Classic rye sourdough bread in a bread machine. Sourdough rye bread in a bread machine Yeast-free bread in a sourdough bread machine

For quite a long time I set myself up to learn how to bake bread without fermented yeast, using sourdough. It seemed to me that I would never master the process of making the sourdough itself. It seemed to me very labor-intensive and complex, I thought that I would be attached to this leaven because I constantly need to do something with it: feed it, warm it, cool it...

In fact, as my mother liked to say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. It’s a good saying, I use it very often in everyday life. And most importantly, she helps well.

So, where did I start preparing this very sourdough: by studying the Internet. I watched several videos and read a lot of recommendations on various sites. The process of preparing and maintaining the sourdough starter in “working condition” began to take shape in my head. And then I just started doing it.

The starter is prepared for three days; on the fourth, and in some cases already at the end of the third day, it can be used to make bread. I adopted a recipe for the so-called “eternal” sourdough. So the recipe itself:

Take 100 g of flour (I took 50 g each of premium white and rye flour) and 100 g of water (maybe a little less), stir thoroughly, but do not beat, until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Cover with a towel or gauze and place in a warm place without drafts. Leave for a day until small bubbles appear, stir 2-3 times.

On the second day (i.e. a day has passed since the first mixing of flour and water), we feed the starter: add 100 g of flour and water to obtain the consistency of market sour cream. Cover again and put in a warm place for another day. My starter was in the kitchen cabinet with the door closed.

On the third day, the starter should already be bubbling, bubbling and growing. We feed her one more time and put her in the closet. If we want to bake bread on the third day, then we put it in good heat. For me it was a central heating radiator. Only I didn’t put it on the battery itself, but next to it. And we don’t go too far, we look periodically. When the starter doubles in size, this will be the peak of its activity; at this moment it is at its strongest. We divide it in half. We put one part in the dough, and feed the other again and after an hour, an hour and a half, put it in the refrigerator until next time.

When it’s time to bake bread again, we take the starter out of the refrigerator, feed it and put it in a warm place. As soon as the starter rises and doubles in volume, repeat the procedure.

Recipe for sourdough bread in a Panasonic SD-ZB 2502 bread machine

340 g sourdough

200 ml water

10 g (2 tsp) salt

1-2 tbsp. spoons of butter

1.5 tsp. Sahara

We put everything in a bucket and select menu 08 - “French bread”. In exactly 6 hours, hot, fragrant, ruddy bread without fermented yeast is ready. We take it out of the bucket, let it cool for an hour or an hour and a half and enjoy eating delicious, healthy, crispy sourdough bread, prepared with our own hands.

The picture shows bread made from white flour with the addition of rye flakes, on the 3rd day after baking. When baking it went a little crazy.

Valeria Vorobyova

For a long time we had trouble with bread. We are used to eating bread with bran, but here we have probably never heard of such a thing, and even in the supermarket in the regional center such bread is not always on sale. Therefore, we bought bread (don’t laugh) in Kyiv in large quantities and stored it in the refrigerator. Since trips to Kyiv did not happen regularly, bread often went missing. All this lasted until my husband offered to buy a bread machine.

We didn’t like bread with dry yeast, and besides, my husband periodically raised the question in the family about the dangers of yeast and that we should switch to bread made from natural sourdough. To be honest, I’m still not sure that yeast is so harmful, but still, the information that you need to bake bread with sourdough is firmly stuck in my head. Therefore, now I bake bread only with sourdough, it is very tasty and has a pleasant aroma. This bread has only one drawback - it crumbles very much.

I first scoured the forums and found a recipe for “Eternal Sourdough.” I quote further:

It doesn’t matter what kind of flour the so-called “starter” is made from: wheat, whole, rye.... And it doesn’t matter what kind of sourdough bread is baked from: rye - wheat, or vice versa. Therefore, do not bother making different starters; one is more than enough. True, there is a nuance: it is easiest to grow the right crop from rye flour: it retains the most beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. There are almost no of them in refined wheat, so it is very difficult to grow sourdough from it: it constantly deviates towards pathogenic flora. I have to throw it away.

In short, to put it briefly, the recipe is this:

Eternal leaven

1 day
100 g flour and 100 g water (maybe a little less)
Stir well. You should get a pasty mass, like thick market sour cream.
Cover with a damp towel and place in a very warm place without drafts (I put it in a cabinet, it has a radiator instead of a back wall. The builders - bastards! - screwed it up. Nothing can be stored - but the dough rests perfectly!)
The starter should ferment for about a day. Until small, albeit rare, bubbles appear. It makes sense to stir it sometimes.

Day 2
Now the starter needs to be fed. To do this, add 100 g of flour again and add water so that its consistency returns to the original state of market sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for another day.

Day 3
As a rule, now no questions arise: there are not just bubbles on the surface of the starter: it grows greatly in size and all consists of such a foamy cap. We feed her for the last time. And again in the warmth. Here is a very important point: the leaven is already quite strong and we need to catch the moment when it will be at its “peak form”: i.e. it should double. At this moment she is at her strongest. We divide it in half.

The first half is our eternal leaven. We put it in a jar with a plastic lid with holes in it (so it can breathe) and put it in the refrigerator until next time.

And let's put the second half to work...

At first, my starter did not raise the dough well. It took me almost 12 hours to proof. And the dough tasted sour. But after about a month of regular use, the sourness disappeared, and the bread rises in 3-4 hours, depending on the temperature in the kitchen. This starter makes not only bread, but also pies, sweet pastries and pancakes.

Here is my recipe for wheat bread with bran:

You will need

Bran – 4 heaped tablespoons.
Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons. spoons.
Granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons.
Water – 250 gr.

Note: Regarding the exact quantities of ingredients, slight deviations may occur. For example, it is difficult to calculate the exact weight of flour, down to the gram, since it varies depending on many factors. And not everyone has scales. For example, I don’t have one; I use a measuring cup that has measurements for flour on it. It’s even more difficult with sourdough, because I always get it of different consistency, sometimes liquid, sometimes quite stiff, like dough, so I don’t count the spoons anymore, but put them on my eye. Salt and sugar, if you do not use the special measuring spoons that come with the bread maker, but ordinary tablespoons, need to be taken under a knife. Those. pour a full spoon, perhaps with a heap, and then run a knife along the edges of the spoon so as to cut off the “heap”.

And now the process itself, in pictures:

In the evening, I take out a jar of sourdough from the refrigerator, pour in 3-4 tablespoons (with a large heap) of wheat flour, pour in water, and mix the flour, water and old sourdough with a wooden spoon (I read somewhere that sourdough should only be stirred with a wooden spoon, I don’t know if this is true, at first it worked well for me with a regular spoon, but a wooden spoon is more convenient - it has a longer handle).

Since I bake bread almost every day, and the starter needs to “rest” in the refrigerator for some time (after such a rest it usually rises faster), I have 2 jars of starters, which I use in turn. At first I stored the starter in a half-liter jar and fed it in a bowl, but then I got tired of constantly washing the dishes from the starter, and now I store and feed the starter in the same two-liter jar.

Experts advise “feeding” the starter at a temperature of 27-30 degrees. I didn’t immediately find such a place at home (I actually put the first starter on a convector, where it was cooked). Now a nursery for chickens has been adapted for this purpose (we bought it complete with an incubator, we didn’t use it anyway), which sit on the refrigerator.

In the morning I put 500 grams into a measuring cup. flour, sift it.

I pour 4 tablespoons of bran into the mold, then half the flour, then the leaven, then the remaining half of the flour, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, carefully pour 250 ml of everything. water. It is advisable to pour it so that the water covers the entire contents - this way the flour generates less dust during kneading.

I put the pan in the bread machine and start the “pizza” mode. After 20 minutes, I look inside to see if there is any flour left on the walls; if there is something stuck to the walls, I rub it off and push it into the dough (the instructions for the bread machine say that this should be done with a wooden spatula, I do it with clean fingers).

When the dough is kneaded, I turn off the bread machine, after 3 hours I look inside, if the dough has risen enough, I start the “baking” mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

And here is the finished bread. Now you need to remove it from the mold and put it on a wire rack to cool (so that the bottom does not fog up).

If the dough is “not enough”, then the bread may “break the roof”. Like this:

And this is my Panasonic SD-255 bread maker:

Let me tell you, a bread machine is a thing! She makes my life a lot easier. The time spent on making bread with my personal participation, thanks to the bread machine, is 10 minutes a day. I didn’t buy the cheapest one, I spent a long time choosing it, and read reviews on websites. I settled on the Panasonic SD-255 model, although now I understand that I don’t need the 12 programs that it provides at all, because... they are designed for dough with dry yeast.

In truth, if you have an extra hour of free time and energy, then you can knead the dough by hand and bake it in a conventional oven.

From the editor ( Vitaly):

The bread turns out very tasty.


I promised to post a recipe for sourdough sweet pastries.

So, Easter Kulich.

We take an already known recipe and modify it a little: remove the bran, add another 8 tablespoons of sugar, replace sunflower oil with the same amount of butter, and instead of water prepare a mixture of egg yolks, butter and milk.

You will need
Eternal leaven – 9th table. spoons
Premium wheat flour – 500 gr.
Softened butter (but not melted!) – 50 gr.
Rock salt – 2 teaspoons.
Granulated sugar – 10 tablespoons.
Raw egg yolks - 3 pcs.
Milk – a little less than 200 g.

All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Place half the flour, the sourdough starter, the remaining flour, and 2 tablespoons into the bread machine. spoons ("under the knife") of softened butter, 10 table. spoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, put 3 yolks into a measuring glass, the remaining butter and add milk so that the total volume of the mixture in the glass is 250 g. Place the resulting mixture in the bread machine. Launch the "Pizza" mode. After kneading, leave the dough to rise.

This dough takes a long time to rise. If usually my bread took 3-4 hours to rise, then the cake took almost 12 hours to rise. It is important that there is no draft in the kitchen during rising and baking, otherwise the dough will either rise poorly or fall.

Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Christ is risen!

3 years have passed since I wrote the first article about baking sourdough bread, here is what has changed for me during this time:

Now I bake bread from whole grain flour, which I make from grain in a special flour grinder.

I still feed the starter with store-bought premium flour; I tried feeding it with whole grain flour, but it produces a weaker starter.

Now I feed the starter twice, in the evening and in the morning, and bake bread after lunch. Dough made from whole wheat flour is very difficult to rise, so the starter must be perfectly suited, i.e. in that state when it has risen to its maximum and is about to fall, if you miss this moment and it has already fallen, or if you rush and take unripe leaven, then the dough will not rise well, and the bread will be sour, dense and tasteless.

I’m too lazy to accurately measure the amount of water and flour in the sourdough; the amount and thickness of sourdough ready for baking always turns out to be slightly different, so I’ve been putting both sourdough and water “by eye” for a long time now, and somehow I’ve learned to determine how much of what needs to be added. Well, as a last resort, you can always add a little flour or add water to the bread machine. Whole wheat flour requires more water than all-purpose flour.

I stopped adding sugar to the dough. Sugar is usually added to speed up the fermentation process, this is important if the bread rises and bakes automatically, but in my case I just need to give the dough more time to rise.

Only my children and I eat whole grain bread; for my husband I continue to bake bread as before from white flour (instead of bran I add whole grain flour).

We began to eat more bread than before; whole grain bread is not very filling, probably because it contains fewer carbohydrates than white bread. I bake bread every day, so I don’t store the starter in the refrigerator.

The mode is as follows:
In the evening I fed the starter in a 2-liter jar - added flour and water, kneaded a not very thick dough. The dough should be no more than 1/4 of the jar, put it in the manger overnight.
In the morning, the starter is usually already very fallen. Without throwing away the starter, I fed it again so that the dough would be no more than half a jar, and put the jar in the manger.
After 4 hours I check how the sourdough has risen. Here you need to get the hang of it and seize the right moment. When the weather changes, the rise time of the sourdough also changes. The starter may need to be checked every hour.
When the sourdough has risen exactly double, I put the bread on. I leave the jar of starter on the table until the evening.
If the leaven is strong, then the bread rises exactly as long after the end of the kneading as it took for the leaven to rise.
I bake as usual, 1 hour 20 minutes.

The aroma of freshly baked bread can drive anyone crazy. Traditionally, housewives in past times baked it themselves, since there was simply no opportunity to buy a ready-made loaf. The woman's recipe was passed down from generation to generation. Rye bread with a slightly noticeable sourness was more widely distributed in Rus'. Nowadays, baking bread is not particularly difficult, because a bread machine has come to the aid of housewives. Various types of baked goods are prepared in it, including sourdough bread. It stands up and bakes well in the bread maker.

Bread maker

This device for baking bread has become very popular recently. Many enterprises that produce household appliances have many models of bread makers in their product lines. This device is capable of kneading the dough on its own, waiting for it to rise, and baking an excellent cake. In addition to the standard set of programs for making bread, this device has the ability to make jam, prepare condensed milk, knead both yeast and unleavened dough, and also bake all kinds of muffins and baked goods.

Basic wheat bread recipe

Wheat bread (sourdough or yeast) is the most common type of baked goods. In almost every family it is present on the table every day. To prepare it, pour about 300 ml of non-cold water into the bottom of the bread machine. The proportions may differ for different devices; as a rule, the classic recipe can be found in books that are usually included with the bread machine. Then 1.5 large spoons of sugar and 1.5 small spoons of salt are poured into different corners. Vegetable oil should also be present. You need 1-1.5 tablespoons. For this amount of water, 600 grams of wheat flour is used. Most of this amount is poured into the bowl, then yeast is placed on top (10 grams of regular or 1.5 small measuring spoons of dry), and everything is covered with the remaining flour. In about 3 hours, the fragrant bread will be ready.

For those for whom yeast is contraindicated, you can prepare yeast-free bread in a bread machine using sourdough. It will give baked goods the necessary porosity and unique taste. In this case, the dough will rise due to lactic acid bacteria. In order for the starter to cook well, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness. The product must not contain other bacteria and microorganisms. It is important to remember that lactic acid bacteria die in the light, so the starter must be infused in a dark place. The ideal temperature for ripening is +23ºС. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Stages of preparing sourdough

If you prepare wheat-rye sourdough bread in a bread machine, then, first of all, you should prepare the necessary components. To prepare the starter, take 100 grams of water and 100 grams of a mixture of wheat and rye flour. All ingredients are mixed in a clean, non-metallic bowl with a wooden or plastic spoon. Then the resulting mixture must be left in a dark place at +15...+25º C for 24 hours. On the second day, the volume of the starter changes, it becomes larger. Half of the resulting mixture should be discarded, since at the preparation stage the composition contains unwanted microorganisms. Then add 50 ml of water and 25 grams of wheat and rye flour. These steps are repeated on days 3 and 4. Only on the fifth day is the starter considered ready for use. Some of it can be used immediately, while the rest can be placed in the refrigerator.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine. How to cook

Based on the prepared sourdough, you can make wheat bread. To do this, pour 250 ml of water into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of butter and sugar (it can be replaced with honey), 2 small tablespoons of salt. Rye bran (4 tablespoons) is also needed. You need about 7 tablespoons of sourdough. 400 grams of flour are divided into 2 parts. The starter is placed on top of the first portion and the rest is covered. The mode in which you can bake sourdough bread in a bread machine is baking. If you use starter from the refrigerator during cooking, it must be activated. To do this, remove the top layer, add water and flour. The mixture must be set aside until it increases in volume. Only after this can it be used.

Rye bread

If the household has a bread machine, sourdough rye bread can be prepared without much effort. But it is important to remember that this cake requires a lot of proofing (3 - 4 hours), and if there is no necessary program, then the time for raising will have to be set independently by trial. So here is one of the recipes. You need to take 500 ml of starter, 1 glass of water, a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a small amount of vegetable oil. According to another recipe, sourdough rye bread in a bread machine contains the following ingredients: 4 tablespoons of sourdough, 300 ml of water, 400 grams of flour are required. Bran (100 grams) is also present. Salt, sugar, butter in approximately the same proportions. You can add various spices, dry garlic, seeds. The bun that is formed during kneading may fall apart. To help it acquire the required shape, you can help the device with a spatula. It is permissible to take half rye and half wheat flour. This option is suitable for novice housewives. Gradually you can increase the proportions to 100% content of only rye.

Compared to a wheat kolobok, a rye kolobok will be stickier and denser. It is recommended not to add the entire volume of water at once, but to leave approximately 20 ml. If the bun is a little dry, you can add the rest of the liquid. Particular attention is paid to the proofing time.

The main guideline is to double the dough. If it doesn’t fit well enough, the bread won’t bake well; otherwise, there will be a lot of holes in the structure. The more rye flour there is in the composition, the longer the baking time will be required. Approximately it is 80-90 minutes. In general, sourdough bread in a bread maker is quite simple to prepare, but each housewife will still adjust recipes as she gains experience, changing the amount of ingredients and cooking time.

Sourdough bread in a bread machine.

We didn’t like bread with dry yeast, and besides, my husband periodically raised the question in the family about the dangers of yeast and that we should switch to bread made from natural sourdough. To be honest, I’m still not sure that yeast is so harmful, but still, the information that you need to bake bread with sourdough is firmly stuck in your head. Therefore, now I bake bread only with sourdough, it is very tasty and has a pleasant aroma. This bread has only one drawback - it crumbles very much.

I first scoured the forums and found a recipe for “Eternal Sourdough.” I quote further:

“It doesn’t matter what kind of flour you make the so-called “starter” from: wheat, whole, rye... And it doesn’t matter what kind of sourdough you bake for which bread: from rye - wheat, or vice versa. Therefore, don’t bother making different sourdoughs, just one - more than enough. However, there is a caveat: it is easiest to grow the right culture from rye flour: it retains the most beneficial microorganisms and bacteria; there are almost no of them in refined wheat, so it is very difficult to grow sourdough from it: it constantly deviates towards pathogenic ones. flora. Have to throw it away.

In short, to put it briefly, the recipe is this:

Eternal leaven

1 day
100 g flour and 100 g water (maybe a little less)
Stir well. You should get a pasty mass, like thick market sour cream.
Cover with a damp towel and place in a very warm place without drafts (I put it in a cabinet, it has a radiator instead of a back wall. The builders - bastards! - screwed it up. Nothing can be stored - but the dough rests perfectly!)
The starter should ferment for about a day. Until small, albeit rare, bubbles appear. It makes sense to stir it sometimes.

Day 2
Now the starter needs to be fed. To do this, add 100 g of flour again and add water so that its consistency returns to the original state of market sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for another day.

Day 3
As a rule, now no questions arise: there are not just bubbles on the surface of the starter: it grows greatly in size and all consists of such a foamy cap. We feed her for the last time. And again in the warmth. Here is a very important point: the leaven is already quite strong and we need to catch the moment when it will be at its “peak form”: i.e. it should double. At this moment she is at her strongest. We divide it in half.

The first half is our eternal leaven. We put it in a jar with a plastic lid with holes in it (so it can breathe) and put it in the refrigerator until next time.

And let's put the second half to work... "

At first, my starter did not raise the dough well. It took me almost 12 hours to proof. And the dough tasted sour. But after about a month of regular use, the sourness disappeared, and the bread rises in 3-4 hours, depending on the temperature in the kitchen. This starter makes not only bread, but also pies, sweet pastries and pancakes.

Here is my recipe for wheat bread with bran:

You will need

Bran - 4 heaped tablespoons.
Sunflower oil - 2 tables. spoons.

Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
Water - 250 gr.

Note: Regarding the exact quantities of ingredients, slight deviations may occur. For example, it is difficult to calculate the exact weight of flour, down to the gram, since it varies depending on many factors. And not everyone has scales. For example, I don’t have one; I use a measuring cup that has measurements for flour on it. It’s even more difficult with sourdough, because I always get it of different consistency, sometimes liquid, sometimes quite stiff, like dough, so I don’t count the spoons anymore, but put them on my eye. Salt and sugar, if you do not use the special measuring spoons that come with the bread maker, but ordinary tablespoons, need to be taken under a knife. Those. pour a full spoon, perhaps with a heap, and then run a knife along the edges of the spoon so as to cut off the “heap”.

And now the process itself, in pictures:

In the evening, I take out a jar of sourdough from the refrigerator, pour in 3-4 tablespoons (with a large heap) of wheat flour, pour in water, and mix the flour, water and old sourdough with a wooden spoon (I read somewhere that sourdough should only be stirred with a wooden spoon, I don’t know if this is true, at first it worked well for me with a regular spoon, but a wooden spoon is more convenient - it has a longer handle).

Since I bake bread almost every day, and the starter needs to “rest” in the refrigerator for some time (after such a rest it usually rises faster), I have 2 jars of starters, which I use in turn. At first I stored the starter in a half-liter jar and fed it in a bowl, but then I got tired of constantly washing the dishes from the starter, and now I store and feed the starter in the same two-liter jar.

Experts advise “feeding” the starter at a temperature of 27-30 degrees. I didn’t immediately find such a place at home (I actually put the first starter on a convector, where it was cooked). Now a nursery for chickens has been adapted for this purpose (we bought it complete with an incubator, we didn’t use it anyway), which sit on the refrigerator.

In the morning I put 500 grams into a measuring cup. flour, sift it.

I pour 4 tablespoons of bran into the mold, then half the flour, then the leaven, then the remaining half of the flour, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, carefully pour 250 ml of everything. water. It is advisable to pour it so that the water covers the entire contents - this way the flour generates less dust during kneading.

I put the pan in the bread machine and start the “pizza” mode. After 20 minutes, I look inside to see if there is any flour left on the walls; if there is something stuck to the walls, I rub it off and push it into the dough (the instructions for the bread machine say that this should be done with a wooden spatula, I do it with clean fingers).

When the dough is kneaded, I turn off the bread machine, after 3 hours I look inside, if the dough has risen enough, I start the “baking” mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

And here is the finished bread. Now you need to remove it from the mold and put it on a wire rack to cool (so that the bottom does not fog up).

If the dough is “not enough”, then the bread may “break the roof”. Like this:

And this is my Panasonic SD-255 bread maker:

Let me tell you, a bread machine is a thing! She makes my life a lot easier. The time spent on making bread with my personal participation, thanks to the bread machine, is 10 minutes a day. I didn’t buy the cheapest one, I spent a long time choosing it, and read reviews on websites. I settled on the Panasonic SD-255 model, although now I understand that I don’t need the 12 programs that it provides at all, because... they are designed for dough with dry yeast.

In truth, if you have an extra hour of free time and energy, then you can knead the dough by hand and bake it in a regular oven.

From the editor ( Vitaly):

The bread turns out very tasty.


I promised to post a recipe for sourdough sweet pastries.

So, Easter Kulich.

We take an already known recipe and modify it a little: remove the bran, add another 8 tablespoons of sugar, replace sunflower oil with the same amount of butter, and instead of water prepare a mixture of egg yolks, butter and milk.

You will need
Eternal leaven - 9th table. spoons
Premium wheat flour - 500 gr.
Softened butter (but not melted!) - 50 gr.
Rock salt - 2 teaspoons.
Granulated sugar - 10 tablespoons.
Raw egg yolks - 3 pcs.
Milk - a little less than 200 g.

All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Place half the flour, the sourdough starter, the remaining flour, and 2 tablespoons into the bread machine. spoons ("under the knife") of softened butter, 10 table. spoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, put 3 yolks into a measuring glass, the remaining butter and add milk so that the total volume of the mixture in the glass is 250 g. Place the resulting mixture in the bread machine. Launch the "Pizza" mode. After kneading, leave the dough to rise.

This dough takes a long time to rise. If usually my bread took 3-4 hours to rise, then the cake took almost 12 hours to rise. It is important that there is no draft in the kitchen during rising and baking, otherwise the dough will either rise poorly or fall.

Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Christ is risen!


On the contrary, we only eat whole grain bread, I love the smell and taste of this bread. I didn’t have to get used to the taste, I had never eaten store-bought wheat bread before, but my whole grain bread felt somehow real and therefore immediately appealed to my taste)))

How does this dough rise? My sourdough starter cannot rise bread properly if it is made entirely of whole grain flour. The small buns rise, but the loaf doesn’t rise at all.

I remember that you use the sourdough starter straight from the refrigerator for dough?
I noticed that the starter immediately after refrigeration is not as active as if you give it a day to “come to its senses.” Perhaps this is the reason.

I take mine out of the refrigerator the day before baking bread, let it warm up for a couple of hours, and feed it for the first time that day, then I manage to feed it one more time that day (before putting the dough on). And in the evening, when the sourdough has arrived, I put a dough on it (so that the dough would be ready in the morning overnight), feed the sourdough again and put it straight into the refrigerator.
I have the starter in a half-liter jar, and I don’t have any leftovers. By the evening, before the dough, after two feedings, you get about half a jar of starter.

And I mainly bake rye bread, pure without any admixtures of wheat flour, and still everything works fine for me. And rye dough is considered heavier and has poorer rising properties.
I give a photo of the crumb of rye bread
I don’t have a photo of the wheat one because I rarely bake, but one of these days I’ll try to bake it and take a photo.

At one time I was baking a loaf of wheat bread and a loaf of rye bread at the same time, they fit equally and were baked together in the oven.

Another option: my sourdough is rye, maybe it’s easier for it to live on rye (IMHO)

I remembered when I was baking a wheat loaf and a rye loaf, I kept two sourdough starters, wheat and rye. And for each bread I used my own starter.
So it’s still not a matter of wheat flour; the sourdough doesn’t care what kind of flour it lives on)))

Olya, you are right, indeed, I dispersed the starter, fed it 2 times - at night and in the morning, and after lunch I put the bread in, and it rose normally. Thank you!

I still understood what I was talking about.
I did not immediately “separate” from my rye bread, and looked at it from my bell tower. It is very suitable for rye to be baked from whole flour, so it is just real and the structure and taste and crackers fried from it are awesome - everything is in its place. And wheat in this case turns out to be close by structure to rye, but wheat in this role, perhaps due to habit, looks less attractive( I really thought that it was my aversion to wheat bread that didn’t attract me personally.).
At first my husband was more of a fan of wheat bread, but looking at me he gradually switched to rye bread. Now, occasionally, if he asks me to bake something made of wheat, it’s pitas* and he explained: “Pitas are one big crust and not enough crumb, but a large wheat loaf of bread is a lot of crumb, with no pronounced taste, and a little crust around the edge.” ". And indeed, the pitas seem to be tastier, even I eat them, and they fly away in one evening, although it would seem that it makes no difference, only the shape has been changed....

*pitas are small hollow flatbreads.

I baked whole wheat bread and took a photo, so to speak, for statistics

By the way, I liked having them for breakfast; unlike rye, wheat has no acidity and is perfect for the morning stomach. I fry it lightly and make it like toast.
I didn’t understand the joke with the toasters before, but now I think I do. Because wheat bread is tasty only when it is fresh, and heat treatment refreshes it and the bread becomes like fresh

I baked whole bread with store-bought yeast. I just used apple cider vinegar on yeast and there was a lot of it left, so I decided to experiment with bread; I’ve never worked with store-bought yeast in my life. I decided, what’s the difference, the principle is the same as with sourdough.
And I was inspired to bake two loaves.

Firstly, no matter how much I baked it, it remained very wet inside. Well, that’s okay, I decided that this is a matter of skill, and although the principle is the same, it’s probably a matter of practice. But the first impression in the mouth is that it seems delicious, and when it fell into the stomach, I felt the same as from store-bought wheat bread, which is why I don’t like it - it feels like I’ve eaten, but there’s zero satiety, plus after a few minutes 5 a terrible desire to chew on bread with something meaty. And if you tighten it and don’t chew it, it will start to shake (like when you’re chilling).

I have NEVER felt this from wheat sourdough, I’m just indifferent to it, but if I eat it, I feel full(!) I used to think it was because the flour is whole, so the satiety is more complete, but it turns out... the point is, how the dough is leavened.

No more yeast, it’s still unknown what will come out with vinegar, also before, only I used it with sourdough

Homemade bread turns out fluffy, aromatic, not crumbly, with a thin, appetizing crust and a pleasant aftertaste. These are baked goods made with a large amount of whole wheat or rye flour. The recipe for whole grain sourdough bread allows you to enrich your daily and dietary nutrition with a tasty, healthy product.

Whole grain sourdough bread recipe

“Live” microorganisms are stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. The mass must be renewed, maintained, and “fed” with flour and water 1-2 times every 15 days. Knead the sourdough and leave the thick dough for 12 hours. Mix the dough based on the ripened dough. At first, the process seems complicated. You have to wait a long time for the leaven and dough to ripen. In fact, everything turns out to be elementary; preparation does not take much time. The dough kneads easily. Whole grain or wheat sourdough bread will require 3 to 5 days of preparation. Cooking time – 1-2 hours.
Gray or gray-yellow whole grain flour is ground together with bran. It contains all the grain shells and germ, rich in useful substances. Premium and first grade wheat contains little fiber and minerals.

Ingredients for the recipe: “Whole grain bread with natural sourdough”

For baking homemade bread, “live” sourdough in an active state, whole grain flour and, if necessary, wheat flour are used. The dough rises quickly and kneads easily.
Ingredients for the loaf (shape 30x11x6 cm):

  • sourdough made with whole grain flour – 200 g;
  • warm water – 433 g;
  • whole grain flour 500 g;
  • salt – 13 g;
  • sugar – 11 g.

The composition can be changed to your taste, use any flour, add honey, molasses or muscovado sugar, dried fruits, herbs, nuts, bran, spices.

To prepare the starter you need:

  • whole grain flour – 20 g;
  • warm water – 20 g;
  • rye starter – 15 g (will speed up the fermentation process up to 6 hours).

Feed the starter 2-5 times, taking into account the peculiarities of the process. The first time - 40 g of whole grain flour and water. Leave to “rest” for 6-8 hours. The second time - 60 g of flour and water. Leave the mixture for 4-5 hours. To knead the dough you will need 200 g of sourdough, 250 g of flour.

Modes with programs allow you to simply and easily prepare any baked goods using the bread machine. Recipes are written in the instructions. If you prepare the dough in the evening and leave it for 10-12 hours, it will rise by the morning. Then mix the dough based on the dough and place it in the bread maker bucket. It is necessary to set the time for each mode one by one.

  1. Find and set the first stage of baking “heating”, set the timer - 30 minutes.
  2. Select the “kneading” mode, time – 30 minutes. The stove will alternate periods of intensive kneading with slow processing.
  3. “Fermentation” mode, set for 120 minutes, program the second rise for 140 minutes.
  4. Change the maximum “bake” time for the recipe. After pressing the “start” button, the bread maker will begin to perform all modes one by one.

Baking a product from whole grain dough using a bread machine is an excellent way to prepare “lazy” bread even in the absence of an oven.

Recipe for yeast-free sourdough bread

Process of creation Magic bread begins with preparation and fermentation. After 3-5 days, add the dough to the ripe sourdough. The dough requires warm water, salt, and whole grain flour. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. The dough should be kept warm for fermentation for 2.5 hours; it is advisable that the house is not hot. Fermentation can last up to 12 hours, depending on the “climate” of the room and the amount of starter added.

Into the fermented dough Add whole wheat flour and mix in a large bowl until a soft dough forms. It arrives in 30 minutes. Add salt, sugar, bran, honey, butter, mixed with a small amount of water. It is recommended to knead the mixture for up to 30 minutes. The dough rises for 2-3 hours. It must be kneaded well and placed in a special basket to infuse for 1.5-2 hours.
Prepare bread for baking , make cuts, coat with egg yolk. Preheat the oven in advance. The first baking time is 20-30 minutes, temperature 200-220ºС. The second time is 15-25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200ºС. Turn off the oven. Leave the hot bread in the oven or cover it with a towel to cool gradually, making sure that it does not dry out.


The secret of tasty and healthy homemade bread - This is a whole grain sourdough. Without it, baked goods will not “rise” and will not become airy. Bacteria will grow during the fermentation process. Microorganisms will process the flour and help the body absorb it easily. You can make the starter once from whole grain flour and water, keep it in the refrigerator, and update it from time to time.

In a bowl, mix whole grain flour (50-70 g) with warm water (55-75 ml) until the consistency of thin sour cream is uniform. Use boiled water, standing for 24 hours. You can add a tablespoon of honey. Cover the prepared mixture with a towel and place in a dark place for 24 hours.

The starter matures at a temperature of 20-22°C . If it’s hot at home, you need to put the jar in a container with room water. Maintaining an optimal temperature is important so that the mixture “ripens” without souring. The starter needs to be “fed” every day. To do this, prepare the same amount of whole grain flour and water, mix and put in a bowl. After a day, large bubbles and a sour smell will appear.

It is important to mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth after each feeding. The bacteria will mature in 3 to 5 days depending on conditions. Readiness can be easily determined by numerous small bubbles and a sharp vinegar smell. When stirred, small bubbles burst with a bang. The consistency is soft and viscous. On day 5, the whole grain starter will double in size after daily fertilizing. The ripened mixture is stored in a cool place under gauze.

The dough begins to ferment after enrichment with sourdough or yeast. Leavened dough is called dough. You can add the fermented mixture in any volume. As a result, the dough should rise and fall. The process will go faster if there is a lot of mixture with bacteria (ferment), or slower if there is a little. During this time, microorganisms will process whole grain flour, multiply, and help produce fluffy bread when baking.

Dough left overnight usually ripens by morning. It must be prepared step by step.

  1. Remove the fermented mixture from the refrigerator and place it on the bottom of the bowl. Revive with warm water (up to 40°C), doubling the quantity. One large loaf usually requires 2 cups (500 ml) of mature active starter.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together whole wheat flour, salt, and spices to taste, leaving a well. Pour in the liquid starter and stir until the sticky mixture is smooth and free of lumps.
  3. Leave the thick mixture in a warm place for 12 hours. It will grow 2-2.5 times and fall to its original state. You can open and press the dough with a kitchen tool.
  4. Set aside 4-5 tbsp from the finished dough. spoon into a jar (this will be a new starter), put it in the refrigerator. Cover with a lid with holes or a cloth to allow the mixture to “breathe.” She will need weekly feeding. Take half of the starter onto a new dough, add whole grain flour and water to the rest.

Season the ripened dough with flour to the required thickness. At this stage, you can add spices, sugar and salt diluted in water. Mix well so that the spoon stands. The dough should become thick, but not rubbery. Then it rests for 15-20 minutes until the whole wheat flour is saturated with liquid.

Prepare a work surface, place the lump on the flour and knead by hand. The edges of the layer must be pressed towards the middle, and the mass must be turned over from time to time. The longer the whole process takes, the better the bread will be.

Knead a lump of dough until it forms a smooth, non-sticky ball. Grease a container with oil (it is better to take a mold, not a baking sheet), lightly sprinkle with flour. Leave the bun covered with gauze for 2-5 hours. The dough will continue to ferment at 20-22°C.

Food of life

The first sourdough bread in Rus' was considered a symbol of prosperity. Sourdough was a wedding gift to the newlyweds from their parents. If she died without feeding from a bad owner, this was an alarming sign. Modern yeast is much more practical and does not require control or attention. But they bring negligible benefits to our health, and in some cases, harm. This question is very important. Bread made from wallpaper flour may contain shortening, raising agents, stabilizers, hydrogenated oils and other additives. Using butter and margarine increases nutritional value.

Naturally sourdough baked goods have excellent taste properties, an alluring rich aroma, and are stored longer without loss of quality. The result is a baked product with a dense texture that is pleasant to chew. Sourdough is much healthier for health than ready-made yeast.

Whole grain baked goods are often prepared for holidays. You can get creative with the shape, composition, add nuts, sesame seeds, dried fruits, flax and other ingredients.

Homemade bread with natural sourdough

Natural yeast works great. After 3-5 days, the whole grain sourdough foams and its sour smell intensifies. Homemade bread is easy to prepare and does not require the addition of yeast or fermented milk products. It is advisable for the dough to rise for about 1-3 hours at a temperature of 27-45°C inside the bread machine. An oven is also used for proofing. It does not always have an optimal temperature regime.

Whole grain sourdough bread is kept in the oven with a small amount of warm water. Place a cup of water under the bread pan. The duration of proofing depends on the home temperature. First, the oven is heated to 230°C. Place the mold with the dough when the oven has cooled to the desired temperature.


Prepare a greased cast iron Dutch oven or casserole with a lid for baking. Turn on the oven 40 minutes beforehand. Before the dough finishes rising, heat to 250°C. Place a closed container to heat on a medium level. Place the risen dough onto the bottom of the hot pan, make cuts with a knife, and cover with a lid. To create a golden brown crust, you can brush the dough with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Bake for 25-30 minutes . Then reduce the oven temperature to 220°C by opening the lid. After 20-25 minutes. The bread will acquire a golden hue and a beautiful crust. The bread should not be taken out early, otherwise it will “fall off”. If steam comes out from the center of the loaf, it means that it is not yet baked in the middle. You can check readiness with a wooden stick. Ready-made whole grain bread does not stick and makes a hollow sound when tapped. It should cool inside the oven gradually, over 1-2 hours. Remove the warm bread from the mold, spread with butter, leave until completely cooled, wrapped in a towel.

Baking time depends on the size of the loaf and the features of the oven. Sometimes the bread dries out. During the process, you can turn on the steam function, if provided, or place a bowl of water on the grill.

Household appliances: a multicooker, a bread maker will help speed up the preparation of homemade bread from whole grain flour. Do not neglect spices, nuts, bran, seeds. They will give the bread a rich taste and nutritional value.

Go for it! Baking is healthy and fun!

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