What happens if before painting. Basic rules for priming walls before painting. Priming walls for painting: everything about choosing the material and applying it correctly

The ceiling and the quality of its finishing are somewhat similar to the role of the bassist in music group- if he does everything correctly, then you don’t notice him, but if he makes a mistake, then it’s immediately noticeable.

So, many do not notice the ceiling decoration as long as it is done well, but if there are flaws, then this immediately becomes clear - in bright light all the irregularities and roughness are visible that appeared during repairs. So, priming the ceiling before painting helps make it smooth and beautiful. Although, some still doubt whether to prime the ceiling before painting, hoping to save money.

The question of whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling before painting with water-based paint can not even be considered - definitely worth it. Naturally, cases are different, but most repair specialists strongly recommend preparing the surface in this way. There are many reasons for this:

  1. The primer increases the adhesion between the surface and the paint, which means there is less chance that the ceiling layer will begin to peel off.
  2. Using a primer, you can, albeit slightly, level the surface, getting rid of small blemishes during the initial leveling.
  3. A ceiling primer for painting guarantees even application of the paint, and therefore even drying.
  4. Using primer allows you to ignore possible differences in the material of the surface being painted. For example, old and new putty from different companies may behave differently.
  5. Today's mixtures reduce the risk of mold or mildew, which means they will help maintain your health.
  6. Even if the surface is already covered with plaster, it is worth taking care of the primer. Since plaster absorbs liquids well, much more paint will be used.

Now there are types of paint on the market that allow you to apply it immediately, on top of the old layer. Such compositions are quite good, but only if we are talking about a small cosmetic repairs - in other cases, it is best to do everything from scratch.

Important! If you prime the ceiling before painting, this will reduce the smell of the paint while it dries - some of the substances will be absorbed into the primer.

General information about the process

Exist certain conditions regarding preparation for how to prime the ceiling before painting. However, these tips, to some extent, also apply to preparing other surfaces for painting, regardless of whether the work is planned indoors or outdoors.

Surface preparation

If the surface is covered with tiles or wallpaper, then they must be removed using a spatula or drill, and the remaining adhesive must be washed off. If a simple whitewash is applied, you can wash it off with water, and then, using a spatula, remove the layer of plaster. To do this, use a damp roller or brush, and the plaster can be removed with a spatula.

In some cases, you may not need to remove all the plaster, limiting yourself to only those places where it has begun to peel off. In the future, these places will need to be leveled.

Attention! If you are in doubt whether you need to prime the ceiling before painting the old paint, this is necessary if the previous layer consists of water-based paint, and the new color will be different from the old one. If it is nitro enamel, then it needs to be sanded and then primer applied - this way the new color will last longer.

Application of primer

After completing the preparation, you can begin to apply priming. Priming ceilings before painting has a number of features. For example, before applying the first layer, it is worth wiping the surface with a damp cloth to remove any dust or chalk that may have settled there. This should be done after the first layer of primer has dried. This is done so that both the primer and paint lay flat, without forming bumps or streaks.

The process of priming the ceiling under water-based paint practically no different from usual, except for those cases that are already described above.

Advice. Don't forget to ventilate the room and also wear a respirator when working - some types of paints and primers can have a toxic effect while they dry.

The only thing worth noting is For each type of surface there are different types of primer. Some are suitable for concrete, others for wood, and others for bare brick. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying the description of a specific product in order to choose exactly the soil that is needed in your case.

In addition to the above, if you decide to do the repairs yourself, there are a number of tips that will help you avoid some problems and simplify the work process:

  • After applying the first layer, it makes sense to go over its surface with a roller again. This way you can roll out possible drops and sagging.
  • It makes sense to spend money and buy right away quality rollers, with replaceable nozzles. It is also a good idea to buy a roller extension - there will be no need to use trestles or tables to treat the ceiling. It would also be a good idea to purchase a tray for rollers - you can use it to get rid of excess material, and then it will be useful for working with paint.
  • If you plan to have several levels, then before painting the ceiling you need prime all surfaces, including vertical ones.
  • Before applying the final layer, it is worth remove all construction garbage , which can generate dust. As mentioned above, dust can settle on a wet surface and interfere with paint application, creating unpleasant-looking streaks and bumps. In addition, dust can settle on fresh paint, which can also ruin appearance surfaces.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Do I need to prime the surface before painting the ceiling? Is this necessary?

No, primer is not required. Although, its use helps to save a little on materials and simplify the process of applying paint.

How long does it take for primer to dry before painting the ceiling?

On average, it dries in two hours, no less. It all depends on the type of primer and environmental conditions. For example, on a cloudy day, drying can take a very long time, up to eight hours.

Do I need to prime the ceiling before painting it with water-based paint?

Yes, it’s better to do this, especially if there is no old layer of paint, only putty.

How to prime the ceiling before painting with water-based paint?

For these types of paints there are special types primers that are diluted with water. However, in some cases, the manufacturer may indicate that the use of a specialized solvent is necessary. The choice of such materials is quite wide and they are united by the fact that they do not give off a strong chemical odor.

To what condition should the primer be diluted?

Nai the best option- up to the thickness of the paint you will use. A mixture that is too thick may lie unevenly, leaving streaks across the width of the roller, while a mixture that is too liquid will drip onto the floor and will take much longer to dry.

How many layers is best to apply? How?

The best option, if you are not short on money, is three layers, plus the final one. Each layer is applied across the previous one, this way you can correct most possible flaws and prevent the formation of streaks.

Cracks formed during application, what should I do?

Wait until the layer dries and apply a new one, which will cover the cracks.

How many times should the ceiling be primed before painting?

Usually one rough layer is applied and one final layer, on which paint is already applied. Although, as practice shows, it is better not to be greedy and apply several layers.

Useful video

And so, many novice professionals ask themselves the same question: is it necessary to prime the ceiling before painting and puttying. Is primer important or necessary? Let's find out the answer by watching the video:

So, should you prime your ceiling before painting? Need to! Even if we are talking about whether a primer is needed for the ceiling before painting with water-based paint, the answer will also be positive - this will help achieve best results. Even if you follow only the tips listed above, you will be able to cope with the repair.

However, if you doubt your abilities, it is better to trust a professional team of repairmen who will help you renovate your apartment for a relatively small amount.

Also, the primer can reduce paint consumption by one and a half times. When re-repairing previously painted or loose walls, you simply cannot do without primer.

The main function of the primer is to remove dust and strengthen the surface, as well as improve adhesion. Prime the surface before painting, wallpapering, or applying decorative plaster, ceramic tiles.

Adhesion is the adhesion of surfaces of dissimilar materials. Loose paint adherence over time leads to peeling in some places. This defect is usually not immediately noticeable after repair. It begins to manifest itself from changes in humidity and temperature, mechanical impact and other factors.

The primer before painting prevents peeling due to the polymer components of the mixtures.

In addition, special components protect against mold or mildew. These factors may appear as a result of poor ventilation of the room or poor-quality wall insulation. Primer mixtures contain additives that inhibit this process. In places with high humidity, use a primer for painting deep penetration, which has antiseptic properties.

Types of compositions

You can prime with a variety of compositions: paint, ready-made mixtures or a concentrate, which is diluted according to the instructions. They are also distinguished based on the materials to which they are applied:

  • acrylic primers are universal, they can be used for wood, concrete, plaster, drywall, etc. Can be used for porous coatings. The main advantages are that it is odorless and dries in no more than a day;
  • alkyd and aluminum primers - used for metal and wood. Endowed with anti-corrosion properties. Guarantee reliable adhesion of the finish to the base;
  • epoxy primers - mixtures of two components, the most resistant due to high content resin Most often used for concrete before subsequent painting or installation of self-leveling floors;
  • silicate soils are best for bricks. They are especially resistant to external factors, therefore they are used for treating facades, balconies or bathrooms;
  • polyvinyl acetate primer mixture is used for paint of the same name. Its special properties allow the coating to dry quickly and adhere better to the surface.

Read also: Review of primer FL-03

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is important to pay attention to the description of the primer material on the labels and check the instructions.

Before preparation, the room should be vacated to ensure free access to all surfaces to be treated. Optimal conditions considered for priming temperature regime 10-30 degrees and good ventilation premises. Next we proceed to surface preparation:

  1. if there is mold on the walls, it is removed with a stiff brush, and problem areas treated with an antiseptic. All noticeable damage to the walls is covered with putty;
  2. The main stage is cleaning from dirt and dust to improve adhesion. It is better to do this work immediately before starting priming, so as not to allow time for the dust to settle again;
  3. A prerequisite is dry walls. If ventilation is not able to get rid of high humidity, it is recommended to use a heat gun.

How to properly prime walls

The procedure for applying the primer composition to the surface:

  • Preparation of the composition. The dry mixture is diluted according to the instructions. If the mixture is ready for use, open it and mix thoroughly. When using a concentrate, the composition is diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package. The composition should be at room temperature.
  • Applying primer to the roller. Fill the painting tray with the prepared mixture. The roller must be carefully dipped on both sides and pressed out on the wire rack. Due to this, the mixture will be distributed evenly and the excess will drain off.
  • First coat of primer. The soil should be distributed with progressive movements in the direction from the ceiling to the floor to avoid smudges. Particularly difficult places and corners are primed with a brush. Then you need to dry the layer well. Drying time depends on the material itself and external factors, the main thing is that all wet spots disappear.

    Attention! Drying must take place naturally, for maximum penetration of soil into the foundations, do not use a heat gun.

  • The second layer of primer is applied similarly to the first; it is needed to further strengthen the surface. The most important thing is to distribute it evenly so that later the paint lays down in an even layer.

Read also: Review of primer EP-057

Primer of walls for water-based emulsion

Water-based emulsion is considered the most harmless of paint and varnish coatings and dries quickly. It is made on the basis of white paint, to which coloring pigments are added, this allows you to expand the range of colors and shades.

It is better to apply the primer material for water-based emulsion in one layer with a brush. It should perfectly hide all the imperfections of the wall, forming an even coating. Stages of priming before painting with water-based emulsion:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to prime the plasterboard or plaster surface.
  2. Putty on the walls with the first layer and level using an abrasive mesh.
  3. After thoroughly drying the layer, cover finishing putty. Then sand with a fine-grained mesh.
  4. The next step is to apply a primer.
  5. After about 5-7 hours, when the composition is well dried, the water-based emulsion is applied as a second layer.

Attention! For a smooth coating of the surface to be painted and to avoid cracks, you should use fiberglass.

Universal is usually used as a primer mixture for water-based emulsion. acrylic composition. Before application, it must be mixed well to ensure even distribution of all components.

The most famous primer manufacturers

The scientific and production company RosKhimProm is also known. The most commonly used is their concentrated primer. It is used for walls and surfaces various types because it is universal. Subsequently covered with materials containing organic polymers.

One of the most famous German manufacturers is Ceresit. Under its license, primers are manufactured in many countries. The most popular brand in Russia is ST-17. This is a universal composition, including for painting.

Knauf is also very popular among German brands. The list of the most famous mixtures includes: Quartzgrund - universal, Isogrund - deep penetration, Tiefengrund - for internal finishing works.

Among the Finnish manufacturers in Russia, the Tikkurila brand is distinguished. It is a leading company in the production of decorative paints and varnishes in Finland, Sweden and Russia. They produce Otex adhesive primer, a quick-drying alkyd-based primer. Used as a primer and intermediate primer for new and previously painted surfaces.

Hi all! Today I want to discuss a question that everyone who has done a renovation has faced: is it acceptable to prime paint? After all, shoot old finishing It doesn’t always work out to the end! For example, I had a lot of trouble with the old balcony in my parents’ apartment. I managed to check all the options and came to the conclusion: you need to look for a primer with a note that it is acceptable to use on old alkyd surfaces. You also need to pay attention to the type of base, because oil paint the new layer will not adhere well. Let's figure out all the intricacies together and determine whether it is possible to prime a surface with old paint.

Why do you need to use a primer even on paint?

Paint is a decoration and protection for the surface. But before applying a layer of paint, the surface is prepared for this procedure by priming - without this, the durability and strength of the paint layer can be called into question.

For example, if a metal surface, the roof of a gazebo, is directly coated with paint, after a few months the paint will easily begin to crack. And then expect delamination and entire pieces of paint coming off. For chipboard, MDF, and plywood, a primer for painting is also necessary.

Simply put, a primer increases the effectiveness of the paint, ensuring its durability and strength.

Primer walls before painting (video)

Why primer before applying paint?

Priming is preparatory stage before painting, which, as mentioned above, increases the effectiveness of the paint layer.

But the primer also has other functions:

  • strengthens the base of the surface;
  • reduces the absorbency of the surface, which is important for those walls or coatings that especially absorb moisture;
  • allows you to reduce the amount of paint used;
  • serves as protection against emerging stains;
  • protects the base from moisture;
  • serves as protection against fungus (this requires a primer with fungicidal additives).

If the base you are painting is quite loose, or you have to work in a room with high humidity, application is not discussed.

How to apply primer

The first thing to consider is the conditions in which the work is carried out. The air temperature should be no less than plus five, but no more than plus thirty. And air humidity should be no more than 75%.

You need to prime using the following tools: stepladder, extension handle, tray.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, you can and should wash off the lime whitewash from the wall; this is usually done with a roller and water. If there is wallpaper on the wall, it should be torn off. Small particles that do not come off immediately are removed with a wet cloth and a spatula.
  2. Dilute the material according to the instructions, which are always on the package.
  3. Stir the resulting solution very well; this can be done with a mixer on a drill.
  4. Using a roller or brush (whichever is more convenient for you), evenly coat the wall with the primer solution so that there are no smudges or stains left on the surface.
  5. Drying time for the first layer of primer is two to three hours.
  6. After this, apply a second layer of primer to the wall, which takes about the same amount of time to dry. Two layers are usually enough.

The process is simple, but requires a little clarification. Drying time depends on conditions, temperature and humidity. Never dilute the entire priming mixture at once.

All tools must be washed and dried immediately after work.

As for personal protection, work in good rubber gloves, special safety glasses and, of course, a hat.

Special primer for old paint

We can separately say about VD-AK-0301 based on the old paint. This special kind, which is suitable for pre-treatment of surfaces that were previously painted with oil paint. It is used before coating with water-dispersion paints.

Why do you need a primer on old paint:

  • It forms a film on the surface of the old coating, which improves adhesion with water-dispersion paints;
  • Used for both exterior and interior finishing work;
  • It facilitates the process of applying water-dispersion paint;
  • As a result, you have an even, translucent, milky shade matte surface.

Complete drying takes a day, but the peel-off time will be two hours. It is applied with a roller or brush in one layer.

The nuances of applying primer to old paint

Theoretically, it can be applied, but only if you are sure that the paint is applied in only one layer. And, of course, if you know that the previous surface treatment along with the primer was carried out correctly.

But if you don’t know this, or are not sure about it, then there is a high risk that the primer will cool down along with old paint. For any repairs, experts advise removing the old coating.

Primer for oil paint for putty

If you plan to do putty, then it is preferable to use a quartz primer. Its small particles will provide better adhesion to the putty. And this good way out, since even if there are particles of paint left on the wall, the material will penetrate the wall layer perfectly.

After finishing the work, check the quality of the surface - sometimes cracks appear on it. If it is true, Can use a special mesh. The putty is applied to the wall with a wide spatula, making sure to cover up all the imperfections and cracks.

Can primer be mixed with paint?

There are several opinions on this matter, among them the most contradictory ones can be found.

Judge for yourself:

  • Many craftsmen emphasize that if you prime with a regular primer, you can get glossy surface. Therefore, it is often recommended to prime with a liquid mixture of paint, water and primer. Paint can be combined with acrylic primer unless you use silicone emulsion.
  • Proponents of the idea that there is no need to mix the compositions, however, suggest doing a test on a small piece of the wall, by which you will determine the quality of the potential finish.

If you are going to do repairs in a room with high humidity, a red-brown primer is suitable for this purpose. It is applied to wood, concrete, brick, and plaster.

How to make a primer with your own hands (video)

Primer drying time: when can you apply paint?

Let's say you are planning to glue wallpaper. And before wallpapering, the walls are usually primed, or at least that’s what should be done. And while the composition dries on the walls, you can cut wallpaper strips or do something else, knowing how much time you have left.

What affects drying time:

  • The basis of the material itself. Typically, impregnations for objects and structures are made using easily volatile compounds. That is, it turns out that the higher the speed of the solvent, the higher the percentage of solids in it, the faster the material will dry. Based on this, aqueous soils will be less profitable, since organic solvents will evaporate much faster.
  • Base structure. And this affects the rate of polymerization of the composition. That is, the deeper the substances penetrate into concrete, wood or plaster, the longer the evaporation process will be delayed. In this sense, surface soils perform well; it happens that the wall can be finished further within an hour.
  • Room temperature. The optimal temperature is +15 degrees, and if we talk about humidity, here it should not exceed 80%. Under other conditions, the polymerization rate will be lower.

By the way, very fast drying is also not good for the surface. If the drying mode is violated, the base may crack and adhesion between layers will be impaired.

How long should the primer dry: when to apply paint

  1. Quick drying primer. This composition is represented by either an alkyd or enamel solution for treating metal surfaces. These materials are highly toxic, but you can paint the walls in just a few minutes.
  2. Soil with normal speed evaporation. Drying speed acrylic primer read on the package, on average it takes from 4 to 6 hours. This is the norm for drying most formulations.
  3. Slow drying soil. Such materials include deep penetration compositions, as well as oil-based primers. Typically, a surface treated with this composition must be left for at least a day before continuing treatment.

What is a primer (video)

Quick-drying primer: is it suitable for surfaces with old paint?

A quick-drying primer can be called a primer whose drying time is less than 6 hours. The drying process is accelerated due to special modifiers. This primer is excellent for treating metal surfaces, as it forms a good anti-corrosion film.

To check that the soil is dry, do a simple test. Cut out a ten-centimeter square from usually film. Attach it to the surface so that air cannot flow under it.

Leave this device until the morning and then remove it. If there is moisture inside this film, it means that the surface has not dried completely. There should be no moisture on this square.

How to make a primer correctly: on walls with old paint and more

Work begins by calculating the amount of primer you will need. The usual consumption is approximately 100-200 ml per 1 square meter. This figure depends on the characteristics of the walls and the method of applying the composition. For example, more will be needed on porous walls.

Important points:

  • Dry primer is poured into cold or warm water, this can be found out from the instructions on the package. Mix everything with a construction mixer or a simple brush. The prepared solution, if you bought one, simply pour it into a bucket.
  • The primer can be diluted in a regular bucket or plastic tray. It would be better to put a metal mesh in the container, then it will filter out lumps, those that have not yet dissolved.
  • Experts advise using concentrate. On the packaging with this, the dilution proportions are 1:6, but in practice it is shown that the best proportion is 1:3.

Apply the primer to the wall using a roller. If you are using a quick-drying compound and the walls are porous, the compound must be applied liberally. Try not to miss sections of the wall. If the walls are very porous, it’s best to go over it with a roller again.

After the first layer you should evaluate how the job was done. Quite often recoating is required.

Use protective glasses for eyes. If the composition gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately. Allergic reactions are possible, in which work should be stopped.

Primer of walls (video)

How long does it take for primer to dry?

For each individual case, the drying time is different, which is associated with temperature characteristics, humidity levels in the room, degree of ventilation, type of composition and other parameters. How external factors affect the characteristics of the mixture, and how long you need to wait after application before further painting or other construction processes, as described later in the article.

How to choose a primer for paint

A primer is a liquid substance, which, due to deep penetration into the surface being treated (plasterboard, wood, etc.) gives it binding and strengthening properties, allowing the next layer finishing coating firmly adhere to the surface. Beneficial features:

  • prevents the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • affects resistance to climatic loads, prevents surface aging;
  • reduces the consumption of materials (glue, paint, putty), facilitating their uniform application;
  • increases the material's ability to resist moisture.

It is used before painting, gluing wallpaper, applying decorative plaster and, as can be seen from these advantages, it is quite difficult to do without a primer at the final stages of finishing.

There are types of primers, for example from LNPP, which are painted to the required shade in the factory; as a result, upon subsequent painting, the tone is even.

This technique is used when the finishing surface is darker than the color in which it needs to be painted, and there are no funds to apply putty or plaster. The LNPP primer can be painted in any color from the RAL shade scale.

Types of primers by composition: which one is suitable for paint

Naturally, the composition of the solution affects how long the primer takes to dry. Let's consider popular types and their characteristics:

  • alkyd (oil) is applied to wooden and metal surfaces, works well in working with rust (restores the damaged area, has a coloring effect), dries in 3-4 hours;
  • perchlorovinyl compound is used for metal and other surfaces, but working with it Can only outside the premises, since it contains toxic components that emit bad smell, its main advantage is complete drying in 1 hour;
  • The polyvinyl acetate mixture dries in 40 minutes, but is only suitable for subsequent finishing with paints containing dispersion and latex.

An acrylic (universal) primer is considered universal. It has low surface tension, no specific odor, and maximum drying time is 5 hours. The only negative is that it doesn’t fit well with metal surfaces(with rust).

Acrylic deep penetration primer for paint

Some manufacturers, for example, the domestic company LNPP, produce deep penetration acrylic primer. Its composition is absorbed by the surface to a depth of more than 1 cm and compacts it. Therefore, it is recommended to use an acrylic primer before painting materials with a loose porous surface.

Let us note, taking into account the instructions for using the deep penetration mixture from the LNPP company, that its final drying time is not 5 hours, as described above, but 24. This is explained by the characteristics of the treated surface for which this composition is intended.

The following factors affect the drying time of the primer:

  • type of surface: if it is porous and dry, the primer takes longer to dry than applied to a smooth surface;
  • surface material: walls on which putty is applied dry faster than plastered ones;
  • the thickness of the solution layer or the number of these layers;
  • indicators of temperature and humidity of the room (4 hours for rooms with normal humidity indicators (up to 65%) and an average temperature of up to 25 °C (for LNPP products the formation temperature does not exceed 20 °C), if the indicators deviate by big side– drying time increases to 8-12 hours).

How long does it take for primer to dry? Drying times for the primer are indicated on the packaging.

How to properly prime paint

The composition itself is very easy to apply. A roller is used for this. It is not recommended to rush, heavily moisten or press on the instrument, otherwise the liquid will splash. You will see how walls are coated with a primer in the video below. In addition, you will learn about the characteristics of primers and the rules for choosing a solution (to avoid fakes).

You can determine whether the primer has dried visually (if dark spots appear on the treated surface, it is still damp) and tactilely (by running your palm over the material to which it is applied). Follow the instructions on the back of the package. After all, as we have already said, each composition of the solution has its own drying time (as is the case with the example of the LNPP acrylic primer composition).

So, in the characteristics of primer mixtures, the time factor plays an important role, and the speed of repair work and their quality depend on how long the primer dries. The solution can significantly slow down further construction processes or, conversely, speed them up. Therefore, before choosing a primer, you need to carefully study the features of the room and the materials you will have to work with.

You can paint a car without a primer, but nothing good will come of it. The adhesive (providing adhesion) properties of such a compound leave much to be desired: the coating will quickly peel off. Then the body will rust and will have to be painted again - this time with a primer. It is applied in one or two layers. In the two-layer version, the first coating is anti-corrosion, the second is adhesive.

Is it always good to save?

It has long been known: paint does not stick to ferrous metal. Cunning technologists have come up with a way to combat the problem. A layer of primer is applied between the paint and the car body. This intermediate layer ensures the strength of the connection. On the one hand, the primer adheres tightly to the metal of the car, on the other hand, it adheres well to the paint.

Ensuring adhesion of the paint layer to the body is not the only function of the primer. Many of its types perfectly protect the car from corrosion, excluding the penetration of moisture. Even if a crack or chip appears on the top paintwork, the primer will prevent the body from rusting.

A layer of primer should be applied not only when painting pure ferrous metal, but also after repair work on a putty surface. Putty, like pure metal bodywork, does not match with car paint.

The only case when you don’t need to prime before painting is when working on a relatively new car on the original coating to change the color. This approach applies to cars under 1 year of age. In this case, it is enough to “roughen” the coating, that is, to process it sandpaper medium size. A rough, rough surface will provide good adhesion new paint coating to the same.

Types of primers for cars, their pros and cons

In automobile factories, after welding a body from stamped parts, priming takes place in 7 stages, including phosphating, high-temperature drying, etc. When repair work Car enthusiasts do not use such complex industrial technologies on their own. The maximum that is available is to warm up the applied coating with a hairdryer. Ordinary household, not professional.

Primers used for DIY repairs have the following composition.

Primers are primary and secondary. Primary ones are applied directly to ferrous metal. This is an anti-corrosion primer, it protects it from rust. Disadvantage: low adhesion. Therefore, to increase adhesion, a layer of secondary primer - adhesive - is applied over the primary one. The combination of two layers provides anti-corrosion protection and good adhesion. Two-layer application of primer is more complex in technology than single-layer application and is more expensive.

Based on the material, primers are divided into:

  • acrylic coating;
  • epoxy;
  • acidic.

Acrylic is the most common type of primer. It is used both for metal, including galvanized, and for work on plastic and putty. This universal primer is widely used in body repair work. It belongs to the category of two-component. Prepare it no more than an hour before application. You have to wait from 3 to 8 hours for complete drying.

The two-component epoxy primer is famous for its high degree of anti-corrosion protection for the machine. It is applied in order to prepare the surface for painting. It improves adhesion and fills micro-irregularities in the top layer of the body and body parts. Unfortunately, epoxy takes a long time to dry. You will have to wait more than 12 hours for complete drying. And to speed up the drying process, you cannot use a heat chamber: when elevated temperature The epoxy may bubble and peel.

Acid mixtures are applied in a very thin layer. They provide chemical protection against moisture and aggressive reagents. They are used as a primary primer.

Acid mixtures require another coat to ensure proper adhesion. In this case, epoxy cannot be used as a secondary layer. These two types of materials react and do not provide integrity to the soil layer cake.

Step-by-step DIY priming instructions

When processing a car after body repair, adhere to the following work procedure.

  1. Choice necessary tools and protective clothing.
  2. Surface preparation.
  3. Applying layers of primer.
  4. Drying.
  5. Sanding before painting.

Step 1. The set of tools required to apply the primer depends on the chosen technology. If we're talking about For minor body repairs, choose the aerosol packaging option. In this case, the primer does not require additional devices and is carried out directly through the pressure head of the can.

If we are talking about larger repairs, with a significant surface of putty, use a paint sprayer. When priming body parts such as fenders or hoods, use a spray bottle with a nozzle diameter of 1.3–1.4 millimeters. Take a tool with an overhead tank and a paint catcher. This spray gun requires a medium-capacity compressor at a pressure of 2.0–2.2 bar.

When using a spray gun, wear safety glasses, a respirator, a suit and gloves. Don't forget also about masking tape and paper to protect parts of the car that are not to be painted. Prepare a sander if necessary. Stock up Consumables: solvent, wipes, sanding mesh.

Step 2. Preparing the work front for applying primer involves sanding the leveled putty surface with medium-grain sandpaper. You can process it manually or with a grinder. Achieve a flat, smooth, beautiful surface. After sanding, degrease by soaking a piece of cloth in solvent. Immediately after completing this step, thoroughly wipe the work area with a dry, clean cloth.

Steps 3 and 4. Applying layers of primer is a less critical operation than the final painting of the car with automotive enamel. Primer is less prone to streaking than enamel. Prime in accordance with the chosen technology in thin layers, allowing to dry after each application, 3-4 layers of each primer. It is good to dry them additionally with a hairdryer. Do not overheat, it may swell.

Step 5. Sand, using a vacuum cleaner to remove particles through the die with a mesh attached to it. This will minimize the amount of dust and you will do without a respirator. Use a medium-fine sanding mesh. Control the finishing surface tactilely by running your hand over it. After sanding, degrease the work area again before painting.

From the point of view of the final result, the process of applying primer is simple and not demanding in terms of technology. If desired, the car enthusiast can handle the primer himself. The quality of work depends, first of all, on the materials used. Avoid counterfeits: purchase goods only from trusted suppliers and choose well-known, well-established brands.

Priming the walls before painting with water-based paint is very important stage in decoration, even despite its invisibility. The quality of painting directly depends on the effectiveness of this work.

Primer: types, how to choose

There is a huge amount different types primer mixtures that differ in their characteristics. Depending on the purpose, the primer for painting walls is:

  • alkyd (for wooden and metal walls);
  • acrylic (universal product, suitable for all substrates);
  • aluminum (for wooden surfaces);
  • polyvinyl acetate (used only before applying paints and other coatings that have a special composition);
  • silicate (for processing sand-lime brick or decorative plaster);
  • epoxy (for deep impregnation concrete foundations).

Before priming the walls for painting, you need to choose the right material for this work. When purchasing a primer, pay attention to the manufacturer, cost and related specifications. The higher the level of absorption into the base, the better this product will be for achieving any goals.

The most common and most used type is acrylic primer. Because she is universal remedy, which can be used both for preparing walls for painting with water-based paint, and for performing all types of external and interior work. If you don't know which primer to choose, choose a universal one.

Why prime the walls?

When the surface is completely prepared, doubts arise: is it necessary to prime the walls before painting? Of course, this stage construction work should not be missed under any circumstances.

Priming allows you to create a reliable and solid foundation for subsequent surface painting. It strengthens the surface, penetrating deep into the base, and also creates a thin film on it. Due to this film, the water absorption of the base becomes uniform, which will result in ideal painting of the walls without stains or other defects.

IN construction stores You can purchase antiseptic primers. They are necessary to prevent fungi from forming on the surface due to constant moisture and dampness. It should be noted that fungus often appears on puttyed substrates, since the putty does not allow the walls to “breathe” and remove moisture outside. Therefore, when fungus forms on the wall, you must first treat it with an antifungal primer, then let it dry and paint it.

What will be the consequences if you don’t prime the walls?

You don't know: do you need to prime the walls before painting? Of course, you may not immediately notice the difference between a painted wall without a primer and a painted surface that was primed before painting. The first thing that immediately shows the difference is the paint consumption after the first painting, which increases by 20% on an unprimed surface.

If you painted the walls without priming, then you will have difficulty repainting the surface to update the interior. Paint you apply to an unprimed wall will not adhere well. When you apply fresh paint on top of it and start rolling it with a roller, it will lag behind in places. finishing putty and you will have to putty these areas, wait for them to dry, and so on.

Therefore, the primer must be taken as an axiom, and you should not even discuss whether it is necessary to prime the walls before painting. You need to know for sure that before painting with water-based paint, the surface must be primed.

How to prime walls for painting with water-based paint

In order to properly prime the surface, it is better to seek professional help, since priming walls for painting with water-based paint is a rather labor-intensive and complex process. But, if you decide to do this work on your own, then to ensure acceptable conditions for further finishing work you need:

  • Using a brush, remove the dust that remains after sanding the layer of finishing putty;
  • degrease the base, for example, with white spirit or acetone to improve the adhesion of the soil to the base;
  • apply primer to the surface in one layer using a roller or brush;
  • It is good to roll the soil over the base without making “puddles”. If the surface is heavily wetted, the finishing layer of putty can be damaged, so it is better to apply the primer in one motion over one area;
  • After complete drying (4–6 hours), apply water-based paint in two layers.

When priming walls, do not forget about safety precautions - use safety glasses and gloves, carry out work only in a well-ventilated area at a temperature not lower than 5 0 C and not higher than 25 0 C, and the humidity should be no more than 75%.

A primer for walls before painting is a mandatory procedure that ensures low hygroscopicity of the base, which helps prevent overuse of paint and evenly paint the surface.
