Finance horoscope for January Pisces. Pisces – Rooster

In their quest for independence from fate, Pisces often do not notice how many chances they constantly miss to become truly happy and truly loved. In January 2019, do they need to continue to prove to everyone around them that His Majesty Chance does not play any role in their lives, or forget about it and try to come to an agreement with fortune? A love horoscope will help Pisces find the answer to this question.

Love horoscope for Pisces for January 2019

In January, single girls and boys of the Pisces sign will understand how bored they are of loneliness. This realization will force them to seek personal happiness. At the beginning of the year, those who will not be led by their own emotions, but will act prudently and soberly, will be most lucky. Therefore, Neptune’s wards should restrain their natural sensitivity and try to look at the world, taking off their rose-colored glasses in time.

Representatives of the Pisces sign risk meeting a wonderful person on favorable days of the month, which the stars will provide in sufficient quantities. For a given zodiac sign, these dates will be January 9, 11, 16, 19, 22, 28, 29 and 30. Dating on other dates is unlikely to develop into something more. But if Pisces manages to start a romance on one of the favorable days of January, then it will last a long time and may well become excellent soil for further family life.

Married Pisces will feel the cold on the love front in January. Throughout the month they will have to find out the reasons for this unfavorable state of affairs. The love horoscope recommends that Pisces in January not pay attention to changes in relationships with their spouses, because in fact there are no problems, and the coming period is only a temporary rest from stormy feelings and preparation for an even happier time.

Love horoscope for Pisces women for January 2019

In January, Pisces women will be faced with an irresistible desire to change the current state of affairs on the love front. Within a month they will desperately fight for happiness. The astro forecast advises Pisces girls not to waste their energy, because in fact the situation should be resolved arbitrarily, and if you try to change it artificially, then favorable changes will definitely not happen.

The love horoscope contains successful forecasts for January for girls of the Pisces sign. Women will be able to feel beautiful and desirable, because men’s interest in them will not disappear, but, on the contrary, will increase. It will be extremely easy to choose the right one among them. To do this, it will be enough for Pisces to objectively evaluate all its positive and negative aspects.

Pisces in a happy relationship will be the envy of January. Girls of this sign will cause a lot of negative emotions because of their luck on the love front. At the beginning of the year, Pisces will be very worried, because the machinations of envious women will affect them in the most unpleasant way. But the beloved will once again protect you from life’s adversities and will not allow anyone to spoil such long-awaited and beautiful happiness together.

Love horoscope for Pisces men for January 2019

The strong half of Pisces will be less sensitive than women in January. At the beginning of the year, Neptune’s wards, although they will experience unpleasant emotions about the lack of mutual understanding with their soulmate, will not attach any importance to this and will calmly continue to build a ship of love according to their own design.

In January, single Pisces will have the chance to explore the secret sides of their partners. The stars give them the opportunity to try everything in sex that they have dreamed of for so long. Single Pisces men in January are unlikely to want to give up their freedom. The only exception will be the case when the partner turns out to be magnificent not only in body, but also in soul. Having linked their fate with such a girl at the beginning of the year, Pisces can remain confident that the love fire, lit by passion in January, will definitely not go out between them.

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

In January 2018, Pisces will receive numerous tempting offers that will provide an opportunity to change jobs or take a leadership position. But you shouldn't make decisions rashly. Calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of these proposals and only then make a final decision. The month will be full of bright events, interesting meetings and new acquaintances. Finally, all the doors that you previously knocked on will open before you. This period will be especially favorable for representatives of creative professions. It is quite possible that, under the influence of strong inspiration and a large amount of inexhaustible energy, they will create masterpieces, thereby gaining fame and authority in society. Be active, don't expect luck to do everything for you. Now it is important to gather your courage, concentrate all your attention on achieving your goal and boldly move forward, overcoming all obstacles easily and naturally. Efficiency and quick response will help you make timely decisions, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of your activities. Choose those strategies in which you are one hundred percent confident. The same goes for your surroundings. It should be optimistic, interesting and reliable. But be careful not to overdo it. You must learn to distribute your attention and energy evenly and optimally so that at the beginning of the month your inspiration does not dry out. Believe in yourself and success is guaranteed.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of January for Pisces

In the first ten days of January 2018, creative Pisces will manifest themselves as real geniuses, whose talent was previously dormant. You will be filled with inspiration and the desire to create, conquer new heights and surprise others. Those Pisces who serve in a subordinate or government structure will receive an important task, based on the results of which their productivity and professionalism will be assessed. Try to make every effort and complete the task efficiently. Your career and, accordingly, your financial situation depend on it. Don't doubt your capabilities. Be assertive and goal-oriented. Under the favorable placement of Mercury and Saturn, luck will accompany you anywhere and everywhere.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of January for Pisces

In the second ten days of January 2018, turn the situation in your favor, do not miss this great chance to change your life. The stars promise positive forecasts for business development for Pisces businessmen. You can bring your wildest ideas to life. Everything you undertake will turn into money. In general, the financial situation of Pisces will grow like never before. In the middle of the month, you may make a huge purchase that you didn’t have enough money for before. But you shouldn’t waste money left and right. Money loves counting and careful treatment. Therefore, if you have extra money, it is better to invest it in a profitable project, which will become an additional passive source of income in the near future.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of January for Pisces

In the third decade of January 2018, reconsider your life values, and your life will change for the better. Pay more attention to your partner and treat him with respect. He needs your support and your company. Don't mix work and family. Find clear boundaries between these two areas of your life and try not to cross them. The beneficial effects of the aspects of Venus will set the right pace for the development of your relationship. You now need to devote more time to your children and partner. For those Pisces who have been married for a long time, the stars advise them to learn to value themselves so that others will treat you in the same way. For single Pisces, January will be a month of discoveries and new experiences. They will have numerous acquaintances, parties, meetings and corporate events, where they will not lack attention from the opposite sex. Pisces now need to learn to be in harmony with themselves and the world around them. It would be a good idea if you meditate or read psychotherapeutic literature that makes you think. Respect yourself, value your work, your time, and everything will be wonderful for you.

The Year of the Yellow Dog for Pisces will begin with problems and troubles, but you should not panic or be upset, because you can find a way out of any situation. In this way, the patroness of the year tests the representatives of a given Zodiac, and only those who pass all the tests will be able to achieve her favor. To overcome difficulties, the Pisces horoscope for January 2018 advises showing wisdom and patience. Very soon, long-awaited changes will begin to occur in your life.

In January, Pisces need to show all their positive qualities in order to strengthen their authoritative position in society. Self-confidence and perseverance will also help with this. Some representatives of this sign will be able to achieve success in literature, creativity or art, so the stars advise developing their talents, and not hiding them. January is suitable for the implementation of long-cherished plans and ideas; they will certainly be crowned with success.

By nature, Pisces are dreamy, balanced and know how to wait for the right moment, but in order to receive gifts from the Yellow Dog, it is necessary to be active in all areas of life from the first days of the new year:

  • begin long-planned renovations;
  • purchase new furniture and appliances;
  • change a job you hate;
  • learn a new profession;
  • go down the aisle with your loved one;
  • plan your pregnancy.

The stars recommend free Pisces to pay more attention to their personal life. You should not completely immerse yourself in work - you need to find time for rest and walks, during which a fateful acquaintance will certainly take place. But representatives of the sign who are in a relationship should spend more time with their loved one and show signs of attention in every possible way. Relatives should also not remain on the sidelines, because this will cause conflicts and discontent.

Health horoscope

Pisces are not afraid of colds in January, but this does not mean that you can be careless about your health - in cold weather you still need to dress warmly. Due to emotional stress, problems with the heart and blood vessels may occur. It is recommended to undergo a full examination to exclude the presence of serious diseases. You should not self-medicate if any symptoms appear, because... it can only harm your health.

For some Pisces, the New Year holidays will not pass without a trace - they will be very upset when they can hardly fit into their favorite jeans. We need to start correcting the situation immediately, and sport will help with this. The most effective exercises will be in the gym with an instructor, but if you don’t have the finances for this, then you can do exercises at home and go for morning or evening jogging. Additionally, it is recommended to reconsider your diet or go on a light diet.

The nervous system of representatives of the Pisces Zodiac will not be in the best condition in January. To strengthen it, you should rest more, do breathing exercises or do yoga. In addition, it is recommended to protect yourself from negativity and be surrounded by positive people more often. It is important to remember that all problems end sooner or later, so there is no need to worry again about the troubles that have arisen.

Horoscope of work and finances

In January, the stars advise Pisces to carefully consider their actions and not commit rash acts. Before you start implementing your plans, you need to calculate the risks. You should not fall for tempting offers that promise to get rich quickly and invest money in unfamiliar enterprises, because... this will lead to ruin. You should be especially careful on the New Moon - January 17, and on the Full Moon - January 2 and 31. These days you cannot start new projects, sign documents or make large purchases.

Pisces need to learn to plan their budget and try to refrain from thoughtless spending in January. Nevertheless, sometimes you can treat yourself, because new acquisitions bring positive emotions and motivate you to new achievements. By the end of the month, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to accumulate a small amount of money, which will soon be very useful. In addition, you can expect good bonuses from your boss for quality work done.

For professional development and career advancement, Pisces should attend appropriate trainings and courses. You may have to spend most of the accumulated money on self-development, but this will allow you to increase financial income in the future, which means that the invested funds will be returned with interest. Representatives of this Zodiac will have many envious people who will strive to “help” with advice - you shouldn’t listen to anyone, you need to act as your intuition tells you.

Romantic relationship horoscope

The first month of 2018 will bring Pisces new acquaintances, and some of them may develop into love relationships. But the stars advise you to carefully look at your chosen ones, and not follow the call of passion. Some representatives of the sign in January will want to break off relationships that have long been a burden, and this will bring positive changes to their lives.

The horoscope promises a rich personal life for Pisces born between February 20-28. There will be no end to fans, and if you forget about caution for a while, you can fall in love with a selfish person who will bring nothing but disappointment. It is strongly recommended not to search for a soul mate on the Internet in January; you should leave the house more often and visit crowded places.

Pisces born between March 1-10 may have problems in their personal lives, but most of them will be far-fetched. Lonely representatives of the sign in January can find their destiny if they listen to the call of their heart and intuition. The chosen one or chosen one will fully correspond to the ideal, but someone may want to make them even more perfect, because of which the idyll in the relationship will be destroyed.

The horoscope advises Pisces born on March 11-20 to pay attention to their appearance; perhaps it’s time to change their image and diversify their wardrobe with creative, bright outfits. Experimenting with haircut, hair color and makeup will also be beneficial. Family representatives of the Pisces sign should bring something new into the relationship, otherwise everyday routine and melancholy will soon completely destroy them.

Why will Pisces completely forget about all serious matters, giving their preference to idleness and fun? The reason for this is the influence of the planets that decide to patronize the representatives of this zodiac sign.

So, there is nothing strange in the fact that you would want to waste your life while your sign is ruled not only by the traditional leader, Neptune, but also by the frivolous Venus. Neptune, of course, will try to restrain the irrepressible agility of this romantic planet, but he is unlikely to succeed in doing this. As a result, even the most serious Pisces in January will playfully glance at the opposite sex, as if giving hope for intimacy.

Neptune will also show itself. With its help, you will find many new friends, and among them there will be quite authoritative people (they are the ones you should thank for the fact that a period of unbridled courage will not lead to the complete collapse of your career).

The main antagonist of Pisces in January 2018 will be a star named the Sun. In fact, this is not the first time such a situation has arisen - the Sun will deprive Pisces of their usual energy, and they, modest Pisces, will take it for granted, abandoning both new victories and an active struggle for their bright future.

According to the horoscope for 2019, Pisces will be blessed with luck and many favorable opportunities. But passivity and fear of change can prevent you from realizing your plans to the fullest. Advice from astrologers will help you make the right decisions and tell you when to act or take a wait-and-see approach.

Horoscope for 2019 for Pisces - main trends

On February 5, 2019, the leader Pig will climb onto his throne, and Pisces will begin to make grandiose plans, solve official problems and distribute the budget. Detailed planning will help you achieve what you want and help you find inner balance; the main thing is not to get hung up on any one goal.

According to the astrological forecast of Vasilisa Volodina, Neptune, as a true patron, will accompany Pisces in important matters, and your main successes will occur in your career and business

Finance will be your top priority during this period, so until June you will be looking for suitable ways to improve your financial situation. Fortunately, the caring housewife of the year will definitely help you find a profitable part-time job, take a higher position and even open your own business.

  • Spring 2019 will be very productive. You will forget about your personal life and leisure, giving preference to your professional field of activity. The only disadvantage of this time is that complications in family relationships cannot be ruled out due to your busy schedule. Your life partner will have to be patient and support your initiatives or leave altogether. The stars advise not to ignore your loved ones and relatives if you want to save your family.
  • And the beginning of the summer season will be the peak of material well-being and success. True, you will decide to devote the new time to your own ideas and creative activities, but the amorous sphere will again remain in the background. From July to August, all sorts of work and family problems will arise, and you will have to fuss. And some Pisces will also deal with housing issues: moving, major repairs and rearrangements, construction are likely. The Yellow Pig approves of your thriftiness and advises you not to skimp on improving your cozy nest.
  • The beginning of autumn will be marked by frequent meetings with all kinds of relatives, and visitors from afar are not excluded. Try to show maximum hospitality and do not refuse support from relatives if the need arises. And by November 2019, Pisces is expected to experience temporary stagnation in priority matters. Nevertheless, you should not give up and become discouraged; continue to generate ideas and strive to implement them in your work activities.
  • You will devote the first days of December to your loved ones, household chores and hobbies. And in the remaining time you will have to focus on your official duties. The horoscope strongly recommends that you knock out all the necessary tails before the 25th, otherwise preparations for the holidays will take place in a tense atmosphere, and the celebration itself will not bring the expected emotions.
  • The 2019 astrological forecast from Tamara Globa prophesies: during this period, Pisces will receive special satisfaction from the development and embodiment of their creative talents and achievements. Many will be able to take their hobbies to a professional level, there will be chances to enlist the support of an influential fan and make themselves known publicly. Meanwhile, it is advisable to spend your free time with your nearest and dearest, but you are simply forbidden to completely immerse yourself in your inner world. After all, the year of the Pig (Boar) will bring not only positive moments, but also certain difficulties that you will not be able to cope with alone.

    Love forecast and family relationships

    Pisces parents in the year of the Pig will be able to become famous thanks to their children and their talents

    Piggy the Pimp will definitely give you the opportunity to find your happiness in love, the main thing is to set yourself such a goal. Meanwhile, the love horoscope 2019 claims that not all Pisces will be able to create strong relationships or a family. During this period, you are too passionate about your own goals, so you will expect absolute support from your potential soul mate for your interests and decisions. For representatives of the water element, the year of the Pig will not be the most favorable moment in relation to planning a wedding. It is unlikely that you will start preparing for the wedding, so it is better to postpone it to a more suitable time.

    As for family men, the stars recommend that you establish relationships with your significant other’s relatives. Take the initiative, organize family holidays even for no reason, and don’t skimp on pleasant little things. Only in this way will you be able to neutralize any disagreements and quarrels; moreover, you will have new allies in economic matters. And with small household members, Pisces should behave more loyally and patiently; if necessary, you can contact a child psychologist.

    The family horoscope from Pavel Globa prophesies: the autumn season can bring scandals and disputes to your home, and the reasons will turn out to be completely insignificant. Try to monitor your own statements and do not make a mountain out of a mountain. And at the beginning of December, do not refuse your family and loved ones all possible help.

    Financial horoscope for Pisces

    Pisces, according to the horoscope for 2019, it is best to put part of your earnings into a bank account or use it to develop your own business

    The horoscope promises Pisces a rather successful year financially. Your financial situation will definitely improve thanks to your ingenuity and career advancement. The beginning of the period is ideal for start-ups and business expansion. Be active, improve your business projects, introduce non-standard ideas, then in mid-June you can become the owner of a significant amount.

    In the year of the yellow earthen Pig (Boar), any of your initiatives and undertakings are doomed to success, but under one important condition - your sincere interest in what you are doing. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to go far on the desire for big money alone. The stars advise creative people and businessmen not to skimp on quality advertising. In addition, the prudent Pig favors long-term investments, but refrain from debt and credit, even if it seems worth it to you.

    According to the horoscope from Pavel Globa, 2019 will please Pisces with financial stability. Of course, certain difficulties cannot be ruled out, but your optimism and enterprise will help you avoid serious financial losses. The astrologer also warns Pisces against gambling and adventurous ventures. In his opinion, the beginning of the period will be marked by unexpected expenses. February is suitable for financial manipulations related to real estate. And from April to May good profits are expected.

    Career and business

    Pisces, remain vigilant: one of your colleagues or companions may steal your idea and pass it off as their own. So try not to share your professional savvy at work.

    Events developing in the professional arena in 2019 will depend solely on you. Pisces have every chance for rapid career growth, and some will be able to change their field of activity. According to the horoscope, aspiring businessmen will be under the increased care of the Pig, so go for it.

    Meanwhile, the horoscope warns: your craving for perfectionism in work, on the one hand, will allow you to achieve a high professional level and impressive results, but, on the other hand, it is the meticulousness of Pisces that can slow down some key processes. Try not to get hung up on the little things, this year operational decisions will be the keys to your success.

    Despite the protection of the caring mistress of the period, a lot of competitors and envious people will gather around Pisces. Moreover, they may feel that you are too distracted and unfocused. Keep your grip: show prudence, self-confidence, and be at least one step ahead of your ill-wishers.


    Pisces athletes, astrologer Pavel Globa advises you to pay attention to the hip area to avoid inflammatory processes and injuries

    The stars urge Pisces to take care of their psychological state. Despite your obsession with work and material well-being, you are advised to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, try to follow a daily routine, and eat right. It's time to put things in order in your thoughts, because your inner harmony will contribute to success in priority areas of life. In addition, there is a possibility of depression and nervous breakdowns: breathing exercises, swimming, meditation and yoga will help prevent problems of a nervous and mental nature.

    Horoscope 2019 for Pisces women

    Sensual Pisces in the year of the Pig (Boar) will place special emphasis on the love sphere

    In general, the year of the yellow earthen Pig will bring a lot of positive moments to Pisces women, but stressful situations will also arise from time to time. The stars encourage you: your wisdom and sanity will help you achieve success and desired results in any area.

    Personal life in 2019 will come to the fore for all women of the water symbol, without exception. A truly favorable time awaits married ladies, when the relationship with their spouse will be stable and delightful with depth. And single ladies will feel an irresistible craving for strong and trusting relationships. Open up to new things, don’t be afraid of change, take initiative in the romantic sphere and don’t hide your own sexuality, then you will definitely be lucky.

    A businesswoman is recommended to study incoming business proposals with special care. Many of them will turn out to be promising and profitable enterprises. And careerists who want to change jobs should take active steps at the end of winter or spring. Meanwhile, the 2019 horoscope warns you: do not participate in all sorts of adventures, avoid unjustified risks and refuse large investments.

    What awaits men

    Horoscope 2019 recommends Pisces men to concentrate on self-development and work on their character: the time has come to do more and dream less

    Most Pisces men will set ambitious goals for themselves, and to realize them you will have to work hard and hard throughout the entire period. Fortunately, the game is worth the candle, because your reward will be a noticeable increase in income, career growth and professional development.

    The stars warn you: learn self-control, remain calm at all costs, otherwise prolonged depressive states cannot be ruled out. And also refrain from making responsible decisions if you are not sure that you are right and feel emotional discomfort.

    In the amorous sphere, almost everything will depend on your mood and actions. The horoscope advises family men to listen to loved ones and relatives, spend all their free time with them, and delight their significant other with pleasant surprises. And it’s best to avoid flirting on the side; such behavior will negatively affect your emotional well-being and the family atmosphere.

    Singles are advised to be selective in their relationships with the opposite sex: in the year of the Pig, you run the risk of connecting your life with a completely wrong woman; such marriages will only bring disappointment and pain. But Pisces, confident in their own abilities, full of initiative and positivity, can count on a fateful meeting, but you shouldn’t rush things either.

    Predictions for all symbols of the Chinese calendar

    Pisces, who are you according to the eastern horoscope? Predictions based on the year of your birth will complement the astrological forecast for 2019


    Rats will be lucky in love, the yellow Pig guarantees this. Singles will find a reliable soul mate, and family people will enjoy the peace and comfort of home. In the professional field, everything will not go as smoothly as you would like, but there are no problems with money. The stars advise you to spend more time in nature and relax not only with your soul, but also with your body.

    Pisces Ox

    The key areas for Pisces-Oxen will be personal and business relationships. The leader of the year will give you many favorable opportunities, the main thing is to take advantage of them. While on duty, watch your language and do not provoke conflict situations. With your loved ones, try to be more open and soft, but secrecy will not lead to anything good.


    The horoscope promises the Tigers a lot of business trips and personal trips; fortunately, you will need constant movement and development. Active Piggy will help you realize your talents and implement your ideas, go for it. The year is also good for dramatic changes in the professional sphere. The projects of budding entrepreneurs will definitely receive a powerful impetus; the most profitable option will be joint activities.

    Pisces-Cat (Rabbit)

    In the year of the Pig, people around them will perceive Rabbits as strong, interesting and sociable people.

    Amorous affairs will work out in the most favorable way for Pisces Rabbits. Beautiful ladies are encouraged to experiment with their look, especially if you are single. The material side of life will not be stable, but the Pig will definitely help you avoid debt and lack of money. The main thing is to be selective when looking for a new job or part-time job.


    Your endeavors will receive strong support from the leader of the year, take advantage of the moment. This is a good time to implement business ideas and creative projects. The stars advise the Dragons to reconsider their surroundings; it seems that it is time to cut off some contacts. Attacks from ill-wishers are not excluded, but you will be able to avoid their negative influence. There are no problems expected in your personal life: single people will find a caring partner, and family men will enjoy harmony in their relationship with their significant other.


    Family Snakes will begin to show so much care and tenderness that their other half may feel dizzy from such care

    Pisces-Snake expects an easy and pleasant year; serious troubles are excluded during this period. Long-awaited additions may occur in married couples, and some Snakes will decide to migrate. One way or another, all your initiatives and decisions will turn out to be successful, go for it.


    A lot of work awaits hardworking Horses; this is the only way you will be able to strengthen your professional status and advance through the career ranks. In the sphere of finance and love, everything will turn out favorably. But your health can let you down; it is recommended to pay special attention to the nervous system, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

    Pisces-Goat (Sheep)

    A productive and rather intense period is predicted by the stars for Pisces-Goats. All sorts of trips, flights, business trips are expected, but it’s worth it. Many will be able to occupy a high position that you never even dreamed of. Your financial situation will also become noticeably stronger. Positive trends are also emerging in love: existing unions will reach a new level of relationships, and single people will be able to find their future spouse.


    In the year of the Pig, Monkeys will begin to have great luck, however, not everyone will want to take advantage of the opportunities offered. Fortune will smile on you in love, in creativity, in profession, and in money. The main thing is to set a specific goal, take an active position, and send frivolity and laziness away.


    Roosters, if you meet that same person in 2019, go to the registry office, you won’t go wrong

    A good time awaits Pisces-Roosters: cherished dreams will come true, and plans will be realized, especially if you yourself put all your efforts into this. In the field of career and business, the horoscope recommends that you be patient and remain calm. But in amorous matters, on the contrary, be more assertive and decisive.


    A period of productivity and long-awaited changes is predicted by the horoscope for Pisces Dogs. This is a good time for creative endeavors, moving, changing professions. The caring Pig will help you in any matter, the only thing is that your personal life can become an interesting topic for gossips and envious people. Try not to react to provocations, smile and enjoy a harmonious relationship with your significant other.

    Pisces-Pig (Boar)

    It’s time for lonely Pigs to focus on their personal sphere; urgently take a closer look at your surroundings

    The Pisces-Pig horoscope predicts an eventful and even significant year. Under the tutelage of the earthen Pig, these Pisces will be able to achieve a lot; luck will be with you throughout the entire period. The stars recommend that you open a private business; there is every chance for a successful start and profitable continuation.

    The horoscope for Pisces advises not to make rash decisions and not to take hasty actions. In 2019, your success will depend on your ability to plan and follow the intended path.
