God's (dill) tree: planting and caring for the plant in the garden. Tree of God: medicinal properties of the plant, use and contraindications

The plant God's tree or Chernobyl plant is known to everyone under the name wormwood - this is the name it received among the people. This shrub belongs to the Asteraceae family.

We invite you to find out whether God's tree has medicinal properties and contraindications, how to use it correctly for medical purposes, does it only bring benefits or can it cause harm?

The medicinal properties of this plant were learned back in Ancient Greece- then its leaves began to be used to treat wounds and cuts, adding them to ointments. It is so healthy due to its high content of citral (it is what gives these citrus notes in the aroma), tannins, ascorbic and organic acids, glycosides, flavonoids, salts of the element potassium, carotene and other various macroelements.

God's tree is a storehouse of medicinal properties. The ancient people gave it several more names: Crimean or Taurian wormwood, lemongrass, holy tree, etc.

Contraindications to the use of God's tree include pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to use any decoctions, because... this can have a bad effect on the health and development of the fetus.

The use of wormwood for anemia is also not recommended. Most doctors consider nausea and vomiting to be contraindications for the use of God's tree. Treatment with this herb should be avoided in case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions of the human body. Use should be limited to a month, so that there are no convulsions or hallucinations from an overdose.

Wormwood is a perennial herb that blooms with small white or yellow flowers. It has a very tart aroma, and its leaves resemble dill leaves in appearance and contain a large number of essential oils. God's tree is often used in folk medicine, cooking, in everyday life, grown in gardens and vegetable gardens as an ornamental or indoor plant. You can find out about wormwood recipes for treating oncology here:

The silvery type of wormwood is also used in medicine. But whatever you call it, its medicinal properties remain the same. Decoctions from this useful herb treat diseases of the oral cavity, the remedy can also be used to get rid of infections in the throat.

Tincture of wormwood is widely used to wipe the skin for dermatitis, and it is also used for hair care - rinsing the hair and scalp after washing.

God's tree is a very healing drug that has more than one use:

The decoction is used to treat sprains/bruises - compresses are applied to the affected areas. Medicinal wormwood treats inflammation of the periosteum - take the substance in the form of an alcohol tincture. Will help relieve tension, fatigue, headaches. It is recommended to drink tea and tea for insomnia and fatigue. Its lemon scent promotes sound sleep.

The medicinal composition of the plant helps to cope with hypertension. You won’t be able to get rid of it completely, but wormwood will remove the symptoms in no time.

God's tree grass should be prepared in summer period. You can start collecting and harvesting from mid-July and finish in September. Green leaves are dried in a dark, dry place without drafts on a spread newspaper or burlap.

Health Benefits of God's Tree

With the help of God's tree and its medicinal properties, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of pain from heartburn, sore throat. But here you need to properly prepare a decoction, tincture or tea. How exactly to do this and what recipe to choose for treatment various diseases we'll tell you a little later.

So many folk recipes collected using this wormwood species paniculata. And all because it asteraceous plant with openwork foliage contains a lot of useful vitamins, medicinal properties and acids.

You should also use wormwood with caution - it not only brings health benefits, but can also cause harm if overdosed. You should definitely consult your doctor to prescribe correct treatment and application, told how to drink the herbal tincture.

God's tree contains little bitterness, so it can also be taken by children (we will talk about contraindications for use a little later).

Useful properties of God's tree

The healing properties of wormwood have been known since ancient times. But now it is used not only to treat diseases, but also in other areas. How to choose the right variety of wormwood for decoctions and tinctures, what ingredients a face mask from God’s tree should contain, what recipes for tinctures exist to get rid of worms or improve appetite - read on.

Recipe for wormwood for colds

Wormwood is used to make oil for colds. The recipe is very simple. You need to take a clay vessel and completely fill it with flowers and leaves of God's tree. Fill it with olive oil to the brim of the vessel.

The resulting product must be infused for about 10 days so that the oil is saturated with the healing properties of wormwood. The composition must be filtered after time and consumed 1 tsp. with sore throat, group or ARVI. How to determine that the oil has begun to have healing properties - it should change color to dark green.

God's tree tinctures for gastrointestinal diseases

Wormwood tea will help cope with diseases of the stomach, intestines, duodenum, etc. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry/fresh herb (leaf and flowers can be mixed) into a glass of water, preferably boiling water.

Wait until it brews for about a quarter of an hour. Tea should not only have medicinal properties, be beneficial, but also smell very pleasant. Application: how to drink? 4 - 5 times a day.

It is very useful to drink it in winter - the body will gain strength to fight infectious diseases.

Benefits of Ladybug Leaf for Skin and Hair

Tincture, decoction or mask - effective remedy in the fight against hair loss, increased oiliness, dandruff, it will add volume and restore shine to dull curls. Recipe for rinsing broth: tbsp. Pour boiling water over the herbs and cook over low heat for about five minutes. Remove from heat, strain and add 1 liter of water. Use after every hair wash.

How to care for hair that is falling out? You can make a mask from God's tree. She has no contraindications (except allergic reactions) and by-effect You are not in danger. Pour a glass of light beer and 2 tbsp into the pan. wormwood. Bring the mixture to a boil, cool, and apply to individual strands of hair and scalp. Exposure time: 20 minutes.

Famous recipe against hair loss:

In henna white add wormwood until a paste forms. This mask should be done once a week. It is applied to the hair, covered with polyethylene and left for an hour. The effect from the previous mask will be different - the hair will become more voluminous.

In order to prepare facial lotion from the herb and leaves of the tree of God, you need to take a tablespoon. base, salt 0.5 teaspoon and a spoonful of viburnum.

Recipe description:

leave the wormwood in a glass of boiling water for half an hour, add the rest of the ingredients. An ordinary lotion will help get rid of acne. This folk tincture can also cure scars on the skin of the face. Store for no more than 14 days refrigeration chamber.

We suggest using wormwood ice cubes to relieve inflammation and smooth out fine wrinkles. Freeze the broth in ice cube trays and wipe the skin morning and evening.

Ladybug leaf tea for health recipes

A recipe for yarrow and lady's tree tea will help restore your appetite. Half a tbsp. Mix herbs in a glass with boiling water. Strain.

How to drink? Drink 100 g three times a day on an empty stomach. You can take it for a week, after which it is recommended to take a break so as not to harm the human body.

Lady's tree root tincture: indications for use

Tincture of lady's tree (also called widow's bush or Austrian bush) is widely used in the treatment of cancer in the initial stages. It is the wormwood root that is the main ingredient here.

Finely chop the dried root, add water and boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid. This rule exists so as not to affect the quality of the future infusion - the essential smell and oils may evaporate. Remove from heat and let the tincture cool with the same lid closed. Strain the solution.

How to drink? – 2 tbsp. on an empty stomach for two weeks. After which you need to take a break for a month. This correct use will not cause an overdose and will not cause harm.

Lady's tree oil for skin diseases

Top part herbs are poured into a dark plastic container (so that light does not fall on the oil), poured olive oil, seal with a lid and leave for two weeks in a dark place.

Strain the solution and store in the refrigerator. Take half a teaspoon orally before meals three times a day.

Decoction of lady's tree leaves for cancer

A decoction of wormwood leaves is not used to combat cancer; for this purpose, wormwood root is crushed.

A decoction of the leaves of the tree of God will perfectly help cope with an unstable menstrual cycle. To do this, pour boiling water over fresh leaves and leave for half an hour.

When menstruation occurs, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. The cycle will become less painful and stabilize within 3-4 months.

Planting and caring for God's tree

What do you need to know when planting a plant in a garden or vegetable garden? Wormwood is a very unpretentious herb. There are few places where it does not take root.

How to plant God's tree correctly? Planting is carried out on a sunny plot of land. The best soil is light and nutritious; if desired, you can fertilize poor soil.

Growing does not take much time - the shrub reproduces quickly and does not require special care, may be a living fence.

Growing Austrian bush requires constant watering of the soil. Requires pruning of lower branches. Blooms from July to September. The good thing about growing wormwood is that you can prepare and dry its leaves yourself for further use.


God's wormwood tree - medicinal properties and contraindications

Wormwood - a bitter herb - is well known for its bitterness: everyone remembers how in childhood, after picking a leaf of this plant, you had to immediately run to wash your hands. But this same bitterness, which contains wormwood - the tree of God, has medicinal properties and is extremely useful.

Composition of wormwood

In addition to the well-known bitterness, which, by the way, is contained in various quantities V different types plants, wormwood contains a set of vital amino acids, a large amount of essential oils rich in vitamins B, A, C.

IN chemical composition The plant contains tannins, which have an astringent effect, as well as potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

Useful properties of the plant

It is interesting that the wonderful properties of wormwood are used by both folk and official medicine.

  1. Medicinal wormwood - the tree of God is used in the treatment of cancer; for this, a decoction is prepared and taken in accordance with the recommendations.
  2. Baths with wormwood infusion are used in the treatment of neuroses; they are also indicated for gout and inflammation of the joints.
  3. Kidney stones are expelled with the help of a preparation that uses wormwood oil; it helps turn stones into sand, is a wonderful antispasmodic, quite a strong diuretic and mild laxative.
  4. Wormwood - the tree of God - has found its use in the treatment of helminthiases. It actively expels helminths from the body, while providing a general strengthening and tonic effect.
  5. Its beneficial effect on the state of the body in diseases is known gastrointestinal tract and various infections.
  6. Wormwood is also used for external use: a decoction of wormwood leaves is used in the form of compresses in the treatment of boils and other purulent formations.

God's tree - wormwood has medicinal properties and contraindications for use. It is not recommended to use plant preparations during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, there are limitations to its use in anemia. You should not use wormwood preparations without a doctor's recommendation, as an overdose can cause convulsions and hallucinations.

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lady tree medicinal properties and contraindications, photos, use in folk medicine

Wormwood abrotan, or, as it is popularly called, God's tree, is one of those plants that has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. The benefits of this bitter herb, its known medicinal properties and contraindications for use will be discussed in the article. Photos of the plant and tips on its use in folk, that is, alternative medicine, will help you get to know it better.

What does wormwood look like and what does it contain?

Wormwood is a well-known crop that grows in nature almost everywhere: in forests, gardens, meadows, wastelands, etc. There are a lot of varieties of it. They differ from each other appearance and the content of chemical compounds. Botanists describe Abrotan as follows:

  • A perennial subshrub belonging to the Aster family.
  • Its height can be from 90 to 120 cm.
  • The growth of almost completely lignified shoots is directed vertically. Their diameter is about 1.5 cm. They have no branches.
  • The leaves are compound, pinnately dissected, gray-green in color. Their lobes are very thin, almost thread-like, which gives them an openwork appearance.

God's tree can often be found in nature
  • Yellow inflorescences in the form of small baskets are located on drooping peduncles. They appear in July-August.
  • The fruits of the tree of God are achenes.
  • The rhizome of the subshrub is taprooted and goes far into the soil.
  • All parts of the plant are endowed with a strong aroma. Some compare it to the smell of pine needles, lemon and dill at the same time.
  • In nature, wormwood abrotan is found near the shores of various bodies of water. It is used by gardeners as an ornamental plant.

Attention! You can collect the plant yourself only in environmentally friendly places.

God's Tree contains the following substances:

  • abrotanin alkaloid;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • bitter substances;
  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • organic acids and resins.

The benefits of abrotane and significant contraindications for use

On human body Preparations from wormwood can have a significant effect:

Remedies from wormwood actively affect the human body
  1. The substances contained in the plant normalize the excretion of bile and increase the production of digestive juices in the stomach.
  2. God's tree preparations can relieve spastic pain.
  3. They have an antifungal effect.
  4. In some cases, they act as an antipyretic.
  5. Help eliminate inflammatory processes, heal wounds quickly.
  6. Have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  7. When used as a cosmetic product, abrotane preparations, due to the presence of tannins, eliminate unaesthetic shine and “force” the sebaceous glands to work normally.

Separately, we can say about the benefits of the tree of God for the female body:

  1. The plant can stop heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  2. Relieves pain symptoms during menstrual bleeding.
  3. Wormwood preparations normalize the body's condition in menopause.
  4. This herb is used as an aid in the treatment of genital infections in women.
Attention! Before taking wormwood preparations, you should definitely consult your doctor.

There are a lot of contraindications to taking God's tree preparations, because the plant has a strong effect on the human body. The main ones are:

  • chronic and acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
  • insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia);
  • pregnancy;
  • Children should not take medications.

Signs that you should immediately stop taking medications are nausea and vomiting. These signs indicate individual intolerance.

Before starting treatment with wormwood products, be sure to consult a specialist.

How to prepare wormwood yourself and what preparations you can prepare at home

Wormwood is harvested during the flowering period of the plant. To do this, cut off the upper parts of the stem and dry them in a well-ventilated, shaded place.

Attention! Keep dry plant, in order to avoid weathering of essential substances, it is necessary in a hermetically sealed container, preferably made of glass, for no more than 2 years.

Examples of some alternative medicine recipes

  • Wormwood oil abrotan. For this drug you will need a plant in fresh, recently cut. The glass container is completely filled with it, after which it is filled with oil (preferably olive oil). The drug is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Afterwards it is filtered. Used externally for skin diseases and internally for colds and bronchitis.
  • A decoction to improve appetite. Here they use a mixture of wormwood and yarrow (1:1). The finished collection, in the amount of 2 tsp, is poured with 2 tbsp. boiling water. They insist for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp 30-40 minutes before meals.
Advice. If the drug is unbearably bitter, it is better to drink it through a straw.
  • Infusion for normalization menstrual cycle. 1 tsp wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave under a tightly closed lid for about 40 minutes. Take 1-2 tbsp during a malfunction. before eating.

God's tree helps people in the treatment of many diseases
  • Wonderful remedy is a bathing procedure using a broom made from wormwood branches. After it, muscle tension goes away and headaches are significantly reduced.

God's tree is an amazing plant that sometimes grows just under your feet. But only after consulting a doctor, and only with correct use Preparations made from it can not cause harm, but can significantly improve the condition of some organs and the entire body as a whole.

God's tree - wormwood: video


God's tree

After reading this article, you will learn what beneficial properties God's tree contains, and we will also teach you how to use God's tree and use it healing properties. You will also find out what contraindications there may be when consuming God's tree.

Such a well-known plant as wormwood is considered by many to be a weed. It grows everywhere, filling the air with a peculiar bitter-tart aroma.

Wormwood unites a fairly large genus of decorative foliage plants, and many of them stand out for their uniqueness. There are 400 species of this plant recorded in the literature. More than 50 of them have unusual silver-colored leaves, and 10 varieties are grown in gardens.

A distinctive feature of the genus Artemisia are the airy, lace-like leaves of a silvery-green color. Most of the representatives of the genus are perennial subshrubs or herbaceous plants. The leaves are deeply dissected, alternately located on the herbaceous stem, inconspicuous and smallish flowers form inflorescences-baskets. The best decorative species Steller's wormwood, Schmidt's wormwood and tree wormwood are considered.

Wormwood tree or Wormwood abortan ( Artemisia abrotanum) known since ancient times. Already in those distant times, they knew the medicinal properties of this herb, which is mentioned in the treatises of Pliny and Dioscorides and the writings of other medieval doctors. Mention of this potion is even found in Odo’s poem “On the Properties of Herbs.”

The leaves of wormwood contain valuable essential oil, which largely determines the medicinal properties of the plant. In addition, the greens of the plant contain a sufficient amount of bitterness, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids and other components. For a long time, this herb was also used by Slavic healers. In our area, it is also called “God’s tree,” as if emphasizing its medicinal omnipotence. They also give him some magical properties: It is believed that wormwood drives away from home evil spirits and protects from all evil.

According to biological description Artemisia lady's tree is a subshrub that can grow up to 1.5 m in height. The foliage is green with a mysterious gray-blue tint. The leaves of the original design and shape give a special unusualness to the bush. The flowers, like all wormwoods, are small and inconspicuous. Can grow on poor soil mixed with sand and gravel.

God's tree looks very similar to wormwood paniculata - it is quite difficult to distinguish them. If you crush a leaf of wormwood between your fingers, you will immediately feel the tart and bitter smell of wormwood with slightly noticeable notes of lemon. Wormwood paniculata does not have such a pleasant smell.

Subtleties of care

Wormwood tree is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plants, which can grow literally anywhere. Caring for it does not require special knowledge and skills. The grass is heat-loving; for planting it, choose beds that are well warmed up and illuminated by the sun from morning to evening. There should also be enough light for this plant. Loves nutritious and loose soils, if necessary, poor soils are fertilized with organic matter. Soils with an acidic reaction are strictly contraindicated for this herb. To neutralize them, dolomite flour is added to the plants before planting. God's tree does not need to be transplanted - it can grow in one place for more than ten years. Therefore, before planting, they carefully consider the place for its growth and reproduction.

The only thing wormwood requires is periodic fluffing of the soil around the plant. Weeding and loosening provide better access of water and air to the roots of the plant. It is impossible to open the roots of the plant - on the contrary, it is recommended to hill up the bush a little. Hilling up will also help retain moisture. In hot weather, it is necessary to water the plant if necessary. Watering should be moderate - this grass does not tolerate large excess moisture and waterlogging of the soil. And at the same time, you should not allow the soil to dry out too much.

The wormwood bush is extremely hardy and does not require special pruning. But if desired, its crown can be formed constantly. The shoots are cut off after they have reached a height of 60 cm. This way you can form a beautiful spherical bush. Great importance has the first pruning - it is this that sets the shape of the shrub. Then the shoots grow quite evenly, only from time to time you need to adjust their height. Such a bush with leaves of an original shade (they are usually bluish-green) will decorate any corner of your site.

God's tree tolerates winter cold and frost very well. There is no need to additionally cover and protect it. This bush can withstand frosts up to 25 degrees. True, a small part of the shoots may freeze, but with the arrival of warm days the plant recovers surprisingly quickly. Pruning the plant in late autumn, according to the principles of plant care, helps it more easily endure cold and frost. But in order to keep the shrub’s original appearance, it can be replanted along with the lump garden soil into a spacious flowerpot or box and transfer to a cool room. The winter temperature of the plant should not be higher than 8 degrees Celsius. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms up well and there is no threat of frost, the plant is planted on the site.

Reproduction methods

The tree of God, like many other plants, has two methods of reproduction - seed and vegetative.

Speaking about the method of propagation by seeds, it should be borne in mind that it is not so easy to obtain seed material. In our latitudes, the seeds of God's tree simply do not ripen. In specialized stores you will be offered wormwood seeds from the southern regions.

First, the seeds are sown in boxes - this is how the growing of seedlings begins. Grown seedlings with two pairs of true leaves (according to general rules care), planted in open ground. But they do this only when the earth warms up and warm weather sets in. In such conditions, the young plant will grow stronger faster.

The vegetative method of propagating the tree of God involves dividing the bush or germinating cuttings. Wormwood cuttings are cut in the summer, during the period of the most rapid growth and development of the bush. Cut branches are placed in a pot with river sand, which is well moistened beforehand. The flowerpot is placed under a transparent cap - a wide glass or plastic jar will do. Regular spraying of the plant is highly recommended. The cuttings take root in approximately 25-30 days, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth. In two years, from a small cutting, carefully caring for it, you can get a lush and attractive bush.

Propagation by cuttings in early spring is acceptable. This method is considered simpler, but much less effective. In this case, the shoots are cut off before the leaves appear and immediately placed in a bowl of water. Quite soon you can notice the appearance of roots, after which the branches are planted in open ground. Cuttings cut in the spring can be immediately planted on the site without germinating in water, but this method is unlikely to be successful.


Wormwood is planted on the site, taking into account its undoubted decorative value. But we should not forget about beneficial properties this wonderful shrub. As was said, wormwood leaves contain a significant amount of essential oil - it is this that determines the peculiar smell of wormwood leaves of any type. Let's consider some areas of application of this plant.

  • Extracts of this plant are used in the preparation of perfume compositions.
  • Wormwood is used to flavor drinks.
  • In dried and fresh form, the leaves of the plant are used as a spice in the preparation of meat dishes, especially game dishes. It is also added when baking bread to add flavor.
  • Brooms are made from wormwood branches for steam baths, which can help with rheumatism, obesity and joint diseases.
  • The aroma of wormwood can significantly reduce headache. To do this, it is recommended to place plant branches under a pillow or fill a small linen bag with dried leaves.
  • Wormwood tincture helps stimulate hair growth. It needs to be rubbed into the scalp.
  • For bruises and dislocations, it is recommended to make compresses from wormwood tincture.
  • Wormwood oil is used to treat skin diseases, colds, and bronchitis.
  • Wormwood is good for disinfecting premises. Moths are afraid of its smell.

These and other uses of the plant only increase its popularity in our area.

God's tree or dill tree, perhaps, can be included in the list of the most rare perennials in the garden. Botanical name (Artemisia abrotanum) is medicinal wormwood or abrotan. You can see what it looks like in the photo - it is a subshrub up to 1.2 m high with silvery, pinnately dissected leaves. The culture is unpretentious, with correct landing and care, overwinters in open ground. Light pruning is required for decorative purposes.

God's tree: origin and description

Medicinal wormwood, high or lemon, grows in the wild in the south of Europe, in Asia Minor, in North America. It is found in the southwest of Russia and in the Altai Territory. Prefers damp places, forest edges. Often forms dense thickets along roads and abandoned housing.

The shoots of the plant are directed strictly upward and do not branch. Flowering in mid-latitude conditions occurs in mid-summer (July, early August). Abrotane inflorescences are formed by small baskets, in place of which seed pods are set in the fall. The fruits fully ripen only in the southern regions. Therefore, most often, dill trees are propagated vegetatively.

God's tree - a medicinal plant

The first mention of the plant dates back to the 5th century AD. In his botanical works, this type of wormwood was described by the ancient physician P. Dioscorides. Scientists believe that from this time on, the active use of medicinal wormwood in cooking, medicine and for decoration began. There are also records of the holy tree in the Ipatiev Chronicle, dating back to 1201.

Young shoots of abrotan have a bright dill aroma with an admixture of pine needles and citrus, older shoots acquire bitter wormwood notes.

Planting abrotan and care in open ground

For successful growth the dill tree needs a place with a good portion sunlight. The southern plant does not tolerate drafts well and needs protection from the wind; it is better to plant it along a building or fence. In such an area, the shrub will quickly grow a green top and overwinter more easily.
The soil is prepared nutritious, loose, well-drained.

Attention! God's tree does not grow in acidic soil.

They dig up the bed, add rotted compost and manure. For 1 sq. m will require 6 kg of organic matter. From minerals:

  • 25 g superphosphate;
  • 15 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 15 g of potassium chloride.

The holes are formed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. After planting, young plants are watered, in the first days they monitor the condition of the soil, do not allow it to dry out or become waterlogged. Three more feedings will be required during the season. The latter is done in late autumn, adding organic matter to the site.
For ten years, medicinal wormwood does not need to be transplanted. In addition to watering, the plant requires weeding, loosening the soil, and pruning damaged branches.

Wormwood cuttings are carried out at the beginning or end of summer. Cuttings rooted in June are planted in open ground without later than August. This is necessary so that the plants can get used to new conditions and get stronger. In the first winter, dill tree seedlings are covered with film or agro-fabric. On next year wormwood will overwinter on its own.

Protect the plant from drafts

If the branches were cut at the end of summer, then it is better to leave them in the house for the winter. A cool veranda or glazed loggia. It is quite possible that the wormwood will shed its leaves, this is not a big deal, new shoots will grow from the buds in the spring.

Attention! Winter watering of medicinal wormwood is kept to a minimum.

Dill tree in folk medicine and cooking

The leaves and stems of abrotan contain:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Bitterness.
  3. Abrotanine alkaloid.

Thanks to this composition, the plant is widely used for medicinal purposes. Homeopathic doctors prepare essences that relieve certain skin diseases and anemia. Antiseptic, hemostatic and analgesic effects have been proven.

Dry powder from the above-ground part of the tree of God is applied to abscesses, bruises, and dislocations. For inflammation of the oral cavity and toothache, use the tincture for rinsing. Based on the rhizome, powders are made against epileptic seizures and tuberculous meningitis.

Lady's tree twigs are used in cooking

Medicinal wormwood is used not only in medicine. It is also a natural air freshener. The cut branches are dried and hung indoors. In addition, the green young shoots of abrotan are an original spice for meat and fish dishes. Cooks used it to flavor sauces, broths, vinegar, and added it to baked goods and liqueurs.

Advice. Dill tree branches are used in bath brooms.

For medicinal purposes, harvesting is carried out before the wormwood begins to bloom. Soft branches are cut and dried in a dry and dark place. Store in tightly closed containers.

Abrotane in landscape design

God's Tree is not only useful, but also incredibly ornamental culture. In the garden, lush bushes of medicinal wormwood are planted in flower beds. The fast-growing crop is used as a living fence and as a border along alleys. The tart smell will repel insect pests, and the silvery foliage will “dilute” flower plantings.

Abrotane also combines with other perennials. Tall plants will protect heat-loving wormwood from the wind, the main thing is that there is no excessive shading of the dill tree. The spherical bushes of medicinal wormwood will look decent next to the flowering ones:

God's tree in landscape design

You can place several species of different flowering times nearby. Thus, the composition will always attract attention.

Quite often, gardeners form a tree of God in the shape of a cypress; the cone-shaped crown and carved foliage make the plant even more similar to southern conifers.

Abrotane is also used for landscaping terraces, open verandas, balconies. Wormwood is planted in wide flowerpots or containers.

Wormwood "God's tree", or abrotan

God's tree - medicinal wormwood

So called medicinal wormwood. The popular name invested a kind of wisdom, thus christening the plant. Indeed in folk medicine use wormwood (the official name of Artemisia God's Tree) is very wide and varied.

An infusion of the herb is taken as a means of increasing appetite, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and relieving pain. An aqueous solution of the herb is taken for colds, rheumatism, menstrual irregularities, as a labor accelerator and in the postpartum period, for cyaitis.

God's tree is used in folk medicine as a sedative, anticonvulsant and hypnotic for epilepsy, neurasthenia and other nervous diseases. In such cases, in addition to herbal infusion, you can make aromatic pillows from hay with the addition of wormwood and bitter orange.- aromatic herbal balls that are hung in the room where the patient is. In alternative or occult medicine, wormwood God's tree is considered a magical plant that removes and prevents the evil eye and damage, and protects against evil spirits. Rinse your mouth with water infusion for toothache and inflammation of the gums.

Fresh juice or ointment from crushed leaves is used to treat wounds, frostbite, ulcers, steamed plant mass or hot compresses from the decoction.- boils, felons, mastitis.

Dry crushed herb taken on an empty stomach (dose- on the tip of a knife) clean the intestines, take for cholecystitis and pancreatitis 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, preferably not to drink.

There is evidence that wormwood God's tree is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of herbs into 1/2 white wine, boil for 10 minutes, leave until completely cooled, and filter. You can add honey to the cooled broth. Take 3 tablespoons before meals. This remedy is very effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

It is good to place wormwood branches in cabinets to prevent moths.

Plant part used- stems, leaves and flower baskets.

The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 1-2 tablespoons of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

In the garden wormwood God's tree- decorative border plant. In addition, it is also a natural insecticide that repels all kinds of pests.

God's tree- quite tall (up to 150 cm) subshrub with a pleasant aroma of wormwood and lemon. One of the names- lemon wormwood.

Young leaves with a blue tint, fluffy, later almost naked, alternate, twice or thrice pinnately dissected into narrow lanceolate lobules. The flower baskets are drooping, collected in long loose paniculate inflorescences. The flowers are yellow.

Plants reproduce only vegetatively.

In cooking, young shoots are used to flavor dishes and confectionery.

Young shoots are readily eaten by rabbits. Considering the medicinal properties of the tree of God, it should be included in the diet of these animals (and birds) to prevent infectious diseases.

L. Chubarova

Wormwood "God's Tree"

God's tree is one of the many types of wormwood, which botanists call medicinal wormwood, or abrotan.

How medicinal plant it was known back in Ancient Greece, where balms were prepared from it to treat wounds. It was also used as an insect repellent and for making wreaths. This plant came to the Slavs from monastery gardens with medicinal plants, and was considered a “church plant”, hence the name - tree of God.

But this wormwood does not grow in the form of a tree, but as a perennial subshrub with straight woody shoots that do not form lateral branches, covered with openwork, bluish-green, very beautiful leaves.

Abrotan usually blooms in the second half of summer and until frost pleases with small yellow flowers, collected in small baskets on the racemes of a long paniculate inflorescence. Fruits, as a rule, are not formed under our conditions, and therefore they reproduce only vegetatively.

Abrotan has good winter hardiness. In any case, even without special shelters, the bush tolerates frosts down to -25°C quite well. In snowless, windy winters, plants can partially freeze, especially very young and very old bushes. With normal care, the plant successfully grows and develops in one place for more than ten years.

Since this plant is still southern, it needs a sunny, warm place protected from the wind. The most convenient place can be found on the south side of the house, a fence, or at least tall bushes or trees.

For planting, you need to prepare the place in much the same way as for any shrub - dig a hole, add a bucket of compost, 2-3 matchboxes of garden fertilizer mixture, dig everything up again.

The most convenient and quick way plant propagation is the division of old bushes. At the beginning of spring, a part of the old bush from the edge is carefully cut off with a shovel. 3-4 branches with well-developed roots are enough. Then the bush is planted as usual, while trying not to deepen it more than 2-3 cm compared to how it grew before division. At first, God's tree needs watering.

Abrotan can also be propagated by cuttings. To do this, choose lignified cuttings with 4-5 buds during the plant's dormant period (in March or early April), when the buds begin to swell. The earlier the cuttings are taken, the better they take root.

At home, they can be planted in pots with regular garden soil, and sprinkle 2-3 cm of sand on top of the soil. Cuttings are planted 2-3 pieces in pots to a depth of about 7 cm, covered with glass jars to retain heat and moisture and placed in a warm, bright place.

It is important to maintain all the time normal humidity soil. If there is a lack of moisture, the cuttings die from dryness, and if there is stagnation of water, they rot. During normal daily watering, water should come out into the pan. All this water is drained.

And in July, young, non-lignified shoot tips 10-15 cm long are cut into cuttings. Their rooting in the cuttings usually takes 4-5 weeks, and in August or next spring young plants are planted in a permanent place.

Lady's tree grass has a rich chemical composition. It contains up to 0.3% essential oil, which includes citral, which smells like lemon. In addition, this type of wormwood contains flavonoids, tannins, and a small amount of abrotanin alkaloid, which is why ladywood is not recommended for consumption in large doses.

But there is little bitterness in the tree of God, so characteristic of other types of wormwood, and after drying they decompose almost completely, and the dry raw material becomes almost completely non-bitter.

Even in ancient times, infusions and decoctions of wormwood leaves and flowers, collected during the flowering period, were used for many internal diseases, for rinsing teeth and strengthening hair.

For disinfection purposes, odorous twigs were placed in the patient’s room and used to repel insects and small rodents, for which purpose the floors were covered with grass. In the villages bath brooms The fragrant plant was used to treat rheumatism, obesity, and joint diseases. The fragrant stems were placed under the pillow for headaches.

Today, infusions and decoctions of wormwood are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, sore throat, fever, rheumatism, scrofula, and menstrual irregularities. For these diseases, tea is prepared from a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water, which is taken two glasses a day. An ointment made from crushed plants and fat is used to treat wounds, abscesses, and frostbite.

God's tree enhances hair growth. For this alcohol tincture Abrotane is rubbed into the scalp. This product has a mild irritant effect, causes a slight burning sensation, which stimulates blood circulation and improves hair growth.

V. A. Loiko

God's tree

Among the ancient Slavs, this plant was magical. It was used to cleanse both the physical and spiritual world. It was believed that wormwood was God’s tree, and that its cut branches diverted unkind glances from the home, depriving them of their strength. It also cleanses the person himself from diseases.

The specific name of this wormwood comes from the Greek “arbotan”, which translates as “divine, immortal”. Wormwood has been cultivated as a fragrant and medicinal plant since ancient times. Pliny and Diascarides wrote about its medicinal properties. The herb contains an essential oil of complex composition, one of which is arbotane with the scent of lemon. Unlike other types of wormwood, the tree of God has little bitterness, and after drying it decomposes almost completely, which makes it possible to use it in cooking.

Wormwood God's Tree is a perennial subshrub with decorative dark green graceful foliage. The leaves are strongly dissected and look like dill leaves, which is why wormwood is often called the “dill tree.” Numerous shoots form a lush bush. The bush does not spread to the sides, since it does not spread by underground roots. In our south it blooms at the end of July - August, in the Non-Black Earth Region - a month later. Does not form seeds. Propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings. Grows well on sunny place on non-acidic nutrient soil. Care involves weeding; watering - during prolonged drought. Overwinters without shelter. It has been growing in one place for more than ten years.

Wormwood tree of God is propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings. In early spring Use a shovel to separate part of the bush from the edge. 3-4 branches with well-developed roots are enough, which are planted in a new place, deepening to the level at which the branches grew in the old place. Well watered. A few more waterings are done before establishment.

Green cuttings are cut during the period of intensive growth above the lignification zone. The cuttings are planted in pots with damp river sand, covered with glass jars and placed in the shade. Every day the jars are lifted and the cuttings are sprayed with water. The substrate in the pot is watered moderately. It should be moist but not wet. The cuttings take root completely after 4-5 weeks, after which they are planted in a permanent place. At first, the seedlings are shaded.

Wormwood God's tree is often confused with wormwood paniculata. Wormwood paniculata is a biennial, unlike perennial wormwood. Above the Black Sea region, the seeds of the wormwood tree of God do not ripen. So if you are offered God's Tree wormwood seeds, it is most likely the seeds of the widespread wormwood paniculata.

In folk medicine, wormwood is used very widely. It’s not for nothing that this plant came to us from monastery medicinal gardens. Therefore, its second name is medicinal wormwood.

The use of medicinal wormwood

For toothache 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over crushed wormwood herb, leave for 2 hours, strain, rinse your teeth many times until the pain disappears.

To increase appetite and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: pour 1 tsp. Pour one glass of boiling water over dry or fresh herbs and leave for 15 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same solution is used to gargle for sore throat and for rinsing with scrofula.

To get rid of helminths: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed herb, pour 150 ml of boiling water, wrap well and leave until cool, strain and drink a glass between meals.

The pharmaceutical drug “Artemizol” was made based on wormwood oil for the treatment of kidney stones. It dissolves salts in urine, removes sand and urinary stones from the body.

Wormwood God's Tree is especially famous for enhancing hair growth. In the Middle Ages, young men used it to quickly grow a beard. With the appearance of a beard, young men became men. Nowadays, this plant is used for hair loss. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped for an hour. Then moisten the hair well with the strained infusion, rub it into the scalp and wrap the head with a towel for 15-20 minutes.

For neurasthenia, use tincture of wormwood in cognac: 1 tbsp. l. wormwood roots pour 0.5 liters of cognac, put on water bath and leave for 10 minutes, then pour into a glass container and keep for two days in a warm place. Strain. Take 3-5 drops twice a day.

Use in cooking

Due to the strong pleasant smell, dried leaves are used as a spice. They taste bitter, so they are used in small quantities with fatty meat. They are also used to add flavor to vinegar, marinades, sauces, and tinctures. For these purposes, young branches are collected along with buds and dried in the shade, then crushed and stored in a tightly closed container.

Medicinal wormwood, or "God's tree" -Artemisia abrotanum

In ancient times, among the Slavic peoples, the tree of God played an important role as a magical and cult tree. The species name comes from Greek word“abrotos”, which means divine, immortal - this plant was so highly valued. Its Russian name also speaks about this, and the name “God’s tree” is given to the plant only in Russia and in Slavic countries.

Artemisia abrotanum
Photo by EDSR.

As a fragrant and medicinal plant, wormwood-abrotan was cultivated in ancient times. Its medicinal properties are discussed in the works of Pliny and Dioscorides, and in medieval medical treatises. Thus, in the famous poem by Odo of Mena “On the Properties of Herbs” we read: “Drink raw with wine, and you will help with many ailments. His child is terrible for snakes, and drinking pacifies their poisons and also calms the cold chill of fever.” The medicinal properties of wormwood-abrotan are largely determined by the presence of essential oil in the leaves (from 0.32 to 0.62%). In addition, they contain bitterness, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids and other components. In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of the leaves were traditionally used for many internal diseases, for rinsing teeth and strengthening hair, for compresses and lotions; ointments - for the treatment of wounds, abscesses, frostbite.

Due to their pleasant strong aroma, dried leaves are also used as a spice. They taste bitter, so they are added to food in very small quantities, usually with fatty meat dishes. Essential oil is used in the production of liqueurs, vermouths, perfumes and the confectionery industry.

Distributed in floodplains on light fertile soils of the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia. Tall (up to 150 cm) perennial subshrub with unusually decorative graceful foliage. It is especially beautiful in the first half of summer, when numerous shoots form a lush green bush. Unlike some other species, this wormwood does not “creep,” that is, it does not spread by underground shoots. Petiolate leaves are 4-8 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, double- or triple-pinnate, and, unlike most other species, bright green. The bracts are less dissected. In the south, medicinal wormwood blooms in the second half of summer, in the Non-Black Earth Region - in late August - early September. Inflorescences are spherical baskets collected in a panicle.

Artemisia abrotanum
Photo by Yuri Ovchinnikov

God's tree is grown in gardens and just like ornamental shrub with beautiful carved leaves. This plant is unpretentious.

Location: A sunny area with light and nutritious soil is suitable for planting; in poor soil you need to add organic fertilizers- humus or compost. The plant does not tolerate acidic soils, so dolomite flour should be used if necessary. In Germany, for example, where the culture of medicinal plants is generally widespread, medicinal wormwood is grown on soil well fertilized with manure, like vegetables.

Care: The bush usually does not fall apart, but for greater “curliness” it makes sense to pinch vigorously growing shoots. Care consists of weeding and watering during prolonged dry weather. This wormwood overwinters without shelter. A bush can grow in one place for ten or more years.

Reproduction: seeds and vegetatively. Seeds set and ripen only in the southern regions, but the plant easily propagates vegetatively - by dividing the bush and cuttings. During the period of intensive growth, green cuttings are cut from the bush. They are planted in pots with wet river sand, covered glass jar and place it in a shady place in the garden. Periodically, the jar is lifted and the cuttings are sprayed with water, but you need to water it very carefully, without over-wetting the substrate. Wormwood takes root after 4-5 weeks, after which it is planted in place. Already in the second year, wormwood is a tall bush. Seeds are sown through seedlings. Then the seedlings are picked and planted in place.
