Radishes - planting and care in open ground and closed areas. Radishes: planting and care in open ground Caring for radishes in open ground

Radish is the earliest root crop, which becomes marketable in 20-40 days, depending on the varietal timing of product receipt. Planting and caring for radishes is not difficult even if you have no experience in gardening. To have root vegetables on the table all summer, you should use some special techniques.

Radish agricultural technology

When growing radishes, you need to know the following features:

  • cold-resistant crop with possible winter sowing;
  • the soil for the crop must be fertile, but without fresh organic matter;
  • long daylight hours create conditions for shooting, to the detriment of filling;

For planting and caring for radishes in open ground, choose a lighted area. Before sowing, the soil is filled with rotted manure, complex mineral fertilizers and dug well. It is better to prepare the bed in the fall, and sow it in the winter or early spring. It should be taken into account that the seeds are placed in the grooves to a depth of 1 cm and the soil above them is compacted.

For continuous plantings, it is better to use a marker with 5x5 cm teeth. Then the seeds are placed at the same distance with uniform depth and compaction. Shoots appear simultaneously, no thinning is required. Each gardener chooses how to plant radishes himself. You can sow a separate bed, make markers from seedlings for difficult-to-germinate crops, or stick along the edges of beds with other crops.

By sowing seeds with different ripening periods, you can obtain products from one bed within a month. Thus, the French Breakfast radish will delight you with its delicate crispy pulp 20 days after germination, and the Ice Icicle will have commercial ripeness after 45 days. Thus, you can have fresh radishes on the table for a month from one sowing date.

How to get an early radish harvest

In order to already have your favorite root vegetable in May, you need to take care of this in advance. Selected open place on the site for early planting. Later, it will be possible to plant heat-loving crops here. There are several ways to grow first-crop radishes in open ground. For sowing, you need to choose fresh large seeds of early ripening varieties. The seeding rate is 2-3 g/m2. Depending on the region, sowing of seeds is carried out in different terms– in winter or in early spring for temporary shelter.

Pre-winter sowing performed in the presence of a steady onset of cold weather in previously prepared furrows. The top of the crop is covered with thawed soil prepared in advance. In spring, the seeds will hatch early, since seedlings appear at 2-3 degrees and can withstand return frosts of up to 6 degrees. Another way is winter sowing. In the middle of winter, snow is removed from the garden bed, seeds are laid out in the furrows and covered with a 2 cm layer of peat.

Sowing radishes before winter and in winter allows you to get the first harvest a decade earlier than with the spring planting method. The area with early seedlings is covered when the temperature drops, but more often a temporary shelter made of arcs is installed above such a bed.

If early radish grown as a business the best way sowing seeds will be done using a marker and the distance between tapes with continuous sowing is 40-50 cm. Such placement of the crop will ensure the care of the plants. The entire area is covered with a film frame to ensure ventilation. Early sowing on prepared soil is done when the ground has thawed by 2-3 cm. If the morning frost on the soil was stronger than three degrees, the plants are watered and shaded before the sun's rays touch the plant. Radishes grow quickly if they have enough moisture and sunlight. Root crops are selected gradually as they ripen.

Sowing radishes during the summer

Seeding is most often used early varieties at several times, every summer month. How to grow radishes in midsummer, when there are more than 12 hours of daylight? Radishes should go into decline at the height of summer precisely because of the lighting conditions. Therefore, in the summer they artificially shorten the day by covering the radish bed with dark geotextiles in arcs. You cannot cover it with film, as the sun will create unbearable heat under the shelter. It is necessary to illuminate the bed for 10-12 hours, only then can you get root crops and not an arrow with seeds.

Summer heat interferes with watering, dries out the soil, and promotes the appearance of pests that eat leaves and gnaw through roots.

In summer, the bed should be damp, loose and constantly sprinkled with wood ash or tobacco dust. No insecticides should be used on early ripening crops.

When to plant radishes for the second time depends on the willingness of the owners to maintain the light regime for them every day. If it is possible to provide watering and daylight, the root crop can be grown in midsummer using non-shooting varieties. But on hot days, the filling is weak. In the shade, radishes will produce a lot of greenery to the detriment of the size of the head. Sowing radish seeds in June is irrational.

Planting radishes in July is more consistent with its biology. In the second half of the month, the heat already subsides, the sunny days are shorter and the nights are colder. Therefore, in August they get a new wave of tasty root vegetables. Planting and caring for radishes in open ground ends at the end of September, when large root crops of late varieties are harvested for winter storage.

To obtain radishes in September, radishes must be planted in early August. Beds freed from onions for turnips are ideally suited. They are well fertilized, loose and there is enough time before the onset of cold weather to obtain marketable radishes. Planting radishes in August and early September is practiced in areas with a warm climate. There, favorable development of root crops is ensured even in early October. The Trans-Urals should finish the growing season in the first half of September. These climatic conditions are taken into account when planning the timing of sowing radish seeds for storage.

Greenhouse cultivation of radishes

The Siberian climate does not allow the first sowings to be done before May. Therefore, the greenhouse method of spring cultivation of radishes is widespread in this area. Radishes are the predecessor of tomatoes and peppers in stationary greenhouses. It is sowed in April in order to obtain the first root crops by mid-May.

When cultivating radishes in a greenhouse, it is important:

  • choose greenhouse varieties that are not prone to bolting;
  • provide plants with illumination;
  • thin out radish seedlings in a timely manner;
  • ventilation, watering, loosening are required.

If you do not follow the conditions for planting and caring for radishes, a lot of greenery will grow to the detriment of the root crop, but the leaves of greenhouse radishes are tender and suitable for making salads.

In Japan, radish leaves are considered the most valuable vitamin greens and they are consumed as food.

Obtaining radish seeds

Radishes are an annual crop, so you can get the seeds yourself. To do this, seeds are grown through seedlings. Seeds grown in containers are transplanted into open ground rarely, every 30 cm and row spacing of 70. Plants are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and protected from insect pests.

The pods produced on the bush turn yellow in September. Such stems are cut, ripened and dried for two weeks and threshed. In Siberia, the testes are grown in a container, brought into a greenhouse in September and grown in closed ground. The threshed seeds are calibrated, leaving only large ones.

Video about a little trick when planting radishes


Gardener tips: how to grow radishes in open ground

Radish is a fairly early ripening vegetable. It is often grown in greenhouses. But this action can also be performed in open ground. To do this, you only need to know a few simple rules, and even an inexperienced gardener can handle the process.

In order for radishes to fully grow and develop, they need to prepare favorable soil. When planting radishes, you must remember that the soil should be as loose as possible. If such soil is not provided to this plant, then cracks will form on its fruits. That is why, before planting radishes, the soil is dug up and appropriate fertilizers are added to it.

Ideal for landing of this plant is super sandy slightly acidic soil.

Fertilizing the land:

  • In order for radishes to properly form root crops, they need to be provided with the optimal amount of mineral fertilizers. These fertilizers include potassium salt and superphosphate.
  • Soil fertilization directly depends on the period of planting of a given plant. When applying fertilizers, you need to know that fresh manure has a detrimental effect on radishes. That is why it should never be used as fertilizer.
  • Fertilizing the soil should be done in advance. For example, if radishes are planned to be planted in the spring, then the soil is fertilized in the fall.
  • Per square meter of area allocated for radishes, it is necessary to add at least one bucket of rotted manure.

The choice of location for planting this plant also plays an important role. This culture loves light and therefore needs to be planted in very well-lit places. Also, the planting site of this plant must be reliably protected from the wind.

There are three ways to grow radishes in open ground:

  1. Spring
  2. Winter
  3. Podzimny

The winter method of planting this plant is to sow the seeds in November. If at this moment the ground is frozen, then dry seeds must be sown in the ground. After sowing the radish seeds, they are covered with humus. This method of planting this plant requires choosing a southern or south-eastern site. Also, when planting radishes in the winter, you need to pay attention so that autumn period the place was not flooded with melted water.

In order to obtain radish seedlings no two weeks earlier than during spring planting, they are planted in winter.

When using this planting method, the beds are prepared in the fall. To do this, grooves are cut, the width of which is five centimeters. During a snowy winter, snow is removed from the beds before planting radishes. Seeds are sown in the prepared grooves, and the top is covered with peat.

The spring method most often used when planting this plant is:

  • Radishes are planted after the winter cold has subsided.
  • Radishes are planted directly in open ground.
  • The time for planting radishes in the spring directly depends on the characteristics of the region.
  • Most often, radishes are planted from late April to early May.
  • Radishes should be planted only when the temperature is set at +15 degrees for a long time. In this case, the night temperature should not be lower than +5 degrees.
  • Before planting seeds, the beds are dug up and grooves are made in them.
  • The distance between the grooves should be at least twenty centimeters.
  • Planting seeds can be done in whole handfuls. The crops are dug up and moistened abundantly.

If there is a need for seedlings to emerge several days earlier, the planting site for this plant is covered with film. The first radish shoots appear within five days. Most often, a large number of seeds are used for planting radishes, so the first shoots appear crowded.

In order for the radishes not to “stack”, they must be weeded. For this purpose, the strongest plants are selected. 2-3 seedlings are left every 5-6 centimeters. After a few days, the strongest ones are selected from these seedlings, and the rest are pulled out.

In order for the radish fruits to be large and juicy, it needs to be regularly weeded. This not only removes weeds, but also loosens the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the size of the fruit. This plant also needs watering. In very dry soils, the radish fruits will be small and bitter in taste, and its above-ground part will begin to shoot arrows. Thinning of this plant should begin only when the seeds have mostly germinated. This action is carried out approximately 5-7 days after sowing, when the rows are clearly visible.

After final thinning, the radishes must be watered from a watering can for rooting.

This is necessary, since during thinning it may be disrupted root system radishes, which may not strengthen without water. You need to water the radishes from a watering can. On average, two liters of water need to be poured onto one square meter of bed.

Also, after planting radishes, it is necessary to ensure timely application of fertilizers. Urea and mullein are used as fertilizers. You need to take one teaspoon of urea, and one glass of mullein. Five liters of the resulting solution can treat 1 square meter of bed. Thanks to the application of these fertilizers, the development of radishes will be significantly accelerated. In order to limit the radish from being attacked by pests, before weeding the bed, you need to sprinkle ground pepper or dry mustard in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter.

Harvesting occurs as it ripens. If the fruits have reached normal size, they must be collected. To do this, you just need to gently pull the plant by the stem.

Radishes can be affected by weevils, cabbage moths, cabbage fly larvae, and many others.

In order to limit the possibility of the appearance of these pests, it is necessary to sprinkle the beds with ordinary wood ash. Before planting this plant, you should not use wood ash, as it can cause shoots to appear, which will negatively affect the harvest. If radishes are damaged by pests, it is necessary to immediately begin combating them.

  • If you find a weevil in a garden bed, you need to spray the plant with special insecticides. Also, to prevent the appearance of this pest, you can plant garlic and onions around the radish bed. The cabbage moth attacks the above-ground part of this plant, which negatively affects the harvest. When this pest appears, the bed with radishes must be treated with antibacterial drugs.
  • Cabbage fly larvae are a very dangerous enemy of radishes. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them. When this pest appears, the bed with the plant is treated with special insecticides or wood ash.
  • Radishes can also be affected by diseases such as powdery mildew, blackleg, white and gray rot, etc. Powdery mildew appears on radish leaves in the form of white plaque. When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately begin to fight it. For this purpose, both chemical and bacterial methods can be used. With the bacterial method of control, special spraying preparations are used. When using chemical method the use of fungicides is required. Also, when this disease appears, it is imperative to remove the affected leaves of the plant.
  • When a black leg appears on a radish, you must begin to fight it immediately, otherwise it will destroy not only the above-ground part, but also the radish fruits. To do this, it is necessary not to over-moisten the soil during watering, and also to carry out regular loosening. Insecticides can also be used to control the disease. White and gray rot can occur on the tops and tops of radish fruits located above the ground. At the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected plants from the garden and also treat them with special preparations.

Growing radishes in open ground is quite a simple process, which consists of sowing, care and control of pests and diseases.

More information can be found in the video.


How to plant radish seeds correctly

It is impossible to feel that spring has finally arrived after a long winter, and the long-awaited summer is approaching more and more inexorably, until radishes appear on the table. Tasty and very healthy, on the table in a salad bowl or even just scattered on a dish, it seems to say with all its appearance - I have come, and wait for summer to follow. But how to plant radishes correctly?

A little about radishes

Crispy, slightly spicy and bright radish tubers are a real storehouse of many mineral salts - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins - C, B5, B2, B1, enzymes and organic acids. And is this why people have such a positive attitude towards the first spring radishes that appear on the table at a time when the body really needs them all? This article will tell you how to plant radish seeds.

There are two types of this plant - annual and biennial. The first consists of European varieties and produces seeds with root crops within one year, while the second consists of Asian winter varieties that produce seeds only in the second year. IN this material rules on how to plant radish seeds of European varieties are discussed.

Radish - early ripening, cold-resistant, loving the light and moisture plant belonging to the cruciferous or brassica class. Depending on the region of cultivation, it can bear fruit from 2 to 5 times a year. To get a good and repeated harvest, you need to know how and when to plant radishes.

Preparing the soil before planting radishes

Many people really want to know how to properly plant radishes in the spring. It all starts in the fall, when the beds are prepared (raised by 15 cm) and the necessary organic fertilizers- but carefully, without excessive fanaticism - because from an excess of, for example, humus, large “tops” and frail “roots” can grow.

Then, in the spring, after the main snow has melted, mineral fertilizers can be sprinkled on the beds under the radishes. The snow remaining on them, when melting, will enrich the soil with the necessary macro- and microelements. But not potassium ones - excess potassium will make the root vegetables weak and cause the radishes to go to waste.

The beds are made in a sunny and warm place, and to quickly warm up the soil, it is advisable to cover the beds with black polyethylene for 9-10 days. Before planting the seeds, all that remains is to remove the film and dig up the beds to the depth of a spade. That's it - you can plant radish seeds.

Some features of plant compatibility

When planting radish seeds, it is important to remember that all garden plants obey a certain law of compatibility, violating which you can be left without a harvest. How to plant radishes correctly, taking all this into account?

In this regard, a crop such as radish should be planted next to head lettuce, which will prevent earth fleas from damaging the plant. And if you surround radishes with beans, then their tubers grow larger and have a more delicate taste. In general, radishes are friends with potatoes and spinach, as well as onions, garlic, beets and cabbage. But it is not recommended to plant radishes with cucumbers.

Radishes in open ground under film

How to plant radishes under film? When planting seeds in the ground, you must follow the “three match rule.” Seeds are planted at a depth corresponding to the length of the match, the bed from the bed is at a distance of the match, and the seed from the seed is planted in a row at the length of the match.

The soil for radishes is preferably loose, and after planting the radishes it is recommended to mulch it - sprinkle it on top river sand, sawdust or peat. Considering that there is still snow when planting radishes, you can throw more of it on the rows with planted seeds, but not in too large a layer. The next step is to install a cover over the beds with spandex-type material.

The first shoots appear when the last snow melts. At this moment, it is important to pay attention to the density of the seedlings and, if necessary, thin the rows or re-sow the seeds. In a warm spring, be sure to ventilate by raising the spandex for a while. The first radishes for the table can be harvested in three weeks, if good spring allows.

Radishes in greenhouses

How to plant radishes in a greenhouse? Getting an earlier date

giving birth to radishes is possible when planting it in a greenhouse. The soil in greenhouses is prepared somewhat differently, because radishes are not the leading crop in them. He, so to speak, joins in with what is already planned to be planted in the greenhouse. Therefore, seeds are planted not on the greenhouse beds, but between them, and a week or two earlier than the main crop.

How to plant radish seeds in greenhouses can be read on many websites. Basically, the seeds are planted to a depth of half a centimeter and sprinkled with soil. You should not thicken the seeds, and when very elongated shoots appear, it is advisable to sprinkle them with earth, otherwise you may be left without root crops. Mineral fertilizers should be applied twice - at the very beginning, after planting the seeds, and a week later.

Radishes in greenhouses

In greenhouses, radishes are also planted according to slightly different rules. Since here it is the leading crop - all the others are planted after it - the land is prepared a little differently, and planting dates are determined by the weather and the design of the greenhouses. Since radishes love both warmth and sunlight, in greenhouses suitable conditions can be achieved somewhere after the first ten days of April.

The greenhouse soil must be carefully leveled. If it is too dry, you should water it just before sowing, and when the soil is excessively wet, dig up the soil to the depth of a bayonet and ventilate the greenhouse by opening the frame a little.

What is the best way to plant radishes? To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to germinate seeds intended for sowing in a greenhouse. They are soaked for two hours, and then poured in an even layer on cheesecloth in plates, covered with calico and kept warm. As soon as the sprouts begin to hatch, it’s time to plant them in the ground. The optimal temperature in a greenhouse when sowing radishes is from 15 to 20 degrees.

Radishes on the windowsill

If you really want radishes, but don’t have a summer house or garden, then anyone can try growing this plant on their windowsill. Moreover, this can be done without waiting for spring - even in December. It is enough to have a soil mixture, a box where radishes are planted, and knowledge of how to plant radish seeds when growing them at home. Requires excellent lighting and a cool place. This could very well be an indoor window sill. It is worth noting - despite the fact that radishes are a plant short day, the winter day is still too short, so additional lighting will not hurt the radishes.

Radish seeds are planted in boxes to a depth of 1 centimeter, at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from each other, and be sure to roll them down. Main feature Growing radishes on a windowsill is a temperature regime that must be observed.

After the first shoots have appeared at room temperature, you need to cool the plant, keeping it at a temperature of about 7⁰ C for about 4 days, and then set it to 17⁰ C in good sunny weather and 15⁰ C in cloudy weather. At night, maintain the temperature at about 13⁰ C. This can be achieved by regulating the flow of cold air using a window.

Fertilizers include cow manure in an aqueous solution with the addition of 10 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. The growth of radish roots occurs within one and a half to three months, so the crop is harvested selectively.

Features of care and pest control

Watering radishes is a necessary thing, so it should be done two to three times a day. But if radishes in open ground receive a lot of moisture - in a rainy spring - they can become overripe - glaze, crack and rot.

The main pest for radishes is the cruciferous flea beetle, which is combated with “clean” solutions that do not contain chemicals. This is done because the radish ripens quickly, and the root crops do not have time to free themselves from it.

This can be infused tobacco dust or ash. This product not only has a protective effect, but is also an additional fertilizer for radishes.


Radish is a good root vegetable

If we hear “radish,” we immediately remember “Gentlemen of Fortune.” But in this article we will not talk about a “bad person”, but about a tasty and useful plant, which every third gardener has in his dacha. In early spring, this is one of the first sources of vitamins, and radishes also have antimicrobial properties.

Radishes belong to the cruciferous family (like cabbage). The most common are its annual (European) varieties, which produce root crops and seeds in the first year of planting. But there is also biennial radish (Chinese varieties), in which root crops appear in the first year after planting, and seeds in the second year. We will consider only the first, one-year option, as the most popular in our area.

The root crops of such radishes can be round, flat-round or have a cylindrical shape. The color can be rich red, pink, white, purple and even yellow.

I confess that I am a fan of round heads and varieties with a minimal amount of bitterness. For the most part, I use radishes for making salads and for eating fresh; sometimes I add slightly pubescent leaves to salads.

Planting radishes

I sow radish seeds directly into the soil; I can do this all summer long to get a young and tasty harvest. In early spring, radishes are one of the first vegetables to reach our table.

Give the radishes a sunny place, isolated from the winds, with light soils. I have radishes growing on sunny place, but on one side it seems to be covered by a garden. Therefore, a little more than half a day in the radish plot is sunny, and this has a good effect on it; the root vegetables turn out juicy, with tender pulp. In the area where I grow radishes, I have slightly acidic soil, and I have never had any problems with growth. And radishes will definitely grow well on neutral soils. This culture loves lungs, loose soils(sandy loam).

Radishes are responsive to organic fertilizers in the soil. I plant radishes in a different place every year so that the predecessors of the radishes are vegetables from a different family. It is not recommended to sow radishes after cabbage, horseradish, watercress and other cruciferous vegetables, as microorganisms that can cause diseases characteristic of this family accumulate in the soil.

Preparing the soil for radishes

Before autumn digging, add humus or compost. Usually I dig to a depth of about 30 cm. When spring comes and I dig up the soil again to form small beds to a depth of about 20 cm, I make sure to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Sow radishes

I always grow radishes in open ground without seedlings, and several times during the summer. I do the first sowing at the end of March, when the ground is still frozen. I plant the next batch at the end of April or the first week of May. But I can plant it on the 20th of May. If I decide that I also want radishes in the fall, then I sow them at the end of July.

Radishes can germinate already at 5 °C, but this will take an extremely long time. If the temperature increases to 15 °C, then seedlings will appear within a week, and at 23 °C, seedlings may appear already on the 4th day. The optimal temperature for growth is 20 °C.

I make grooves under the radishes with a distance of about 20 cm from each other. At first I sow the radishes thickly, but after germination I break them up so that the root crops do not interfere with each other, at a distance of about 5 cm. I water the furrows when the soil is very dry and plant the seeds to a depth of about 3 cm. If the soil is wet, I do not water it when planting.

Radish care

I water the planted radishes every day during dry summers. If the weather is not very hot, I can reduce the amount of watering to once every 2 days. Moisture is very important for radishes, but if it is supplied unevenly, the roots may crack. With excess moisture, radishes become tasteless and have a watery pulp tissue structure. If there is not enough water, then bitterness, elongation, and hardness of the crust cannot be avoided.

On poor soils, one mineral fertilizing can be done for early varieties; for late varieties, two fertilizing can be done, but no more. My first experience with feeding radishes was unsuccessful because I fed my radishes with large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, this caused enormous growth of foliage and elongation of root crops. At the same time, they were born very small and accumulated a lot of nitrates. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Radish varieties

Radishes, like many vegetables, are divided into varieties that ripen early, mid-season and late.

Radish "Zarya"

This early variety is good for both open and protected ground. It will take 20-30 days from mature shoots to harvesting.

Radish "Early Red"

It will also take about 30 days from full germination to full maturity. The color of the root crop is dark red, the variety is attractive for its resistance to bolting. The pulp is tender, dense, white, very juicy. Good for soil and greenhouse conditions.

French Breakfast Radishes

The cylindrical shape of the fruits of this variety is loved by many gardeners. The color of the fruit is bright scarlet with a white tip. The pulp is tender, juicy, without a bit of heat. This variety ripens in about 23 days. The weight of the fruits themselves is about 20 g.

Radish "Helios"

From germination to harvesting with this variety it will take 30 days. Variety yellow, a rounded root vegetable with a delicate taste and tender pulp. Based on its ripening period, it can be classified as mid-early.

Radish "Viola"

Mid-early, fruits purple, round, juicy.

Suddenly, bright crimson pulp is discovered inside the greenish-white fruit, which looks very unusual and beautiful. Radishes are large, 7-8 cm in diameter, the flesh is dense, not very juicy and crunchy, the inside is sweeter than the outside. The richness of flavor decreases as it matures.

Svetlana, Russia

Eh, Vera! Made me long for spring! I always plant red or pink varieties with a white tip - always round. The fruits of this radish give me downright aesthetic pleasure))) But you know, it’s somehow strange, I only want to eat radishes in the spring, although I really like the taste! Somehow we quickly get full of it, so I never sow a lot. And the post is super, as always, the photo makes my mouth water)))++!

Vera, Orel

Light, can you imagine, I love it too until the second half of summer and in winter something pushes towards December, okroshka or turei blows and radishes are in the air)))))

Svetlana, Russia

Who would doubt that our tastes will not coincide this time!))) Yes, and for the New Year we often buy a bag or two of radishes at Magnit. But I don’t really want to buy there, I’m afraid of eating all kinds of pesticides (((

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

It’s the same with me: in the spring I really want radishes until I shiver - I can’t wait for them to ripen, but I’ll be discouraged - and I don’t think I need them anymore. Well, maybe in okroshka. But one day I replaced the radish crops with radish (variety Ladushka) - it looks and tastes similar to radish, but it doesn’t shoot so quickly. And we happily ate this radish in salads all season long. And among the radish varieties, I like Saksa - its tops are short, and its roots are round, large and strong. This year I sowed a multi-colored mixture (I wanted beauty :)) - only yellow radishes sprouted and grew ((And there were also (according to the photo on the bag) white, and crimson, and lilac...)

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Interestingly, radishes came to Europe thanks to Marco Polo. As a vegetable delicacy, it quickly spread, especially in France, where it remains a national food today. That is why it is still often called French radish. Radishes were brought to Russia by decree of Peter I, who became interested in this root crop while staying in Holland. By order of the king, radishes began to be grown in vegetable gardens planted around Summer Garden. It was on the menu daily royal family. After the death of Peter I, the cultivation of radishes almost ceased and revived a century later.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

As a child, I really loved the radishes that my grandmother squeezed: long, the size of a large carrot. We peeled it, grated it and seasoned it with sour cream. I don't know the variety. Now, no matter how hard I try, I can’t find the seeds of such radishes. Does anyone know what variety this is?

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Alla, this description reminds me of the “Ladushka” radish. This is a summer radish, whose root crops are similar in shape to carrots, and in color and taste - like radishes. At one time I grew it instead of radishes, which in the summer and in the heat do not work well. “Ladushka” does not have this drawback, so it can be grown all season without interruption. And then its seeds disappeared somewhere in our stores, and I gradually forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me! We need to look for it in order to sow in the summer

Lyudmila Orlova (Abramova), Ekaterinburg

Alla, maybe it wasn’t a radish, but a daikon? The size is the size of a large carrot, the taste is like a radish, even a little softer, if not overgrown.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

I think it’s still radishes. Or maybe radish. The skin color is red. Is daikon red?

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

Thank you, Marina, for your answer. I found a description of this radish on the Internet - it’s similar. I think that this year I will sow and remember the taste of childhood)))

Tatiana, Sudislavl

I have been sowing Red Giant radishes for two years in a row; bright red, the pulp is white, juicy, pure radish taste. I sowed it twice a season, the last ones turned out not very red and had a sharper taste, I watered them intermittently. But they were kept in the basement until the New Year. The length of the largest one was 18 cm. I saw seeds in stores this year.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

Thank you, Tatyana. The failure of my search for radish seeds was probably that I bought the seeds mainly in the Sedek online store. Now I know that the seeds of such radishes are on sale, so I’ll definitely find them.

Ramazan Alimgulov

I love radishes very much and grow them all summer. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Eat radishes and stay healthy! wp.me/s4vrNX-rediska

Elena Efremova

But I only sow radishes in the spring, not because that’s the only time I want to. I tried to sow both in summer and in autumn. no use! In the summer it shoots immediately, in the fall, if it’s early, it shoots again, if it doesn’t have time to ripen later. Maybe we need to use some other varieties, or maybe because of our too hot and dry summer (Stavropol region, KMV region). We need to try to find the “ladushka” radish. All the same, in the fall you want to gnaw on some okroshka. But it’s scary to buy in stores and even at the market.



Radishes are one of the popular spring vegetables. Its value is due to its unpretentiousness, ease of care, early ripening, the possibility of early planting in open ground, usefulness and taste characteristics. While other vegetable crops are at the seedling stage, its juicy root vegetables already supply the human body with useful substances, making it possible to replenish vitamin deficiency after a long winter.

Radishes are planted in open ground earlier than others. vegetable crops due to its ability to withstand cold and even endure night frosts with ease. You can start sowing at the end of March or beginning of April. To speed up the germination process, crops need to be covered using film material. Early ripening radish varieties allow you to harvest the first harvest within three to four weeks after germination.

The period for planting radishes in summer varies depending on the variety, the time of its collection and ripening.

Early varieties should be planted in early June, and mid-season varieties in July, only when using the seedling method. You can also sow late-ripening varieties in open ground at the end of August or September.
And brave gardeners sow vegetables before winter before the onset of the first frost. Pre-winter sowing allows you to get a harvest earlier than any early variety planted in the spring ripens.

Preparing for work on sowing radishes

Radish seeds for planting

Planting radishes is a simple procedure. Common problems that may arise during the cultivation of crops are looseness of roots, bitterness, and the formation of flower stalks before harvesting. But all these difficulties can be resolved by wisely choosing a variety and following cultivation techniques. That's why to get a rich harvest, it is important to choose in advance quality material for planting and prepare the soil.

Selecting and preparing the seeds that we are going to plant

The best option is to buy seeds in special stores. First you need to sort through them, sorting them by size. The key to successful germination and development of the largest root crops are seeds with a length of 3 cm or more. Before planting, soak the seeds in water or a damp cloth for 24 hours. And before sowing, soak for 20 minutes in hot water, to protect against development various diseases. After warming up, cool, enrich them with useful microelements by treating them with growth stimulants, and dry thoroughly.

Preparing the soil in the spring, ensuring good early shoots

For the full growth and development of radishes, you need to prepare favorable soil. The culture prefers loose, nutritious, well-drained soil with an optimal acidity of 5.5-7.0.
When choosing a site, give preference to a warm one, protected from strong winds. It also matters how much sunlight falls on the planting site per day. In accordance with crop rotation standards, the best predecessors are tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cucumbers and legumes.

It is not recommended to grow root crops for more than three years in the same place, as the plant depletes the soil.

The ideal solution is to plant radishes every year on new garden bed, which will help improve crop rotation in the garden.

The soil should be prepared in the fall. To do this, clear the area of ​​plant debris, dig it up and enrich it with compost or humus. With the onset of spring, as soon as the earth thaws under the warm rays of the sun, before planting a vegetable,it must be dug up again, adding minerals.

Correct planting technology, plant at the correct depth

Growing radishes in open ground requires proper planting, which includes the following operations:

  1. Level the prepared bed, mark the grooves for sowing, keeping a distance of 10 cm between them. Acceptable embedment depth is 1 cm. Deep planting of seeds will lead to a change in the shape of the root crops.
  2. Plant the planting material in the furrows, after watering them hot water. Seeds should be sown at a distance of 5 cm between plants. It’s not worth it to be thicker, otherwise you’ll have to waste energy trying to plant them.
  3. Sprinkle with soil and compact well to achieve maximum contact of the soil with the plane of the seed, which will speed up germination.
  4. After sowing, water the beds and fertilize them with wood ash.
    Under comfortable weather conditions, seedlings will appear in 3-4 days.

Planting vegetables in egg cells

You can plant radishes in egg cells. This method has been tried and tested by many gardeners and is considered the best. As a result of this approach, ripened radishes have an even and neat shape. A During standard care, thinning will not be required.
To do this you need:

Caring for a newly planted plant, watering regime

Further care of crops includes the following activities:

Secrets of growing in open ground, thinning and fertilizing

There are some secrets that allow you to grow high-quality root crops in open ground conditions.

Pests and their control

Diseases can reduce the quantity and quality of the harvest and cause the death of radishes, and pests will take away the long-awaited harvest, as they love to eat young radishes.

Therefore, it is important to identify the first signs of the disease in time and take appropriate measures that will help the plant cope with them faster.

Name Description Control measures
Kila Presence on the surface of the fruit
swellings and growths that become
cause yellowing and wilting
Dig up the plant affected by clubroot and
burn and cover the soil with slaked lime.
For 4 years, vegetable crops have been
this area should not be cultivated
Powdery mildew On the surface of leaves, petioles
a white coating forms
mealy color, which
becomes light over time
brown tint
Organization of crop rotation and processing
plant suppressants
development of this disease
Bacteriosis Root vegetables become covered with mucus
and begin to smell rotten.
In this case, yellowing is observed
radish leaves
To fight you need to treat with Bordeaux
Cruciferous flea beetle A small insect with
dark color and metallic
shine damages the leaves, so
thereby disrupting the process
photosynthesis. As a result, the plant
stops growing and dies
For prevention, organize the correct
care. If damaged, treat radishes
appropriate medications. Before
than to treat with insecticides, you need
try gentle folk methods
Belyanka White butterfly larvae
eat leaves from the edges or
they gnaw through holes,
causing irreparable harm

Harvesting what we managed to grow

Radishes should be harvested selectively as they ripen. When the root crop reaches medium size, you need to carefully pull it out, taking it by the tops and pulling it up, and you can serve it. And leave the rest to grow to technical ripeness.
Radishes are easy to harvest, it is important to do it in a timely manner. But even if you are late in collecting this vegetable, in this case you can get seeds for the next planting.

Radishes are considered one of the first vegetables to appear on the table in spring. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this crop, because growing radishes has its own subtleties! It blooms earlier than other vegetable crops and helps replenish the starved body with vitamins and microelements. Autumn root crops are juicier than spring ones, and they are almost not attacked by pests, but they are forgotten about because of the wealth of vegetable crops this season. Its value is supported not only by its benefits to the body, but also by its unpretentiousness. It is capable of early planting in open ground, matures quickly and is easy to care for. With this, he seduces summer residents, who are required to devote a couple of beds in their garden.

The most popular varieties for planting radishes are:

  • Heat;
  • French breakfast;
  • Red Giant: the best radish for open ground in the cold season;
  • Zlata: named after the bright golden fruit;
  • Cherry Belle: famous for its softness and subtlety of taste.

Planting dates depend on air temperature:

  • from 0 to +10 C - the seed grows slowly from 7 to 15 days;
  • +10 to +15 C - radish seeds germinate in 4 - 8 days;
  • from +15 - +20 C - the first shoots are expected in the first 3-4 days.

The timing also depends on secondary factors: the choice of seeds, proper care and soil fertility.

Site selection and preparation

Site preparation begins in advance. On clay soil radishes do not grow due to the rapid formation of soil crust. To do this, the soil is supplied with fertilizer: humus, peat and coarse sand. If possible, it is better to choose a different type of soil. Then you can get by with compost or humus. If the soil is fertile, then there is no need to fertilize it.

Pay attention to the location of the bed. The site should be protected from wind and sunny. The best location is the southern and southeastern lands. If your choice of location is unsuccessful, you can try picking radishes.

Seed selection and preparation

The landing is far from the best global problem which is encountered when growing radishes. More often you have to deal with the consequences of inattentive choice of seeds and improper sowing: bitterness, friability of the fruit, and even the formation of flower stalks before harvesting. Therefore, before you start planting, it is important to correctly select seeds and prepare the soil.

First, purchase the desired variety in the store, paying attention to the advice of a consultant. The next step is to sort the seeds by size: they should all be about the same size, then they will sprout at the same time. At the same time, the best seeds for cultivation are those that are capable of developing into large fruits, namely seeds of at least 3 cm.

Before planting in the ground, they are soaked in water or kept in a damp cloth for about 24 hours. To protect radishes from the development of diseases, there is one proven method: you need to soak the seeds in hot water for 20 minutes. Before sowing, throw into cool water and treat with growth stimulants. All that remains is to dry it and you can plant radishes in open ground.

Growing radishes and planting in the ground

To grow juicy vegetables and fruits, much attention is paid to the soil. The plant culture prefers loose and nutritious soil with an oxygen content of 5.5 - 7.0. Plant health is also affected by climatic conditions: strong wind and heat.

It is better to plant radishes in open ground with seeds every year in a new place, this will help them grow faster.

But you should not plant in the same bed for 3 years in a row: the soil will no longer be able to nourish them with microelements.

Correct planting technology

To properly plant seeds in the soil for growing juicy fruits, you need:

  1. Level the bed and mark paths for sowing, the distance between seedlings should be 12 cm. The depth for planting radishes is 1 cm.
  2. The seeds are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other, but do not forget to pre-soak them in hot water.
  3. Pour soil on top and compact it as much as possible.
  4. Wood ash is used as a treatment for pest control.

Planting in egg cells

Let's reveal a secret: if you plant radishes in egg cells when planting, this will help the fruits form a neat shape. To do this you need:

  1. Level the soil as usual.
  2. Trim the bottom of the egg cell and place it on the ground.
  3. Sprinkle some soil over the indentations.
  4. Place a radish seed in each of the formed dimples.
  5. Fill it well with soil and water it running water.

Care rules: growing delicious radishes

To grow juicy radishes, you need to care for them based on the conditions in which they are observed. Radishes are hilled, thinned and watered, and they are also provided with special care, which determines the quality and quantity of the root crop.

Growing radishes in open ground

Growing radishes in open ground is less expensive. The main rule is not to let the fruit grow in the shade. Then, even if all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, there is a high probability that the radishes will become overgrown with pests and begin to get sick.

Thinning is also carried out regularly. Usually this set of measures is carried out on the 5th day after the radishes are planted. In order for tasty and large fruits to grow, you need to maintain a distance of 10 cm from the seed.

A mandatory item is maintaining humidity levels. You need to water the radishes regularly with a fixed amount of water. The main thing is to not allow the top layer of soil to dry out and not to overwater the plant. Optimal time watering - in the evening and in the morning.

Since transfusion can lead to fruit disease, you need to loosen the soil often.

Growing radishes in protected soil

When growing in protected soil, the air temperature is constantly taken into account. The norm is 16-18C. But at the stage of growing fruits in a greenhouse, it is better to stick to 12C. At the same time, a week after the root crop ripens, the temperature is increased to 20C, and at night it is reduced to 10C. This will speed up the ripening time of the fruit.

After the radish has sprouted, a distance of 3-4 cm is left between the plants. At the same time, do not forget to keep the radish soil moist.

Growing at home on a windowsill

The first shoots are observed within 4-5 days, but you need to act with the germination of radishes (2-3 days). During the day, you need to move the pot with the root vegetable to a cooler and brighter place. Important condition- do not forget to thoroughly water the pot 2 times a day, and it is better to note the time in a special diary.

If radishes are grown on a windowsill with a radiator, it is better to cover it with a towel or place a bowl of water. This will prevent the root crop from overheating and will help produce healthy roots. If growing occurs in winter, the plant may not have enough light. In this case, it is better to purchase a phytolamp, which should shine over the radishes throughout the day. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it and follow the regime, otherwise, if there is an excess of lighting, the plant begins to drive away the peduncle.

Hilling, thinning, loosening and weeding

Hilling is useful for radishes because it gives the plant stability and stimulates root growth. It is simple to do: sprinkle moist soil onto the stem of the plant until a shaft is formed. It has been proven that hilling helps increase productivity by 10-14%. However, the procedure is performed carefully so as not to damage the plant. More often, this agrotechnical method is used for nightshades and cabbage. The best time to do this is before watering or after rain.

Thinning helps get rid of mechanical damage and contracting the disease. This is the intended distance that is maintained to ensure safe growth. For radishes, depending on the variety, a distance of 5 to 10 cm is noted when planting. At the same time, weeds are removed and yellow leaves to eliminate the possibility of infection.

Loosening helps replenish the supply of useful microelements and deliver oxygen to the radish roots, which stimulates their growth. With the help of loosening, the soil crust is destroyed, and during hot weather, loosening helps to avoid the appearance of cracks in the ground.

Weeding involves removing weeds that take away water and nutrients at the plant. At the same time, it is correct to do this at the radish germination stage. Before each sowing, the soil must be cleared of weeds as much as possible.

Features of autumn planting

To get bountiful harvest When planting radishes in October, they are planted in the summer - in June, July, and better yet - in the third ten days of August. Often winter weather conditions do not allow to grow a full-fledged early spring harvest. But at the end of summer and at the very beginning of September it is easier to control pests, and the weather behaves predictably. Moreover, autumn harvest will bear fruit 2 weeks earlier than spring.

After the seeds have been distributed along the furrows during planting, fertilizer is added. More often humus or compost is chosen. However, it is not advisable to use fresh manure for this purpose: radishes do not tolerate it. In this case, it is better to make the furrows in advance - before the soil freezes, but the seeds are sown on the contrary after.

To prevent the appearance of snow, it is better to cover the furrow with film on top when planting.

When to harvest radishes and how to store them

A fruit that has reached 2.5 cm is considered mature. To do this, you need to rake away some soil and look at the size and condition of the root crop. To harvest, each radish is pulled by the top. Next, the green top is cut off and the radishes are stored in the refrigerator.

In this case, it is better not to throw away the tops, but to use them for cooking. First, the leaves are washed well and left in a container. The tops are stored for up to 3 days.

Growing radishes - protection from diseases and pests

Diseases and pests often destroy part or all of the crop. Therefore, it is important to identify the threat early in order to take action.

The main pests of radish are:

● The white butterfly looks like the larvae of a white butterfly; it likes to gnaw the core and edges of leaves;

● Cruciferous flea beetle is a small pest with a dark metallic color that disrupts the internal processes of flowering.

To get rid of pests, in the first stages they use folk ways, if it doesn’t help, switch to insecticides.

To identify a plant disease, you need to constantly monitor it. appearance: Inspect leaves and blooms regularly. Popular diseases for radishes are powdery mildew, bacteriosis and clubroot.

  1. At powdery mildew the leaves become covered with a thick white color, reminiscent of flour. Over time, the affected areas become light brown color. To cure a plant, you need to organize crop rotation and buy drugs for the disease.
  2. With bacteriosis, the leaves not only look mustard-colored and mucus, but also emit a putrid odor. In order for the plant to acquire a marketable appearance, gardeners advise using Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Clubroot is accompanied by swelling of part of the leaf cover, which is why the plant turns yellow over time. Each infected plant must be burned and the seedling area must be fertilized with slaked lime. Nothing has been planted there for 4 years.

Thus, in order to grow healthy radishes, you need to properly cultivate the soil, choose a variety of seeds and plant them correctly.

Correctly following the rules for choosing radishes, planting and caring for them in open ground will help you grow a juicy root crop. It doesn’t matter whether it sprouts in spring or autumn - if you follow the instructions, you will get a rich harvest.

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– the most long-awaited vitamin products on our table after a long winter. It is these crops that we try to plant first.

The first vegetables after a long winter

We begin growing radishes in open ground in early spring, when the ground has thawed a couple of centimeters.

The plot of land where you want to plant radishes is covered with film and left to warm up for several days. Radishes tolerate low temperatures well; seeds begin to germinate, even if it is only 3-4 degrees Celsius at night. A mature plant can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.

But the heat can ruin everything, the seedlings will bloom, but the root crops will be flabby, too spicy, and not tasty.

What radishes are really demanding about is light. Long daylight hours with bright sunshine are essential for an early harvest. Therefore, spring is the most the right time for planting early varieties of radish (read more about varieties).

Preparing the soil for planting

How to grow radishes in open ground at the dacha to get an early harvest?
To do this, the beds should be prepared in the fall. The soil is carefully dug up, organic fertilizers and ash are added.

The bed can be covered with a dark film before winter, then warming it up in the spring will be much faster.

Planting radish seeds in open ground

  • To plant seeds, make grooves at a distance of 10 cm and a depth of 3-4 cm.
    Sow the seeds 2-3 cm apart, sprinkle with humus or peat in a 1.5-2 cm layer.
  • You can use a marker. This is a board to which small pins are nailed at a distance of 6x6 cm. Using a marker, make holes 2 cm deep, then lay out the seeds, sprinkling them with fine peat.
  • Some gardeners have used a plastic egg container instead of a marker, which is also convenient for making holes for planting.

The bed is thoroughly watered and covered with cutting material or film. The first shoots are afraid of low temperatures; when they get a little stronger, the film can be removed.

Care and watering

  • The seedlings need to be thinned out; planting too densely leads to bolting and the root crops will be small. Leave the strongest shoots at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, the rest must be removed.
  • When growing radishes, you need to remove all weeds in time; they deplete the soil and shade the plantings, which can greatly reduce the yield.
  • It is necessary to water frequently, approximately every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day. If there is a lack of moisture, the root vegetables will grow flabby and too spicy. Excess moisture is also harmful; in addition to the threat of disease development, it can lead to cracking of the fruit.


Root crops are collected selectively as they ripen. The ripening date is usually indicated on the seed packet.

Mid-ripening varieties, as a rule, are much larger than early ones, have better taste, are more varied in shape, color, and better in taste.

Pests and diseases

Autumn radish

There is very little information about how to grow radishes in open ground in the fall. It is believed that in autumn there are many different vegetables; there is no need to grow this crop.

However, late varieties of radish have a number of advantages over early ripening ones:

  • large size up to 15-20 cm
  • the taste is much better, which is due to the long ripening period of 45-70 days
  • long shelf life.

They're imprisoning late varieties radishes from late July to August. First, the beds are prepared by adding organic fertilizers and ash.

After this, grooves are made at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
Sow the seeds at a distance of 6-8 cm, sprinkle them with peat or humus.

Water the seedlings regularly so that the soil does not dry out and is not too dense.
Ripe root crops are harvested towards the end of September to mid-October.

As you can see, growing radishes in open ground is not at all difficult, you just need to carefully study the article and good harvest guaranteed.

Radishes are a popular root vegetable because they grow quickly and I have harvested more than one crop per season. To reap a rich harvest of radishes, some growing features are taken into account - such as a well-lit area, light loose soil and others. And so I will share my experience on when and how to plant radishes in open ground in spring and summer and properly care for them: water, weed, feed. And following my recommendations, you can reap a rich harvest and surprise all your neighbors.

I will name two main reasons: even a beginner can handle planting, and sowing is possible from mid-April. Seeds develop at soil temperatures from -1 to -2 C, and can withstand frosts down to -4 C without loss. Optimal air temperature for radishes: 15-18 C. At higher rates, I do not recommend planting: it will go into the tops, and the root crop will be small and bitter.

All varieties are divided into three types, the choice of a specific one depends on the planting season:

  1. Late ripening: Dungan, Red Giant, Carmina.
  2. Mid-season: Ice icicle, Saksa, Ilka.
  3. Early ripening: Rhodes, Poker, Champion, Heat, Jolie, White Breakfast.

Radishes planted in open ground will be comfortable after all plants, except for their “relatives” - cruciferous plants. This white daikon, watercress, mustard, cabbage. They suffer from the same pests, which can be inherited from their predecessors.

The culture feels great in mixed beds next to greens (onions, parsley or spinach), carrots, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, garden strawberries, beans, peas, and corn. Excellent neighbors - cabbage and lettuce. They repel the cruciferous flea beetle, which destroys radishes. Bush beans not only protect against insect pests, but even improve the taste of the root crop.

Radish varieties

Let me introduce the popular varieties:

  1. 1 8 days. The name indicates the ripening period promised by the breeders. This is not just an early ripening, but an ultra-early variety. The fruit is regular cylindrical in shape, pink with a white tip, weighing 15-17 g. The pulp is white, the taste is slightly spicy.
  2. French breakfast. Another early ripening type - the fruit ripens in 20-23 days. Rich raspberry-lilac color, round. The pulp is medium-sharp, tender, white in color.
  3. Carmen. The red root vegetable takes on average 20 days to fill. The fruit is round, the taste of the pulp is also medium-sharp.
  4. Heat. An early ripening representative, the fruits are ready 18-20 days after planting – round shape, bright crimson. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a pleasant tang.
  5. Cardinal. Mid-early hybrid variety, resistant to the appearance of flower stalks. The root crop is red, round, and ripens in about 25 days.
  6. Octave. Mid-season radish producing roundish white fruits. The pulp is oily, no voids are formed in it.
  7. Red giant. The main advantage is long-term storage. Mid-season radishes of a rich red hue ripen in 30-40 days. The weight of one root vegetable can be 150 g. White-pink flesh with a tangy edge, tender, juicy, pleasant to the taste.
  8. Red giant. Late-ripening radishes, also intended for long-term storage. The fruits are cylindrical, pink-red, very large - up to 300 g. The pulp is white, juicy, sweetish with a pleasant tang.
radish seeds for planting in open ground

From my own experience, I will say that not all promises on packets of seeds come true in the conditions of an ordinary plot. So, for the 18-day variety, it is necessary to create a certain temperature regime and plant it only in warm spring. Otherwise, the root crop will be poured in 20-24 days.

Based on many years of observations, I notice that all radishes with a white tip do not need to be kept waiting for a larger size. This leads to hollowness and loss of points.

Rules for planting radishes in open ground

To reap a rich harvest of delicious radishes, pay attention to the following:

  1. Follow the planting deadlines.
  2. Select suitable site land taking into account cultural characteristics.
  3. Plant the seeds correctly, keeping the recommended distances between them.
  4. Water regularly, but do not make the soil waterlogged.
  5. Protect your plantings from pests.

Do not forget to harvest on time - overripe radishes lose their unique tart taste.

Site preparation

To plant radishes, select a moderately lit area. It is optimal if the sun's rays warm it up from the very morning until lunch or throughout the afternoon. Protect the bed from drying winds - radishes prefer a moderately moist substrate.

The soil for root crops is light and loose. Acidity level – neutral, slightly acidic. The best option is to prepare the land in the fall. But it's not too late to do this in April. Root vegetables prefer organic fertilizers: add humus or last year's compost (about a bucket per 1 m2), dig up with one shovel (25-30 cm). But fresh mullein no need to add. Dilute clay soil with sand.

For gardeners who prefer mineral fertilizers, I will leave instructions before digging the soil:

  1. Superphosphate: autumn feeding, 30-40 g of fertilizer per 1 m2.
  2. Ammonium nitrate: spring feeding 1, 10-15 g per 1 m2.
  3. Potassium sulphide: autumn feeding, 20-30 g per m2.

After such treatment in the spring, for one to two weeks before planting the radishes in the ground, the soil is thoroughly loosened by half a shovel (10-15 cm). Before sowing seeds, it must be further leveled. If it is still fresh outside, I advise you to warm the ground by covering it with thick polyethylene.

Seed selection

Early ripening varieties are suitable for the spring harvest. Instead of round ones, I advise you to try elongated seeds - you don’t need to waste time planting each one one by one. For summer planting, on the contrary, varieties with late maturation.
To increase the germination percentage, be sure to prepare the seeds for planting. Carry out calibration: remove all small, damaged, deformed specimens. I usually also check their viability:

  1. I prepare a saline solution (10 g of salt per 200 ml of water).
  2. I place the seeds in the liquid and leave for a couple of minutes, gently stirring them with a spoon.
  3. I delete those that pop up.
  4. I wash the seeds that remain at the bottom under the stream. warm water, I dry it.

To prevent young seedlings from being damaged by fungi, disinfect them with a solution of potassium permanganate:

  1. I dilute the saturated solution.
  2. I place the seeds in gauze, wrap them, immersing the package in liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  3. I rinse thoroughly.
  4. I dry it so that the seeds become free-flowing again.

Fitosporin will be effective (use according to the instructions for the product). You can stimulate the growth of future seedlings by soaking the seeds in special stimulating solutions - “Zircon”, “Epine”. They will ensure full development and strong plant immunity. After processing, do not forget to dry thoroughly.


I usually germinate radish seeds in a napkin - I wrap them in paper and place them in a bowl of water. You can take cotton swabs and toilet paper. If desired, you can use a growth stimulating solution, or plain water.

If you are planning to plant at the end of March, I recommend hardening the seeds. They will become more resistant to cold weather and frost. Hardening is done as follows:

  1. Wrap the seeds in a gauze envelope and leave it in the room for a day.
  2. Place the seed packet in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  3. The next day, return the envelope to the room and repeat for another 3-4 days.

I will warn you that after hardening, the seeds need to be planted quickly in an open bed, since the development processes in them have begun.

When to plant radishes in open ground

The first sowings are in early spring, in the last weeks of April. To have fresh radishes all summer long, do not forget to replant every 10-14 days. The most trouble-free ones are spring ones, because they are a cold-resistant crop with short daylight hours. In summer, radishes develop faster, but often go into the tops. In June-July, the plant is often attacked by the cruciferous flea beetle.

cruciferous flea beetle in the garden

If you will only grow spring radishes outdoors, I advise you not to allocate a separate bed for them. After the root crops have ripened, the plot can be used for the same tomatoes. You can plant radishes after the snow melts, as soon as the soil warms up a little.

The timing is different for different climatic regions of Russia:

  • North-West, Urals, Siberia: last week of May – beginning of June;
  • middle zone: second half of April;
  • south of the country: from the second week of March.

To get multiple harvests of spring radishes, be sure to replant every two weeks from late March to mid-May (depending on region).

Planting according to the lunar calendar

For gardeners who care about lunar calendar, I will list favorable dates for planting radishes in 2020.

If it is not possible to land on the specified dates, no problem. The main thing is not to plant seeds during unfavorable periods. I will present the full moon and new moon numbers for 2020.

It is also important to pay attention to the weather: it is better to plant seeds in partly cloudy weather or on a cloudy day without strong wind.

Planting in open ground

Remember that radish seeds are planted to a maximum depth of 1-2 cm. I do not recommend increasing it: there is a high risk that the root crop will not set. Be sure to leave space between the rows - radishes do not like dense planting.

I call the ratio 2x10 the ideal scheme for planting radishes in open ground. Two centimeters between seeds in one line and ten between rows. After the sprouts appear, they must be thinned out. The optimal distance between large seedlings in a row is 5 cm. It is important not to skip this stage, otherwise if planted frequently, the plants will skip the stage of root formation and immediately send out flower stalks.

For convenient sowing, you can find a lot of convenient tools in gardening centers. But they are not inferior to an ordinary hoe. Another option is the Fokin flat cutter, which can also be used for hilling seedlings.

Planting methods

I’ll tell you about several methods known to gardeners. The most popular is planting in grooves in equal rows:

  1. Level the soil, make uniform furrows 1-2 cm deep (follow the recommendations for the radish variety).
  2. Between the rows leave a space of 10-15 cm (if the area of ​​the plot allows, then 20 cm is better).
  3. Water the furrows generously and wait until the water has completely gone into the soil.
  4. If you have prepared and hardened the seeds in advance, place them 4-5 cm apart. Otherwise, 1-2 cm to be on the safe side, but then the seedlings will have to be thinned out.
  5. The seeds are covered with substrate and the soil is compacted. I observed this interesting method: they put a sheet of thick plywood on top and walked on it.

If it's not too warm outside, place open containers of water between the rows. Cover the bed itself with thick film or covering material. Bowls of water will act as heat accumulators.

Do not forget to cover the bed even if you planted radishes in windy, dry weather, so that a dense earthen crust does not form.

Owners of small garden plots turn to the second method. The entire bed is sown with radishes. To ensure that the distances between seedlings are equal, store-bought egg containers are used - their recesses are pressed into the ground to form a hole. If there is no such device, use a regular stick.

I advise you to treat the bed from weeds before continuous planting - in the future this will be interfered with by planting.

The instructions are simple:

  1. Level the ground thoroughly.
  2. Water thoroughly and wait until the water is completely absorbed.
  3. If you use egg containers, press them down into the soil as firmly as possible to create holes of equal depth.
  4. Place one prepared hardened seed in each cell.
  5. Fill and compact the soil.

You can, as I said, lay out sheets of plywood and walk on them for better contact of the seeds with the soil.

Emergence of seedlings

The timing of seed germination depends on the ambient temperature:

  1. Within 0-10 C. The first shoots appear in a week or two. At low temperatures plant development slows down.
  2. From 10 to 15 C. Seeds germinate in 4-7 days.
  3. Range 15-20 C. The most optimal temperature for radishes - shoots will appear in 3-4 days.

I do not recommend planting radishes at higher temperatures. It will quickly go into the tops and begin to bloom to the detriment of fruit formation. If you want an early harvest, then you can’t do without a greenhouse.

Caring for plants in open ground

Depending on the climate and weather, seedlings appear in 4-14 days. Once the sprouts become stronger, you can remove the covering material. If there is a threat of frost, the film continues to be left overnight to be on the safe side. All care is simple - it comes down to weeding, watering, hilling and thinning.

If the seedlings are too frequent, they need to be thinned out when the first true leaves form. Leave the strongest, most developed plants. The minimum space between them is 5 cm. Anything less will affect the size of the root crops. The sprouts can be carefully hilled up using a square or a Fokin flat cutter.

I consider watering to be the most important thing in caring for radishes, because they are a moisture-loving crop. For full formation, it needs moderately moist soil at all stages of plant development. It is the golden mean that is important: waterlogging of the soil will lead to rotting of the fruits, and dry soil will lead to the formation of small and tasteless radishes. A sharp transition between excessive dryness of the substrate and abundant watering is fraught with cracked root crops.

To reap a tasty and rich harvest, do not forget to constantly water the radishes. This is especially important during the period active development when roots are formed.

Already strengthened radishes need to be loosened from time to time to ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots. Don’t forget about the row spacing - they are treated after each watering. Loosening prevents the formation of crust on the soil.

Don’t forget about weeding: weeds shade the radishes and steal water and nutrients from the soil. If the bed is overgrown, only a small and bitter harvest can be harvested from it.

The vegetative phase of radish development is relatively short, so the fertilizer you added to the soil when preparing the bed is sufficient for it. If you forgot, no problem. In the first week after sprouts appear, feed the plantings with nitrogen fertilizer. But it is important not to overdo it, so that the plant does not go green.

Organic is also good - chicken droppings or cow dung solution. Another alternative is mineral products: 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10-liter bucket.

When the root vegetables begin to pour, prepare an infusion of wood ash: 100 g per 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for a day. Ash is valued for its potassium content and small amounts of phosphorus.

Difficulties in planting and growing

I recommend radishes to both beginners and experienced gardeners, as they are a very undemanding crop. There are no difficulties when planting in open ground: make furrows, water, place seeds in holes, fill, compact the soil. If desired, protect with covering material. There is no need to plan planting in windy weather - light seeds will scatter.

In summer, with prolonged daylight hours, the radishes begin to shoot. To avoid this, shorten its duration artificially using your own simple canopy from the sun. Place an opaque barrier daily from 7 pm to 7 am.

You will have to use the canopy until mid-August, when the duration of daylight hours will naturally decrease. If the barrier does not prevent bolting, then perhaps its cause is different: insufficient watering or excessively frequent planting.

Pest and disease control

I have already written that the most important summer enemy of radishes and its relatives is the cruciferous flea beetle. It eats the leaves of the seedlings, which can lead to their deformation and slow down the development of the plant. I advise you to resist the pest this way:

  1. Keep the soil slightly moist.
  2. Periodically cultivate the soil with ash and tobacco in a 1:1 ratio. Start processing as soon as the first shoots appear.
  3. Cover young crops with plastic material so that the flea beetle cannot get under it.

The pest is most active in calm, warm summer weather. Therefore, it is necessary to plant radishes in open beds in the spring. And summer plantings should be given increased attention.

Harvest and storage

I do not harvest radishes as a whole bed, but selectively: the root crops do not ripen equally. By tearing out already formed ones, I give their neighbors the opportunity to develop more actively. The harvest itself takes place in several stages: focus on the size of the root crop. First the largest radish, and a week later - the rest.

To make your task easier, water the garden bed about a couple of hours before harvesting - this will make pulling out the radishes much easier. Be sure to clean the root crop from the soil: first with cloth gloves, and then under running water. Trim the tops to the tip - this way the root crop will not begin to wither prematurely.

Store radishes in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. It is best to harvest in thick plastic bags. Only clean root vegetables freed from tops are stored. Damaged or beaten ones during collection spoil faster.

Radishes are not intended for long-term storage; it is preferable to eat them within a few days after harvesting. The only exception is special varieties intended for these purposes.

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