Larsen sheet pile driving technological map. Excavation sheet piling technology: how does it work? Transportation and storage of sheet piles, anchor rods and piles

Larsen sheet piling has been used in industrial construction for over a hundred years. Compact profile with rounded edges in the form of a gutter is a metal pile for strengthening a variety of building structures that are many times larger than it. Sheet piles are securely connected with locks, providing tightness, and corrosion resistance and strength make them an indispensable element in construction.

Used for driving tongues various technologies, such as the:

The choice of a specific technology is determined by the geophysical features and location of the construction site.

Sheet pile driving technologies

Vibration and vibroimpact methods

Sheet piling by such methods is produced on sandy and soft soils using vibratory pile drivers (electromechanical vibration action machines).

The fencing of the pit by vibration methods of driving is most effective on water-saturated non-cohesive soils. A more universal vibroimpact method of immersion is carried out using vibrohammers, depending on the type of drive, they are with an internal combustion engine, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic.

Indentation and vibration indentation

Installations that act on a pile with mass or simultaneously with mass and vibration usually consist of two mechanisms that are equipped with a base plate, a cap, a guide frame that transmit pressure and an indenting chain hoist. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation on the construction site, and the disadvantage is low maneuverability and, consequently, low productivity.

More effective is the method of vibration indentation of sheet piles. The impact of the vibratory driver and the winch of the unit leads to the immersion of the Larsen sheet pile due to the mass of the vibratory driver, its own weight, the mass of the tractor, which is transferred to the pile by a pressing rope. At the same time, the sheet pile is subjected to vibration from a low-frequency plunger with a sprung plate.

See also:

Driving sheet piles by screwing

This method is most effective for creating foundations for power line masts, it is carried out using mechanisms equipped with four outriggers (outriggers), a rotation and tilt drive, a hydraulic system, a control panel and auxiliary equipment.

These machines pull the screw pile together with the inventory metal shell inside and immerse it into the ground at a predetermined angle. The rotation during the dive is combined with an axial force.

Underwater immersion technology

Before the start of immersion, the soil is loosened and partly washed out by jets of water from the pipes fixed on the sheet pile. In this case, the soil resistance decreases at the tip of the pile, and the steel sheet pile is washed away by water. If necessary, the jet pipes are located on the side or in the center; if they are located on the side, they can be deformed or filled with soil.

With this technology, it is important to control the uniformity of erosion so that the sheet piles do not deviate from the design position. Water is supplied to the tubes under pressure from 0.5 MPa. This technology is not applicable when there is a threat of subsidence of buildings located nearby.


Like all other construction processes, sheet pile driving is carried out in full compliance with regulatory documents, which describe the basic rules for carrying out and accepting work. The organization of the sheet piling process must necessarily be described in the technological map and the WEP - the project for the production of works, which is detailed in SNiP 3.01.01 - 85 and supporting guide to this document.

A significant number of reference books, regulations and laws are presented on the portal " Help according to GOSTs"(site gosthelp ru).

Most wanted when making a budget, project documentation, logging are:

  • SNiP 3.02.01 - 87 and SP 45.13 330-2012"Earth structures, foundations and grounds"
  • SP 50.101-2004"Design and installation of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures" and other documents

It should be noted that the production of Larsen sheet piling and sheet piling must be carried out in full compliance with GOST R 53 629-2009, which indicates all standards, material parameters, product turnover.

In conditions of soft soils, prone to loss of stability when dynamic impacts are applied when driving piles, moving construction equipment, unloading building materials, etc., deformations of the pit fences and spacer structures, subsidence and uplift of the soil into the underground structure can occur, accompanied by subsidence of soil and deformations of the structures of the foundations of buildings adjacent to the excavation pit.

In this regard, taking into account the schemes presented in Fig. 3.3-3.12, we will consider the most common technical solutions for ensuring the stability of sheet piling.

Rice. 3.3.

a- console; b - with horizontal fastenings with steel beams; c - with anchor walls made of tongue and groove; G- with horizontal anchor plates; 1 - sheet piling; 2 3 4 - anchor wall made of tongue and groove; 5 - steel anchor rods; 6 - anchor plates laid on the ground

BUT. open pit

  • 1. Cantilever fences, including those with stiffening belts made of steel beams of various sections, are used for pits up to 4-5 m deep with limiting dynamic effects when moving construction equipment and prohibiting the storage of materials near the fence (Fig. 3.3, a). At the same time, in conditions of weak soils, it is necessary to ensure the deepening of the sheet pile below the bottom of the pit at least 2/3 of its depth. To ensure the joint operation of the sheet pile, a strapping beam made of rolled steel, mainly I-beams, twin channels, or a sheet pile is necessarily arranged along the top of the fence (Fig. 3.3, 2).
  • 2. Temporary spacer horizontal fastenings from metal cans of various sections (mainly pipes with a diameter of 450-720 mm, I-beams or welded sheet piles) with a pit width of up to 15-20 m (Fig. 3.3, b). For large pits, intermediate piles of sheet piles or columned I-beams are used, as well as structural elements of the walls of the building, which are carried out before excavation of the soil during the phased excavation of the pit along the grips (Fig. 3.4, 3). Spacers are arranged in one or more tiers with a step determined by the calculation, which is usually 4-6 m.

Rice. 3.4.

I- sheet piling; 2 - distributive belt (strapping beam); 3 - horizontal steel beams; 4 - intermediate supports (piles-pillars) made of tongue and groove

Rice. 3.5.

a, in- strapping beams from an I-beam; b- knot of fastening of an anchor rod to a strapping beam from channels; in- strapping beams of two I-beams; e, e- strapping beams of two and one sheet pile, respectively; / - sheet pile; 2 - I-beam; 3 - steel pin; 4 - steel pipe or wooden beam; 5 - channel; b - steel supporting scarf; 7 - anchor rod; 8 - persistent steel plate; 9 - steel washer; 10 - screw; 11 - fixing steel wedge

Structural solutions for fastening the sheet piling of pits up to 10-15 m wide are shown in fig. 3.5, a, for pits up to 20-30 m wide in fig. 3.6.

3. In order to reduce metal consumption, inventory steel frame elements with replaceable end parts can be used as spacer systems for fastening sheet piling.

Rice. 3.6.

(Fig. 3.7, a). Jacks are included in the extreme rods adjacent to the sheet pile, allowing you to raid the movements of the excavation fence and control the forces in the spacers.

Rice. 3.7.

a- steel inventory frames with jacks; b- reinforced concrete farms; I- sheet pile; 2 - strapping beams; 3 - steel inventory frame elements;

4 - jacks; 5 - reinforced concrete trusses (intermediate supports are conventionally not shown)

Frame structures in some cases are made of horizontal reinforced concrete trusses with intermediate racks

  • (See Figure 3.7). After the excavation of the pit, such structures can be included in the structure of the ribbed floors of the underground floors of the structure. On trusses blocking the foundation pits of large spans, it is possible to place construction and technological equipment, as well as to store materials during the construction of the underground part of the building.
  • 4. Fastening the fence to vertical anchor walls or horizontal plates with steel rods at a distance of at least S = H to tg (45 ° - H to - the depth of the pit, c, d). Such a constructive solution of the fence requires additional space outside the boundaries of the pit. It does not provide horizontal stability below the bottom of the pit. The attachment point of the anchor rod to the fence is shown in fig. 3.5, b. Anchor walls can also be arranged from groups of sheet piles (2-3 coils), immersed every 2-5 m along the fence contour. Anchor rods are made of reinforcing bars, which allows you to adjust their tension depending on the horizontal movements of the sheet piling. With a pit depth of more than 6 m, anchor rods are arranged in trenches with a laying 2-3 m below the ground level.
  • 5. "Island" method with soil berms and strut mounts made of steel beams or trusses, abutted against sections of the foundation slab or into temporary pile-columns made of sheet piles or I-beams, immersed in the bottom of the pit (Fig. 3.8, a-e). The pit is developed in stages: first, the soil is dug to full depth, with the exception of zones (ground prisms or berms) adjacent to the sheet piling, then corner horizontal struts are made of pipes, sections of foundation slabs are made in the pit, into which the strut mounts abut, on the second stage, the final completion of the pit is carried out and the underground structures of the building are erected. With the necessary calculation justification, sheet piling can be fastened by supporting horizontal struts in the structure of the building under construction (ceilings or walls) (Fig. 3.8, in). The spacer structures are sequentially dismantled as the building structures are erected and the excavation is backfilled.
  • 6. Fastening sheet piling with ground injection anchors, buried in dense soils beyond the zones of active soil pressure on the fences and perceiving pulling forces (Fig. 3.8, G). The amount of effort perceived by a single

clay soil anchor is in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 mN. Anchors are arranged along the perimeter of the pit in increments of 0.8-3.0 m with a horizontal inclination angle of up to 30-60 °. Anchor rods are made from drill pipes, reinforcing bars, ropes or pipes that are used when drilling and flushing a well with cement, clay or polymer mortar. For fastening with a sheet pile wall, holes are made in it, and anchor rods are mounted on a steel strapping beam from a channel or I-beam. In conditions of soft soils, such a solution is of limited use, since it requires deepening to significant depths (over 25-30 m), and when installing anchors under existing utilities, roads or buildings, additional deformations may occur in the structures of the latter due to changes in stress-strain state of the soil due to its interaction with the anchor. Such a constructive solution, despite the increased requirements for the quality of work and the qualifications of the contractor, the high cost and labor costs, is effective for large-volume pits, when it is not possible to use spacer structures installed inside the pit.

7. Strengthening the soil over the entire depth of the sheet pile, as well as the creation of soil-cement diaphragms over the entire area below the foundation pit using the jet grouting technology (Fig. 3.8, e). To create solid diaphragms up to 1500 mm thick, soil-cement piles are arranged on a grid of 600x520 mm, the design strength of the soil-cement material is taken to be about 1.0 MPa, and the deformation modulus is 400 MPa. The consumption of materials per 1 m of drilling is: water 200-350 l, cement 300-650 kg; complex additives 7-12 kg.

Rice. 3.8.

a B C- with soil berms and struts into the foundation slab; G- with ground anchors; d- with soil-cement diaphragms made using jet technology; 1 - sheet piling; 2 - distributive belt (strapping beam); 3 - temporary, soil berm; 4 - steel strut or truss; 5 - foundation slab or piles; 6 - temporary anchor wall (solid or discontinuous); 7 - load-bearing structures of the underground floor; 8 - horizontal steel beams; 9 - ground anchor;

10,11 - vertical and horizontal soil-cement array

B. Closed pit, in which sheet pilings are permanent structures that take loads fromstructures building

I. Fastening of the fence with the help of horizontal disks of floors, concreted according to the "top - down" technology (top-down). With this technology, sheet piling can be combined with trench concrete walls in the ground. Soil excavation is carried out through technological openings in staged ceilings, concreted directly on the formwork laid on the ground. The days of floor supports are used by permanent piles - columns, arranged before the main contour of the excavation fence is completed.

In order to increase productivity when extracting soil and concreting floors, the so-called "semi-closed" method is used. (semi top-down), when cantilever sections of floors 3-6 m wide and with large openings in the center are arranged along the contour of the sheet piling, which are concreted after complete extraction of the soil and the waterproofing of the lower level (Fig. 3.9, a). Overlappings along the perimeter of the pit are carried out using the “top-down” method, and in the central part, after the extraction of soil, and according to the classical scheme, “bottom-up”. The excavation fence is fixed due to the spatial work of the overlap sections along the perimeter.

With such a scheme, two options for performing work are possible.

Option 1. The arrangement of sections of floor disks along the perimeter is carried out in the process of phased excavation of soil from the pit in the following sequence (Fig. 3.10):

  • immersion of the sheet pile along the perimeter of the structure (Fig. 3.10, a);
  • pile-column immersion (Fig. 3.10, b);
  • concreting of the floor slab of the first underground floor on the ground;
  • within the contour of the slab, technological openings are arranged through which the soil will be extracted and the necessary equipment and workers will descend (Fig. 3.10, in);
  • extraction to the soil surface within the first underground floor and the installation of an underlying monolithic floor with technological holes (Fig. 3.10, G);
  • these operations of successive extraction of the soil and the installation of monolithic floors are repeated until the level is reached

Rice. 3.9. Methods for constructing underground structures using the “top-down” technology: a- semi-closed method; b- with inventory steel farms; 1 - sheet pile; 2 - monolithic overlap; 3 - intermediate piles-columns; 4 - technological hole for soil extraction; 5 - inventory farms

ia of the last underground floor with the installation of a monolithic slab on the ground with horizontal waterproofing (Fig. 3.10, e). At the last stage, earth-moving equipment and formwork are removed from the last underground level through technological holes, which are then concreted.

Option 2. Preservation of soil berms that prevent the movement of the sheet piling to the installation of floors. Work is carried out in the following sequence (Fig. 3.11):

  • immerse the sheet pile along the perimeter of the structure (Fig. 3.11, o);
  • from the level of the day surface of the soil, extreme piles-columns are made (Fig. 3.11.5) for further support of the floors along the perimeter of the sheet piling (Fig. 3.11, b);
  • develop a pit to the design level while maintaining soil berms along the perimeter of the fence (Fig. 3.11, 7). From the level of the bottom of the pit, piles are made (Fig. 3.11.9), along which waterproofing and the foundation slab of the central part of the building are arranged (Fig. 3.10, in);
  • erecting the frame structures of the central part of the building. In parallel, at the level of the day surface of the soil, sections of floors are concreted along the perimeter of the sheet piling. To extract the soil, technological holes are left (Fig. 3.11, 7);
  • in areas adjacent to the sheet pile, soil is extracted through technological holes within the first underground floor. They arrange a monolithic overlap, which I also connect! with the frame structure of the central part of the building (Fig. 3.11.6);

The specified operations of successive extraction of the soil and the installation of sections of monolithic floors are repeated until the level of the last underground floor is reached, with the installation of a monolithic slab. At the last stage, earth-moving equipment and formwork are removed from the last underground level through technological holes, which are then concreted (Fig. 3.11, e).

Rice. 3.10. Stages of technology for the installation of underground structures according to the “top-down” technology with load-bearing enclosing structures made of tongue and groove: a d- stages of construction of underground structures; 1 tongue; 2 - boom crane; 3 - vibratory loader; 4 - intermediate piles-columns; 3 - drilling rig; b- grab; 7-technological hole for soil extraction; 8 - monolithic overlap; 9 - excavator; 10 - supporting tables; 11 - concrete mixer truck; 12 - concrete pump; 13 - elevated load-bearing structures; 14 - monolithic slab with horizontal waterproofing, foundations laid on the ground 69

Rice. 3.11.

/ - sheet pile; 2 - boom crane; 3 - vibrator; 4 - drilling rig; 5 - pile-columns along the perimeter of the fence; 6 - grab; 7 - soil berms; 8 - foundation slab of the central part of the building; 9 - bored piles, arranged from the bottom of the pit; 10 - monolithic ceilings along the sheet piling perimeter; // - technological hole for soil extraction; 12 - monolithic ceilings of the central part of the building;

13,14 - concrete pump and truck mixer, respectively; 15 - excavator

There are solutions developed by MIIOSP them. Gersevanov, in which inventory metal structures of trusses are mounted in the upper tier of the pit (see Fig. 3.9, 5). Farms are based on sheet piling, and underground floors concreted in stages as the soil is developed are suspended from truss structures. After concreting the elements of the frame of the building, the temporary structures of the suspension and trusses are dismantled.

The method makes it possible to minimize the influence of construction processes and the development of underground soil volume on the stress-strain state of the ground massif and structures adjacent to buildings and structures. At the same time, this technology is the most costly and requires high qualifications from a specialized construction organization.

The composition of the machines, which makes it possible to implement these technologies in a complex-mechanized way, is presented in Table. 3.4.

Table 3.4

List of machines and equipment used in the technology of underground structures installation according to the “top-down” technology with sheet pile load-bearing enclosing structures

Technological stage

Applied equipment

sheet piling

Vibratory pile driver on crane, drilling rig or excavator




Drilling rig, pneumatic wheel crane, concrete pump, fuel truck




Pneumatic wheel crane, welding unit, concrete pump, concrete truck

Extraction of soil from under the floors

Mini-excavator on a pneumatic wheel, a grab on a crane. It is possible to extract soil to the surface through technological openings along belt conveyors installed on the ceilings of underground floors

Possible constructive solutions for fixing monolithic ceilings to sheet piling are shown in fig. 3.12.

Based on the presented technological schemes, taking into account the analysis of experience in difficult soil conditions for the installation of sheet piles and their fastening, the authors calculated the technological ™ of several options for fixing the sheetings of a conditional pit pit with a depth of 6 m with dimensions in the plan of 40x30 m. The length of the sheet piling is 18 m. The following technological processes were considered options:

  • option 1 - arrangement of temporary spacer horizontal beams made of steel pipes with a diameter of 630 mm, mounted in increments of 6 m, with intermediate support on sheet piles; along the perimeter of the fence for all options, a strapping belt made of a steel I-beam 400 mm high is arranged;
  • option II - "island" method with soil berms and strut mounts made of steel pipes 12 m long with a diameter of 426 mm, installed with a step of 6 m and fixed to the sections of the foundation slab in the pit;
  • option III - fastening sheet piling with ground injection anchors from rods with a diameter of 73 mm and a length of 30 m, performed in one row with a step of 2 m; anchors are provided by technology Titanium (Ishebeck GmbH) ;
  • option IV - fastening of the fence with steel rods to a discontinuous anchor wall made of sheet piles (three sheet piles of the brand 4Z-36-700 Arcelor per pile) 9.5 m long. Rods with a diameter of 75 mm, 15 m long are laid with a step of 5 m in trenches with a depth of 2 .0 m;

Rice. 3.12.

a- on steel support tables; b, in- on monolithic reinforced concrete belts; 1 - sheet pile; 2 - beam or floor slab, 3 - horizontal steel beam, 4 - support table, welded to the sheet pile, 5-monolithic

reinforced concrete belt

Option V - cementation of the soil over the entire depth of the sheet pile, as well as the creation of soil-cement diaphragms with a thickness of 2 m under the bottom of the pit with a step of 600x520 mm (close to the sheet piling with a step of 500x440 mm).

The cost indicators were adopted on the basis of the territorial current unit prices and data from suppliers of building materials. The terms of work were calculated according to the ENiR standards, taking into account the productivity of modern equipment. Manufacturability criteria were calculated using formulas (2.1)-(2.3).

Differential (simple) criteria for manufacturability of sheet piling fasteners are presented in Table. 3.5.

Table 3.5

Simple criteria for the manufacturability of sheet piling reinforcements


Simple Manufacturability Criteria X.

Cost, thousand rubles

Metal consumption, t

The cost of materials, thousand rubles

labor costs,

Area increase factor

Duration, days

With horizontal braces

With ground berms



With anchor wall



Note: the table highlights the best values ​​for the considered indicator of manufacturability; the area increase coefficient was calculated as the ratio of the area occupied by the fence structures to the area of ​​the pit; when calculating the productivity for option 3, the work on the development of the pit and the installation of sections of the foundation slab was taken into account.

Results of reduction of simple criteria X in dimensionless quantities are given in Table. 3.6

Table 3.6

Simple criteria in dimensionless form


Simple criteria in dimensionless form:

t" = х„ /хГ % , t" = xG/H"


Metal consumption

Cost of materials

Labor costs



With horizontal braces

With ground berms

ground anchors

With anchor wall



To calculate the generalized and integral criteria for manufacturability, the weighting factors /-x, / ^. were determined depending on the significance of each criterion according to the method of Gmoshinsky V. G., adopted in engineering forecasting.

For example, for an experimental excavation during the construction of the second stage of the Mariinsky Theater with the sheet piling secured with steel pipes, the value of / t was 1.3%, which required additional strengthening of the sheet piling in the form of fixing the soil using jet grouting methods.

It should be noted that when arranging sheet piling of pits arranged near historical buildings in soft soils, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof "equivalent stiffness should be taken ^

In view of the above in table. 3.10 presents the modern experience of arranging sheet piling for pits with a depth of more than 6 m in St. Petersburg, showing that the use of special, mainly vibration, sheet piling technologies in combination with additional measures for the installation of various containment systems ensures the proper quality and stability of pit fencing.

The choice of technological parameters for the installation of sheet piling and systems for ensuring their stability in conditions of weak dynamically unstable soils is an important technical task that requires, first of all, a competent calculation justification based on modern methods and software systems. The main principles and methods for calculating sheet piling are discussed in the next section.

Examples of installation of sheet piling for excavations in St. Petersburg

Table 3.10



SEC Gallery, Lithuanian pr.


Ground anchors and ground berms and struts supported on a foundation slab

Shopping center Stockman, Nevsky pr.

Ground-cement diaphragm at a depth of 17-20 m. Wall in the ground, floors, arranged according to the "top-down" technology

Administrative building of the bank, Malookhtinsky pr.

Second Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre, Kryukov Canal

Overlapping technology "top-down", inkjet technology

Hotel complex Park Inn,

Goncharnaya st.

Wall in the ground. Horizontal bracing beams

Office center, Pochtamtskaya st.

Soil-cement i diaphragm at a depth of 7-10 m. Horizontal spacer beams

Reconstruction of the building for a hotel complex,

emb. R. Moiki, d. 73, 75, 77, 79


Overlapping technology "top-down"

Residential building, Deputatskaya st., 34A


Ground berms and horizontal bracing beams

The end of the table. 3.10



Sheet piling fastening technology

Office center, Neva City Hall, Degtyarny ner.


Ground anchors 30 m long

residential complex,

Medikov Ave., 10

Horizontal bracing beams

Residential building, Rybatsky pr.,

  • 12-20

Soil berms and struts supported on a foundation slab

Residential building, st. Victory at the house of the 18th GG on Moskovsky pr.



Horizontal spacer beams in two tiers on intermediate columns

Residential building, st. Smolny, d. 4, building. B-2, B-5, B-6


Horizontal bracing beams on intermediate columns

Automobile plant "Magna" in the village. Shushary, Moscow sh.

Horizontal bracing beams

Note: //.. L- the depth of the pit and the length of the sheet pile, respectively.

STO-GK "Transstroy" -019-2007


Sheet piling type "Larsen". Application in transport construction

Introduction date 2007-04-10


1 DEVELOPED by the Regional Public Organization "Scientific and Technical Association of Scientists and Specialists of Transport Construction", OJSC "Research Institute of Transport Construction (OJSC TsNIIS)" (candidates of technical sciences N.A. Efremov, L.N. Losev, engineers D.M. Dolganov, M.B. Smirnov, R.V. Stupnikov) commissioned by Transstroy Group of Companies LLC.

2 INTRODUCED by the Technology Development and Standardization Department of Transstroy Group of Companies LLC

3 ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT LLC "Group of companies "Transstroy" by order of April 09, 2007 N GK / PN-15.

4 AGREED BY JSC LenmorNIIproekt (out. N OGS dated February 13, 2007), Association Hydroproject (out. N 3.2.4-20/284 dated 28.12.2006), JSC SoyuzmorNIIproekt (out. N 8/17 dated 11.01.2007), "Podvodrechstroy-4" of the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (ref. N 264 dated 12.28.2006), OJSC "Transmost" (ref. N 09 / 10-125 dated January 31, 2007), by the Department of Capital Construction of Russian Railways (ref. N TsUKSi-20/643 dated March 15, 2007)

5 The development of an organization standard is provided for by Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ.

6 This standard was developed in accordance with STO-GK "Transstroy" -002-2006 "Rules for the construction, presentation and designation in the development of standards for the organization of the Transstroy Group of Companies".

7 This standard uses TU 14-102-8-03*, LARSSEN profiles from HOESCH (Germany) and ESP VL from NIPON STEEL (Japan).
* Specifications mentioned hereinafter are not given. See the link for more information. - Database manufacturer's note.

8 REGISTERED BY FSUE "Standartinform" on 11.04.2007 N 200/103119 and OOO "Group of companies "Transstroy" on 24.04.2007 N GK/ 218.

9 HOLDER OF THE ORIGINAL - Transstroy Group of Companies LLC


1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to the construction of capital and temporary transport facilities for various purposes from the sheet pile of the "Larsen" type according to TU 14-102-8-03 "Pile L5-U. Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTKM)".

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards and normative documents:

GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Marks.

GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications.

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications.

GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage.

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the environment.

GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification.

GOST 12.3.009-76 SSBT Loading and unloading works. General safety requirements.

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for the protection of surface waters from pollution.

GOST Nature protection. Soils. Requirements for the protection of the fertile soil layer in the production of earthworks.

GOST Nature protection. Earth. General requirements for land reclamation.

GOST Nature protection. Earth. Requirements for determining the norms for the removal of the fertile soil layer in the production of earthworks.

GOST 6996-66 Welded joints. Methods for determining mechanical properties.

SNiP II-23-81 Steel structures.

SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations.

SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions.

SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, foundations and foundations.

SNiP 3.04.03-85 Protection of building structures and facilities against corrosion.

SNiP 3.07.02-87 Hydraulic marine and river transport facilities.

SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction.

SNiP 12-04-2002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

SP 53-101-98 Manufacture and quality control of steel building structures.

VSN 34-91 Rules for the production and acceptance of work on the construction of new, reconstruction and expansion of existing hydrotechnical marine and river transport facilities.

TU 14-102-8-03 Sheet pile L5-U. Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTKM).

When using this standard, it is advisable to check the operation of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards".

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 anchor support: A support made of metal rods located in a soil mass, fastening and holding soils from collapse.

3.2 anchor pile (plate): A pile (slab) fixed in a soil massif and serving to hold a sheet pile wall and anchor lining.

3.3 bolter: The sheet pile wall of a sea or river berthing structure in the form of driven sheet piles connected on top with a special design.

3.4 vibrator: Vibro-impact construction machine for driving sheet piles into the soil massif.

3.5 soil array: An array of soil that provides the overall stability of the sheet pile wall according to the scheme of deep shear and rotational movement.

3.6 anchored sheet pile wall: Wall made of sheet piles equipped with one or more tiers of anchor support.

3.7 unanchored sheet pile wall: Sheet pile wall without anchoring.

3.8 pile hammer: Impact construction machine for driving sheet piles into the ground.

3.9 sheet pile work: A set of technological operations (works) performed with sheet piles during the construction of a sheet pile wall.

3.10 sheet pile (sheet pile): Separate sheet pile wall mounting element, steel sheet pile type "Larsen".

3.11 sheet pile wall: Solid thin vertical or inclined wall of sheet piles driven into the ground (sheet piling); designed to absorb mainly horizontal loads and, above all, the pressure of the soil behind it.

3.12 PIC: Construction organization project.

3.13 PPR: Project of work production.

4 Classification (Basic parameters and dimensions)

4.1 A wall made of steel sheet piles of the "Larsen" type with anchor fastening (Figure 1) is designed to hold the soil mass from shear or rotational movement. The wall consists of a "Larsen" type sheet pile, a "cap" or wheel breaker beam, a distribution beam, anchor rods and anchor piles.

Figure 1 - Sheet pile wall from "Larsen" sheet pile with anchor fastening

Figure 1 - Sheet pile wall from "Larsen" sheet pile with anchor fastening

1 - soil mass; 2 - tongue type "Larsen"; 3 - cap beam; 4 - distribution beam; 5 - anchor traction; 6 - anchor pile

4.2 The anchored wall of the "Larsen" sheet pile is equipped with anchor devices that prevent the movement of the upper end of the sheet pile. An anchored wall structure may have one or more tiers of anchors.

The depth of driving and the section of the sheet pile, the design of the anchor lining, anchor piles and the number of tiers of anchors are taken in accordance with the project.

The most common walls are made of sheet piles of the "Larsen" type with one tier of anchors, erected at a watercourse depth of 5-14 m.

4.3 The anchorless wall (Figure 2) has a simpler design. The wall consists of a row of sheet piles hammered into the ground, the top of which is united by a capped timber.

The free height of the anchorless wall and the depth of pile driving are determined by calculations, in accordance with the requirements of the project. Under ordinary conditions, the free height of the anchorless wall does not exceed 6.5 m.

Figure 2 - Sheet pile wall of "Larsen" type sheet pile

Figure 2 - Sheet pile wall of "Larsen" type sheet pile

1 - soil mass; 2 - tongue type "Larsen"; 3 - cap beam

4.4 Sheet piles are made from 6 to 24 m long. For the production of sheet piles, carbon steel with a yield strength of up to 420 MPa and normalized impact strength at a temperature of minus 40 °C is used.

4.5 Sheet pile is manufactured at the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works.

4.6 The assortment and characteristics of the "Larsen" sheet pile and sheet pile walls are given in Appendix A.

4.7 Domestic sheet pile walls made of hot-rolled trough sheet piling of the "Larsen" type are not inferior to similar foreign profiles "LARSSEN" of the company "HOESCH" (Germany) and "ESP VL" of the company "NIPON STEEL" (Japan), which is confirmed by the results of a comparative analysis, given in Appendix B of this Standard.

4.8 Comparative characteristics of sheet pile walls of "Larsen" type sheet pile are given in Appendix B.

5 Transportation and storage of sheet piles, anchor rods and piles

5.1 Larsen-type sheet piling, anchor rods and piles can be transported by all types of transport in accordance with the transportation rules applicable to the specific type of transport.

5.2 Within the water area, the "Larsen" sheet pile, anchor piles and rods should be transported on deck barges, pontoons having the necessary buoyancy and stability, checked by the calculation for the perception of concentrated loads from the mass of the sheet pile. It is allowed to transport sheet piling on the deck of floating cranes for a distance of up to 4 km in a water area protected from waves.

5.3 Transportation and storage of "Larsen" sheet pile, anchor rods and piles in terms of exposure to environmental climatic factors must comply with the requirements of GOST 15150-69. It is allowed to store sheet piles, anchor piles and rods in the open air.

5.4 "Larsen" sheet piles may be stored in piles, the height of which excludes residual deformations of structures.

5.5 When storing, loading, transporting and unloading "Larsen" sheet piles, anchor rods and piles, linings and slinging devices should be used to prevent permanent deformation and damage to the locks and ensure the preservation of their shape.

5.6 When storing sheet piles of the "Larsen" type, anchor rods and piles, good visibility of the marking of structures should be ensured. At the request of the customer, the following types of marking can be applied:

- color markings in the head of each sheet pile, defining the profile, length and steel grade;

- stickers containing the customer's name, destination, order number, profile type and length.

5.7 The dimensions of passages and driveways in the place of storage of structures between stacks or individual structures must comply with the requirements of building codes.

6 Acceptance, preparation and storage of "Larsen" sheet piling, anchor rods and piles

6 Acceptance, preparation and storage of "Larsen" sheet piles, anchor rods and piles

6.1 Each batch of Larsen sheet pile, anchor rods and piles received at the construction site must be accompanied by documentation (passport) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-04, VSN 34-91, GOST 7566-94, TU and have certificates of conformity, meeting the requirements of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" (N 184-FZ, Chapter 4).

6.2 The document (passport) on the quality of the Larsen sheet pile, anchor rods and piles must contain:

- name of the manufacturer, its address and trademark;

- designation of sheet piling, anchor piles and rods;

- number of the passport and the date of its compilation, information about the steel grade of sheet piles, anchor rods and piles;

- product parameters;

- type of anti-corrosion coating and its characteristics;

- the number of delivered products;

- a passport signed by the head of the QCD or other responsible representative of the manufacturer;

Attached to the quality document:

- executive drawings of shipped products;

- a list of documents on the quality of materials used for the manufacture of products;

- copies or numbers of diplomas (certificates) on the qualifications of gas cutters and welders who manufactured the products;

- a list of results of quality control of welded joints in products.

6.3 Sheet piles and anchor rods are allowed for acceptance if their dimensions and shapes of profiles differ from the design ones within the limits specified in the relevant specifications and regulatory documents.

6.4 The protective anti-corrosion coating of the anchor rods and anchor piles should have no more than two delaminations with a surface area of ​​up to 20 cm per 1 m. Deviations in the thickness of the protective coating should not exceed ± 10%. When checking the quality of protective coatings, documents are considered that characterize the constituent components in relation to compliance with their shelf life.

6.5 For electric welding of sheet piles, anchor rods and piles at the construction site, welding materials should be used in accordance with the requirements of the project and SNiP II-23-81.

6.6 Welded joints must be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5264-80 and GOST 14771-76.

6.7 Welding joints of the "Larsen" sheet pile are performed in accordance with the project from the condition of ensuring equal strength of the butt joint to the main section. Welding joints of adjacent sheet piles are allowed to be no closer than 2 m from one another, while the stresses in this section should not exceed 50% of the calculated ones.

6.8 Before immersion on all sheet piles, check the geometric dimensions of the interlocks, the straightness of the shape and the possibility of mutual unhindered passage of adjacent interlocks.

6.9 It is recommended to check the geometrical dimensions of the tongue and groove locks on the bench and using templates no less than 2 m long. The detected defects of the "Larsen" type tongue locks (bends, dents) must be corrected by mechanical straightening. For one sheet pile, it is allowed to replace one defect of the lock in a section no longer than 0.5 m.

6.10 On each sheet pile, a serial number must be applied with indelible paint, the length and depth of immersion of the pile into the ground according to the project are indicated.

6.11 Larsen sheet piling is normally supplied without mounting holes. If necessary, sheet piles can be provided with mounting holes along the center line of the pile. The mounting hole of a sheet pile of the "Larsen" type of a standard size has a diameter of 50 mm and is made 250 mm from the end on the longitudinal axis of the trough profile.

6.12 All lifting and transport operations must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the PPR, taking precautions against damage to the anti-corrosion coating, locks and the occurrence of other defects in structural elements.

The transfer of sheet pile wall elements from a horizontal to a vertical position should be carried out using traverses.

6.13 Places for storing the stock of elements must be chosen as close as possible to the headframes or cranes. Elements should be shifted into stacks in such a way as not to overturn during slinging.

Places for storing sheet pile wall elements should be convenient for the passage of cranes and vehicles and for loading and unloading operations.

7 Preparatory work

7.1 Structures using the Larsen type sheet pile should be erected in accordance with the requirements of the working documentation, SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP 12-01-04, VSN 34-91, POS, PPR, as well as this standard of the organization. All deviations from the project documentation must be preliminarily agreed with the design organization.

7.2 Immersion of a sheet pile of the "Larsen" type must be preceded by the execution and acceptance of the following works under the act:

- checking the availability of a set of design and estimate documentation at the facility; familiarization of engineers and workers with design documentation for the construction of a sheet piling wall and PPR;

- breakdown and fixation of the main axes of the structure, removal of a high-rise benchmark to the work area, creation of a construction network, fixing the boundaries of the construction site in nature;

- acceptance (incoming inspection) of the "Larsen" sheet pile and other elements of the sheet pile wall and their corresponding preparation for immersion;

- preparation and testing of mechanisms and machines (hoisting equipment, hammers, vibrators) and auxiliary devices (templates, guides, conductors) intended for use in the construction of a sheet pile wall;

- depth measurements at the construction of a berthing facility in the area of ​​sheet pile wall construction in order to check the compliance of the underwater slope with the project and clarify the scope of work on backfilling the behind-the-wall space. In the event of a significant deviation of the actual slope profile from the design one, it is necessary to bring it to the design position by additional development or topping up the soil;

- preparation of the soil base (removal and storage of the vegetation layer), examination (including by geophysical methods, etc.) of the soil massif for the presence of stones and boulders in the alignment of the sheet piling and anchor piles (if they are accepted in the design documentation in the form of steel pipes );

- diving inspection of the bottom of the water area near the berth in order to identify and remove objects that may prevent the immersion of sheet piles and anchor piles;

- arrangement in accordance with the PPR of access roads, storage areas, power lines, outdoor lighting of the construction site, service and amenity premises and a rescue post.

7.3 When building a sheet pile wall in marine conditions, on a river or other water body, the bottom of the water area is examined by divers or by other methods: underwater television installations and similar equipment. If any objects are found that prevent the sheet pile from sinking into the ground, measures are taken to eliminate these obstacles.

7.4 Trial immersion and extraction of the Larsen sheet pile (if it is provided for in the project) is carried out according to the program drawn up by the design organization in order to develop the technology for the production of work, clarify the design of the slinging device, conductors, templates, the operating mode of the main and auxiliary equipment, determine the length and bearing capacity of "Larsen" type piles.

8 Selection of sheet piling and anchor pile driving equipment

8.1 The method of driving "Larsen" sheet piles and the equipment used must comply with the decisions of the POS, PPR and design documentation for this structure and the instructions of this Standard. Submersible equipment should be selected based on the accepted method of work, design documentation, local technological and natural conditions of this section of the Standard.

8.2 A set of equipment for the construction of a sheet pile wall is selected based on the results of the analysis of the initial data, the main of which are:

- the purpose of the sheet pile wall, the requirements for ensuring its safety, temporary and operational loads;

- engineering and geological conditions at the construction site;

- characteristics of sheet piles of the "Larsen" type, including length, cross-sectional area;

- hydrometeorological conditions (water depth, current speed, water level fluctuations, wind rose, protection of the water area from waves);

- local technical conditions (availability of equipment, electricity, transport routes, etc.);

- the accepted technology for the production of works (the sequence of sheet pile driving, the time of work, etc.).

8.3 When erecting structures containing sheet pile walls, the Larsen type sheet pile is immersed in the ground with hammers or vibratory drivers. It is also allowed to use a combined scheme for driving a sheet pile into the soil mass (vibration driving with hammer finishing).

8.4 The type of hammer for driving sheet piles of the "Larsen" type and anchor piles should be selected in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.02.01-87 (Appendix 5) and Appendix B of this Standard.

The type of vibratory driver for driving "Larsen" sheet piles and anchor piles should be selected in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.02.01-87 (Appendix 6) and Appendix D of this Standard.

8.5 The criterion for the correct choice of the driving mechanism is the successful trial driving of at least three "Larsen" type sheet piles in the most characteristic points of the construction site.

8.6 In case of severe driving conditions for Larsen-type sheet piles and anchor piles (failure when driving less than 0.2 cm or vibration penetration rate less than 2 cm/min), it is necessary to take additional measures to facilitate the driving of the sheet pile, including washing the sheet piles, ground cut.

9 Driving and retrieving sheet piles and anchor piles

9.1 When constructing a sheet pile wall of a structure, a sheet pile of the "Larsen" type should be loaded using a guide device, the design of which is developed depending on the type of structure, local conditions, POS and PPR.

It is recommended to use a device (Figure 3) in the form of two parallel beams spaced at a distance (Appendix A) plus a gap of no more than 0.01-0.02 m as a guide when constructing a sheet pile wall. The guide beams are made of profile steel and are bolted to already hammered sheet piles, and in front - to temporary vertical piles or special adjustable supports.

Figure 3 - Inventory scaffolding-conductor for driving sheet piles of the "Larsen" type

Figure 3 - Inventory scaffolding-conductor for driving sheet piles of the "Larsen" type

1 - guide pins; 2 - lighthouse piles; 3 - clogged pile type "Larsen", 4 - wooden fuses; 5 - wooden scaffolding, 6 - railing; 7 - fastening guides

Figure 4 - Device for protecting anchor rods and sheet piles and a guide screen for backfilling a stone prism

Figure 4 - Device for protecting anchor rods and sheet piles and a guide screen for backfilling a stone prism

1 - tongue type "Larsen"; 2 - distribution belt; 3 - anchor traction; 4 - protective structure; 5 - guide screen; 6 - wooden nozzles; 7 - anchor pile

Floating guides, as a rule, are fixed on at least four cool piles. The value of their limiting movement should not exceed 0.02 m.

If the length of a sheet pile of the "Larsen" type during driving exceeds twice the distance from the bottom of the water area to the guides, they are arranged in two or more tiers. The distance between tiers is taken at least 3 m.

To ensure the preservation of the anti-corrosion coating, each sheet pile must be equipped with adjustable rubber-coated rollers during immersion.

9.2 Sheet piles of the Larsen type are usually loaded with grips. The grip length depends on the performance of the equipment and hydrological conditions at the construction site and is determined in the project documentation.

9.3 When driving the first sheet and anchor pile, special attention must be paid to maintaining verticality or a given slope. The correctness of sheet pile and anchor pile driving is controlled in two planes and subsequently the control is repeated at least through every second sheet pile or anchor pile.

9.4 If there are weak soils in the soil massif and at the base of the sheet pile wall, it is possible for the previously driven sheet pile to go below the design mark. To prevent this phenomenon, sheet piles sunk to design marks are recommended to be combined by welding.

9.5 More powerful sheet pile driving equipment or additional tools such as flushing should be used if the sheet pile does not reach the design mark. In this case, preference should be given to a hammer with a heavier impact part.

9.6 When driving a sheet pile and an anchor pile with a vibrator, it is necessary to ensure a rigid and permanent connection between the sheet pile and the vibrator. For driving Larsen sheet piles, vibratory drivers with hydraulic caps should be preferred.

9.7 In the process of vibratory driving of the sheet pile, the position of the rope and the crane hook on which the vibratory driver is suspended should be monitored.

When working with a vibratory driver equipped with a shock absorber, the crane hook lowering speed must prevent the vibrator from hanging.

When operating a vibratory driver without a shock absorber, the speed of the crane's descent must not cause a brake on the sheet pile driving.

9.8 When driving sheet piles of the "Larsen" type with a vibrator equipped with a shock absorber, the underfeeding of sheet piles can be eliminated by raising the sheet pile by 0.5-1 m once or twice and then immersing.

If underdipping is caused by the sheet pile meeting with an obstacle, the immersion process should be stopped and the issue resolved jointly with a representative of the design organization.

9.9 When performing work on driving "Larsen" type sheet piles and driving anchor piles, a record of driving sheet and anchor piles should be kept. According to the log, a summary sheet of sheet piling is compiled. Planned and profile diagrams of the design and actual position of the sheet pile wall and anchor piles should be attached to the magazine.

9.10 Shearing of sheet piles may be carried out only with the permission of the representative of architectural supervision and (or) the customer, about which an appropriate entry must be made in the work log.

9.11 Driving of sheet piles and anchor piles with hammers and their immersion with vibratory drivers should be carried out using special caps in the form of distribution plates, equipped in the upper part with an annular cage for placing a shock absorber in it, and in the lower part with a system of protrusions for fixing the head of the sheet pile and determining the position regarding the hammer.

The cap is designed to evenly redistribute the load on the sheet pile when hit by a hammer and to mitigate the impact impulse.

9.12 The planned dimensions of the cap plate and its lower surface must ensure close contact with the end surface of the tongue over the entire area.

9.13 The shock absorber is made from a solid bar of a tree trunk, from rubber, or is assembled in height from individual square-section elements.

The estimated life of a hardwood shock absorber is up to 8,000 strokes, and up to 5,000 strokes for pine.

9.14 The minimum failure of the sheet pile and anchor pile during driving should be 0.2 cm, but not less than that given in the passport of the hammer manufacturer and in the instructions for its operation.

9.15 Washing facilitates the driving of sheet piles and anchor piles to the design marks. This method is allowed for use at the construction site if the distance between the sheet pile wall and the existing structures is at least twice the depth of the sheet piles.

9.16 The use of flushing is most effective in combination with vibratory driving of sheet piles. Washing parameters should be determined on the basis of appropriate hydraulic calculations, taking into account the rate of soil erosion and water consumption for its hydrotransport.

9.17 To extract "Larsen" sheet piles, it is recommended to use cranes with a lifting capacity of 500 kN or more, cranes equipped with vibratory loaders, impact sheet pilers, double-acting hammers.

A combined method of pulling out sheet piles of the "Larsen" type in combination with jetting is also recommended.

9.18 Soil resistance when pulling out "Larsen" type sheet piles is composed of resistance in interlocks, sheet pile weight and friction on the lateral surface and in interlocks.

The efficiency of sheet pile pulling out increases with preliminary wetting of the soil mass at the work site.

10 Drainage and drainage

10.1 To improve the reliability of work at the stages of construction and operation of sheet pile walls, a set of measures should be taken to organize the removal of surface and ground water from the construction site.
automatically updated

This page provides information about the Larsen sheet pile. You will learn the scope of this rolled metal, its varieties and technical characteristics. We will consider the technology of arranging sheet piling and the special equipment used to immerse sheet piling.

The best way to protect the excavation at the construction site from landslides and water, or, conversely, to strengthen the banks of the reservoir is to plunge the Larsen sheet pile.

Sheet pile information

Building reinforcement can be used on various types of soils - viscous, silty, clay, fine-grained. For the manufacture of metal sheet piles, strong steel with a high carbon content is used, and to strengthen the supporting structures and resistance to corrosion, a material with copper additives is used.

Plastic sheet piles made of polyvinyl chloride have great durability and environmental friendliness, in addition, fences made of them are cheaper than metal or reinforced concrete ones. Among the advantages of the Larsen sheet pile is the convenience and ease of installation, which does not require the use of significant labor.

Video of Larsen sheet piling

With strong locks, it is used for the construction of bridges, supports, bank protection. The L5 profile, which has greater strength, is able to withstand powerful pressure due to the strong adhesion of piles, and serves to prevent the movement of earth layers or landslides. Sheet pile L5 UM provides a more reliable connection of sheet piles. For individual works, the Czech-made profile VL 606 is more profitable and economical. Another option for a rational approach is the use of a used sheet pile, which has been sorted and fault-checked, and due to its high technological properties is suitable for repeated use.

See also:

Sheet pile Larsen L4 technical characteristics

The production of L4 model Larsen sheet piling in the CIS is carried out by two organizations - the Russian Mining and Metallurgical Company and the Ukrainian company "DMK". L4 is one of the most common types of sheet pile, which, among other things, is widely represented on the secondary market.

Important: this sheet pile is made of steel grade ST3KP, less often - 16KhG. The sheet pile L4 has an analogue with identical technical characteristics - VL606 made of S270GP steel (manufactured by the Czech company Evraz).


The length of the sheet pile L4 varies from 5 to 23 meters, the design has the following characteristics:

  • Useful profile width (between side locks) - 40 cm;
  • The weight of 1 running meter of sheet pile is 74 kg;
  • Weight 1 sq. m. - 185 kg;
  • The thickness of the inclined faces (s) - 9.5 mm;
  • Thickness of the central profile (t) - 14.8 mm;
  • The resistance value of a single sheet pile is 405 cm3/m;
  • The resistance value is 1 p.m. sheet pile wall - 2200 cm3/m;
  • Inertia force 1 lm sheet pile wall - 38 837 cm/m.
  • Nominal wall strength - 518 kN/m.


Sheet pile Larsen L5 technical characteristics

Manufacturers of L5 grade Larsen sheet piling in the CIS are the Russian Mining and Metallurgical Company and the Ukrainian plant "DMK". Foreign analogue - VL607, Czech company "Evraz". Sheet pile L5 is made of steel ST3KP, it is widely distributed in the primary and secondary markets.

Important: L5 is a reinforced version of sheet pile L4, it has an increased thickness of the central profile and inclined walls, due to which greater stability of the sheet pile wall in the ground is achieved.

Technical characteristics of sheet pile L5:

  • Length - from 5 to 24 m;
  • Useful profile width (between side locks) - 420 cm;
  • Weight of 1 linear meter of sheet pile - 100 kg;
  • Weight 1 sq. m. - 238 kg;
  • Thickness of inclined faces (s) - 113 mm;
  • Thickness of the central profile (t) - 21 mm;
  • The resistance value of a single sheet pile is 461 cm3/m;
  • The resistance value is 1 p.m. sheet pile wall - 2962 cm3/m;
  • Inertia force 1 lm sheet pile wall - 50950 cm/m.
  • Nominal wall strength - 698 kN/m.


Sheet pile Larsen GOST

There is no separate state quality standard in Russia for Larsen sheet pile, nominally this rolled metal falls under the requirements of GOST No. 4781-85 "Hot-rolled steel profiles for sheet piles", however, the production of Larsen sheet pile is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications:
  • TU No. 14-2-879-89 "Rolled metal hot-rolled sheet pile Larsen";
  • TU No. 14-102-147-93 "Larsen sheet pile L5 of trough type".

Important: the requirements for the steel from which the sheet pile is made are given in GOST No. 27772 "Rolled products for building metal structures", according to which steel with a strength class of 320, 270 and 240 can be used for the production of sheet piles.

Sheet pile marking, sampling technology for chemical analysis of metal and the rules for its acceptance are specified in GOST No. 7566 "Metal Products".

Checking the resistance of the sheet pile to tensile pressure is carried out in accordance with GOST No. 1497, to bending pressure - in accordance with GOST No. 14019, to shock loads in bending - in accordance with GOST No. 9454.


Used technique

To drive the Larsen sheet piling, pile drivers are used, equipped with mounted diesel hammers or vibratory pile drivers.

Important: pile driver installations are self-propelled vehicles based on wheeled or caterpillar vehicles, which are equipped with a winch mechanism for pulling and raising the sheet pile, a pile mast - for fixing the sheet pile in a vertical position, and a plunging device.

The most common impact pile driving, which is carried out by diesel or hydraulic hammers. Sheet pile driving with the help of hammers is the fastest and cheapest technology for its immersion, however, a number of restrictions are imposed on its use - it is impossible to drive a sheet pile in dense urban areas due to the destructive impact of the driving process on the foundations of nearby buildings.


In diesel hammers, the impact part is lowered onto the submersible structure in free fall, and its lifting is carried out due to the detonation of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, the energy from which throws the striker up. All diesel hammers, depending on the shape of the body and guide elements, are classified into two groups - tubular and rod.

When using vibration mechanisms, the sheet pile is immersed in the ground due to low-amplitude vibrations applied to it, under the influence of which the soil under the sheet pile is loosened and the profile is lowered under its own weight and the mass of the vibrator.

Important: vibratory immersion of sheet piles is highly productive - installation of one profile 9 meters long using a medium-frequency vibratory driver takes no more than 2-3 minutes.

Indentation technology

The indentation of the Larsen tongue is one of the most gentle technologies for its immersion. When it is implemented, dynamic loads that occur during the operation of hammers are not transferred to the foundations of nearby buildings, and soil deconsolidation does not occur, which is characteristic of vibration immersion.

Piling installations, available in our state, allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out sheet pile driving. Contact us, we are ready to give advice on any issue.

Our company is engaged in driving piles -

- an important stage of the zero cycle of work in multi-storey construction. On an industrial scale, digging pits is carried out using an excavator. According to the provisions of SNiP No. 3.02.01 "Earthworks", all pits with a depth of more than 2 m must be reinforced with sheet piles to prevent their collapse and flooding with groundwater.

This article presents the technology of fencing pits with sheet piles. You will learn what types of sheet pile are used and how they are installed. Also, the design features of sheet piling will be considered and examples of calculations will be given.

When and why is it necessary to fence the pits with a sheet pile?

The need to strengthen pits with sheet piles is determined by safety requirements and SNiP standards, according to which the following types of pits are subject to reinforcement with sheet piles:

  • all pits with a depth of more than 1 m in sandy soil;
  • pits with a depth of 1.25 m in sandy loam;
  • pits with a depth of 1.5 m in clay soil and loam;
  • pits with a depth of 2 m in high density soils.

The functional purpose of sheet piling is to protect the walls of the pit from collapse, which can occur during pile driving at the construction site (more than 80% of multi-storey buildings stand on pile foundations).

Sheet piling technology can also be considered as an alternative to dewatering. The sheet pile used for the installation of the fence has groove locks, through which individual sheet piles are connected to a sealed, water-tight wall, which minimizes the risk of flooding the pit with groundwater.

Types of sheet pile for fencing pits

In modern construction practice, two types of sheet pile metal are used for fencing pits - Larsen sheet pile and pipe shunt. Wooden and reinforced concrete sheet piles are practically not used due to financial inexpediency.

The Larsen sheet pile is a trough-shaped profile, the length of which can reach up to 35 meters and the width up to 80 cm. There are several modifications of the Larsen sheet pile, which differ in terms of overall characteristics:

  • sheet pile L4;
  • sheet pile L5;
  • sheet pile L5-UM;
  • sheet pile Larsen "Omega";
  • sheet pile L5.

The most commonly used sheet pile is L5, made of steel grades ST3KP or 16 KhG. The width of the L5 profile is 42 cm, the weight is 1 running meter. - 100 kg, weight 1 m 2 - 217 kg. The normative strength of sheet piling made of profile L5 is 800 kNm/m.

Fences made of sheet piles are used in conditions of unstable soils prone to horizontal shifts, in which the walls of a trough-shaped profile do not have the required stability. Due to the larger cross-section of the pipes, which gives an increased area of ​​pinching the sheet pile with soil masses, the moment of resistance and the strength of the pipe wall are much higher.

The diameter of sheet pile pipes varies within 530-1420 mm. Pipes used for fencing pits have a type marking unified in accordance with SNiP standards Т1420×12, wherein:

  • T - tubular sheet pile;
  • 1420 - diameter (mm);
  • 2 - wall thickness (mm).

Like the Larsen sheet pile, the pipe sheet pile has slot locks located on the side contours of the pipes, through which the structures are connected into a solid wall. When installing fences, steel rotary elements are additionally used, through which the wall is given the required spatial configuration.

The widespread use of steel sheet piles in construction practice is due to the possibility of its reuse, which is not subject to reinforced concrete and wooden structures. The construction organization gets the opportunity to make a temporary sheet piling and, upon completion of the foundation work, dismantle the sheet pile and sell it on the secondary market, thereby reimbursing part of the financial costs. According to the norms of SNiP, the turnover of sheet piles and Larsen sheet piles can reach up to 20 cycles.

sheet piling calculation

The calculation of sheet piling is carried out by specialized specialists in accordance with the requirements of SNiP No. 2.09.03 "Design of retaining walls". The purpose of fencing calculations is:

  • determination of the required sheet pile size;
  • determination of the depth of immersion of the sheet pile based on the compliance of the design stability and wall resistance with regulatory data;
  • designing additional measures to strengthen the sheet pile wall.

Calculation of the sheet pile wall resistance to overturning is carried out according to the formula: , in which:

  • Ou - normative resistance;
  • Oz is the pinching force of the sheet pile in the ground;
  • K - coefficient. sheet piling operating conditions (depending on the type of soil);
  • Cn - coefficient. safety margin (1.2).

Calculation of sheet piling strength is carried out according to the formula: , where:

  • Lk is the value of the load per m2 of the fence;
  • Pck is the design resistance of the wall;
  • Du is the moment of resistance of the wall;
  • K - coefficient. sheet pile work in the ground.

Calculation of the depth of piling is carried out according to the formula: T = t0 + ∆t, in which ∆t = :

  • Fn is the diagram of load distribution along the sheet pile wall;
  • qtO is the moment of maximum load on the fence, coming from soil pressure;
  • d - coefficient. passive soil pressure on the wall (l - active impact).

For sheet piling, in each case, a flow sheet is drawn up, which indicates information and instructions for the implementation of work for the personnel performing sheet piling.

The technological map is created based on TTK (standard card) No. 4-104-1"The device of metal sheet pile walls" (an updated version of the TTK was released on 05/21/2015). The flow sheet for temporary sheet piling must be approved by the contractor's chief engineer and the person responsible for safety.

Vibration immersion of a tubular sheet pile (video)

Sheet pile wall installation technology

The sheet piling installation is carried out with the involvement of special construction equipment - pile drivers. The pile driver is a self-propelled machine on a caterpillar or wheel base, which is equipped with the equipment necessary for sheet pile driving.

The functional equipment of the copra includes:

  • pile mast - steel guide, on which the submersible equipment and sheet pile structure are fixed;
  • plunging mechanism - impact hammer or vibrator;
  • winch blocks - for the concept and installation of the sheet pile in its original position.

There are three methods for mounting a tongue and groove: impact driving, vibration immersion and static indentation. In construction practice, the driving method is the most common - this is the most effective and inexpensive technology, however, the current SNiP prohibit driving sheet piles in dense building conditions, since the dynamic loads generated by the hammer during driving can cause deformation and destruction of the foundations of nearby buildings.

Vibration driving is a method in which the sheet pile is deepened into the ground under the influence of high-frequency low-amplitude vibrations. The vibrator generates vibrations that are transmitted to the sheet pile fixed in it, then the vibration passes to the soil layers in contact with the sheet pile, which, under the influence of vibrations, decompress, which leads to the deepening of the sheet pile under its own weight and the mass of the vibrator pressing on it.
