Garden houses: design, selection of tools and materials (120 photos). We build a frame country summer house with our own hands What to build a garden house from

House on plot of land simply necessary, because a dacha is not only a vegetable garden, but also a place for relaxation, and there will always be somewhere to hide from bad weather. As a rule, the design of such houses is not particularly complex, so even beginners in the construction business will not have any problems. More details on how to do country house Do-it-yourself IR is described in this article.

Choosing the type of house taking into account the budget

The budget for an upcoming construction project is not always unlimited; quite often, construction financing country house is carried out according to the residual principle, but even in this case you can choose a good option.

The following types of houses in summer cottages can be distinguished:

  • capital (made of natural stone, brick or wood);

  • small houses, usually made of wood - frame construction technology is used;
  • country houses from block containers - almost ready-made structures;
  • The houses for children stand apart - they are more like a combination of a playground and a small gazebo.

At the same time, the time and financial costs of construction small house will be comparable to the cost of building a medium-sized shed. And application modern technologies will reduce construction time to a minimum.

Start of construction

In case of use frame technology The entire construction process can be divided into separate stages:

  • foundation installation;
  • device bottom trim ;
  • securing frame elements– racks and braces, installation of joists, if necessary, assembly of the second floor frame;
  • wall cladding;
  • creating a roof frame and covering it;
  • styling roofing elements, interior decoration at home, protecting wood from climate influences.

None of the listed operations require special skills, so anyone can build a house in the country with their own hands.

What should the foundation be?

Under brick house there is simply no alternative to a reinforced strip foundation. But if wood is used, then the main task of the foundation will be not so much to carry a heavy load, but to raise the house above ground level.

Therefore, with frame construction technology, concrete or brick pillars (pile foundation), the top of which is 30–50 cm from the ground. It is important that the tops of the pillars are in the same plane. This is an inexpensive option, especially compared to .

The basement is built from brick after the construction of the house itself. It is not recommended to make it continuous; this will lead to the fact that moisture from under the house will evaporate very slowly.

Pay attention!
In the area that the foundation will occupy, you need to remove the plant layer of soil and replace it with sand.
Thanks to this, water will not stagnate under the house and the wood will not rot.

Bottom harness

This is the basis for the future floor and support for the wall frame. It is assembled from 10x15 cm beams and attached directly to the foundation.

It is undesirable to connect the beams end-to-end in the corners - this will not provide the necessary rigidity.
It is recommended to use a connection using cutting, which is additionally reinforced with self-tapping screws or an anchor.

Sometimes, during the laying process, reinforcing bars (10-15 cm) are left in the foundation itself, onto which the framing bars are then simply placed. This method of fastening can be considered optimal in terms of rigidity and strength of the connection.

Frame for walls

At the planning stage, the main attention should be paid to developing the frame of the structure. You can prepare drawings of a country house with your own hands, or you can select suitable option on our website.

The main element of the frame is a vertical post, rigidly connected to the upper and lower trim. You can attach it to the strapping beams either using metal corners, or select a groove in the strapping beam and simply insert the stand into it.

The corner connection is less rigid, so it is advisable to use it only in small houses. If the structure is large enough, then these 2 methods can be combined.

To ensure that the racks do not warp during the assembly process (while they are fixed only in the lower part), they are additionally fixed with temporary braces in the form of ordinary strips. Permanent braces are installed only after work on the top trim is completed.

Pay attention!
The holes in the top rails must be located exactly above the holes in the bottom rail.
A displacement of even a couple of centimeters will cause the frame racks to bend.

In the process of assembling the frame, you must not forget about window and doorways. The main rule is that the load from the structure should not be transferred to (so as not to warp it). Therefore, openings are always made wider than the window or door itself. The cracks then simply foam and disappear behind the platbands.

In the corners of the house, for greater strength of the frame, you can install not frame slats, but beams with a section of 10x10 or 10x15 cm. Grooves are drilled in the end of the beam and in the trim into which a wooden cylinder is inserted. Additionally, the connection is fixed metal corners. In general, when assembling the frame, each connection can be strengthened with corners, but in this case the cost of construction will increase.

In parallel with assembling the frame for the walls, you need to start building the floor.

In frame construction, there are 2 options for flooring:

  • when grooves are selected in the strapping bars and logs are attached to them. Reduces the load-bearing capacity of beams, suitable only for small construction sites;
  • when the logs are assembled into one whole (it turns out to be a kind of box), then it is laid on top of the strapping and attached to it with self-tapping screws.

If a do-it-yourself house for a summer residence is planned for winter accommodation, then you need to insulate the floor. For this purpose, ordinary polystyrene foam is suitable, which is simply placed in the spaces between the lags. The gaps formed after installation can simply be foamed with polyurethane foam.

Installation of the top trim and wall covering

The instructions for installing the top trim contain the same points as when installing the bottom trim. After completing its installation, you can remove the temporary braces and finally strengthen the wall frame with permanent braces.

After this, selections are made in the beams of the upper trim for the joists for the installation of the ceiling. If desired, these logs can not be hidden, but rather turned into an interior detail. The joists should extend slightly beyond the walls; this will be needed when installing the rafters.

As for wall cladding, you can use regular board, clapboard or siding - the choice depends more on the budget. But regardless of the material chosen for cladding, the walls need to be insulated, especially since the price of insulation is not so high.

To do this, insulation, for example, mineral wool, is simply inserted between the frame posts. Then with outside A special film is fixed with a stapler (it allows moisture to pass in one direction), and sheathing strips are placed on top of it. And only after this the framing of the frame begins.

Roof frame construction

The simplest and cheap optionflat roof. In this case, it is enough to simply maintain the required slope at the stage of assembling the wall frame. But the classic gable roof is much more common.

The rafter system is selected depending on the size of the house. So, for a small building you can use hanging system. At the same time rafter legs rest only on walls or joists.

A layered system will be needed if the house has internal load-bearing walls - additional supports are installed to prevent the rafters from sagging.

A sheathing (solid or lattice) is placed on top of the rafters and a waterproofing carpet is laid out. After this, all that remains is to secure slate, tiles or any other covering to the slopes.

Children's country houses

They are a combination of a small house and a playground. Therefore, the main requirement here is that parents have imagination. You can build a house for a child in your country house with your own hands in just 1-2 days.

When working on the design of such a structure, you can use the following tips:

  • you can make it 2-story, and place, for example, a sandbox on the lower floor;
  • a slide adjacent to the house would not be out of place;
  • required external staircase to the second floor;
  • you can equip it with a “warehouse” for toys (shovels, buckets, etc.).

A child, of course, will not live in such a house. The main purpose of the “new building” is to have fun with friends.

Block containers as a country house

Standard cargo containers can be used, unless, of course, the elongated shape of the future “house” bothers you. If desired, you can cut out the side walls with a grinder, arm yourself welding machine and use the container frame as a base for the house. Welding will require electricity, but renting a diesel generator for your dacha will solve this problem.

Summing up

A house is an integral part of any summer cottage, in fact, this is exactly what distinguishes a dacha from simple vegetable garden. small house on a plot of land will require a minimum of time and financial costs, but will make outdoor recreation unforgettable and will become cozy corner for all relatives and friends.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The dream of many city dwellers is a beautiful small house outside the city, where they can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, hide from the heat, and feel the pleasant freshness of the earth under their feet instead of hot asphalt. But not everyone’s dreams come true; it seems that a country house is complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

Planning the space

Choosing a location for a future country house is not the time for hasty decisions, because there is not that much space. Thoughtful, competent planning will help you use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street – 5 m
  • from the passage – 3 m
  • from the neighboring plot - 3 m

We are not considering the option with a low area - water will accumulate there. Optimally, the highest place on the site is in its northern (northwestern) part.

Projects of small country houses

Considering standard projects country houses, it is easy to see that the undisputed favorite is a one-story building with an attic. This is a time-tested version of a country house, but you can abandon the utility block, because the equipment and household supplies can be stored in the attic.

You can add a terrace to the house - in summer it can be used as a dining room. Two-story country houses often obtained without actually constructing a “clean” second floor, having arranged instead attic. Then on the ground floor you can plan a kitchen and living room, and the second floor - for the personal space (bedrooms) of the owners.

Advice! You can save significantly on the heating system - even at the most modest prices for installing a classic one (boiler, pipes and radiators) accounts for 15-20% of the total budget. If you are building a small country house with your own hands, where you plan to live only during the “season” (late spring - early autumn), then to heat it in bad weather, you can get by with electric or infrared heaters.

Prefabricated country houses are becoming very popular - unpretentious, outwardly monotonous parallelepipeds with roof We replaced buildings that were interesting in architectural terms, with an improved layout, one or two floors.

You are buying a kind of construction kit; such a country house can be easily erected with only basic knowledge about construction. The main thing is that it already includes all the systems - electrical wiring, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing. This will help avoid many mistakes that beginners make when they decide to build a country house with their own hands.

A prefabricated country house is designed for a long holiday with family or friends; it is larger in area, can be one or two floors, with an improved layout. Such a house is equipped with a technical room, a kitchen, rest rooms and a bathroom, equipped with a heating, ventilation, air conditioning system, and supplied with electricity.

The house can be equipped with a water heater, sink, countertop, hanging shelves, shower cabin, necessary plumbing. After installing such a country house, no additional repair work, it is completely ready for use.

Laying the foundation

The choice of foundation type is directly related to the choice of material from which the house will be built, as well as the number of storeys. Light houses (from rounded wood, timber, frame houses and modular) can be erected on columnar or screw foundation, heavy (brick, aerated concrete, stone, concrete blocks) And two-story houses will require bookmarks strip foundation(as an option - prefabricated, from reinforced concrete blocks) around the entire perimeter and under load-bearing walls Houses.

It is important to know the depth of soil freezing - the foundation should be laid below this level, taking into account the level at which groundwater lies.

In the basement part, it is necessary to install waterproofing at a level of 0.2-0.5 m from the ground. If the soil is dry enough (sand), you can use it as a screed cement-sand screed 2-4 cm thick. For wet soil, roofing material will need to be laid on top of such a screed - in two layers. As an option, roofing material can be glued onto a dry screed using hot mastic. Waterproofing is installed below the expected level of laying the floor beams.

Advice! In the basement, to ensure ventilation of the subfloor, they make small holes which are covered with a protective mesh.

A blind area is created around the base, its width is at least 70 cm (it should protrude further than the overhang of the cornice), with a slight slope directed from the walls of the house. To do this, delete top layer earth, clay (sand) is poured, on top of it - a layer of crushed stone (gravel, broken bricks) and filled with concrete (rolled with asphalt).

Floor and walls

Flooring begins with laying joists. To insulate the floor, insulation is laid between the joists, on top of which a vapor barrier is laid. It is attached to the joists with a stapler, and the joints are taped. Then the subfloor is laid, for which they use an unedged, cheapest board, having previously treated it with an agent against dampness and rot. And only then the finished floor is laid out. IN two-story house The frame for the floor on the second floor is the ceiling beams of the first.

The topic of this article is building a garden house with your own hands. We have to get acquainted with the main points of the construction of a very specific design - frame house with insulated walls columnar foundation, blocked bitumen shingles.

Design selection

Why did we choose this particular project?

  • Frame walls filled with insulation provide effective thermal insulation when minimum costs . In addition, they will easily tolerate minor deformation when.

To be clear: some alternative solutions(for example, sip panels) guarantee better insulation with greater structural rigidity.
However, when using them, the costs of building or rebuilding a garden house will increase noticeably.

  • A columnar foundation again means minimum expenses with a small volume earthworks . All alternatives are more complicated and more expensive. Yes, this type of foundation has a small bearing capacity; however, the mass frame structure more than small.
  • Bituminous shingles laid on a continuous board are attractive due to the complete absence of noise in rainy weather.. Not only that: the shield under it will significantly simplify thermal insulation work.

So let's get started.


The construction of garden houses, like any other, begins with marking and laying the foundation.

Since the material for covering the wall frame will be OSB (oriented strand board), which has standard sizes 2500x1200 mm, it would be logical to make the length of each wall a multiple of the smaller of its dimensions: 3.6, 4.8 meters, etc.

The maximum step between support pillars should not exceed 2 meters. This applies not only to the perimeter: internal partitions must rest on their own supports.

After the position of the supports is marked, we proceed to their construction:

  1. We dig out pits approximately 50x50 cm in size and at least half a meter deep.
  2. We fill each of them with crushed stone. The height of the bedding is 20 cm.
  3. We compact the crushed stone using a hand tamper.
  4. We form a concrete pad 10 cm thick on top of the bedding. The grade of concrete is M100. When mixing yourself, you can focus on the following proportions of the materials that make up concrete (in terms of one cubic meter):
Strength grade Cement M400, kg Crushed stone, kg Sand, kg Water, l
M100 210 1080 870 210
M150 235 1080 855 210
M200 286 1080 795 210
M250 332 1080 750 215
M300 282 1080 705 220
  1. We post it on cement mortar red brick columns the size of a brick or one and a half. A piece of 14 mm reinforcement is placed in the middle of the column, onto which we will anchor the grillage.

Please note: the height of the grillage (and, accordingly, the pillars) must be at least +25 cm from the ground level.
The columns are projected into the horizon due to the thickness of the seams.
From above, each pillar is waterproofed with two layers of roofing felt.



The grillage material is larch, a wood that is extremely resistant to rotting. Section - 150 mm. The beam is drilled where it will sit on the anchor; in the corners the grillage is connected into half a tree.


They will be boards 50x150 mm with a pitch of 60 cm, placed on edge.

Log material in in this case doesn't have of great importance: Inexpensive pine will do just fine. The logs can be attached directly to the grillage beam with galvanized corners using galvanized self-tapping screws.


Construction of garden houses used for living early spring and late autumn, implies their insulation.

Among other things, the floor will also need to be insulated.

  1. Cranial bars are packed along the bottom of the logs.
  2. Flooring made of boards 20-25 mm thick is laid on them.
  3. On top there is a layer of vapor barrier.
  4. Then the space between the joists is filled with mineral wool.

  1. A waterproofing film is laid over the joists.

The flooring, made from 40mm tongue-and-groove boards, is laid after the frame is constructed.



Corner posts and top trim are made of 100x100 mm timber; fastening - with galvanized corners already familiar to us. During the construction of the frame, the racks are strengthened by bevels; The structure will reach full rigidity after sheathing. Material for intermediate posts and crossbars - 50x100 board.

Attention: window and door openings are covered with boards around the entire perimeter.


Sheets of 12 mm OSB are fastened with galvanized self-tapping screws 51 - 55 mm long in increments of no more than 25 cm. The joints of the sheets must fall exclusively on the racks.

By the way: if you foam the joint before screwing in the screws, the walls will be noticeably warmer.


The vapor barrier is laid under the insulation from the side external cladding; its second layer covers the insulation with inside after the mineral wool mats are installed spaced between the posts. They are sewn up from the inside later, during the interior finishing process.

Roof and attic

Building a garden house with your own hands does not end with the construction of walls: we have to build a roof.

  1. We lay ceiling beams (50x100 boards placed on edge) on top of the top frame. We fasten them with corners. The step is the same 60 cm as for the racks.
  2. We place rafters from the same board on the corners. We connect each pair of rafters with a horizontal jumper on a stud. For temporary fastening rafter system again we use jibs.

  1. We construct gable frames with lining of skylights and entrance.
  2. We cover the roof (including the gables) with 15 mm OSB sheets and cover it with a backing for the tiles.
  3. We cover the attic floor on top of the pre-laid vapor barrier with a board - edged or tongue-and-groove, depending on whether the attic will be used.
  4. Install between ceiling beams mineral wool slabs and using a stapler we fasten the vapor barrier from below.
  5. If it is necessary to insulate the attic, we carry out similar operations under the roof.
  6. We cover the roof with bitumen shingles. The sheets are fastened with galvanized nails.

The direction of installation is from the overhangs to the ridge.

Interior decoration

Traditional construction instructions frame houses is quite standard: the frame is covered with OSB both outside and inside, after which the owner must do the interior finishing.

Most plasters and paints do not adhere to the OSB surface; the price of specialized primers can plunge even an inveterate optimist into deep depression.

We will simplify our life and use plasterboard to cover the walls from the inside. Since the step between the posts is quite large, the sheathing will have to be done in two layers with overlapping seams. The pitch of the screws is 15-20 cm, their length is 50 mm; Sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm are used for walls, and 9.5 for ceilings.

Useful: with two-layer sheathing, you can do without reinforcing the seams with sickle. Cracks can only appear if the frame of the house is seriously deformed.

Exterior decoration

It would be strange to build a house - garden or any other - and not decorate the outside. The simplest solution is to use vinyl siding; it is attached to a 40 mm thick lathing, which is necessary to ventilate the space behind it. Don't forget: siding expands greatly during summer heat, therefore its fastening must provide for the possibility of displacement of the slats.


Of course, we have described only one of countless possible designs. Additional information The video in this article will show you how to build a house in the garden. Good luck!

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To build a garden house with your own hands, you don’t need much, but the finished structure is a real lifesaver in an open area. Even a small and simple house is enough to hide from bad weather, store household equipment, and comfortably relax for children and adults.

Summer house options

A universal solution for any site - one-story house with or without attic. Can be turned summer house in a two-story one, if instead of an attic, equip a comfortable attic.

For comfortable rest on outdoors a terrace is attached to the house - open or with a canopy. In good weather, it serves as a dining room or children's play area. It all depends on the area and configuration.

Pay attention! The terrace can be easily decorated with decorative lighting and climbing flowers.

If the garden house will be used only in the warm season, then it is not necessary to install a heating system in it. On cold evenings and nights there will be enough heater. And this will require electrical wiring.

Whatever option you choose for a garden house, you need to draw up a design before construction. It will help calculate the load on the foundation and the amount of materials needed.

What to build a garden house from

You can build a garden house with your own hands from bricks, timber, concrete blocks. Each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Lightweight 150 mm thick – at first glance economical and simple construction option. The lumber lays easily, looks beautiful, and is suitable for any option. finishing. However, such a house does not retain heat well in spring and autumn, which entails considerable costs for the heating system and electricity.

Summer houses made of foam blocks can withstand heavy loads even with a wall thickness of about 30 cm retain heat well in the off-season. Special technology laying the blocks minimizes cold bridges and prevents the formation of condensation in the premises. However, specialists must build according to a carefully designed project.

Brick houses are no less reliable than block houses, but they require at least external insulation. With thickness external walls in 1-1.5 bricks it can be facade plaster, “ventilated facade” system or a combination of polystyrene foam with facing bricks. The design is warm, strong, durable, but not cheap.

Technology deserves attention frame construction. It allows you to build a light but durable garden house with the least financial and labor costs. Moreover, its design is such that repair and additional insulation will not require much effort.

DIY frame garden house

The frame technology for constructing a summer house is simple, it involves several foundation options and wall cladding. But how to build a small garden house with your own hands if you have no experience? Without step by step instructions to work and knowledge of some secrets is indispensable here.

Shallowly buried can withstand heavy loads. Suitable for devices on heaving, but not on peat, sapropel, clay soils. The width of the base is 10 cm greater than the thickness of the walls, the height is about 50 cm. Typically, such a foundation lies higher groundwater, therefore in spring period together with them it moves up and then falls.

Pay attention! When installing a strip foundation, it is possible to equip a basement under the summer house, for example, for storing garden tools.

The installation of a shallow strip foundation is carried out according to the diagram.

  1. Mark the area using pegs and a cord stretched between them, which marks the boundary of the future pit.
  2. Taking into account the markings, trenches are dug for the foundation.
  3. A sand and gravel cushion (15+15 cm) is laid at the bottom of the trench. It is spilled with water to compact it better.
  4. The walls of the pit are covered with a layer waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt.
  5. Formwork for pouring concrete is assembled from boards 4-5 cm thick. It should protrude 30 cm above ground level.
  6. Fill the trenches with concrete mixture.
  7. Cover the base with film and moisturize periodically so that the concrete does not crack.

For potentially large loads, the foundation is additionally reinforced. The process is quite labor-intensive, so it is worth comparing the scale of the house being built with the cost of constructing the foundation.

Shallow block base

For a small and light garden house, a shallow columnar base made of individual concrete blocks is sufficient. Will fit elements measuring 20x20x40 cm.

Holes about 50 cm deep are dug under the blocks. Layers are laid at the bottom:

  • waterproofing;
  • sand – 15 cm;
  • crushed stone – 15 cm.

Concrete blocks are laid on top of such a “pillow” in two rows. Used for fixation cement grade M-150. The result is pillars protruding approximately 20 cm above ground level.

This is important! The second row of blocks is laid across the first.

Geoscrew foundation

Geoscrews - analogue screw piles, but of shorter length. They are used for light and small buildings. They are absolutely not suitable for working on floating and loose soils. The bottom trim of a frame house is mounted along the heads of geoscrews.

Advantages of the technology:

  • no special equipment is needed for work;
  • stones and even medium-sized cobblestones in the ground are not obstacles for geoscrews;
  • not needed preparatory work on the site;
  • Raising the frame can be done immediately after screwing in the last geoscrew.

Geoscrews are screwed into the ground strictly vertical. To do this using hand drill First, pits are made with a depth of 35-50 cm. Geoscrews are inserted into them and tightened by hand. It is enough to insert a crowbar into the head and use it as a lever. Suitable for this purpose on dense soils trim metal pipe with handles welded to it. The design fits onto the head and also serves as a lever.

Some craftsmen purchase multipliers in stores, connect them to an electric drill using a metal pipe, and thereby increase the torque of the device. The finished structure, fixed on the head, allows reduce the time for screwing in geoscrews. Work starts from the corners. The vertical alignment of geoscrews is carried out after they are buried approximately 1/3 into the ground.

Assembling a wooden frame

Assembly wooden frame start with the bottom trim. For this they use board with a section of 5x15 cm or timber - 15x15 cm. The selected lumber is laid on the foundation along a layer of waterproofing (roofing felt). IN corner connections wooden elements The strappings are connected by cutting “half a tree”. The frame is fixed to the foundation using anchor bolts. The logs for the future floor are laid across, maintaining a distance of 50 cm between them.

Raise the frame, starting with the installation of beams in the corners. The intermediate posts are fastened in increments of no more than 200 cm. To do this, use a “half-timber” cut and reinforced steel corners. To give the structure rigidity, install in the corners temporary supports - jibs. Provide for door and window openings.

After this, the lower one is collected in the same way top harness frame, attach the transverse floor beams and install the rafter system.

Pay attention! Part of the roof can be assembled in advance and then raised upward. So, when installing hip roof convenient to assemble first ridge run and center rafters on the ground, and then secure the diagonal rafters at the top.

Wall and roof cladding

After assembling the frame, they begin to wall and roof cladding. For the walls of an unheated small house, OSB - oriented strand boards - is most often used.

For external cladding, weather-resistant OSB-3 boards are chosen.

They are attached to the racks with wood screws, without screwing them in completely by about 1-2 mm. This is necessary so that the slabs have the opportunity expand when temperature and humidity conditions change. In this case, the joints of the slabs must land on the frame support. Subsequently, these seams are puttied. In the same way, they clad the inside of an OSB house with their own hands. Chistov facing material siding and facade plaster will serve.

As roofing material use tiles, corrugated sheets. The second option is preferable for a garden house, since the material is light weight and low cost. For fastening corrugated sheets use screws for metal. The most important thing in the work is to install the first sheet correctly and evenly.

This is important! If you want to insulate a building, then for protection thermal insulation material and wood will need hydro- and vapor barrier - polyethylene film and a vapor barrier membrane.

When building a small garden house it is important to pursue not beauty, but for reliability, convenience and performance. What's the use of a beautiful building if it's even cold inside? late spring? However, to obtain a high-quality result, it is important to strictly follow construction technology.
