Types of linoleum for apartments. Expert advice - which linoleum is better to choose. Main selection criteria

The long-awaited renovation season is coming. Many apartment owners think about which linoleum is best for their apartment. Let's try to understand this issue and the huge assortment that is offered trade organizations to help you choose exactly the option you need.

Material requirements

First of all, you need to decide in which room this will be located. flooring. The requirements placed on it depend on this. Will it be able to withstand the loads that are placed on it in a particular room? Will the selected linoleum meet technical characteristics, such as moisture resistance, sound absorption, etc. Does the material match the interior of the room.


When deciding for yourself which linoleum is best for an apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory classification of this material. On the reverse side of the linoleum you can see two numbers. One of them means the type of premises: 2 (residential building), 3 ( office building), 4 (production room). The second number indicates the strength of the material. In accordance with the loads, linoleum is divided into three groups:

  1. Household is thin material, which can withstand 1.25 kg per 1 square meter. Rolled up, it does not crack. This material would be quite appropriate in a bedroom or hallway. It is not suitable for the kitchen or bathroom.
  2. Commercial - wear-resistant and durable material. Choosing which linoleum
    better for an apartment, you can confidently choose this option.
  3. Semi-commercial - quite durable and not thick material.


In this room, the load on the floor covering is maximum, so it is more advisable to lay the floor commercial linoleum, which will serve you for many years.


This is a special room in any home, if only because it is characterized by high humidity. It is much more often used here as a floor covering. But if for some reason you decide to abandon it, then you can use Imitating granite or marble; it looks very impressive and modern, especially if the bathroom is decorated in high-tech style. Naturally, it will cost you more than traditional samples, but the result is worth it. It has increased moisture resistance, and if you consider that the floor area in this room, as a rule, is not too large, then the cost of such a coating will not be too burdensome for your budget.

Living room

Many people are wondering whether it is worth using linoleum for the hall. In an apartment, this is probably the room with the least load on the floor. Therefore, it is quite justified to use classic linoleum in it, especially if it is partially covered with carpets. It is important to choose the right color. If you want to highlight the floor against the general background, choose a linoleum color that contrasts with the walls and furniture. To make the room look harmonious, select several accessories to match the color of the floor. This could be textiles, souvenirs, vases, etc.


It is obvious that this room needs a special floor covering. It can be linoleum with a protective layer. This is usually a natural material. You need to know that linseed oil, which is part of natural linoleum, is a powerful antiseptic that can not only protect the floor from germs, but also disinfect the air in the kitchen.

An important element of the overall design are the floors in the apartment. Linoleum for the kitchen, in addition to attractive colors that match the style, must have anti-slip properties. It's no secret that it's quite often wet. Therefore, the anti-slip properties will protect you from injury.

Experts advise choosing wide linoleum for the kitchen so that it can be laid without unnecessary seams. When transporting, roll it up, otherwise it may crack. At home, the roll should be unrolled and the material should be allowed to rest well.

Children's room

The room where the bed should be laid best linoleum. For an apartment where there is a room for a baby, it is especially important to do right choice. The floor will not be used too intensively, but it should be taken into account that a small person will be crawling on it and splashing with his bare feet, and therefore you need to pay attention Special attention his safety.

The most floor covering is natural linoleum. Flaxseed oil, which is included in its composition, has bactericidal properties and antistatic properties. In other words - this best option. But you should know that its price is twice as expensive as the synthetic one. If you decide that this material is too expensive for you, then lay it upper layer glued onto a jute or felt base. Such material for children's rooms is decorated with bright and colorful images of animals or favorite cartoon characters, which the baby will certainly like.

Is linoleum harmful?

When starting a home renovation, every person is concerned about how to choose safe, environmentally friendly materials. Is linoleum harmful? In the apartment, natural material is completely safe. However, today manufacturers offer much more synthetic PVC coverings. Their manufacturers claim that they are also safe, provided they are followed certain rules operation:

  • You should not lay alkyd (rubber) linoleum in residential premises;
  • commercial linoleum is not suitable for flooring in an apartment, as it contains plasticizers (to increase strength);
  • You should not purchase a non-certified product - it may contain

If after two weeks the initial smell has not disappeared, then most likely the material was manufactured with technological violations.

Today we tried to figure out which linoleum is best for an apartment. We hope that our advice will help you make the right choice. Linoleum is a coating that has a long service life, so I would like it to please you with its excellent quality for many years.

Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings for residential buildings and office premises. There is nothing surprising in this, because it is inexpensive and easy to maintain. At the same time, the surface covered with linoleum is smooth, warm, and abrasion-resistant.

Luxurious material design

Attention! Linoleum has an impressive number of advantages. They determine the popularity of this flooring. It is important to correctly approach the issue of choosing material for an apartment, taking into account its class and type.

Natural coating: pros and cons of this option

In addition to the usual synthetic linoleum, natural is also available. In its manufacture, a fabric is used, onto which a mixture of natural resins is applied, linseed oil, wood flour, lime powder and pigments for color. This coating is environmentally friendly. It is used without fear of health in children's rooms. Contaminants (even fatty and coloring substances) are easily removed from the surface of natural linoleum; it does not lose color when exposed to sunlight, and has bactericidal properties.

Natural components in the composition, excellently retaining heat, have a beneficial effect on the human body. The surface is resistant to friction and shuffling. The only disadvantage of natural linoleum is the high price.

Synthetic material: what is it, what are its features

U synthetic surface has its own number of advantages: it bends easily, is durable, and is waterproof. The downside could be poor quality and toxicity of cheap materials. Therefore, when choosing a synthetic coating, pay special attention to its component composition and the presence of a quality certificate.

Synthetic coating is divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Homogeneous option

This type of linoleum is durable, with a dense, uniform structure, but it does not have a base. The rough surface prevents slipping and light dirt is not visible on it. The service life of a homogeneous coating is approximately 5 years, but if a special protective agent, then this will extend the service life by another 2-3 years. It can be considered a plus reasonable price, a variety of shades and patterns, interesting design solutions.

Linoleum with imitation parquet

The downside is a relatively short service life, rapid abrasion, and cracks may form on the surface. This product is supplied in rolls, the width of which is 2, 3 or 4 meters. Sometimes linoleum is also found in the form of tiles, which is very convenient.

Heterogeneous variant

It has a complex structure, is multi-layered and is impregnated with a special fiberglass paste, which increases strength and significantly extends its service life. To improve performance, apply to the top layer protective composition, preventing moisture from getting inside.

The mechanical backing muffles noise and makes additional insulation for the floor. The advantages of heterogeneous linoleum: durability, strength, softness, warmth, high sound insulation properties.

Attention! H Often people strive for originality when choosing appropriate floor coverings. To do this, metal dust or stone chips are added to heterogeneous linoleum. The result is impressive.

Read also: - choice of texture, styling rules

Types of linoleum

In turn, heterogeneous coating is divided into household and commercial. The latter has higher performance characteristics than household ones, it is recommended to use it in kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, that is, in rooms with extreme conditions, where strength is required from the coating.

Bright hues in the interior

Please note that the thicker the coating, the higher its wear resistance; in bedrooms it is allowed to lay a thinner coating, and in places where people constantly walk - thicker.

Household linoleum – interesting option for home. It is in demand among those people for whom durability, environmental friendliness and warmth in the house are important. The coating has optimal soundproofing properties. At the same time, household coatings amaze with a variety of designs. You can choose the right option for any interior.

Linoleum doesn't hold up high temperatures, therefore it is not advisable to lay it in rooms with radiators and stoves close to the floor. Maintenance involves wiping the surface with a damp cloth. Use is contraindicated chemicals, since the latter can cause discoloration of the coating and damage the top protective layer. The question arises, which linoleum is better for your own apartment: household or semi-commercial.

Semi-commercial linoleum and its characteristics

What is semi-commercial linoleum? Professionals recommend choosing this option instead of the usual household one. Semi-commercial linoleum is an average strength option between household and commercial.

At the same time, the average cost of the product is noted, which becomes a significant advantage. Semi-commercial material is suitable for rooms with moderately high and normal traffic. This floor covering is supplied with a needle-punched or foam base. The thickness of the protective layer is 0.3 mm or more. The product is sold in rolls, the width of which varies from 2 to 4 meters.

Spectacular flooring

What other types of linoleum are available?

There are also other types of linoleum. Household material can be antistatic. The purpose of this floor covering is to protect against static electricity. This problem arises in cases where an impressive amount of equipment is working in the room. At the same time, the functioning of all electrical appliances is significantly affected by the amount of dust. If it accumulates, a fire may occur.

A special antistatic coating helps prevent such situations and reduces dust accumulation. The main advantage of this coating is the ability to be used in special-purpose rooms where high-precision equipment is located. Other types of linoleum are not allowed to be used in them. Other advantages of antistatic material include increased strength and reliability. The price of the coating is slightly higher than that of analogues.

Another option is insulated linoleum. It is a thermoplastic version made of PVC. It is based on synthetic or natural fibers. Often polyester, jute or felt are chosen as the base. Sometimes preference is given to combined double options, for example, foamed polyethylene or polyester. Such materials are characterized by increased resistance to tearing, but at the same time elasticity and softness. Spreading such a covering on the floor is very simple and easy to care for. Insulated flooring is an excellent option for country house, dacha or cottage.

Special sports linoleum is also produced. It has increased elasticity, strength, cleanliness and safety. This coating is non-slip, has no seams and dries quickly

Linoleum for an apartment

Now you know which commercial and semi-commercial linoleum or household linoleum is better. The difference is significant; the choice depends on the traffic and other features of the room. The differences between household and semi-commercial linoleum are the degree of wear resistance and service life. Keep this in mind when choosing your preferred option.

Hello Dear blog readers! Get ready, as this topic will be very voluminous and dedicated to which linoleum is best for an apartment. In the modern construction market you can see hundreds of options various quality and from different manufacturers. The color variations of linoleum can also excite the imagination. Why is linoleum so popular? The fact is that this is the most popular flooring among the population with average income. They also love it for its durability and ergonomics. In our topic, let's start with everything in order.

Summary of this article:

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment - domestic, commercial or semi-commercial?

There is no specific and uniquely correct answer to this question. If we start talking about household linoleum, then, as the name suggests, it is used mainly only in residential areas.

Among the advantages in it are the following:

  • Economical. It has a very attractive price.
  • Very easy to care for. You don't need any expensive special equipment.
  • As we stated, it has a rich color palette.
  • Very elastic and easy to transport.
  • It insulates the room well.
  • Has good moisture resistance.

As for the semi-commercial option, it is worth saying that it is something between the household and commercial options. It can be laid in areas with moderate traffic, which, in principle, means that you can lay it if you have a home big family. It has almost the same advantages. It's just a little more expensive.

It’s up to you to decide which linoleum is best to lay, commercial or semi-commercial, or household. All options are well suited for home use. The last thing that could be noted is that when choosing household linoleum you still have great freedom in terms of color and type of coating (there are those imitating wood, parquet and others).

Commercial linoleum is not often used for laying on apartment floors, because... its cost compared to household and semi-commercial types is very high. If your budget for repair costs is “rubbery,” then this is a pretty good option for flooring that will easily serve you for more than 10 years without any jams, creases, etc.

Which linoleum is better - foam or felt?

Foam-based linoleum is usually made using foamed PVC onto fiberglass. The advantage of foam-based linoleum is its strength. Also resistant to high moisture. One of the disadvantages of such linoleum is the price, which is several points higher than its analogues.

As for the felt base, the advantages of such linoleum include its elasticity and softness of the coating. This, by the way, directly affects the comfort of use.

This option is much cheaper than a foam base, but unlike the latter, the pattern in linoleum with a felt base is applied to its entire thickness, which means that when “wiping” it will not lose appearance.

Based on this, we can conclude that in this matter you should be guided by what is most important to you - durability and strength or appearance. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

What sizes of linoleum are there?

Now let's move on to the numbers part. As for the size of linoleum, the situation is as follows:

  • By building regulations The thickness of linoleum ranges from 0.7 mm to 4.5 mm. There is also an option less than a millimeter thick, but such material, as you might already guess, is completely unsuitable for everyday use.
  • The most common thickness of linoleum is from 1.5 to 3 mm. Thanks to this thickness, sound insulation and thermal insulation are well maintained.

How wide is linoleum?

Regarding width, the following options are available on the construction market:

  • 2 meters.
  • 2.5 meters.
  • 3 meters.
  • 3.5 meters.
  • 4 meters.
  • 5 meters.

As you can see, there are enough variations in width, which will allow you to avoid a large number of seams when laying. We already spoke in more detail about the possible width of linoleum once in an article - be sure to study what width linoleum is.

What classes is linoleum divided into based on wear resistance and fire safety?

According to wear resistance, linoleum is divided into the following classes:

  • Virtually indestructible (dense wear-resistant linoleum).
  • Lightly abraded.
  • Moderately abrasive.
  • Heavily abraded.

As for fire safety, things are much more interesting here. To protect yourself, you should choose it according to the following parameters:

  • Flammability.
  • Toxicity.
  • Smoke formation.
  • Speed ​​of smoke spread.

Now in more detail..

Flammability is one of the most important indicators of fire safety. In this regard, linoleum has the following marks - from G1 to G4. IN in this case G1 indicates low or no flammability, while G4 is an indicator of easy flammability.

When purchasing coverage, be sure to pay attention to these labels. Especially if the linoleum is placed in a room where there is frequent contact with fire. Practice shows that G4 linoleum is prohibited from being laid where it is necessary to evacuate people in case of fire.

As for toxicity, this indicator characterizes the amount of toxic substances released during a fire. The toxicity level here is determined in a similar way to the flammability marks - from T1 to T4.

The T1 coating is low-toxic, while the T4 coating is highly toxic and can cause rapid poisoning of the body when the material burns.

Smoke production is another important factor. It shows the amount of smoke released during combustion. D1 – practically does not emit smoke when burning. D4 – formed during combustion a large number of smoke and the room becomes smoky very quickly.

The speed of smoke spread refers to the indicators above. RP1 – smoke spreads slowly or does not spread at all. RP4 – when a fire occurs, almost instantaneous smoke occurs.

To summarize, let’s say that when choosing linoleum, do not forget to pay attention to all the accompanying marks. This will protect you and your home from unforeseen circumstances.

According to European standards, linoleum has a certain two-digit marking. The first number characterizes the type of room. The second is the intensity of the load.

The first number is as follows:

  • 2 – living quarters.
  • 3 – office premises.
  • 4 – production premises.

The second number is as follows:

  • 1 – low load intensity.
  • 2 – average load intensity.
  • 3 – high load intensity.
  • 4 – very high load intensity.

If you choose linoleum, then follow the following markings:

  • 21 – premises for short-term use (this includes, for example, bedrooms)
  • 22 – linoleum for living rooms, kitchens, children's rooms.
  • 23 – linoleum for hallways, corridors and places common use in communal apartments.

These are the main residential markings. After them there are already markings for the numbers 3 and 4. This linoleum is already suitable only for hotels, commercial premises, shops, warehouses, etc.

Is natural or artificial linoleum better for an apartment?

This question is very interesting and almost always excites the minds of those who are going to choose linoleum. So let's figure out which linoleum to choose for your apartment.

In the production of linoleum from natural ingredients oak bark flour is used, as well as ordinary wood flour. Various organic oils and pine resin are often added.

Practice shows that linoleum made from natural ingredients is an environmentally friendly material and is especially popular among those people who have children or allergies.

It is suitable for those who decide to save money, but it is worth remembering that this material not as fireproof as its natural counterpart (due to the lack of oils). It also has a rather unpleasant chemical smell.

Our advice is the following - if you are faced with the choice of natural or artificial linoleum, then pay attention to such factors as the frequency of use of the room and the presence of children or pets. These are the most basic things to focus on.

These two concepts may turn out to be a dark forest for the average buyer. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems, and we will help you not to get confused in this terminology and easily distinguish one material from another and not make a mistake when purchasing.

Heterogeneous linoleum what is it?

Heterogeneous linoleum is linoleum that consists of several layers. Their thickness is usually from 2 to 6 mm. The basis of such linoleum is reinforcing fiberglass, which is coated with PVC.

Various patterns are applied to the PVC on top. It is worth saying that heterogeneous linoleum is a rather difficult material to produce.

Homogeneous linoleum what is it?

Unlike heterogeneous linoleum, homogeneous is a homogeneous material. Its thickness varies from 1.5 to 3 mm. Also, the main difference between homogeneous linoleum is that it provides more narrow choice drawings.

It is also worth considering that this linoleum already has a specialization - it is most often used in shops, corridors of public places, and front doors.

Now let's move on to the main question - which of these two linoleum is better for an apartment?

The answer will be clear - the best option for an apartment is a heterogeneous option. Homogeneous ones have one very unpleasant property - it is almost impossible to clean it with ordinary detergents due to the presence of lime in it.

It absorbs dirt well and may need to be cleaned Grinder, which is not a very good option at home. Therefore it is worth leaving this option more for technical rooms.

As for heterogeneous linoleum, in terms of cleaning, a regular soap-based detergent is sufficient, which is always available at home.

Most people are interested in a reasonable question - which company is the best linoleum for laying on the floor in an apartment? We answer... Today, linoleum from the Tarkett company is considered the best and most reliable option.

Of course, there are other linoleum manufacturers, whose products can also be safely laid on the floors of apartments. For example, such as – Grabo (Grabo), Forbo (Forbo), Ideal (Ideal), Gerflor (Gerflor), Juteks (Juteks) and others.

Their price/quality ratio is very good performance, i.e. when laying on the floor, you can be sure that the flooring will not wear out to holes in the coming years.

That's all. Now you know which company (brand) is best to lay linoleum on the floor in your apartment. The choice is naturally yours - we only give advice and recommendations.

Next, we will consider the nuances of choosing linoleum for certain type home premises. This is a very important part of our article, since, based on all of the above, you can see that linoleum is not such a simple material as it might seem at first glance.

Which linoleum to choose for the kitchen?

There is no need to hide the fact that linoleum has become already traditional material for the kitchen, which never ceases to be popular. The kitchen is a very finicky place, so the choice of flooring should be approached with the utmost care.

Most main question What should you consider when choosing linoleum - natural or synthetic coating?

If you decide to choose a natural coating, you can be sure that it will consist of environmentally friendly pure materials. It will have the following advantages:

  • The coating will be hygienic.
  • Fire resistant thanks to natural materials.
  • You can choose from a wide variety of coloring pages.
  • It is resistant to heat, which means that a heated floor system can be installed underneath it.

Synthetic material differs from natural material only in some respects. Advantages of synthetics:

  • Has dielectric properties.
  • Resistant to heat.
  • It has a low price, unlike its natural counterpart.

So what should you choose? Here it is worth considering that natural material is more expensive, while synthetic material is more accessible. The main advice is that if you have the money, then of course you should choose the natural option.

But if you decide to save money, then synthetics will also be a good choice. We talked in more detail about choosing linoleum specifically for the kitchen in the article - I advise you to study which linoleum for the kitchen to choose.

What is the best linoleum for the bathroom?

Regarding the choice of linoleum for the bathroom, there are the following basic tips that must be strictly followed:

  • Choose waterproof linoleum. In the bathroom the humidity is much higher than in other parts of the house/apartment.
  • You should definitely choose options with a coating that has ribbed elements. They will protect you from unexpected falls, since linoleum becomes a very slippery surface after water gets in.
  • Also choose linoleum that will be resistant to the physical stress of objects pressing on it ( washing machine, sink, etc.), and which will withstand the impact of various detergents.

Masters advise putting homogeneous coatings in the bathtub.

How to choose the right linoleum for the bedroom?

Everyone knows that a person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom. And for the bedroom, linoleum made only from natural materials is more suitable than ever.

Since such linoleum is bactericidal, it will have a pleasant effect on your well-being. It also withstands sunlight well and does not release into the air harmful substances.

By the way, natural linoleum in the bedroom is very suitable for people with allergies or bronchial asthma.

How to choose the right linoleum for a living room in an apartment?

For the hall you should choose household linoleum. Pay attention to the thickness - it should be average, since the hall is a place with moderate load.

A semi-commercial option is perfect. It must have a wear resistance class of 21-23. Good options for the hall you can call linoleum on a jute or felt basis.

These materials are quite elastic, soft and retain heat well. It is very pleasant to walk on them and they are absolutely safe for your health. A nice bonus It will be that these materials are easy to wash and easy to care for.

If you have pets, then due to the antistatic properties, wool will not stick to them (the materials).

Which linoleum should I use for the hallway and corridor?

Most craftsmen advise choosing semi-commercial type linoleum for the hallway and corridor. It is ideal for the reasons that the corridor is the place with the highest traffic in the apartment.

Semi-commercial linoleum will not allow shoe marks to appear on it. Also, practice shows that it is almost impossible to damage this coating by force.

Choose semi-commercial linoleum on a foam basis - it will last longer, unlike other options. As for colors, semi-commercial linoleum, although not replete with the same print options as are available in household ones, still has plenty to choose from.

How to choose linoleum for a children's room?

The most basic advice in choosing linoleum for a children's room is naturalness. Among children Lately there may be a large number of allergy sufferers and linoleum made from natural materials in this case will best choice from your side.

Remember that a children's room is a rather aggressive place. Your child will play with toys there and drop things on the floor. Naturally this will affect its integrity.

The second main piece of advice is to avoid frequent replacement of the flooring, you should choose linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm for the children's room. Foam-based household linoleum is perfect.

As for colors, it is better to choose a material as bright as possible for the children's room. This will delight and cheer up not only you, but also your child.

Which linoleum is best to lay on a wooden floor?

Perhaps most people experience severe wear and tear on wooden surfaces. This is especially true for gender. Over time, it loses its original appearance, which even careful polishing cannot restore. What to do in this case? The answer is simple - lay linoleum. But the next question arises - which linoleum is best placed on a wooden floor?

For laying on a wooden floor, it is better to choose linoleum with good thermal insulation properties. In combination with wood, this will give an excellent effect and heat will be retained in the room for a long time. As for its options, it all depends on the room in which it will be used, so it’s up to you to decide whether to choose a household, semi-commercial or commercial option.

As for the specifics, fabric-based linoleum is well suited for wooden floors. Also linoleum without a base, which has a uniform structure. Experts also recommend colloxyl linoleum; it is flexible and easy to install, but if the room is not ventilated for several days, a slight chemical smell remains.

Which linoleum is better to lay on a concrete floor?

Since a concrete floor is an inhospitable, cold covering, when choosing linoleum you should give preference only to multilayer options with a foamed and insulated base.

Why only this type? If you choose any other linoleum, then, of course, it will also fit well on concrete, but all year round you will notice that the floor is cold. This can have a major impact on your health.

Is it possible to paint linoleum and with what paint?

It just so happens that not everyone has the opportunity to immediately re-cover the entire coating after defects appear on the linoleum. Most resort to in cunning ways. One of them is painting. Let's say straight away - linoleum can be painted. Another question is what coloring composition should I use to make sure it doesn’t turn out worse?

The most popular paints for linoleum are oil-based, alkyd and acrylic options. With them in order:

  • Oil paints are the most budget option. If you follow the dynamics of development construction market, then this paint is already outdated. But it fits well on the surface and does not create unevenness. Of the minuses, one can highlight only a rather sharp and bad smell during painting and during the drying process. Also, this paint must be renewed periodically, as it wears off over time.
  • Alkyd paints are much more advanced, unlike the oil version. This paint is very elastic, resistant to water and is distinguished by its durability. It also does not fade in the sun. Dries quite quickly (in just a couple of hours). The only negative is that, like the oil version, it has a pungent odor when painting.
  • Acrylic paints are the most suitable option for linoleum. Dries quickly and holds up well mechanical damage. The service life of such paints is very long. One of the nice little things is that the paint composition withstands chemical attack well (especially useful when you need to wash the floor with various means).

As we were able to find out, linoleum can be painted. The approach to paint depends only on the size of your budget. Of course, if it is not big, then they will suit you oil paints, if average or good - then alkyd and acrylic. But practice shows that it is better to pay money once for good material than to spend a lot of money on redoing the work later.

Is linoleum harmful to health?

After everything that we have listed in this article, a specific question creeps in - is linoleum harmful to health? As we found out, linoleum can be made from natural material, or PVC and its analogues. The first one, of course, is completely safe.

The second can be harmful to children and adults with allergies. In fact, with proper care, linoleum made from artificial materials will also be safe. Simply, you should not neglect the rules of installation and care of the latter.

Most importantly, remember:

  • If you have artificial linoleum, then ventilate the room at least once a day.
  • Use only specialized detergents.

To make the right choice of linoleum for an apartment, you need to determine the criteria that it must meet in a particular room. To do this, define:

  • maximum load on the floor (traffic, use of furniture on wheels, walking in high-heeled shoes, etc.);
  • specific conditions ( high humidity, temperature changes, etc.);
  • room design.

A solemn and elegant look can be created using finishing material light pastel colors.

Rich colors (green, orange, etc.) will fill the atmosphere with fun and cheerfulness.

How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment - useful tips from professionals

  • If linoleum has a sharp and strong odor, then cheap and low-quality raw materials were used in production. High quality coating(natural and artificial) should be odorless.
  • You have the right to request from the seller a certificate of compliance of this coating with technical, fire and sanitary standards.
  • Buy linoleum in a specialized store where the materials are stored in a heated room.
  • Choose a covering of such width that it can be laid without seams. This way it will have a more presentable appearance and will not cause any hassle with installation.
  • If you buy different pieces, make sure that they are from the same batch and match in shade.
  • Check the quality of the coating in its unfolded form. If there are bumps or waves on the surface, they will not smooth out.
  • A peeling top layer, burrs on the edges or a poorly printed design indicate a defect.
  • Choose a coating with additional special properties (sound insulation, antistatic, etc.) only if necessary. There is no point in overpaying for them if their availability is not important.
  • In the store, pay attention to the weight of the material. The heavier it is, the higher its density and the longer its service life.
  • You cannot fold linoleum by bending it. Roll up with the front sides facing inward.

If you find a defect in the roofing of your home, do not despair. According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 18), you have the right to:

  • price drop;
  • replacement with a product of a similar brand (model) or another brand, with compensation for the price difference;
  • return the defective product and return the money in full.

Modern linoleum perfectly imitates color and texture various materials(tiles, stone, parquet). However, some housewives note that linoleum with a rough texture requires more thorough cleaning.

In places with a high degree of pollution, it is recommended to lay linoleum in dark shades or with an abstract pattern. You should avoid light-colored floors in the kitchen and hallway.

Many people note that laying linoleum does not require special skills. This allows you to install it yourself.

Which brand of linoleum should I choose for my apartment?

As for the question of which company is better for installing in an apartment, here preference should be given to proven brands. They have been supplying their products to the market for more than one year. The quality of their products has already been studied and assessed by consumers.

One of the leading Russian companies whose product quality meets international standards is Tarkett. Among foreign manufacturers, consumers give preference

Modern household linoleum is very different from the coating that was produced at the end of the last century and the beginning of the two thousandth. Now it's safe material with high technical and performance qualities, which are not inferior to more expensive floor coverings.

The variety of assortment is both surprising and involuntarily confusing. In the budget segment alone there are more than three types of material with a dozen various characteristics. Let's look in more detail at which linoleum is best for an apartment.

Requirements for household flooring

Choice facing materials carried out taking into account a number of criteria

A typical one-room and multi-room apartment consists of several types of premises: for sleeping, leisure, personal hygiene, household needs, moving and storing items.

In each room, the load on the floor covering is different and depends on the degree of traffic, the amount of furniture and the conditions that are created during the life of the residents. This is worth remembering and taking into account when choosing linoleum for each room separately.

In general cases, the requirements for linoleum are as follows:

  • safety – the coating must be environmentally friendly, not emit harmful substances, not be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and prevent their spread;
  • wear resistance is a basic requirement that applies to any cladding. The material must be durable, not scratched, and able to withstand abrasive loads;
  • strength - heavy furniture and accidentally dropped objects should not cause severe damage to the front layer;
  • ease of maintenance - the floor surface should provide the possibility of carrying out wet cleaning using detergents. Absorption of moisture and increased slipperiness are excluded;
  • ease of installation - the material should enable the buyer to carry out the preparation himself (after reading the instructions) old surface and linoleum flooring.

Compliance with these points guarantees, especially in the case of linoleum, that the floor covering will not cause significant harm to human health. This is especially important for families with infants and small children.

Which type of linoleum is better?

PVC linoleum universal coating for use in apartments and houses

There are several classifications and varieties of linoleum. We will consider the classification of only household varieties, since industrial options are not intended for use in an apartment.

The simplest and most correct from the point of view of understanding is the division of the material depending on its scope. This sorting allows you to understand which linoleum is better, which coating is suitable for a particular room, and which one is better to refuse.

Among the linoleums that are best laid in an apartment are:

  • natural – linoleum based on natural raw materials: recycled wood, cork flour, pine resins, flax oil, lime, natural dyes. The coating is completely environmentally friendly and safe. It has a long service life, high strength, good wear resistance and an aesthetically pleasing appearance;
  • household - artificial coating based on polyvinyl chloride, chemical stabilizers and fillers. It has average technical qualities, designed for 7-10 years of careful use. It has low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and aggressive substances. Total thickness– 1-2 mm, protective layer thickness – 0.15-2 mm, wear resistance class 21-23;
  • semi-commercial - the coating is almost completely similar household variety linoleum. The total thickness is 2-3.5 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.3-0.5 mm, wear resistance class 31-34. Service life in residential premises is at least 12 years;
  • commercial - produced in various variations, but for an apartment it is better to lay a PVC-based covering. It is an improved version of semi-commercial linoleum. That is, the material has even more impressive characteristics. In everyday life it can last up to 15 years or more. The total thickness is 2-4 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.7-0.8 mm, wear resistance class 41-43.

Combination various types allows you to more accurately select the floor covering, focusing on the specific purpose of the room. This also saves money, since it makes no sense to lay a more wear-resistant coating where its qualities will not be used.

Technical characteristics and qualities

The main technical characteristics that will help you understand which linoleum is best for your home are the wear resistance class, the thickness of the protective layer, moisture resistance, and toxicity. In addition, you can consider materials on additional safety qualities: class fire danger, flame spread, flammability.

Wear resistance class is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a material.

According to European standard EN685 wear resistance marked digital code, which is printed on the pictogram next to the schematic drawing. An example of a pictogram is shown in the photo above.

The first number in the code means:

  • 2 – living space;
  • 3 – office and commercial premises;
  • 4 – production premises.

The scope of application of linoleum does not always indicate that it is in this area that the coating needs to be laid. Many manufacturers have commercial-type cladding, which they themselves recommend for use in rooms with high loads.

The second number indicates the degree of load that the product can withstand. Designated similarly from 1 (low) to 4 (very high).

The thickness of the protective layer is the second important indicator that is best taken into account when choosing. Protective layer determines the strength of the material and its resistance to abrasion.

Gradation of thickness of the front layer:

  • up to 0.2 mm – for low-traffic areas intended for storage;
  • 0.2 mm – low-traffic areas for sleeping and leisure;
  • 0.3 mm – residential premises with average traffic;
  • 0.5 mm and above – for rooms with high traffic and load.

To identify other characteristics, they are assigned a corresponding alphanumeric code. Toxicity is indicated capital letter“T” and numbers from 1-4. The lower the number, the less ability of linoleum to evaporate and decompose into harmful chemicals.

Fire hazard class in capital letters “KM” and a number from 0-5. It includes characteristics such as fire spread, flammability, smoke production, etc. Their designation is similar, that is, than less number indicated next to the capital letter, the safer the linoleum is.

There is no need to remember all the additional characteristics, the main thing is to remember this rule. If necessary, you can make a short list of what is worth more detailed consideration.

Covering for bedrooms and children's rooms

Can be used in children's room and bedroom everyday look 23 classes

In the bedroom and rooms intended exclusively for sleeping and private leisure, the load on the flooring is very low. A person uses the premises strictly for their intended purpose, and the usable area of ​​the room is quite small.

For the bedroom it is better to choose household linoleum class 23 with a thickness of 2 mm. You can choose a coating with a thermal insulation base, which will make the floor warmer and make staying in the room more comfortable.

In a children's room, it is most important that the material is safe. Optimal installation of natural linoleum minimum thickness. If the child is very active, then it is better to choose a household type based on PVC.

Good for both rooms suitable coating from the Tarkett company under the Europe brand Akron 6. The total thickness of the material is 3 mm with 0.25 mm of the front layer, which allows you not to worry about the safety of the material even with increased activity of children. The cost of the material starts from 340 rubles/m2.

Covering for the hall and living room

The living room and hall are narrowly focused rooms where a person spends his leisure time and gathers with family and friends. The load level varies greatly and depends on the person’s social activity, the number of residents and family members.

In general cases, we can recommend semi-commercial PVC linoleum class 31-32 with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm. The presence of a thermal insulation base and anti-slip coating will only be a plus. The use of natural coating is irrational due to its high cost.

For example, it could be Tarkett linoleum from the Moda, Colibri, Iskra collection. This moisture resistant material with a thickness of 3.5 mm with a thickness of the front layer of 0.6 mm.

Covering for the kitchen and hallway

In the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to lay wear-resistant linoleum class 33

Floor cladding in the kitchen, hallway and hallway faces the most unfavorable conditions. In the kitchen there may be a risk of exposure to aggressive substances, moisture, falling heavy objects etc.

There is a high abrasive load in the hallway and corridor. Dust, sand, dirt in the warm season. Moisture, water and snow in autumn and winter. Moreover, these rooms are no different large area, which also affects the rate of abrasion of the cladding.

It is optimal if it is semi-commercial PVC linoleum class 33 for kitchens and commercial homogeneous coating 34-43 classes for the hallway.

For example, this could be a cladding from Tarkett IQ Monolit Cmoni. This is a homogeneous linoleum with a thickness of 2 mm and wear resistance class 34-43. average cost from 900 rub/m2. You can also choose a simpler coating that costs from 600 rubles/m2.

Covering for bathrooms and toilets

The bathroom and toilet are rooms for personal hygiene. There is a risk of water ingress and constant high humidity. Oddly enough, the load in these rooms is high due to the very small area of ​​the room.

It is best to lay moisture-resistant heterogeneous commercial linoleum at a minimal cost. From some manufacturers this material can be purchased from 400-450 rubles/m2, since the material has a small width.
