There is a white coating on gooseberry fruits, what to do. Gooseberry plaque is a disease. Treatment of powdery mildew with horsetail

Fortunately, special fungicides have already been developed that can save the shrub if you start to fight the problem in time. In this article we will talk about what to do if a brown coating has formed on the gooseberries: what this may be associated with, and how to treat it.

In general, plaque on gooseberries may indicate several serious diseases at once. If we talk specifically about brown plaque, then this is a clear sign of the most dangerous and common gooseberry disease - powdery mildew.

Oddly enough, but among the people, this disease is more often called just white plaque. It turns brown at an advanced stage, when there is no point in fighting the disease, and the bush must simply be removed and destroyed outside the garden plot.

In general, powdery mildew can be of two types - American and European, and their external manifestations are similar, and the diseases differ only in the type of fungus that causes them.

The first symptoms of the disease can be detected in the spring or at the very beginning of summer: a white coating appears on young shoots, which in the initial stages is easily erased even with your fingers. But, of course, you won’t get rid of the fungus this way. And soon the colony will completely move on to the ovaries and fruits of the plant.

Moreover, every day the plaque will become denser and denser, and its color will become darker and darker, until it becomes dark brown. And if treatment is not started on time, then after 2-3 seasons the bush will die completely, and the pores of the fungus will also scatter with the wind throughout the entire garden area, infecting other plants. Moreover, powdery mildew is not afraid of even severe frosts.

Control measures against powdery mildew or spheroid must be the most serious, and not one-time, but permanent, including preventive. And here are the most effective methods of treatment:

  • Affected berries and infected parts of the plant are taken outside the site and destroyed.
  • In early spring, the shrub is treated with boiling water to kill fungal spores.
  • Fungicides are applied even before the first ovaries form. Bordeaux mixture or soda ash solution is used. Moreover, it is best to add a little laundry soap to the latter. Let us add that spraying with chemicals is usually carried out in the first half of the day.
  • In later stages of the disease, you can try using an infusion of wood ash, which can be used to treat both the upper parts of the bush and the ground parts (300 grams of dry mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water).
  • If the entire gooseberry planting is already affected, then you will have to use more powerful means - complex fungicides. Fitosporin, Topaz and Fundazol have proven themselves well.
  • Additionally, you can use organic fertilizers - mullein, bird manure or humus. They are diluted with water in a ratio of one to three. This feeding strengthens the bacteria that fight the fungus.
  • If powdery mildew has already been observed on the site, then experienced gardeners recommend purchasing and planting exclusively spheroteca-resistant varieties. So that you don’t have to wonder later if the gooseberries are covered with a brown coating, what to do.

Mold on berries and spots on gooseberries: other causes

As mentioned above, there are several diseases at once, due to which various spots appear on the gooseberries, and the fruits can become moldy. And in second place in frequency after spheroteca is anthracnose. This disease is also caused by a fungus, and plants are especially susceptible to it during rainy and warm periods.

First, white spots with a glossy structure appear on the gooseberry, which merge with each other over time. And after a while they also darken, and the entire bush acquires a brown tint. If you do not start treatment, then very soon the leaves will begin to dry, the appearance of young shoots will slow down, and the harvest will deteriorate and decrease.

For proper treatment, it is important not only to use chemicals, but also to remove infected parts and remove fallen leaves. And the most effective fungicide in this case is Bordeaux mixture, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 100 grams per 10 liters of water. The crop will need to be processed at least four times a season with an interval of fifteen to twenty days.


It is immediately clear where this name comes from - glass rust, because its main feature is a characteristic stain shape, bright orange color. Infection usually occurs in early spring, when the wind brings fungal spores. The foliage on the gooseberry becomes distorted, curls and falls off. And if treatment is not started in time, then rust will affect the fruits, which will also begin to deform and dry out.

It is believed that the most effective way to combat this disease is proper planting and prevention. Thus, it is recommended to plant only varieties with resistance to this disease. In addition, bushes growing in places with high humidity and near bodies of water are most susceptible to rust.

But if infection could not be avoided, then Bordeaux mixture will be an effective means of combating rust - a solution that is already familiar to us: 100 grams per 10 liters of water. But this time the gooseberries are processed in three stages:

  • during the formation of ovaries;
  • immediately after flowering;
  • 10-14 days after flowering ends.

Well, at the end, a few words about diseases typical of gooseberry fruits.

  1. The leaves turn yellow, followed by the berries. The reason is the already familiar spheroteka or powdery mildew. If yellow spots appear on the leaves along the veins, then most likely the bush is infected with mosaic.
  2. Mold on berries. The reason is the same - powdery mildew, but it can also be a sign that the bush is affected by a pest - aphids.
  3. Berries and leaves fall. Almost all of the diseases listed above and many others can cause this. But there is another reason - perhaps there is a nitrogen deficiency in the soil or some macroelements are missing.
  4. Scab is quite rare in gooseberries, but in the garden it is a common disease. At the same time, dark brown spots also appear on the plant - on the fruits and leaves. The bush should immediately be treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (100 grams per 10 liters of water) or a solution of copper sulfate (40 grams per 10 liters of water).

White blooms on gooseberries are usually a sign of powdery mildew. This disease is dangerous for many cultures. If measures to combat powdery mildew are not taken in a timely manner, it can lead to massive death of plants on the site.

A whitish coating can be found on the stems, fruits or leaves of gooseberries. Organs affected by the disease change shape and become twisted. In this case, fruit growth slows down significantly.

Powdery mildew occurs in spring or summer as a result of crop damage by fungal organisms. The disease progresses in cold, rainy summers, as high air humidity promotes the spread of the disease.

Representatives of tall berry varieties are most susceptible to the disease, because such plants are often pruned. Low-growing plants can be susceptible to powdery mildew if they are not properly cared for.

Fighting methods

When the first signs of a disease are detected, you should first of all eliminate all unhealthy plant organs, and then treat the crop with chemicals or natural solutions.

Folk remedies

A white coating has appeared on the gooseberries - what to do?

You can spray the bushes with natural solutions that are absolutely harmless to humans.

There are many recipes for creating such solutions, but the most commonly used are:

  • Pour 3 kilograms of tree ash into a bucket of hot water and let the solution sit for 24 hours. Next, you should strain the mixture and spray the gooseberries with it before flowering and immediately after it. It is worth repeating the treatment several more times (frequency: once a week). On average, one bush requires about 3 liters of spraying liquid.
  • Fermented grass that can be created using weeds and water. The collected weeds should be chopped and poured with hot water. You need to use about 5 kilograms of weeds (half a bucket). After placing the herbs in a container, you need to fill them with water to the top of the bucket. After this, you need to let the mixture brew for several days. Before processing, the tincture must be strained. The procedure is best done in the afternoon.
  • Mullein will help cure crops from powdery mildew. To do this, you need to fill a third of the bucket with mullein and fill it to the top with cold water. Next, you need to let the solution brew for several days (a couple of days). The infusion should be stirred periodically and filtered before processing the bushes.
  • Dairy products will also help rid gooseberries of white plaque. To prepare the solution you will need water and whey (homemade or purchased). There should be 10 times more water than whey. The components in such quantities are mixed until a homogeneous solution is obtained. The mixture in its finished form needs to be treated with plants from time to time until they are completely recovered.


Today there are many chemicals that can defeat powdery mildew on gooseberries. However, summer residents prefer the following:

  • Copper sulfate. Based on it, you can prepare a solution that will help defeat the disease in the shortest possible time. It is enough to use 0.1 kilograms of vitriol per bucket of water. Gooseberries need to be processed from the beginning of spring until the buds begin to bloom. Not only the bush, but also the ground under it must be processed.
  • The drug "Topaz". This chemical is widely used by gardeners. Plants need to be sprayed in stages. The first time is before flowering begins, and the second time is immediately after it.
  • The drug "HOM" is an alternative version of Bordeaux mixture. It is worth diluting 40 grams of the substance in a bucket of water. On the basis of "HOM" it is possible to create a complex preparation. To do this, you need to add some substance against pests to the solution. Each component is diluted in a separate container. After this, all solutions are poured into one container.

Secrets of prevention

You can prevent the appearance of powdery mildew on gooseberry bushes. To do this, it is enough to carry out simple activities:

  • Timely and properly pruned bushes will help the healthy development of the crop. A plant that develops properly is able to resist various ailments, in particular powdery mildew.
  • During active berry growth (spring/summer), you should carefully monitor the condition of the plant. As soon as you find diseased branches on the bushes, remove them immediately. Timely elimination of diseased organs prevents the development of the disease. The spores of the pathogenic fungus overwinter on the shoots of the plant and last year's fallen leaves. Therefore, in the spring it should be removed too.
  • With the onset of spring, when the snow has melted and the temperature does not drop below zero, gooseberries can be given a “contrast shower” with hot water (the procedure is carried out until the buds swell). You can add a little soda or manganese to the water.
  • You can increase a crop's resistance to disease by fertilizing the plant with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (but not nitrogen!).

Powdery mildew is a dangerous disease, but it can be overcome. Effective control will be beneficial both to the plant itself and to its harvest.

Video “Fighting powdery mildew”

From this video you will learn how to properly combat a dangerous plant disease.

​Similar articles​​- Boulogne white, Crystal, Dutch white; red - Red Cross, Faya fertile and Boulogne red.​ ​spores that cause repeated infections.​

White spot (septoria) is a fungal disease of currants and gooseberries. The disease manifests itself in the form of small brown spots, then they turn white (brown border). When severely infected by the fungus, plants completely lose their foliage.​

Signs of powdery mildew on gooseberries

​You need to treat the ovary of the berries with a solution of baking soda - a teaspoon (teaspoon!)

​5. Goblet rust on gooseberries.​

Pathogens overwinter

​. This year the disease has spread very strongly in the Moscow region, causing a huge

​It is far from certain that preventive measures will help completely resolve the issue. Or it may simply happen that the disease comes from the other side of the garden bed, which you have not cultivated, or even from neighbors who do not garden at all. In general, the problem is real even with the closest attention, and therefore we need safe methods to combat it.​

How to protect plants from powdery mildew?


​Therefore, during the growing season, it is necessary to carry out chemical treatments repeatedly.​

  • - affected leaves and berries;
  • Brown spot (anthracnose) is a fungal disease of currants. Appears as small brown dots on the leaves. The spots subsequently merge, the leaves turn brown and fall off. Anthracnose on currants, gooseberries and raspberries - with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate.​
  • ​baking soda per liter of water. Try spraying it like this now.​
  • In spring, rust spores are carried by the wind to leaves, shoots or young gooseberry ovaries. At the sites of infection, bright yellow-orange pads appear, resembling glasses. They are clearly visible on the underside of the leaves or against the background of the green ovary. The affected parts of the plants fall off without infecting healthy leaves. The carrier of the disease is sedge.​

How to fight powdery mildew on gooseberries?

​on affected leaves and shoots. In spring they are the primary source of infection. The development of the disease is promoted by high air humidity (80-90%) at a temperature of 20-25°C.​

Copper sulfate for powdery mildew

This is currant

Treating gooseberries with soap and soda

​harm. The development of this dangerous disease is facilitated by high relative humidity and warm weather (17-28°C). Hot and dry weather somewhat slows down the development of the disease.​

A solution of copper sulfate, namely a mixture of 80 g per bucket of water, is recommended to be used for treating plants and soil in early spring, even before the buds open. It is advisable to carry out the treatment from a sprayer, very carefully.​

Potassium permanganate solution for powdery mildew

Gooseberry powdery mildew is a really serious problem

Treatment of gooseberries with mullein solution

​use of healthy planting material;​

​Under favorable conditions​

Treatment of gooseberries with ash solution

Powdery mildew of black currants and gooseberries is a fungal disease that has caused great harm to black currants and gooseberries in recent years.

​throw away.​

​Ways to protect gooseberries from vocal rust.​

The disease causes great harm to the bushes. Felt coating, almost completely covering young leaves, shoots and berries, disrupts the development of plants. The shoots slow down or stop growing altogether and become bent. By autumn, their tops turn black and appear burnt, the internodes are shortened, the leaves become small and yellowish. Some of the diseased berries ripen, but they are completely covered with plaque and become unsuitable for food and preparations.​

​Openwork, Bagheera, Vologda, Curiosity, Fragrant, Zusha, Orlovia, Selechenskaya, Exotic, Vigorous​

Proper care of gooseberries (video)

​Now the white powdery coating has thickened, turns brown, and takes on the appearance of felt with black dots interspersed with it - fruiting bodies​ ​You can also spray after the gooseberries have flowered. To do this, dissolve 50-60 g of soda ash in a bucket of water and add a little grated laundry soap to make the solution thicker and stick well. Here you can already use a broom for processing.

There is a white coating on currant and gooseberry bushes, powdery mildew, methods of control

​, which should be approached with caution. Poisoning plants with chemicals is not always convenient, since the fruits ripen quite quickly, and other methods do not always help. So what should gardeners use to combat gooseberry powdery mildew?​

​2)​​weather, powdery mildew on gooseberries can develop within​- affected berries;

The disease most often appears in early June. First, white blurry spots appear on single leaves (on the underside). Then young leaves, shoots and berries are covered with a white coating.

​Treat by spraying against pests before harvest...​

​Before flowering, against columnar rust, spray the bushes with oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water), and after harvesting, treat it against columnar rust.​

​Ways to protect gooseberries from American powdery mildew (spheroteka).​

​,​ ​mushroom. Berries covered with a felt coating become gray and inedible. Unfortunately, the time to fight the disease has already been lost.​

​Today, specialists are ready to solve problems with plant diseases and pests on a turnkey basis, and therefore we really hope that our efforts will help each of our readers.​ ​planting by layering only from healthy bushes;​

​all summer, while new young leaves and shoots are growing. On currants, the disease reaches its maximum development in July - August. In recent years, currants have been more affected than gooseberries.​

​3​ ​The disease develops rapidly in high humidity and warm weather. Hot and dry weather suppresses the disease.​

​throw away the berries.. treat the bush with Topaz.. . In the spring, repeat the treatment before and after flowering and there will be no powdery mildew on the bush

Collecting and burning fallen leaves and ovaries. Do not plant gooseberries in low, marshy areas where sedge grows. The proximity of coniferous trees is also undesirable. As soon as the bushes come out from under the snow, pour hot water (80°C) over them. When the first signs of the disease appear, spray with topaz (2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days), Vectra (before and after flowering) or strobe (once every 2 years after flowering). To prepare a working solution, 20 g of one of these drugs is diluted in 10 liters of water.​

​a​ ​But in the fall or next early spring, it is imperative to cut off and burn the tops of the affected shoots.​ Pre-treatment of gooseberries or in the first stages of the disease can be done using a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, up to 1.5 g per bucket of water.

​3)​ ​The disease causes great damage​
- disputes;

​At the end of summer, the white coating turns into brown. The disease greatly inhibits plants, shoots stop growing and become bent, leaves and berries become smaller and fall off. Powdery mildew on gooseberries, currants and strawberries is eradicated with a 0.5% solution of soda ash.​ ​I’ll also add: pour the ashes under the bush and you will forget about many diseases on gooseberries and currants

​Return -​

How to deal with gooseberry diseases

​gooseberry -​

​Prevent the development of powdery mildew​
A mullein solution specially prepared and infused for 3-4 days will also help cope with the disease. You just need to take fresh mullein and dilute it with clean water, 1:3, then leave it and dilute it again, also 1:3. Spray the plants not very generously, but thoroughly, preferably with a simple broom, every week.​
​It is very easy to recognize a serious disease of a cultivated plant; you just need to pay attention to the bush and berries in time.​
​trimming diseased parts, and then disinfecting above-ground parts in a copper solution
​. Severe damage to gooseberries by powdery mildew leads to

​4​ ​.The currant gall midge is a small flying insect that lays eggs on budding leaves. The white larvae emerging from the eggs gnaw young leaves. The leaves become ugly and the shoots stop growing.​

​Your gooseberries are affected by powdery mildew. You can treat the entire bush with whey diluted 10 times with water. - it is harmless to humans, and the lactic acid bacteria present in the whey will eat the mealy mushroom.​ ​to top of page​

​Autumn or early spring​​African, Kolobok, Pink 2, Spring, Russian, Smena.​

​It is possible only in the initial stage of the disease, immediately when a white coating appears on the underside of the leaves. For​

The fruits are covered with a white coating or a light white-yellow film, which dries out and turns into thicker formations that affect the entire surface. Powdery mildew can also spread to leaves, but it is more common on currant bushes.​

​vitriol (100 g per 10 liters of water) for 5 minutes, followed by rinsing in clean water in case of using affected planting material (from the nursery);​

​loss of berry yield by 20 - 50%, a reduction in bush growth, the death of shoots, and prolonged exposure to the disease can lead to complete death of the bushes.​ ​ - perithecia with a bag at the bottom, bag and spores at the top;

The currant gall midge is a small flying insect that flies out during currant flowering. The female lays eggs on woody shoots. The orange larvae hatched from eggs, up to 4 mm long, live under the bark, feeding on wood. If there is a massive attack in mid-summer, the shoots dry out. In this way, the entire plant may be damaged in early spring. still in the snow. make a shower for the gooseberries. from simple boiling water. all the larvae of all kinds of bugs and spiders will be scalded by boiling water and die. You can also process all berry bushes...​

​This is a disease - Powdery mildew, the easiest solution is to change the variety to a complex-resistant one.​

​pruning and burning the affected tips of the shoots (they are black and twisted), collecting and destroying old fallen leaves. Purchase for planting gooseberry varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew or are slightly affected by it (Kolobok, Malachite, Rodnik, Rozovy 2, Russky, Smena, etc.).​ ​Irina Meshcheryakova, candidate of agricultural sciences. sciences​

To eradicate foci of disease, plants should be sprayed in the fall or spring with the following preparations: 0.02% topaz 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 days, or 0.02% vectra (before and after flowering), or 0.2 -0.3% thiovit jet (only on currants!) after flowering. Spraying with a solution of wood ash is considered very effective, and most importantly, safe for plants and humans.

​Gooseberry fruits, under the influence of a dangerous disease, change in shape, become smaller, develop poorly and dry out, and the leaves curl, dry out and lead the plant to death.​ ​4)​

The mushroom overwinters on fallen berries​5​

​American powdery mildew is common​​worm bugs have nothing to do with it at all. This is clearly a fungal disease, perhaps not powdery mildew, but still fungal. Don't cut anything, just cut off the dried branches in the spring. Now treat with Topaz or Topaz +, or whatever they offer in the store. The main thing is that the bag says “against diseases,” otherwise now sellers often don’t understand it themselves. Burn the berries, do not put them in compost, fungal spores will multiply there. It would also be a good idea to burn the fallen leaf. In late autumn or early spring, additionally treat the branches and soil with Bordeaux mixture for prevention..​

This is gooseberry terry. The disease has practically no cure. The bush needs to be removed. Uproot.​​2. White spot (septoria) on gooseberries.​

  • ​Other means are also used​
To prepare a remedy for powdery mildew, you need to perform a whole ritual, but it is quite simple. Immediately 1 kg of clean and, preferably, sifted ash is dissolved in a bucket of heated water. The resulting solution is stirred once a day and infused for 4-7 days.​

How to treat gooseberries if there is a white coating on the berries. a white coating appeared on the berries, what should I do with this bush, thank you

Ruslan An...

​Due to the rapid development of the disease, it must be fought very actively, otherwise the lesions can spread not only to one bush and ruin its harvest, but also spread to nearby plants, which will deprive you of the entire harvest.​

Nina Ivanovna Skorlupina

​spraying bushes and soil under bushes to destroy wintering infection with a solution
​, leaves and affected shoots. In the spring it infects young
- conidial sporulation of the fungus;
​everywhere and is caused by a fungus (​

Irina Vladimirovna

​Although this crop rarely suffers much from diseases and pests, in case of powdery mildew it is advisable to spray it with Alirin-B solution, and in case of rust it is advisable to spray it with Bordeaux mixture. When infested with bud mites, sprinkle with colloidal sulfur like currants. If branches are damaged by glass, cut them at the base.​

Lyudmila Zhdanova

I had this happen. The bush itself is alive and lives without suffering, but it is not possible to eat the berries.​


​It affects leaves, less often berries. At the end of May and beginning of June, overwintered spores fly out and infect the leaves. In early June, small angular yellow-brown spots appear on them, which then turn white in the center and are framed by a brown border. In these places, black dots are formed - pycnidia (fruiting bodies), in which spores overwinter.


The main diseases of gooseberries are:

Bebykh Svetlana

​: 1/3 of a bucket of mullein or rotted hay is poured with 3 liters of water, left for 3 days and diluted


On the last day, do not stir the solution, but let it settle well, after which the liquid is very carefully poured into another container, without sediment. You can also add a little grated laundry soap here, dissolve it well and treat the plants through a sprayer.​

Gooseberry berries are covered with plaque, what to do with it and how to treat it?


Nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water) or a solution of iron sulfate (300 g per 10 liters of water) in early spring before the buds begin to open;
​leaves and shoots.​

Zhanna Kuznetsova

​table 56​


​Yoshta -​


​I couldn’t get rid of anything.​

Alexander Grushin

​The rapid development of the disease occurs in the second half of summer. Already in August, septoria can cause massive leaf fall, infected shoots ripen poorly, growth decreases, and weak buds are formed. Next year's harvest may be significantly reduced.​

Lyubov Tsaregorodtseva

​1. American powdery mildew (spheroteca)​

Irina Plekhanova

​water in a ratio of 1:3. Then the infusion is filtered and sprayed on the plants.

How to get rid of scab on bushes? We have Yoshta (a mixture of currants and gooseberries)

Larisa Skripka

Spraying should be carried out in the evening, in calm weather, carefully treating all leaves and shoots. The remaining mixture can be supplemented with water and watered over the plants to kill everything unnecessary in the soil.​

​Powdery mildew can attack gooseberries from other plants, for example, from currants, strawberries and others, but it often happens that the causative agent of the disease simply overwinters in the soil and in a favorable period moves onto the plants.​

Black currant varieties are relatively resistant to disease

- withered shoot

​). Symptoms of the disease appear in the spring after flowering on leaves, shoots, petioles, and berries.

Valentina Panyukova

​places increased demands on potassium nutrition, then on soils with high fertility you can get by by adding only ash (1 cup each) or 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or potassium magnesium, depending on age) under the bush. On rather poor soils, such as sandy, sandy loam or ordinary, but poorly cultivated soils, it is advisable to add compost or humus. When planting in such soil in the summer, it is advisable to carry out 2 feedings. The first in June, and the second at the beginning of berry set. As a fertilizer, you can take an infusion of grass or manure, to which it is good to add Baikal EM1 in a ratio of 1:100 to reduce the odor and improve the chemical composition. If you have no time to prepare an infusion or have nothing to use, then you can use an organic fertilizer such as Gumistar, which can also be used for foliar feeding (by leaves). After heavy rains, especially on light soils, magnesium deficiency may occur, manifested in the lightening of the leaf between the veins. In this case, you should feed with a solution of magnesium sulfate or Aquadon-micro Universal fertilizer (in addition to microelements, it also contains magnesium). It is worth paying attention that the dose of compost depends on the method of application. That is, if organic matter is applied as fertilizer and embedded in the grooves, then 4-6 kg is enough to provide nutrition, but if you simply scatter it as mulch, then up to 2.5-5 buckets, that is, with a sufficient amount of organic matter, mulching alone is enough. If compost is in short supply, you can do this: first add ½-2/3 of a bucket of it into the grooves, and then mulch with sawdust (preferably soaked in a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate) or dried grass, for example, weeded weeds. However, this approach is also applicable to other crops, for example, currants, honeysuckle, gooseberries, and some fruit trees. The only difference is the dose. For high fruit set, it is advisable to provide it with cross-pollination: for this you should plant a blackcurrant and gooseberry bush.


​Even complete cutting to the root of all branches. didn't help. The new shoots from the root grew well, but when the berries appeared, that terry appearance appeared again. Disease at the gene level.​

Irina Shabalina

​Ways to protect gooseberries from white spot (septoria).​

Irina Ryazantseva

​2. White spot (septoria)
​There is a folk remedy.​

​There are many preventive methods, which we have already discussed in a number of articles where the topic of powdery mildew on shrubs and trees (for example, apple trees), vegetables and even flowers was touched upon. But the main problem is that many summer residents are in no hurry to carry out prevention, but are ready to poison plants and soil already at the moment when diseases or pests are in the active phase.

​spraying the bushes during the growing season in order to protect them from infection, with soda ash and soap (50 g of soda and 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water) 4-5 times: before flowering, immediately after it, and then 2 more - 3 times at intervals of 8 - 10 days after the previous one;

- Dove, Glory of Leningrad,

Formation of dense plaque on shoots
​Table 56. Gooseberry powdery mildew

​=For the sake of design. To grow as a hedge, it is recommended to plant it at a distance of 35-45 cm from each other. Its bushes can be included in mixed borders (in this case, the distance between plants should be 0.7-1 m). Some designers like yoshta in standard form. To do this, before planting, it is recommended to remove all shoots except the strongest, and carefully cut out all the branches of this shoot to a height of approximately 30-40 cm. To make such a “tree” look better, you need to shorten all branches in the crown by half and remove unnecessary ones (thin out ) .​

Powdery mildew of gooseberries, signs, methods of control

​Treat with the preparation: "Alirin-B" or "Topaz", watering to a minimum + watering with the preparation "Fitosporin" + do not apply fertilizers (organic). Before flowering and after harvesting, treat the bushes and the soil under them with oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water), soon (20 ml per 10 liters), infusion of ash or soap-copper emulsion. In autumn or early spring, collecting and burning fallen leaves.​ ​3. Anthracnose​Take 1 liter of whey, skim milk or buttermilk, add 9 liters of water and spray the bushes. In early spring, use an infusion of wood ash (300 g per 10 liters of water). Plants

​Karelian, Ruby, Altai giant and Primorsky champion; Laxton, Lia fertile, Non-falling, Neapolitan, Bogatyr, Dutch black, Cox, Pobeda, Nadezhda, Memory Michurin are moderately affected by powdery mildew.

​, leaves and berries stops plant growth.​ The berries of gooseberries are severely affected, and the fruit branches of black currants are affected.

​Its peculiarity is that it practically does not produce berries unless gooseberry bushes and golden currants grow nearby. Only the three of them will produce good harvests.​

​cut it down without regret, I encountered this problem, no cure, no use, they cut down all the bushes for two years, they didn’t plant gooseberries, then they planted new bushes, now everything is fine​ ​3. Anthracnose on gooseberries.​

​4. Columnar rust Spray 2 times with an interval of 10-12 days. You can add dry wood ash to the tree trunks of bushes (300-500 g for each bush), mixing it with soil.​
​Fight powdery mildew on gooseberry bushes​​But problems can be prevented, and this can be done better in the following ways:​
​treatment of bushes with infusion of slurry or hay dust 3 - 4 times per season in the evening or at​Relatively resistant to disease gooseberry varieties
​The affected shoots are bent, the internodes are shortened, the leaves become corrugated, small, fragile, chlorotic, their skin lags behind the tissues, the berries crack, fall off unripe along with diseased leaves.​ ​and stalks.​
​Instead of 5-10% of ovaries, flowers will be pollinated by 70-80%! That is, there will be a sharp increase in yield.​Opinions differ. I also asked a similar question. Read this link here

​Affects young growing leaves. The spores infect them in the spring. Small brownish-brown spots appear on both sides of the leaf blade. When severely damaged, they merge. The leaves curl upside down, appear burnt, and fall off. Bushes infected with anthracnose have reduced winter hardiness, and in severe frosts they may freeze.​ ​5. Glass rust

​If you plant varieties of currants and gooseberries on your plot

​it is possible, and it is extremely effective if done on time. If not, it will be necessary to prepare more carefully for spraying, carry it out more often, or even treat it with chemicals. Try to keep the area as clean as possible from weeds, remove shoots and mowed plants in a timely manner, and avoid contamination and thickening; ​

​cloudy weather: first - before flowering; the second - immediately after flowering; the third and fourth - with an interval of 10 days.​

- Emerald, Malachite, Preschooler, Isabella, Harvest, Raisin, Siberian, First-born, Pioneer, Zaporozhye, Houghton, Grape, Mysovsky 17, Smena, Sunny.​ ​Powdery mildew​

​Initially, the affected parts of the plants are covered with a white, loose coating, which is a mycelium, then the coating quickly becomes powdery and mealy, which is associated with the formation of fungal spores.​

​Larissa, now is the time to pour boiling water over the currant, gooseberry, and yoshta bushes.... In the morning frost. Good luck!​ ​I have the same problem. For several years now. They treated it with everything - and even cut it almost to a stump. Nothing helps. Everything that was said above must be done—uprooted.​

​Ways to protect gooseberries from anthracnose.​

​1. American powdery mildew (spheroteca) on gooseberries.​​, resistant to powdery mildew, then there will be no hassle.​

​Valentina Trofimova, Odintsovo: “At the beginning of June, a white cobwebby coating appeared on the currant and gooseberry bushes on the underside of the leaves. Then all the apical leaves, petioles, young shoots and berries were covered with a silvery coating. What kind of scourge is this and how to deal with it? Help !"​

​Choose for planting only healthy and strong plants, necessarily adapted to the planting region;​​7)​


When growing gooseberries on your property, you may encounter an unpleasant disease - powdery mildew. At the initial stage of infection, a white coating appears on the plants. Advanced stage – brown spots on berries and leaves, growth arrest, leaf deformation. If you do not treat the bush, the shoots may dry out and the berries may fall off.

Causes of white plaque on gooseberries

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that progresses from spring to summer, during periods of high air humidity. Due to rainy weather, fungal spores multiply quickly in a humid environment. White plaque affects the leaves, berries, and stems of gooseberries. In dry, hot conditions, the spread of fungus is reduced. Tall plants after pruning and perennial low-growing, neglected bushes are susceptible to this disease. The spores infect gooseberries, getting into the cut wounds.

Be careful, powdery mildew can infect neighboring garden plants.

Signs of powdery mildew:

  • white bloom on gooseberries, on the underside of the leaves;
  • deformation of the affected parts, curling of leaves;
  • slowdown in fruit growth and leaf mass development;
  • white bloom turns into fluffy flakes on the berries, the upper and lower parts of the gooseberry leaves;
  • the appearance of brown spots with black dots (fungal spores);
  • drying of shoots;
  • falling, cracking of berries.

Folk remedies

To successfully combat powdery mildew, when gooseberries are covered with a white coating or show other signs of the disease, the following available components are used:


Cooking method

Directions for use

Wood ash

Pour sifted ash (1 kg) with warm water (10 l), leave for 6-7 days.

Ash infusion is used to spray bushes 4 times, with an interval of 2 days.

Onion and garlic peels

Pour boiling water (10 l) over dry husks (200 g) and leave for 2 days.

Spraying with infusion before the flowers appear, after flowering and in the fall before the leaves fall off.

Laundry soap, soda and water

Add grated laundry soap (50 g) and two tablespoons of baking soda to a bucket of water (10 l). Stir until completely dissolved.

The gooseberries are immediately sprayed from all sides with the prepared solution.

Cow dung

Concentrated mullein (1 l) is mixed with water (3 l). Leave for 3 days in a dark place in a hermetically sealed container. Before processing, strain the resulting concentrate and dilute it with water in the ratio: one to three.

Spray during budding, after flowering, before leaves fall.

Whey, fresh milk or kefir

Any dairy products (1 l) are mixed with water (9 l). Immediately applied for processing.

Spraying gooseberry bushes from all sides 3 times with an interval of 3 days.

Potassium permanganate solution, tansy infusion, wormwood

Potassium permanganate (1.5 g) is diluted with water (10 l). Instead of water, cold decoctions of medicinal herbs are used: tansy, wormwood (30 g of raw material per 10 liters of water).

Treatment is carried out throughout the season, after rains.


If the leaves, stems and berries of the gooseberries are covered with a white coating, and folk remedies for combating the disease do not bring the desired results, you should resort to specialized means. During the spring-summer period, there are three main phases of treating gooseberries against powdery mildew:

  • before flowers appear;
  • after flowering;
  • a month before harvest.

Gooseberry diseases American powdery mildew, spheroteca

Among the chemicals, the most effective are:


Cooking method

Directions for use

Copper sulfate.

Dissolve the powder (100 g) in a 10 liter bucket of water.

The cultivation of the bush and the ground under it is carried out from the beginning of spring until the buds open.

Superphosphate, potassium chloride, urea, potassium permanganate.

In a bucket of water (10 l), stir superphosphate (20 g), potassium chloride (50 g), urea (30 g), potassium permanganate 5 g.

Treatment is carried out once after flowering.


Stir the product (100-150 g) in a bucket of water (10 l).

The gooseberries and the soil under them are processed three times per season.

For 10 liters of water, use 2 ml of product. Apply immediately.

Treatment is carried out throughout the growing season with an interval of 14 days. Liquid consumption: 10 liters per 100 square meters.


In autumn, parts of the plant damaged by white or brown plaque are removed. All fallen leaves and weeds must be collected and destroyed. The soil next to the plants is regularly loosened and dug up in spring and autumn. Such procedures contain the fungus and prevent it from spreading further. For prevention it is used:

  • Fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers strengthens gooseberries, increasing resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
  • Timely rejuvenating pruning and cutting off old, diseased branches throughout the growing season.
  • In the spring, after the snow melts, before the buds open and the air temperature is above zero, a “shock shower” is done with hot water. To disinfect and enhance the effect, soda or manganese is added to this water.

Old gooseberry varieties are less resistant to various diseases. Even an experienced summer resident who carefully monitors his plantings may be affected by a white coating on his bushes.

Often you don’t want to remove the variety you like, but what to do with diseases and how to treat them?

Where does the white coating on gooseberries come from?

In mid-summer, a whitish coating and brown spots can be seen on the leaves, stems and fruits of gooseberries. Damaged parts of the plant curl, become deformed, and fruit growth slows down. This indicates that the plants have been attacked by powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that progresses on gooseberries throughout the spring and summer. Fungi infect the upper part of the leaf, the berries crack and fall off, and develop poorly.

In cold and rainy summers, the development of the disease accelerates. High air humidity favors the spread of fungus. In dry and hot weather, the disease progresses less.

Most often, tall varieties of gooseberries, which are often pruned, are affected by the disease. Low-growing, weakened species that are not properly cared for are also susceptible to powdery mildew.

As a preventive measure and to enhance immunity plants need to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, loosen the soil under the bushes. A progressive disease, the presence of a strong white coating on the berries can destroy the entire crop. When the first signs of the disease are detected, control measures must be taken immediately.

Powdery mildew is transmitted from one plant to another. Fungal spores multiply quickly and can infect neighboring currant plantings.

How to treat white plaque on gooseberries

You can avoid the appearance of powdery mildew by growing varieties that are resistant to its appearance. But if the gooseberries are still covered with plaque, then what should you do in that case?

1. It is necessary to begin the fight against the wintering form of the infection.

2. Carry out preventive spraying three times a season.

3. Increase plant immunity.

Overwintering infections need to be fought regularly. All damaged shoots and berries must be removed from the plant and burned. In the fall, carry out preventive pruning to healthy tissue. It is imperative to remove all fallen leaves and weeds from under the bushes. The soil under plantings needs digging and constant loosening. Such methods inhibit the development of the disease. In late autumn and early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, you need to treat the bushes with copper sulfate. People often advise scalding the bush with boiling water.

If gooseberries become covered with plaque every year, then spraying should be done regularly.

The first spraying is carried out before flowering with systemic fungicides.

The second time the treatment is done immediately after flowering, with the same preparations.

Follow-up treatment should be no later than three weeks before harvest.

Traditional methods of processing white plaque on gooseberries

Gooseberry plantings that are not yet severely affected by the disease can be saved without the use of chemicals. Folk remedies for the fight are quite effective in the initial stages of the disease.

It is important to remember that treatments with infusions must be carried out several times, and the bush must be sprayed again after rain.

When the gooseberries are covered with a white coating, spray with the following solutions:

Ash infusion;


Soap and soda infusion;

Potassium permanganate;

Kefir and sour milk;

Onion peel;

Tansy infusion;


Preparing the ash solution

Treating shrubs with ash infusion gives good results. You need to prepare such a solution from 1 kg of wood ash and 10 liters of warm water. You need to infuse the ash for a week, shake before processing. Spraying should be done four times with an interval of two days.

Mullein as a remedy for powdery mildew on gooseberries

Many summer residents successfully treat powdery mildew with mullein infusion. To do this, 1 part mullein is diluted in 3 parts water. The resulting mixture should be infused in a warm place for three days. The finished infusion is filtered and the gooseberries are processed.

Soda is the first assistant against white plaque in berry crops

Soda is widely used in gardening. Its ability to fight lime fungi has been around for a long time. To prepare the solution you will need 50 grams of laundry soap, which is pre-grated, 2 tbsp. l. soda and 10 liters of water. The prepared solution is used immediately and is not stored. Spraying with soda is best done before and after gooseberries bloom.

How to make a manganese solution

Manganese can be used to spray gooseberries to remove white plaque on the berries. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, to which 1.5 grams of the substance is added. Preventative treatment should be carried out once a week and after rain.

How to prepare a solution from sour milk

As you know, fungi quickly die in an acidic environment, so sour milk or kefir is used to spray gooseberries during the growing season. Serum is used for the same purpose. For the working solution, take 1 liter of sour milk and mix it with 9 liters of water. The prepared solution is shaken well and sprayed three times, with an interval of three days.

How to use onion peels to remove white plaque on gooseberries

To combat powdery mildew and boost immunity, plants use an infusion of onion peels. During the winter, you can collect and store onion peels, and when spring comes, use them to spray plants.

An infusion is prepared from 200 grams of dry husk and 10 liters of boiling water. You need to insist for two days. It is useful to spray gooseberries with this infusion before flowering, during fruit formation, and after harvesting.

Tansy decoction

Medicinal plants help fight many diseases of berry crops. Tansy infusion is prepared from 30 grams of dried flower and 10 liters of water. Infuse the mixture for 24 hours, then boil it for about two hours and process the gooseberries. The ground around the bush is treated with a hot decoction in early spring and autumn. The treatment should be carried out after harvesting the foliage.

Horsetail infusion

A working solution for spraying is prepared from 1 kg of fresh horsetail. To do this, the plants are crushed and boiled in 10 liters of water for about two hours. The prepared and cooled decoction must be filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and the plant treated.

A decoction of tansy can be used to treat gooseberry bushes throughout the summer season. The interval between treatments should be at least a week.

How to spray gooseberries

Spring and autumn digging of the soil, loosening and other methods are less effective than spraying in the fight against white plaque on gooseberries. Shrubs need to be processed correctly.

The prepared solution of drugs must be thoroughly sprayed with the smallest nozzle. The leaves, shoots and soil under the bush are treated. First, treat the upper part of the leaves, then the lower part. When spraying, you should try to get on all the leaves and shoots from all sides of the bush. The ground around should be moistened with the solution until moist.

All work with drugs should be carried out in calm weather. All plants that are located near the affected area can and should be treated.
