Moon phases in your natal chart. Why in Rus' was birth on a full moon considered a good omen? If a woman was born on a full moon

If you determine your birthday according to the lunar calendar, find out the phase of the moon at the moment of birth, this will explain a lot about your character. In addition, this information will inform the nature of your subconscious - how you internally perceive reality and react to it. And everything around you is then a consequence of the reaction of your subconscious.

The moon is a conductor of emotions, determines a person’s karmic code, and constitutes the matrix of the soul.

The lunar cycle reflects the circle of incarnations, the experience gained by the soul in past lives.
Any psychological dive into the depths of the subconscious gives positive results if you can remember that moment in life that blocked luck in some aspect of life. But if you can’t remember on your own, the lunar calendar will help you find the root of the problem.

The lunar calendar has 4 quarters, which show character traits. And if you also add the position of the moon in the zodiac sign, you can get a more complete picture of the influence of the moon.

What does a lunar birthday mean in the phases of the moon?

On the new moon, new souls are born, without past experience. The further a person’s moment of birth is from the new moon, the more experienced and older his soul is.
Those born in the first quarter of the Moon have a vital task to get to know this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and build relationships.

In the 2nd quarter of the Moon, those whose soul has already accumulated certain experience and knowledge in past incarnations are born. They came to this world to learn further.

In the third quarter of the Moon, those whose soul has accumulated experience and came here to work, start a family, and realize themselves in society are born.

Those born in the fourth quarter of the Moon have the most experienced souls, who have already learned to live and acquired a lot of life experience. Their task is to pass on their accumulated experience, teach and protect their loved ones from rash actions, and love and help others.

The influence of the Moon on a person’s character is especially important if he was born during the transition from one phase to another. At this moment, the Moon receives a stress blow from the Sun. During their lives, these souls must move to the next stage of development; this is always difficult and involves tests of strength, tests of Fate, and shocks.

Those born on a full moon have a dual nature. Among them there are souls with vast magical experience in the past, who themselves consciously came to this world at the most powerful energy time to solve their important magical tasks. But also on the full moon, those who in the past failed in their mission are also born and thus received the opportunity to correct all their mistakes made in the past.

The quality of life of those born in the first and second quarters, who feel like children here, depends on the environment in which they live. If loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can be happy and carefree. If you are unlucky with your environment, life will be tense and hectic.

The quality of life of those born in the third quarter, like the quality of life of adults, depends only on themselves.

The quality of life of those born in the fourth quarter depends very much on the accumulated experience that cannot be remembered, as well as on the environment - just as elderly parents depend on their adult children.

Those born close to the full moon constantly experience emotional turns, continuously experience the same emotional sensations as in childhood, and return to their original emotional states, to what they once felt.

During the Full Moon, the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent. The same is true for people born on a full moon. They have absolute independence of the inner world, complete freedom and uninhibited control over their subconscious.
They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes very much from phase to phase of the Moon - they are closely connected with the Moon. These people received freedom from the Sun and the Moon became more important for them.
These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood. Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they conduct different influences through themselves, and can be conductors of different energies.
During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest opposition - a conflict of mind and emotions, consciousness and subconscious, soul and spirit is felt. Therefore, such people have duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

The most terrible and cruel witches in history. Historically, it so happened that some evil witches are known to each of us, while for some reason there is no information about others, while the former, it turns out, were much more bloodthirsty than the latter. There once lived terrible witches and sorceresses, about whom only local residents, that is, a few, know. Today we will talk about such little-known, but extremely cruel witches. Mika Zarevnaya. The most cruel and youngest witch in Bulgaria, Mika, was born near the Bulgarian city of Haskovo in the village of Dinevo, presumably in 1871 into a family of poor villagers. If you believe the stories of local residents, the Zarevny family was never seen doing anything bad; they were ordinary hard-working villagers. Beginning in 1885, young men began to disappear in the village. Moreover, all the missing guys were once seen in the company of Mika. The guys disappeared one after another for two years. Of course, suspicion fell on Mika, but the girl was only 14-15 years old, how could she kill healthy village boys? The girl got a bad reputation in the village, people began to beware of her, but the young guys continued to disappear. The truth was revealed completely by accident. Far in the forest, several village men came across a clearing, it was clear that there were graves here - 32 in total. The bodies of the missing guys lay in them. The most amazing thing is that each of these men was killed in an incomprehensible way; no injuries or signs of strangulation were found on their bodies, it was as if they had fallen dead. In each grave, along with the corpse, lay a candle and a piece of paper with several words in an unknown language. Of course, the residents of Dinevo decided that occult rituals were carried out here. On the same day, a crowd of angry villagers burst into the Zarevnys’ house, grabbed Mika and searched the entire house, where occult books and objects were found, but the worst thing was a sheet of paper with a list of all the missing guys. The execution of the girl was cruel - she was buried alive in the clearing where the missing men were found. Suzanne Lowes. Spain's most feared witch, Susanna Laws, lived in southern Spain near what is now Frailes in the mid-1700s. From early childhood, the girl became interested in the occult and satanic rituals; she did not go to church under any pretext. The Lowes family was aristocratic, they lived in a separate castle, the parents, for unknown reasons, did not oppose Suzanne’s interests, and the Inquisition no longer existed at that time. Every year the girl became more and more interested in the occult, and performed obligatory rituals on the full moon and all holidays. As she grew older, these rituals became sexual in nature. Each ritual for the girl was accompanied by obligatory sexual contact with one of the local, necessarily unmarried, guys. Of course, the young and lustful boys gladly made contact with the young and beautiful Susie, they did not think about Satanism and rituals, they only needed one thing... After some time, strange things began to happen in the area: one after another, deformed children were born. If you believe the legends, newborns had blue skin, like the dead, and red eyes, and they screamed during birth, as if they were not human children, but wild animals. All these children died within one week. And, by the way, this information is documented - there are only 162 such newborns, but it is possible that there were more. The most interesting thing was that every single man from whom these children were born entered into sexual contact with Suzanne Lowes. Notoriety spread, and the witch, of course, began to be avoided. Lowes died at a very old age and had no children of her own. Of course, the locals tried to take revenge on her, but it was impossible to get close to the impregnable Lowes Castle. Maria Stupalu. The most terrible witch of Romania Maria lived all her life in a small village near the city of Resita in western Romania. Maria was born in the 1620s, the date of her death is unknown. Maria Stupalu was considered a healer in her village; people constantly came to her for help and treated the woman with great respect. However, in an instant, life in the village changed, or, more precisely, stopped. Memoirs of eyewitnesses “We were traveling from Resici on a cart to buy corn, meat and milk in that village. Approaching the village, we noticed the ominous silence; as we drove closer, the ominous silence was added by an equally ominous smell. All the people in the village were dead, the animals were dead, and birds that had fallen from the sky lay on the ground.” All the people and animals died on the same day, as if they had dropped dead while going about their daily business. When people began to be buried, one resident was missing - Maria Stupala. Moreover, her house was empty. It turned out that the witch knew that something terrible would happen and left the village with her things. However, local people are sure that she killed the village. Maria was never seen again. The total number of deaths is 401 people. Elena Tod. Slovakia's most evil witch, Helena, was born in the 1590s in the village of Tekovsky Hradok near the town of Levice. There is a version that Elena was German. It is symbolic, because her last name Tod is translated into Russian from German as death. Local residents say that the girl had unearthly beauty, and for this, as often happens, local residents began to persecute her. Unable to bear it, the beauty went to live in the forest as a hermit. And it seemed like nothing unusual, but along with Elena’s departure, small children began to disappear in the village. One after another, in dozens. There are no exact details, but children were found in Helen's hut, the bodies of young children were gutted and the blood carefully collected in buckets, and many children's skeletons were found around the forest hut. Local residents did not ask the girl why she did this, whether she ate children or drank their blood. The young witch was burned along with her house. Presumably, there were about fifty killed. Local residents say that even today eerie children's voices can be heard in this forest. Some even saw the ghosts of children and Elena Tod herself.

Every month the Moon goes through four phases, also called quarters. Every month we see in the sky how a new month is born, increases, becomes full and then decreases until it disappears completely.

All this happens because of the relationship between the Sun, Earth and Moon. The change of lunar phases occurs due to the fact that the Earth comes between the Moon and the Earth. Approximately each lunar phase accounts for 7.5 Earth days.

Each phase has its own energy impact on a person. And children born in different phases have their own characteristics. Those children who are born at a change of phases also have their own characteristics. A sharp change in the lunar phase dramatically changes the energy influence on a person and all this has a negative effect on the body. Naturally, those born on these days of phase changes receive this negativity.

Children born in the first phase of the moon

These are very vulnerable and young souls who came to our Earth. These children are open to the world and can be read like an open book. True, children born around the new moon have their own characteristics.

Children born in the first phase are open to the whole world, friendly and responsive. For example, in India, a woman born in the first lunar phase is considered a good wife. There are even ancient rules for choosing a wife, where women born in the first phase of the Moon have advantages.

In karmic astrology, it is believed that in the first phase very young souls are born, who are just beginning to gain experience of being on Earth. They do not have large karmic burdens, so their life is easy and not burdened by past karmic mistakes. But their mistakes in this life can greatly aggravate their karmic experience. They have not only no past sins, but also no past great experience and they need to try everything. Their talents still need to be revealed, and we need to work on it.

Since these children absorb everything, parents need to make sure that in childhood they absorb more good than bad, and also explain that not everyone needs to reveal their soul. And any experience is useful, even if it is painful.

Lack of experience and reduced energy can give a certain immaturity. Both in manifestation in the outside world and emotional inhibition (except for those born around the new moon and at the change of the first and second phases). But they have enormous potential that parents have to discover and give their child a chance to develop their talents and abilities.

Children born in the second phase of the moon

These souls have already visited Earth in the past, filled their teeth and have a unique karmic experience. But this experience is still young and not burdened. Therefore, these children are emotional, but normal. They are open to the world, but know how to keep the depths of their souls safe from strangers. If the Moon is not burdened by other aspects with other planets, then they are emotionally stable, moderately trusted and moderately able to express themselves. The most mentally stable are those born in the middle of the second phase, and if the Moon in the natal chart is harmonious, then these children are able to sensitively understand their feelings, know a sense of proportion and know how to close themselves off from enemies and enemies.

The energy is balanced, so they are active and can play sports well if there is no negativity from Mars to the Sun or Moon. But they need a good regime of work and rest, since it is difficult for them to relax and go to rest after the active phase. In addition, they must be taught to be critical, since they are not capable of introspection and self-criticism.

Children born on a full moon

Those born on a full moon, like all children born at the junction of lunar phases, have an unstable psyche, they are very emotional, they can simply give out explosions of emotions. Often these are alarmists and hysterics. They need sensitive guidance from their elders, a good work and rest schedule, and they also need to be carefully monitored - what they play, what they read and who they are friends with. There is no need to scold them or criticize them sharply, as this will give rise to a bunch of new internal complexes, which will then be difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to teach discipline and the fact that the child should at least pause for a while and think again before rushing to do something on his own impulse. It must be said that impulsiveness, especially ill-considered actions on emotional grounds, will give them a lot of trouble. You also shouldn’t give them free rein to criticize themselves; these children are often very dissatisfied with themselves and their actions. Teach that any experience is an experience, that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has unpleasant moments in life.

Children born in the third phase of the moon

Children born in the third phase of the Moon have a good experience of past lives on Earth. These are already mature souls, they have a lot of experience, both positive and negative. Of course, negative experience gives rise to trials, but positive experience gives rise to good, already developed talents and abilities.

They absorb any experience like a sponge, no matter whether the experience is good or bad. From above they are allowed to gain any experience and the task of parents is to instill in them the rules of morality and spirituality from childhood. Since they have no internal inhibitions, it is their upbringing that will help them not gain other experiences in the future.

Children born in the fourth phase of the moon

These are usually old souls. In their reincarnations, they have come a long way and have a huge baggage behind them. From childhood, such children already intuitively understand what they are doing and why. Usually it is very difficult for parents to convince them of something. Especially if it concerns their future life. Here is an advice to parents: don’t make any guesses about who the child will be in the future, don’t force him to do something if you see that he has no inclination towards it. They have a karmic memory in their subconscious that they can be guided by. The main thing is to teach them to conquer themselves and their passions, teach them to be able to manage themselves, and respond adequately to others. These children will defeat themselves all their lives.

Children born at the junction of lunar phases

Children born at the junction of the lunar phases will have a more mobile psyche. They are more emotional, more receptive. And fate will throw up changes, which they will go through violently, with strong emotions. But don’t worry, these children can be happy just like others.

All children born at the junction of the lunar phases are emotional to one degree or another and need calm guidance. They are susceptible, and in early childhood they can confuse reality and their fantasies. They sometimes react emotionally even to the most ordinary things and are often not prone to introspection. This is especially true for children born on a new moon and full moon.

Days of Hecate

Hecate's days are two days before and two days after the new moon. The month disappears from the sky, a new moon occurs and a new month is born in the sky. Children born in the days of Hecate may constantly experience internal contradictions. Many fears and complexes may be hiding inside. They usually have reduced immunity, this is especially true for children born on the new moon itself. Therefore, you need to spend more time hardening the body, also protect it from infections, but do not turn your child into a greenhouse plant, since in the future the weakened immune system will not go anywhere and suddenly will not work. It needs to be tempered and strengthened.

Parents of such children need to look very carefully at the friends and company in which the child is. Since these children are often very suggestible. At first, parents can take advantage of strong suggestibility; if you establish contact, you can slowly guide your child in the right direction. But as they grow older, one way or another parents lose some of their authority and here the street can come to the fore. For these children, you need to keep a good eye on your friends and where your child constantly stays.

Those born on the new moon and the days of Hecate are very sensitive, so it is better to be guided by the principles of friendship and unobtrusive education, and not pay attention to numerous hysterics and whims, as they tend to throw tantrums over trifles. Children born before the new moon, as a rule, have a more stable psyche, they are more stubborn, but they have more internal complexes and fears.

If a child is afraid to sleep in the dark, then it is not the best remedy to simply leave and turn off the light, considering it a childish whim. It is better to leave a night light on, read soothing fairy tales and stories, avoid watching adventure films before bed and watch computer games. Little children tend to confuse their fantasies with reality, and children born in the days of Hecate and older are very impressionable.

Also, due to the decrease in energy, there is no need to send such a child to energetic sports. Parents also need to carefully monitor the work and rest schedule and teach discipline. The latter will help a lot in the future.

Are you or your loved ones? It is no secret that the Moon greatly influences the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, the behavior of animals, the growth of plants... But how does it affect humans?

Astrologers often say that the full moon makes people more impulsive, increases emotionality, and promotes conflict and rebellion. You can read about what to do and what not to do on the full moon.

But how do people born in the very heart of the lunar cycle feel the influence of the earth’s satellite? A lunar birthday can tell you more about you than you know about yourself. In our Lunar calendar you can calculate what day of the lunar cycle you were born on and get advice and information about your strengths and weaknesses 👇

Get tips for your birthday at

But if you already know that you or your loved ones were born on a full moon, here is a brief description of the influence of the night luminary on your life path.

Characteristics of those born on a full moon

People born on a Full Moon are rebels. It is not suitable for them to spend their life under someone's control. Such people have many talents and often have a penchant for creativity. They like to live here and now, do not plan for the future, forget the past.

Those born on a full moon are very emotional, hot-tempered, and stubborn. These are loving people who easily give in to temptation.

If you were born on a full moon, learn to control your emotions. Restrain your own instincts. Remember: some temptations come at a price.

*If you have children born on a full moon, treat them with understanding. Do not scold such a child, in this case he will rebel even more! Gently and patiently teach him to be more reserved.*

Try to become a freelancer or create your own business. It is absolutely not suitable for you to obey someone, it kills all your potential.

Live in harmony with the Moon– this is very important for you! Find out what mood the earth's satellite is on which lunar day. Act when the Moon is favorable towards your business. Eat as recommended and you will live a long and happy life!

Many people feel the approaching full moon, women are especially sensitive to the full moon. An unstable state - moral and physical, the perception of everything happening around is heightened. On full moon days we feel anxious. This is explained by the fact that at this time a person’s emotional background is extremely unstable. There is discomfort in everything.

The influence of the full moon

A certain chaos ensues in thoughts and behavior. That is why the number of incidents increases during the full moon: accidents, accidents, health problems. Blood pressure rises, chronic diseases worsen, and overall health leaves much to be desired. On the days of the full moon, it is recommended to pay special attention to yourself. Knowing your weaknesses, you need to try to protect your health from a large number of drugs. At such moments, even a minimal dose of medication, including a simple painkiller, increases its effect. It is worth exercising extra caution.

Due to the effect of the full moon on women strong, they are subject to emotional instability, conflicts and scandals with men become more frequent. Misunderstanding between spouses can arise out of the blue, so it is better to refrain from clarifying the relationship, as well as making important decisions. Actions can be completely biased, and therefore lead to negative consequences. Psychics and clairvoyants advise postponing all important matters until later. There are those who also influence a person.

As a rule, on a full moon, such a concept as the golden mean is erased. Either chaos ensues in all matters or, conversely, important events take place in long-hanging issues. A woman’s natural energy plays a significant role. If someone is protected by dark forces, then such women may experience much less discomfort than others. Herbs for preparing effective potions, for example, fortune tellers, are collected on these days. It is believed that the full moon enhances the properties of plants, saturating them with the maximum amount of useful and magical substances. Love rituals for the full moon have special power. If you want to get married, place it on the window so that the moon illuminates the petals.

Born on a full moon

A woman born on a full moon will be endowed with special energy. There is a high probability for such people to take the magical path in the future. Given their natural sensitivity and well-developed intuition, those born on a full moon often become good specialists in the field of the subtle world: psychics, tarologists, astrologers.
