered by electricity, so you need a long power cable.

An important point is that the depth of the well should not exceed 10 meters, since all surface pumps have low power. Most often, groundwater occurs at this depth, which accumulates harmful substances from neighboring septic tanks. Mineral fertilizers are also washed out by rains into these reservoirs, so additional filters are placed in front of the entrance to the house.

A surface pump will not work if an artesian well is equipped on the site, the depth of which can exceed 30 meters. In such a situation, you need to buy submersible equipment that has more power and is able to pump liquid from such a depth.

Classification by design and principle of operation

According to the principle of absorption, there are:

  • self-priming surface water pumps;
  • normal suction.

The first type does not require complete filling of the system with liquid before starting. Water is poured only into the body of the device. The rise is carried out due to the zone of low pressure.

For the second type, you need to completely fill the system with water - the body and pipes. Sometimes the non-return valve prevents the liquid from being filled completely, so open the plug at the top of the device.

Surface pumps differ in the principle of operation, that is, the mechanism inside: centrifugal and vortex.

Centrifugal the units have a spiral housing, inside which an impeller with blades is fixed. When the pump is driven, centrifugal force is generated. A rarefied space appears in the center, and on the sides there is a high pressure zone, which pushes the liquid into the pipe. Depending on how many impellers are on the unit, it is called single-stage or multi-stage. The surface multistage pump is more productive and powerful.

The design of a centrifugal pump consists of the following elements:

  • a hose through which water enters the pressure pipe;
  • a hose that transfers fluid to the internal working chamber;
  • check valve to prevent water from flowing back;
  • the filter at the entrance to the body of the snail does not allow sand and other solid particles to damage the internal parts;
  • a device for monitoring the degree of rarefaction of space in the center of the pump during operation - a vacuum gauge;
  • a pressure gauge that measures the pressure when the liquid rises up;
  • additional elements of valves that allow you to regulate the incoming and outgoing flow.

According to the principle of centrifugal equipment, both surface and submersible models work. Their disadvantage is low power and the inability to idle.

Principle of operation vortex The pump consists in forcing water onto the impeller and transferring it higher. Centrifugal force is also used, but the liquid in the process moves from the edge to the center, that is, in the opposite direction. The vortex unit is capable of reproducing a pressure that is 4 times greater than the centrifugal one. But such equipment is rarely used. The presence of sand quickly disables the impeller - the parts are simply erased at high speed. The efficiency factor is extremely low - only 30 - 45%, with the same power consumption, this device will work less efficiently than a centrifugal one. Sometimes it is used as an intermediate pump due to the potential to increase the pressure by 7 times.

Combined units have impellers inside that combine the features of vortex and centrifugal types. Such designs are much more efficient in terms of efficiency.

Main selection criteria

The main criterion that is taken into account when installing a surface pump in a well is its depth. The optimal indicator is 8 m. Then you need to decide for what purposes the unit will be used. If you use it to irrigate the site, you can buy a less powerful one, if you need to maintain an autonomous water supply system of a private house, you need a pump with a capacity of 3 cubic meters per hour.

The next important indicator is the pressure of the water column. For a country house, the optimal value is from 30 to 80 meters. It is generally accepted that 1 meter horizontally equals 10 meters vertically. A pressure of 1 atmosphere can move a liquid over a distance of 10 meters.

It is advisable to buy a water storage tank so that the pump turns on less often. So you can increase the resource of his work. This unit is already provided in pumping stations, but its volume is small - up to 24 liters. Some craftsmen independently connect the tank to the pumps using instructions and videos.

The voltage in the mains plays a role. If it is unstable and often falls, buy a more powerful device or install a stabilizer.

Features of installation and connection

Before starting installation, it is important to choose the right place. The case is on the surface, so the equipment is subject to the influence of atmospheric phenomena. If water enters electrical components, a short circuit may occur. Therefore, the units are installed in closed warm rooms, where the temperature in winter is above 0 degrees. There must be ventilation so that condensation does not form when the temperature of the liquid and air in the room differs.

If the pump is to be used only in the summer, it can be kept outdoors under a canopy so that rain does not fall on the housing. Many equip a pit or caisson near the water source. This requires additional costs and time: it is necessary to lay clay on top so that precipitation does not flood.

Connection diagram of a surface centrifugal pump:

  1. Attach a pipe with a check valve and a filter, which is planned to be lowered into the water.
  2. The end is lowered into the well to the liquid level.
  3. Fill the system with water. It is necessary that all air congestion be excluded.
  4. Turn on the pump.
  5. Connect the outlet pipe or irrigation hose.

You can turn on and test the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface pumps

The advantages of this type of equipment include:

  • small weight and dimensions;
  • easy installation, which can be done by hand;
  • safety in operation, since the power cable does not come into contact with liquid;
  • long-term operation, especially for a surface pump with protection against dry running;
  • sufficiently high efficiency to provide water for all needs.

The disadvantages include:

  • sensitivity to solid inclusions;
  • high noise level;
  • limited source depth;
  • the need for additional actions - filling the system with water before turning it on.

You can choose a pump imported or domestic, depending on the possibilities of the budget and the purpose of operation.

The cost of the device is affected by the presence of safety features, performance and power indicators. More expensive are units made of durable materials - stainless steel or cast iron. Models in a plastic case are cheaper, but it is better to keep them indoors to avoid mechanical damage. You should beware of buying devices where cheap materials are used as an electrical winding, which melt and burn when overheated.
