Workout plan for girls. We make an effective program for training girls at home. What is the difference between a circuit training program and a split program

  • Self-dissolving whey of the third generation of instant assimilation without fat and carbohydrates.
  • Category:

Mix one scoop of powder in 300 ml of cold water. Reception is recommended in the morning after waking up, within 30-40 minutes after training and before bedtime.

Serum of the third generation PROMINA - has today the maximum coefficient of biological value and the degree of assimilation by the human body.
Syntrax Nectar is a highly purified whey protein isolate with zero fat and carbohydrate content. An effective nutrient for building quality muscle mass.

BioTech | ThermoDrine Liquid ?

dissolve 10 ml of concentrate in 200 ml of water. Take 1-2 drinks per day. On training days - 15 min. before training.

Carries out multilevel oxidation of fats and thermal genesis.

Contains 5 active substances necessary for burning fat and getting energy during training: L-carnitine, caffeine, green tea extract, choline, inostol.

Taurine is a non-essential amino acid that functions as electrically active tissues such as the brain and heart to stabilize cell membranes. Other functions of taurine include cell growth, membrane stabilization, sperm motility, bile acid conjugation, and neuronal transfer. Taurine can also help improve athletic performance, as it acts like an artificial insulin, thus allowing better glucose deposition into the muscles.

Inositol directly activates the latent energy of the body. Thanks to the drink, the body receives energy and vitamins faster, it also contributes to muscle tension if the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

VPLAB Nutrition | Glucosamine Chondroitin?

The daily norm is 2 tablets, which are recommended to be taken with meals, while not forgetting to drink plenty of water.

Hard workouts overload the joints and ligaments, besides, with age, the synthesis of glucosamine and chondroitin worsens, and such an important element as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane - a natural source of sulfur) enters the body in negligible amounts.

Chondroitin and glucosamine play an important role in the restoration of connective tissue, improve the depreciation properties of cartilage, and increase joint mobility.

MSM is a source of sulfur that is biologically available to the body - a component of proteins that make up all connective tissues. The trace element reduces inflammation, accelerates the synthesis of collagen proteins and helps maintain healthy joints.

VPLab took care of you and released a product that includes salts of all three essential elements - chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM. The listed ingredients in combination have a synergistic effect, complementing and enhancing the effect of each other.

The product is ideal for the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments, and will also be an effective addition to the complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contains high concentrations of active ingredients;
Helps increase joint mobility;
Ideal in the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments;
Reduces inflammatory processes;
Accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue;

VPLAB Nutrition | Daily 1?

1 caplet per day during meals with water.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, it also contains digestive enzymes. The complex is specially designed for people leading an active lifestyle and taking care of their health. The nutritional supplement fully compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals resulting from intense physical exertion, irregular nutrition and nervous strain. The result is a strengthening of vitality and an increase in the body's resistance to various diseases.

Trec Nutrition | Amino Max 6800

Amino acids

8 capsules immediately after training. On non-training days: 2 capsules 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

AMINOMAX 6800 contains a complex of amino acids and micropeptides, resulting from the hydrolysis of whey protein concentrate, with the addition of a large amount of pure L-glutamine and taurine, thanks to which the complex is characterized by an exemplary aminogram. AMINOMAX 6800 is also enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B6, which improve the absorption of amino acids in the body.

On the Internet, they pay little attention to what exactly is worth doing in the gym for a girl who wants to improve her shape. There is especially little information for beginner girls who are just planning to start going to the gym. Now we will fill this moment by dividing the exercises into "correct" - contributing to the creation of an ideal figure, and "incorrect" - ineffective.

After reading this material, you will understand why it is worth doing certain exercises, which will help save a lot of time and bring better results. It is often embarrassing for beginners to ask the trainer or more experienced visitors the purpose of each of the simulators and the exercises for which it was created.

And you need to do this, because in order to properly deal with possible problem areas or simply proportionally improve your forms, you need to use the right equipment.

Features of the female body

Before going to the gym, every girl should understand the main differences in the male and female body, as well as the peculiarities of the influence of physical activity.

Low Testosterone

Compared to the male body, a woman has significantly lower testosterone levels. Namely, he is responsible for muscle building, so it is extremely difficult for a girl to achieve male muscle volume. Even if you constantly use free weights, it will be difficult to get closer to male parameters. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of decent weights, a girl cannot achieve masculinization under normal conditions.

More fat mass

The figure of the fair sex "by default" has 7-10 percent more body fat, when compared with male figures. This entails the need to increase the volume of cardio training. Girls are well affected by supersets and circuit training, which quickly eliminate excess body fat and give spectacular shapes.

High estrogen levels

Compared to men, women have more estrogen in their bodies. It is he who leads to the appearance of extra pounds. Anaerobic loads aimed at increasing muscle mass are able to maintain the metabolism in the female body and prevent the figure from “blurring”.

Higher stamina

Women are more enduring than men and have a low pain threshold. To put it simply, girls whine less and are better able to endure pain. This means that a long workout tires the fair sex less than a man.

Physiological features

Critical days or disturbed menstruation can adversely affect training. During these periods, the girl usually rolls back in the progress of training a little back.

This is what every girl who plans to visit the gym should take into account. Now, in order to determine the direction of further discussion, you need to understand the reasons why girls often want to get into the gym. There are the most common reasons that most girls will confirm:

  • elastic and strong buttocks,
  • tightened arms (often the skin from below),
  • shaped chest,
  • slim stomach.

For approximately these reasons, most often a girl seeks to do fitness in order to give her figure a better shape. This means that exercises and simulators need to be chosen exactly those that will have the maximum impact on these zones, or rather, influence exactly the factor that can correct the problem. There is a list of the best exercises, and there are exercises that are not recommended for use in your program.

The best exercises for girls in the gym

No matter how many questions you ask a girl in the gym, she will never call free weights the best exercises. It is not known why, but many are afraid of barbells, dumbbells, pancakes and vultures. But without them, there is nowhere in high-quality training, because this is the only way to have a proper effect on muscle tissue.

For optimal results, a girl is recommended to combine free weights in general strength exercises and isolated muscle exposure in simulators (read about basic and isolated exercises in this article). Let's take a look at the recommendations one by one.

Strength exercises for a girl

1. Barbell squats. For the development of the legs, this is the most effective activity. So, if a girl wants to attract the attention of every man to her legs, squats with a barbell must be present in her program. Initially, you need to learn the correct execution technique and apply it. no more than 2 times a week.

2. Deadlift. A general exercise capable of stimulating every muscle. The technique is difficult to perform, so be sure to master it in detail before moving on to regular classes. It is better to start with an empty neck and under the supervision of a professional trainer. If the arms tire before other muscles, then you can use plinths or do deadlifts in the frame. For girls, it is desirable to perform the exercise no more than 1 time in 2 weeks .

3. Pull-ups. A few of the girls are able to lift their weight to the second floor, so we use the crossbar. To begin with, we study the correct technique of pull-ups, and if after that it doesn’t work out, then the graviton, a special simulator, will be an alternative.

4. Lunges. A great exercise to build a tight butt, whether you use a barbell or dumbbells. Regular strength exercises will give a rounded shape to the buttocks and tighten the legs. It is recommended for a girl to perform lunges no more than 1 time per week.

5. Plank. A universal exercise that contributes to the formation of a strong corset of muscle tissue (lower back + abs). This muscle group takes part in many movements, so the progress of all other exercises related to free weight depends on the level of their development. Bars. An effective technique for developing the entire top, in particular, the shoulders and triceps are well developed. If the hands are very weak, then you can use a separate simulator with a counterweight. A similar effect has push-ups from the bench.

6. Wiring dumbbells, bench press, push-ups. In fact, in the gym it is difficult to see a girl performing the listed exercises. Many consider this an exclusively male occupation, but if you need to strengthen the muscles of the chest, then there is no more effective exercise. Therefore, if the chest sags, it is worth using these opportunities, but no more than 1 time per week.

Of the exercises with free weights, that's all, it remains to consider simulators that can also have a significant impact on certain muscle groups.

Exercises on simulators for girls

  1. Buttocks. Surely elastic buttocks always attract men's eyes, so you can't do without isolating exercises for these muscle groups. By the way, girls with pear and hourglass figures are the most popular among men. To get the perfect shape of the buttocks, we use special exercises on simulators.
  2. Breast. The second part of the girl's body, participating in the "bride". Now every member of the stronger sex is able to practically “see through clothes”, so corrective and supportive underwear is already able to provide reliable cover. So, we use exercises on simulators that can tighten and adjust the shape.
  3. Stomach. A flat stomach for many girls is just an unstoppable dream. Everyone is ready to show off on the beach, so to make a dream come true, we use basic exercises using simulators and admire the result.
  4. Arms. Flabby arms are not able to attract anyone, and a common phenomenon is when the skin hangs from below when raising the arms from below. Correcting this is difficult, but quite realistic, for which you need to use isolating exercises on the forearm, triceps and biceps.

These are the main recommendations when going to the gym, but there are common mistakes that many girls make. Often the wrong simulators and exercises are chosen, which does not bring any benefit, and sometimes can do harm. Therefore, we will consider them, because only the correct information can protect against similar behavior.

The goals of going to the gym for men and women are also different. If the former seek to gain more muscle mass, then the latter want to provide a toned shape and remove body fat. Therefore, everyone has their own training programs, which must be taken into account. There are several erroneous exercises that slow down progress for girls.

Abdominal trainers

Any girl just raves about a flat stomach. Therefore, the first thing that the fair sex is looking for is a press simulator that makes it possible to do twisting with weights. But such exercises are not capable of giving a good effect, because they will visually expand the waist, through the active growth of the abdominal muscles. And just noticeable muscles are not needed, it is enough just to remove body fat, for which twisting without weights is enough.

Shrugs with dumbbells

This "shrug" of the shoulders is aimed at the growth of the trapezius muscle group. But this is good for a man, along with this exercise cannot give the female figure the desired shape.

Weighted bends

Many girls find this exercise effective for eliminating the sides, the so-called ears on the hips. But this is a delusion, because in reality, lateral extensions and tilts with dumbbells contribute to the expansion of the waist. If you need to remove the “ears”, then you will have to focus on the formation of the right diet and the side bar or bike.

Sitting leg extension (simulator)

The tendons near the patella are much weaker in a woman than in a man. And for a high-quality load of quadriceps with the help of a simulator, significant weights will be required. This means that the simulator is not suitable for high-quality exercise. An alternative would be squats against the wall on one leg.

Reverse lifts (buttocks, machine)

Although the simulator was designed to load the gluteal muscles, it has low efficiency. It is not worth spending time on it, it is better to focus on other activities.

Bench press in the Hummer

Pressing in a sitting position on a special power simulator causes excessive stress on the shoulder joint. Together with the peculiarity of the technique, the joints have a vulnerable biomechanical position. Given the increased fragility of the female shoulder, this can cause injury, because it is not always possible to perfectly follow the technique of the exercise.

Thrust of the upper block behind the head with a wide handle

A good exercise for working out the upper back. But if the shoulders are not flexible, then it is difficult to follow the technique here. Given the fragility of the woman's shoulder, there is a high probability of injury, and this will eliminate any stress on the body for a long period of time.

Cardio equipment

In any gym, cardio machines are always occupied by girls. It is not known when they will be released. Of course, for a girl, aerobic activity comes first, but more than 3 times a week and longer than 40 minutes do it this way it is forbidden. Therefore, it is better to combine sprint races and calm running no more than this period of time.


Based on all this information, you can build an excellent and effective program that acts specifically on problem areas. Well, if there are no problem areas, then this information will allow you to create the perfect figure for a girl, taking into account the characteristics of her body.

We have a lot of balanced training programs for girls on our site. Here are some of them:

It is important to understand that you should not silently come to the gym and go straight to the treadmill, spending several hours on it. For best results, you need to combine running with individual strength exercises. But it’s pointless to use the first simulator that came across, so we write our own program, turn to trainers and observe the result. Inevitably, with the right approach, it will be possible to create an ideal figure and attract the views of men.

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Gym programs for girls are different from men's complexes. It is difficult for women to work to exhaustion with a certain muscle group due to physiology. The principle is a uniform load with numerous repetitions.

Exercise programs for girls are suitable for shaping, drying, and developing muscle mass. can be interchanged, complemented by isolated practices.

Workout program for women in the gym for Monday

  1. We hold a dumbbell or disc between legs wide apart.
  2. We take the hips back, synchronizing the movements of the pelvis and arms, we lower ourselves with the load.

It tightens the inner thighs, gluteal muscles. Instead of a projectile, you can put a neck on your shoulders.

The gym program is always present.

  1. We take shells in our hands, lower them in free hanging.
  2. We step forward with one foot, lower the other to the parallel with the floor.
  3. We bend the knee of the exposed limb at a right angle.
  4. After a short hitch, we rise due to the power of quadriceps (4x12).

Bench press

Compared to the fitness room female is characterized by low intensity and frequent repetitions. designed to shape the arms, shoulders, chest.

  1. We settle down on the bench.
  2. We take the neck with a direct grip.
  3. We remove the projectile and lower it to touch the chest (4x10).

Front squats with weights

Professional programs involve working with free weights.
We perform squats by analogy with the classic ones, but we take the bar with crossed palms and bring it to the shoulders.

Flattening the legs

Purposeful practice from the women's gym program structures the lower body. The technology is simple:

  1. sit down, adjust the weight;
  2. press the hips to the pillows;
  3. we reduce and spread our legs at a given pace.

Block work

A variable technique called "crossover" perfectly works out the muscles of the chest, gives it a beautiful shape. It is performed from any position, with a different inclination of the body, with one or both hands.

If this is a training program for beginner girls, it is advisable to start with a vertical body position.

  1. On a simulator with a double block, we set 15 kg.
  2. We become in the middle of the structure, with all the power we pull the side handles to the waist along an arcuate trajectory.
  3. We linger at the middle point of the body, with a controlled movement we return the load to its place.
  4. If it is difficult to maintain balance, put your foot forward. We work with the shoulders, do not press the elbows to the body (4x15).

Video instruction on breeding hands with dumbbells on the bench and mixing hands in the block for the chest.

Friday training program for girls

Supersets for experienced athletes:

  1. Bench press.
  2. Projectile squats.
  3. Twisting in the Smith machine.
  4. Pullover with weights.
  5. Exercises for the buttocks and abs.
  6. Crossover. We do 5x15.

Simplified program for beginners:

  1. Live in Smith.
  2. Traction in the block.
  3. Leg extension.
  4. Weighted lunges.
  5. Pulling the bar to the chest.

We perform 3 sets of 12 to 16 repetitions.

  • Sports programs for the hall are designed for an hour.
  • Beginners Rest 2 minutes between sets.
  • Reducing pauses and increasing the number of repetitions will increase the result.

To lose weight quickly, we start work, exclude simple carbohydrates, give preference to protein foods.

Reading time: 34 minutes

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat, it is not necessary to visit the gym regularly. You can bring your body into perfect shape at home. We offer you ready-made workouts at home for girls with an exercise plan and exercise tips for effective weight loss.

And if you think that training requires a subscription to a fitness club or expensive equipment, then this is not so. You can effectively train the body at home with minimal equipment.

Workout at home for girls: features

The Women's Exercise Plan below is the perfect option for those who want to start exercising at home. However, these exercises will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who just want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is a lot of research on the benefits of regular exercise, from improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reducing the risk of depression, and preventing diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stroke.

Even if you are busy with work and family affairs, you can always set aside 30 minutes for fitness several times a week. Especially if you organize effective workouts at home. If you thought that working out at home for girls is of little use, then try our ready-made exercise plan for weight loss and muscle tone of the whole body and get a toned and slender body.

Why should you pay attention to home fitness? What are the pros and cons of working out at home for girls compared to visiting a fitness club?

Benefits of training at home:

  • You save time on the road to the gym.
  • No need to adapt to the schedule of the fitness club.
  • You save money on the purchase of a subscription.
  • It is psychologically more comfortable to study alone, no one is watching you and does not cause inconvenience.
  • You do not need to purchase special fitness clothing, you can work out in a home T-shirt and shorts.
  • For young mothers on maternity leave, exercising at home is the only way out if there is no one to leave the child with.
  • A large selection of ready-made video programs and exercise complexes will make workouts at home for girls varied and effective.
  • You will have a comfortable shower or bath with all the necessary accessories at your fingertips.
  • You can practice early in the morning before work or late in the evening after work.

Cons of training at home:

  • There is no trainer who will put the correct technique for performing exercises.
  • At home, there is no variety of simulators, and additional equipment must be purchased.
  • You will have to independently think over and compose a set of exercises or look for a suitable program.
  • For training at home, girls need to have a strong motivation for training, no one will “kick” from the outside.
  • At home, there are too many distractions that can derail your workout: household chores, a family that needs attention, the desire to relax or surf the Internet, etc.

However, the convenience and comfort of home workouts outweigh the small list of cons. All you need to workout at home is to free up a small square of space in the apartment, set aside 30-60 minutes for a session, create an exercise plan and start training.

Equipment for training at home

For weight loss and body tone you can practice at home and without additional equipment. Exercising with your own body weight gives a good load and helps to work out the core muscles and speed up the fat burning process. However, for b about For more variation in training, it is desirable to have at least dumbbells: they are especially useful when performing strength exercises. In addition to dumbbells, you may need a chair, bed, or bedside table for some exercises that require support.

If you have some additional equipment at home or have the opportunity to purchase it, then this will help you diversify your exercises and increase the effectiveness of your workout. However dumbbells are the most basic equipment, which will be enough for a full workout at home for girls. It is also advisable to have a rug or mat on the floor if you have a hard or cold floor.

What other equipment can be purchased:

  • : the main inventory, without which no home strength training can do.
  • Fitness elastic band: the most popular equipment in recent times, ideal for the hips and buttocks.
  • Mat: An essential piece of equipment that is essential for almost any workout at home.
  • Fitball: a round ball for abdominal exercises and the development of stabilizing abdominal muscles.
  • Tube expander: ideal for training arms, shoulders and back.
  • Elastic Band: Very useful for strength training and stretching.
  • Massage roller: for muscle recovery after exercise and self-massage.
  • TRX loops: for functional training at home.

So, for cardio training and functional training for body tone, you can do it without additional equipment, with your own body weight. For strength training, you will need dumbbells from 1 kg to 10 kg, depending on your capabilities and goals.

If you plan to train at home, then it is better to purchase collapsible dumbbells:

Home workouts for girls: rules

1. Any workout should always start with a warm-up (7-10 minutes) and end with a stretch (5-7 minutes). This is a mandatory rule that should always be remembered. Check out our warm-up and stretch options:

2. Don't exercise on a full stomach. Training should begin 1-2 hours after the last meal.

3. 1.5-2 hours before training, you can afford a full meal. If this is not possible, then take a small carbohydrate snack 45-60 minutes before the start of the class. 30 minutes after training, it is better to eat a small portion of protein + carbohydrate (e.g. 100 g cottage cheese + apple or 1 scoop of whey protein in milk) . But for weight loss, the most important thing is not what exactly you eat before and after training, but how you generally eat throughout the day.

5. You can train in the morning on an empty stomach. The time of classes does not affect the process of losing weight, so choose the morning hours only if you are comfortable exercising after waking up. You can have breakfast 30 minutes after class, preferably protein + carbohydrates.

6. Don't forget to drink water. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before your workout and one or two glasses of water after your workout. During class, drink every 10 minutes, taking several sips.

7. Be sure to exercise in sneakers so as not to harm the joints of the legs. Also wear a sports bra to support your breasts and comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that allow you to move freely. If you do yoga, Pilates, or do gentle floor exercises, you don't need running shoes.

8. Do not overload yourself with training, At first, it is enough to practice 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the duration and frequency of classes: 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, if you want to force the results.

10. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, then during strength exercises, use a small weight of 1-3 kg dumbbells.If you want to tone and strengthen your muscles, then use dumbbells 4-7 kg for the upper body and 5-10 kg for the lower body.

11. Remember to breathe while exercising at home. On effort, exhale deeply through the nose, on relaxation, inhale through the mouth. Do not hold your breath while exercising.

12. You need to practice according to the proposed programs for at least 1.5-2 months, while increasing the duration of the exercises and increasing the weight of the dumbbells. Then you can change the program, complicating the workout or increasing the weight.

13. If you want to lose weight faster, try to increase your overall physical activity during the day: walking or outdoor activities.

14. After you have achieved the desired result, it is necessary to continue regular fitness if you want to keep fit.

15. If you have back problems, it is better to minimize the exercises for the press that are performed on the back, replacing them with variations:

Workout at home for girls: exercise plan

We are offering to you 4 ready-made sets of exercises that will help you lose weight or tone your muscles depending on your goals:

  • Home workouts for weight loss for beginners and overweight people
  • Workouts at home for weight loss and fat burning
  • Workouts at home to tone muscles and reduce body fat
  • Strength training at home to strengthen muscles and gain muscle mass

Each option offers a 3-day full-body exercise plan. You can practice 3 times a week or more often, just alternate 3 sets of exercises with each other.

Home workouts for beginners

If you are looking for a workout at home for girls who are just starting to get into fitness or who are overweight, then we offer you an easy exercise program for beginners. It consists of low-impact cardio and strength exercises without equipment. Work out 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes for 1-2 months and move on to a more difficult program or gradually saturate the workout with more intense exercises.

For training, we use a circular scheme: We perform each exercise for 30 seconds + 30 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we stop for 2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3 circles. If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform 30 seconds first on one side, then 30 seconds on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Leg raise (both sides)

3. Static plank (you can kneel down)

Day 2

2. Plie Squat

5. Bringing the thigh lying on the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Leg raises

3. Side lunge (both sides)

4. Walking with the spread of the arms and the overlap of the lower leg

5. Lateral leg raise on all fours (on both sides)

Workouts at home for weight loss and fat burning

If you are looking for a workout at home for girls who want to lose weight and have at least a little fitness experience, then we offer you a set of fat burning exercises based on cardio exercises and muscle tone exercises. In this version of home workouts, you also do not need additional equipment.

For classes, we again use a circular scheme: (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Walking lunges forward

5. Leg raise to the side (both sides)

6. Side plank twist (both sides)

Day 2

2. Bulgarian lunge (both sides)

5. Leg swing (on both sides)

Day 3

2. Getting up from a chair with a raised leg (both sides)

4. Plank jumps with leg extension

5. Leg raise (both sides)

Workouts at home to tone muscles and reduce body fat

If you are looking for workouts at home for girls who are not overweight, but want to tone their bodies, then we offer you a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and reduce body fat. Unlike the previous scheme, only one cardio exercise is included in the circle, the rest of the exercises are aimed at muscle tone and getting rid of problem areas. You will need dumbbells 2-5 kg.

We train in the same way in a circular pattern: We perform each exercise for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we make a stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel). If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Pulling up dumbbells in the plank

4. Push-ups (possible on your knees)

5. Lunges in a circle (on both sides)

Day 2

1. Lunge on the spot (on both sides)

2. Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline

5. Plank spider

6. Twisting to the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Diagonal lunges (possible with dumbbells)

2. Side plank (both sides)

Working on your body is harder than playing checkers. You can "get into the kings" here only through regular classes. Training three days a week in a month and a half will give a tangible result. It is important not to force events, but also not to slow down, increasing the load gradually. Training for beginners should involve all muscle groups, so the body will quickly get used to regular exercise.

General training rules

From the first lessons it is very important to learn how to perform the exercises technically correctly.

Replacement exercise

When the muscles are used to the load and you do not feel discomfort during the exercise, it becomes easy for you - it's time to replace it with another one, with the same muscle groups. So that the muscles continue to be effectively loaded.

This usually happens every 3-4 sessions (microcycle).

Any training program for girls should be changed at least once a month.

Projectile weight and magnification

The weight with which a person trains is called working weight. A beginner picks up a small weight for himself, with which he can perform the exercise with great effort 15 times, and the 16th time he cannot. Having made two approaches, in the next workout, you need to assess the condition of the muscles:

  • if they don’t hurt, we slightly increase the load;
  • if the muscles hurt, it makes sense to skip the exercise until the next workout so that the muscles have time to recover.

It is necessary to work with such a weight that it is difficult for the last repetitions, but the execution technique remains correct.

In this 6-week training cycle for girls, weights are deliberately not indicated:

  1. Initial training is different for everyone.
  2. Different muscle groups are not equally developed (someone may have a weak back but strong legs and vice versa).

Lesson duration

The training lasts 1 hour. A beginner manages to do 3-6 exercises during this time. Almost all of them are done in 3-4 sets of 8-12 times (3-4 * 8-12).

Between approaches - smaller and exercises - more, pauses for rest are obligatory, but not more than 7 minutes, so that the muscles do not have time to cool down.

When practicing 3 times a week, there should be one free day between them, which is necessary for muscle recovery. Each lesson should contain a complex for working out a rested muscle group, last no more than 1 hour, of which 10 minutes are allotted for warming up, 45 for the strength part and 5 or more minutes for the final workout and stretching.

First of all, it is important:

  • master the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • accustom the body to regular physical activity (especially joints and ligaments to strength exercises);
  • increase muscle tone and strength;
  • prepare the basis for further increases in workloads.


A training diary, in which you can schematically record the exercises performed with the number of hikes, repetitions and weight, will allow you to track progress in loads.


For the most effective training, girls need to take into account the phases of their menstrual cycle, changing the load:

  • in the first week (menstrual) - stretching is best; need light exercises; reduce the load on the press and legs;
  • in the second (postmenstrual) - strength training with maximum load, training for speed and endurance;
  • in the next two weeks (ovulation and premenstrual phases) - fat burning and cardio workouts are most effective.

A set of exercises

This training program will be effective if the body is fully restored.

  • Complete sleep.
  • Balanced diet - for weight loss, enhanced in.
  • The use of sports supplements in an article about.

From the first to the third week

The first two weeks you should not increase the weights in the exercises, but on the third it is worth adding a little weight in the first three exercises of each workout.
Day 1 (legs, shoulders, abs)

Day 2 (back, chest, triceps, abs)

Day 3 (focus on cardio, back, legs, arms, abs)

Fourth to sixth

When replacing exercises with new ones, it is important not to increase the weight of the shells. The change in the direction of the load connects the stabilizing muscles that were not working before. Take the time to choose comfortable weights in each of the exercises, starting with the minimum.
1st day

  1. Platform leg press 3-4*8-12 all for replacement;
  2. Bending of the legs (on the biceps of the thigh) on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  3. Lower leg in the simulator, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Lifting up dumbbells (military bench press or Arnold bench press), sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells to the chin 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. To the previous one, add the bar for 3 minutes (you can do it with short breaks).

2nd day

3rd day

  1. Easy run 30 minutes;
  2. Deadlift 3-4*8-12;
  3. Leg extension on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Extensions with or without weight 3-4*8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells (for biceps) alternately, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. Super set: bending on the Roman bench 12 times + after each approach the plank 1 minute. 3 such approaches.

In subsequent training cycles

  • if it’s easy, increase the working weight in the approaches without compromising the execution technique;
  • if it is difficult (stagnation is felt) - replace the exercises with similar ones;
  • for lagging muscles, you can add 1 exercise in 1 of the days, but no more;
  • and always look for new exercises for the muscle group being worked on.

Choose the weight yourself, so that you feel muscle failure in the last approaches.

The cyclic training program for girls in the gym is primarily aimed at changing the direction of the load, and only then at increasing the weights in the exercises. This, without large dumbbells and barbells, ensures the effectiveness of the set of exercises. However, muscle pain is an integral part of the training and indicates the development of muscles.

Increase the load gradually, and enjoy training. Then, in a matter of months, you can become the owner of a strong and slender body with beautiful shapes.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments!

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