Which increases the likelihood of conception. How to increase fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Position after intercourse

When the idea of ​​having a child arises in the thoughts of a young couple, common sense is switched off against their will, and the desire to speed up the onset of pregnancy gets the better of them. Expectant parents are overwhelmed by despair when their daily attempts do not produce the expected results - they cannot get pregnant. The couple begins to think about how to increase the likelihood of conception. Perhaps you shouldn’t try every day, or even several times a day? After all, in order to get pregnant, nature has designed simple conditions.

Choosing the right time

Ovulation is the period of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization of the egg occurs. It is during the ovulatory phase that the egg leaves the dominant follicle and moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity to meet the sperm. At this time, the probability of conception has maximum chances. The life of the fertilized egg is short and lasts from 12 to 48 hours. For each woman, the ovulatory phase has an individual duration. In order for a pregnancy to occur, a couple needs to actively have sex in the days before and during ovulation. There are several methods to calculate this period:

  1. Measuring basal temperature.
  2. Maintaining a menstrual calendar.
  3. Ovulation test.
  4. Ultrasonography.

Each woman chooses the most suitable method for determining ovulation in order to successfully become pregnant.

It doesn’t work – what should I do?

There are a number of primary actions, the implementation of which will increase the chances of pregnancy. Everyone should know these very simple tips, because they will help you quickly conceive a healthy child.

Frequency of sexual intercourse

Experts recommend having sex every 2 days throughout the entire cycle immediately after the end of menstruation. This is due to the fact that ovulation does not always occur at a clear time and may have floating dates. Many people know that there is early, late and even double ovulation.

Some couples try to conceive every day and several times a day. But this is not entirely correct. Frequent sexual intercourse depletes seminal fluid. In order for the sperm concentration to be higher, it is necessary to have intermittent sexual intercourse. It is enough to have sex every other day to achieve the required sperm volume and successfully get pregnant.

Suitable poses

The most suitable position for conceiving a child is the one in which the woman is on her back and her pelvis is raised, and the man is on top, for example, “missionary” and its variations. In this position, the male sexual organ penetrates as deeply as possible and during ejaculation, the seminal material is retained inside the woman near the cervix. The likelihood of liquid leaking during contact in this position is significantly reduced. Thus, sperm can quickly penetrate the uterus and further into the cavity of the fallopian tubes.

There are rare cases when the position must be selected based on the anatomical features of the woman. Usually the uterus is located under a slight bend anteriorly, namely towards the bladder, but in 15% of women the angle of inclination is posterior, i.e. towards the rectum, to the left or to the right. This feature is not a pathological deviation, but is considered a variant of the norm. Often, such a bend reduces the chances of conceiving a child and it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. In such a situation, suitable positions are those in which the man is positioned behind the woman:

  • Pose on all fours with support on your elbows or hands.
  • Side position.
  • Position on your stomach with your hips raised.

Bad habits

Unfortunately, bad habits are quite a popular phenomenon. Some drink alcoholic beverages, others smoke tobacco products and at the same time want to get pregnant and give birth to a child. Any addiction leaves its mark on the reproductive processes of both partners. Alcohol and conception are two incompatible things. Alcohol affects the quantity and quality of sperm, but the worst thing is that it disrupts the genetic apparatus of sperm. As a result, the child may be born with severe genetic abnormalities and deformities.

The toxic effect of nicotine-containing products also reduces the chances of successfully conceiving a child and increases the risk of having a baby with disabilities and developmental anomalies.

To speed up the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to give up bad habits approximately three months before fertilization and direct all efforts to strengthening the health of the body.

In addition to the primary ways to successfully conceive, there are additional recommendations that will help you get pregnant. These include:

  1. "Birch tree pose." To accomplish this, it is enough to lie on your back after sexual intercourse and raise your pelvis. In addition, you can raise your legs, resting them on the wall, or place a pillow under your pelvis. This position allows sperm to linger inside the woman and gives sperm time to penetrate into the uterine cavity.
  2. Douching with soda. This manipulation is carried out immediately before sex. To do this, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of soda in 1 liter of warm water. Its main effect is a change in the acidity of the vaginal environment. In some women it is too high, which leads to the death of sperm in the vaginal cavity.
  3. Maintaining optimal temperature in a man's groin. It is not for nothing that nature intended the external location of the testicles in men. The temperature inside the body is 36.6 degrees and for sperm it is too high and destructive. Male reproductive cells die at temperatures above 35 degrees, and the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to zero. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is extremely important to maintain optimal temperature in the groin for 1.5-2 months before fertilization. This is exactly how long it takes to completely renew the seed material. During this period, a man must avoid overheating, for example, do not take hot baths or go to the sauna.
  4. Taking vitamins and controlling your diet. Vitamins are extremely important for all processes associated with conceiving a child and pregnancy. A few months before planned fertilization, a woman should start taking certain vitamins in which the body usually feels deficient - folic and ascorbic acid, vitamin E.

If synthetic drugs cause concern, then they can be replaced with food products rich in these particular vitamins: cabbage, carrots, beans, green vegetables, etc. If you believe the research of scientists, then there is one product that will help you get pregnant faster - Brussels sprouts. Regular consumption of this healthy vegetable will normalize hormonal levels and create all the necessary conditions to get pregnant.

It will be useful for men to eat foods that enhance male power: walnuts, watermelon, garlic, onions, honey, cottage cheese, parsley, mushrooms, seafood, etc.

Research by scientists

Canadian scientists have reported how to increase the likelihood of conception using the time of day. It turns out that for successful conception it is necessary to have sex in the morning. It is in early sperm that the concentration of active sperm is greatest.

Another long-term experiment showed how to increase the likelihood of conceiving a child if you remove your tonsils and appendix. After such an operation, women's fertility increases and they become pregnant faster. For comparison, the fertility rate of a woman with her tonsils and appendix removed is almost 60%, and the average woman's fertility is about 44%.

The probability of conception depends on the correctly calculated day of ovulation. In fact, this is how it should be, but many factors interfere with unhindered conception - either the environment is unfavorable or the sperm are passive. But, if you use all the methods described, your chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly.

How to increase your chance of getting pregnant

How to increase the chance of getting pregnant?

On average, the probability of conceiving a baby in one menstrual cycle is 20%. To increase your chances of pregnancy, take advice from experts.

Tip #1 - The main thing is patience! As a rule, there is no point in running to a gynecologist for a consultation if you have been trying to conceive a child for less than a year, having a regular sex life.

Tip #2 - Make love more often! Regular sex life will significantly increase your chances of conceiving.

Tip #3 - No weight loss! Eating low-calorie foods, and losing weight itself, negatively affects the hormones responsible for fertility. If you still need to lose weight, do it several months before you start trying to conceive.

Tip #4 - You need a balanced diet! Stop snacking on the go and overindulging in sweets. As it turns out, this not only affects a woman’s figure, but also affects her fertility. An increase in blood sugar stimulates the active release of adrenaline, a hormone that “attacks” progesterone, which is responsible for preparing the uterine cavity for conception. Sudden or severe weight loss or gain will significantly reduce your chances. This, by the way, also applies to hormonal treatment. Therefore, you need to exercise your own weight before you start trying to have a child.

Tip #5 - There is only one diet possible - for those who want to get pregnant! There are foods that help prepare your body for conceiving a baby, as well as foods that interfere with pregnancy. Undesirable products that reduce the chances of getting pregnant quickly include coffee, as well as any products containing caffeine. It is believed that caffeine can suppress the reproductive function of the body. But eating foods rich in folic acid is necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are trying to get pregnant. Useful substances are found in foods such as potatoes, cabbage, cereals, and oranges. It is important to remember that its absorption is greatly reduced by alcoholic drinks. There are studies confirming a significant reduction in the risk of having a child with congenital pathologies when a woman takes 1 mg of folic acid per day. It is known that vegetarianism does not contribute to the rapid onset of conception. Therefore, future parents should abandon vegetarian principles and include in their diet foods that contain animal proteins, in particular meat. Normalizing weight is a very important condition for successful conception. When the weight of a woman who is unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant is significantly different from the norm, it makes sense for her to use a diet. Consult your doctor, balance your diet with his help, normalize your weight, and try to get pregnant again after a few months. It is better to increase weight by eating high-calorie foods, but not starchy foods; for this purpose, the following are suitable: meat, legumes, nuts, dried fruits. Weight loss should be done without using stressful techniques, including fasting; the ideal would be a combination of low-calorie nutrition and exercise.

WITH Tip #6 - Don't overheat your man! It is necessary to convince your man to prefer loose-fitting trousers made of cotton fabric in the warm season. Tight-fitting trousers, as well as excessively warm ones, unsuitable for the weather, provoke the accumulation of heat in the testicular area, which has a rather bad effect on spermatogenesis, and, consequently, on the quality of sperm, their activity and viability.

Tip #7 - Take the weather as your assistant! It turns out that the time of year also has a significant impact on the ability to conceive a child. The most productive, in terms of quantity, are sperm in late autumn and early spring. But spermatozoa are most mobile during the end of the summer season and the beginning of autumn. The beginning of winter is considered the absolutely ideal season for conception - the coolness is good for sperm.

Tip #8 - Eliminate medications! Many medications have a negative impact on the reproductive functions of both the female and male body. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended to be taken during ovulation; they negatively affect hormones, such as prostaglandins. If you have health problems, it is better to postpone pregnancy until you have fully recovered. If you are taking medications for a long time or on a regular basis, talk to your doctor about their effects on conception and pregnancy. Do not conduct X-ray examinations during the period of conception, and before it, as well as in the early stages of pregnancy. It is also not advisable to resort to ultrasound diagnostics without sufficient grounds, although its adverse effects on the body are minimal. Regarding ultrasound, there is an opinion among doctors (albeit without sufficient evidence) that in the early stages, in particular up to 9 weeks, it can provoke termination of pregnancy. Whether this is true or not, it is clearly not worth abusing it.

Tip #9 - Stop smoking! Nicotine significantly reduces the chances of conception. Smoking reduces the level of estradiol in the blood. Recent studies have revealed a relationship between smoking and the ability to get pregnant. It turns out that a woman who smokes has 30% less chance of becoming a mother. This figure increases significantly if the husband is a smoker.

Tip #10 - Don't abuse alcohol! Everyone has known for a long time that alcohol has a negative effect on fertility, and in addition, it can seriously affect the development of the embryo. Undoubtedly, you should stay away from other toxic substances - varnishes, paints, solvents, household chemicals.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur? Problems with conception can arise for various reasons. The most common difficulties in conceiving from a medical point of view are explained by the following possible reasons:

1. insufficient content or complete absence, as well as lethargy of sperm in male sperm;

2. absence or problems with ovulation in a woman, in addition to obstruction of the fallopian tubes;

3. incompatibility at the hormonal level of a particular couple, in terms of their health and ability to bear children.

Often the roots of the problem lie not in the physical, but in the emotional sphere, or even in the relationship between a man and a woman. If there are no external or physical factors that impede pregnancy, try going to a family psychologist, perhaps he will help you solve this problem.

What to do if pregnancy does not occur?

For a man: It is advisable for the spouse to visit a doctor to examine the quality of sperm, that is, to determine the number of full-fledged, motile sperm. Their insufficient quantity or impaired activity may be the result of some functional disorder, for example, varicose veins of the scrotum or its overheating. Sperm cannot be produced at excessively high temperatures. Overheating of the scrotum can easily be caused by taking an excessively hot shower, bath, frequent visits to the bathhouse, wearing too tight swimming trunks or trousers, or using an electrically heated blanket for night sleep. All this can disrupt the process of sperm formation. It is useful for a man to take cool showers several times a day. Taking a cool or contrast shower just a few hours before sexual relations also has a good effect. The quality and quantity of sperm are well influenced by foods rich in microelements and vitamins. Useful foods for the formation of viable active sperm include: nuts, greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafood. Factors that negatively affect sperm quality are: stress, physical overload, lack of rest, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking certain medications, etc.

For a woman: Naturally, one cannot count on full and stable ovulation if a woman’s menstrual cycles are irregular. In this case, conception is possible only during ovulation, which usually occurs 14 days before the onset of the next menstruation. If you are not diagnosed with infertility, but still cannot get pregnant, try to be sure to have intimacy with your husband on the most favorable days, or rather, 2-3 days before ovulation and during it. To do this, as you understand, first of all it is necessary to stabilize your cycle; if you cannot do this on your own, seek advice from a doctor. Often the cause of irregular menstrual cycles is poor nutrition: unbalanced or insufficient. If you want to get pregnant, watch your diet and lifestyle, live as if you were already pregnant.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements will help regulate the menstrual cycle and increase the chances of conception. The ideal option would be for the body to obtain them naturally, from natural products, but in case of shortage, use vitamins extracted from products, but not synthetic ones! List of vitamins, microelements or supplements useful for conception (take either as indicated in the daily dosage or according to the instructions):

1. Vitamin C: 1000 mg/day.

2 . Vitamin E: 20 mg/day.

3. Bioflavonoids: 500 mg/day.

4. Wheat germ: 3 tbsp. spoons per day.

5. Sprouted wheat (sprout height no more than 2 mm).

6. Oil made from wheat germ: 3 teaspoons per day.

7. Multimineral tablets.

8. B-vitamin complex.

9. Fish oil.

To find out the causes of infertility, a married couple should undergo a full examination:

1. both spouses undergo appropriate tests and examinations for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus, etc.), infections are often the root causes of all kinds of sexual disorders of both partners;

2. for a man - spermograms to determine the quantitative and, most importantly, qualitative characteristics of the partner’s sperm;

3. woman:

A hormonal blood test will help exclude or treat hormonal changes, which are the most common causes of infertility. As a result of such shifts, ovulation may be disrupted; the fertilized egg will be unable to penetrate the wall of the uterus for the further development of pregnancy.

Ultrasound is necessary to identify possible diseases that interfere with the onset or gestation of pregnancy, in particular uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, malformations of the genital organs, and adhesions in the uterine cavity. An ultrasound examination will also help clarify the functional state of a woman’s ovaries.

Hysterosalpingography may be necessary in some cases to identify possible obstruction of a woman's fallopian tubes.

The postcoital test is used in rare cases. For examination, mucus analysis is taken from the vagina, as well as the cervical canal, immediately after the end of sexual intercourse. The postcoital test is designed to identify or exclude the possibility of a woman’s body developing antibodies to the sperm of a particular man, which “glue” them together, reduce mobility, and prevent further advancement. These are already immunological factors of infertility.

A label has long been attached to the process of conception, with the preamble: “a bad thing is not tricky.” However, this is a fundamentally wrong opinion; sometimes conceiving a healthy baby is a whole science, and the whole life is a matter of trial and error.

A false impression is created that one unprotected sexual intercourse is enough, and in a few days the girl will begin to experience all the delights of toxicosis. Such a development of events is possible in the cinema. In real life, for pregnancy to occur, a number of factors need to happen in a certain way. There are ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, but they will not give a 100% guarantee of happy motherhood.

What does successful conception depend on?

According to statistics, only 30% of unprotected sexual intercourse results in pregnancy. For artificial insemination this amount is slightly higher and reaches 40%.

Conception is a complex mechanism that is regulated by the hormonal system. The rhythm of the secretion of sex hormones comes first. There should be a clear division of the menstrual cycle into the follicular and luteal phases. The first one happens. Then it bursts and an egg emerges, ready for fertilization. This moment is called ovulation. During the luteal phase, the corpus luteum is present, which should prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg.

At first glance, everything is simple. But each stage can be interrupted for many reasons, and this will not allow pregnancy to occur. If the follicle does not burst, it will turn into an ovarian cyst, and there will be no ready-made egg. If ovulation occurs, but the fallopian tubes are altered by adhesions, the meeting of the egg and sperm cannot occur. A very large corpus luteum is a cyst, which also prevents normal gestation.

Many pathologies of other organs can affect fertilization. If a woman has hypothyroidism, then becoming a mother is very difficult for her. The following diseases are also important:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Any pathology of the reproductive organs can reduce all efforts to zero.

If fertilization is successful, this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. The fertilized egg needs time to attach to the wall of the uterus before it is ready to receive it. There is a certain period of time called the “implantation window.” This is the time when the endometrium is functionally most prepared to meet the embryo. If this does not happen, regular periods will begin in a few days.

Ways to influence conception

In a healthy woman, pregnancy should occur on its own, without additional influences. This requires several attempts, but there is always a chance of getting pregnant the first time. There are methods that can help with this. These are non-specific techniques that work in some cases.

Calculating ovulation

If you know exactly the day of your ovulation, you can accurately determine the timing when it is optimal to have intercourse. Pharmacies sell special ones, but you won’t use them every day. Therefore, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant during ovulation by measuring.

The countdown is from the first day of menstruation. Every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. The obtained data is entered into a graph. After a month, you can evaluate the result. The moment the temperature rises approximately in the middle of the cycle is ovulation.

But the cycle can be uneven and sometimes go astray. Therefore, it is necessary to spend another month in measurements and compare the results.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you can purposefully have unprotected contact the day before. The first days of the post-ovulation period are also suitable. To increase the chance of getting pregnant a day, it is not necessary to have sexual intercourse several times in a row. With each repeated ejaculation, the quality of sperm decreases. It begins to look like a cocktail of seminal fluid and single spermatozoa.

Adjusting your diet

Nutrition determines your overall health. Lack or excess of nutrients can disrupt the maturation of germ cells, deteriorate the quality of cervical mucus and make it unsuitable for sperm.

With proper nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of successful conception. It is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Your food must include red meat and seafood. They contain essential amino acids that are essential for the body. These substances cannot be obtained from plant foods or synthesized independently.

Proper nutrition involves a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fiber. They help cleanse the intestines and help maintain normal peristalsis. Timely bowel movements help maintain the uterus in the correct position. With constipation, feces distend the rectum, it puts pressure on the uterus and can disrupt its position. This condition does not promote conception.

Correcting your diet involves avoiding drinks containing caffeine - coffee, tea, and some carbonated drinks. Alcohol is also prohibited. It disrupts microcirculation, and its metabolic products poison the body. Scientists estimate that drinking 10 drinks per week reduces fertility by 50-60%. This is also due to the work of the liver, where waste hormones are metabolized.

Changing lifestyle

Quitting smoking also increases your chances of getting pregnant quickly. This thesis applies not only to the expectant mother, but also to the spouse. In men, sperm is completely renewed within 2 months. Therefore, the highest quality sperm will appear 2 months after giving up the bad habit.

In women, smoking negatively affects the condition of eggs and reduces fertility by 2 times. In the body of a smoker, especially over 30 years of age, blood clotting increases. This creates the preconditions for the formation of microthrombi. Thrombosis of the endometrial vessels disrupts the nutrition of the uterine mucosa; the embryo simply cannot find a place where it can attach. Or it will attach, but will not be able to provide food for itself and die. After 35 years, the chances of getting pregnant are largely related to giving up this bad habit.

You also need to remember about sufficient physical activity and walks in the fresh air. This keeps all systems in good shape. Dosed physical exercises also affect the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Their microvilli move in the right direction - towards the uterus, and push out the fertilized egg there.

Adding vitamins

Vitamins are activators of biological processes in the body. Women have their own characteristics: each phase of the cycle requires certain substances. Vitamins that increase the likelihood of successful conception are taken by day of the cycle. In the follicular phase from days 5 to 14 of the cycle, vitamin B₆ and E are especially necessary. They will help rebuild the endometrium and mature the dominant follicle.

The luteal phase lasts from days 15 to 25. It requires vitamin C, B₁ and E, but the latter - in double quantity. These substances will help the endometrium grow blood vessels that are necessary to nourish the embryo.

In preparation for pregnancy, vitamin E and folic acid must be taken daily for 2 months before the planned conception.

A trace element that increases fertility and the ability to conceive is zinc. Its norm for the normal functioning of the reproductive system is only 15 mg per day. Peanuts, almonds, oysters, steak or chicken are rich in zinc.

Getting ready psychologically

During stress, certain hormones are released that suppress the reproductive system. This applies to both emotionally negative situations (distress) and positive ones (eustress). Any of them is a shock to the body.

Fertility is also affected by the anticipation of pregnancy itself. Some women, whose numerous attempts to have a child remain unsuccessful, become fixated on this thought. Their whole life is built around the likelihood of conception. This is also stress, leading to... Once they let go of these thoughts, everything works out by itself. Some people can cope with such a psychological problem on their own, while others need the help of a psychologist.

Additional methods

It is known that in China there is a ban on children. Married couples are not allowed to have more than one child, with the exception of natural multiple pregnancies. If you don't resort to reproductive technologies, there is a way to increase your chances of conceiving twins.

Chinese women know about it and use it successfully. The secret is in regular birth control pills. If you take combined oral contraceptives for a short time - 2-3 months, then the ovaries have time to rest a little. After stopping the drug at the first ovulation, a rebound effect or rebound occurs. The ovaries are actively involved in their work, and even 2 eggs can mature in them.

For some patients with minor hormonal imbalances, gynecologists also recommend short-term use of contraceptives, and then, in the first month after stopping use, active attempts to get pregnant.

Boy or girl?

The sex of the child depends on the father. It's all about the chromosome set. In women, the egg contains the X sex chromosome. In men, 50% of sperm have X chromosomes, and the other half have Y chromosomes. Which one will be the first to penetrate the egg, the sex of the child will be:

  • XX – girl;
  • XU is a boy.

It is almost impossible to influence this. But there is some anecdotal scientific evidence. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are more mobile and have less weight due to the absence of one arm. But at the same time, they die faster. Their counterparts with the X chromosome are slower, but also tenacious.

You can get pregnant with a girl if you take into account the following notes:

  1. From long-term abstinence, some of the sperm with the Y chromosome presumably die, leaving the X ones that carry the female sex.
  2. In the acidic environment of the vagina, more motile sperm are also the first to die.
  3. It is necessary to increase the proportion of magnesium and calcium.

Bottom line: if you have sexual intercourse infrequently, keep your vagina healthy, and eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium, you can increase your chances of conceiving a girl. Women are advised to consume more dairy products and cottage cheese. Recommended fruits: grapefruit, lemon, watermelon, pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple.

If all else fails...

You can try to get pregnant on your own for up to a year. The number of intercourses should not be too frequent. 2-3 times a week is enough.

If the long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is possible that there are health problems on the part of the husband or wife. In this case it is necessary. It is imperative to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections, check hormonal levels, and the presence of ovulation. For men, a spermogram is required.

It is possible that there are diseases of the endocrine organs that prevent pregnancy. You need to visit a therapist and endocrinologist and find out this issue.

In many cases, timely detected pathology can be treated. But sometimes the condition of the genital organs does not allow pregnancy to occur naturally. Then there is nothing else left to do but resort to.

Everything flows, everything changes... Some time ago, you and your partner did everything possible to avoid getting pregnant, but your life priorities have changed and now you dream of having a child.

Most couples expect pregnancy to occur almost immediately after stopping contraception. In fact, most often conception does not occur as quickly as we would like. According to statistics, only 15-25% of couples conceive in the first cycle, 50% of couples achieve the desired result within 3 months, 75% conceive within six months, and 90% after a year. According to statistics, 10-20% of couples will need additional medical care to achieve pregnancy. ()

Often, a man and a woman who have firmly decided to become parents in the near future resort to various tricks that supposedly promote conception. Some of these measures are truly effective and necessary, others are a waste of energy. Let's try to figure out what ways to get pregnant, or rather, what actions will help increase the chances of conception.

1. The more often, the more likely. Or vice versa?

In different sources you can find directly opposite opinions on this matter. Some scientists believe that frequent ejaculation leads to a decrease in the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate. Other researchers, without, however, refuting the claims of the first, prove that with daily sexual intercourse, the percentage of sperm with damaged DNA decreases. The truth, as always, is somewhere nearby. Of course, if you are trying to conceive, sex should be frequent and regular, but at the same time remain a pleasure, not a duty. Forcing yourself to be intimate is a recipe for stress, which is known to interfere with pregnancy.

2. Cult of the calendar

Let's consider the other extreme. Some couples are convinced that the best way to get pregnant is to save all their fervor and desire to have a child until the “special occasion”, which in this case is ovulation. At the same time, the fact is taken as an axiom that this “event” occurs from the 10th to the 18th day of a woman’s cycle, therefore only during this period can conception occur.

Yes, ovulation is indeed necessary for successful conception. But the indicated time frame is nothing more than “average temperature in the hospital.” Each person is individual.

To calculate when ovulation occurs for you, you need to measure your basal temperature daily for 3 months and draw up a chart. Based on it, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about which days of your cycle are optimal for conception. Or you can buy at the pharmacy a brilliant invention of mankind - an ovulation test.

3. Passion for a birch tree

“First, the top pose from page fifteen, then the position from page thirty-two, only in a mirror image, and then be sure to jump fifteen times on your left leg,” shares a friend, a happy mother of three tomboys. According to her, this is the fastest way to get pregnant. And we obediently jump, relying on the experience of “professionals.” In fact, you don't need any special positions or exercises to conceive.

After intercourse itself, it is better to actually lie down for a while, so it will be easier for sperm to reach the uterus. Sometimes the position of the uterus creates certain difficulties for sperm to penetrate into it; gynecologists call this a “bend”. With this feature of the body, the likelihood of conception actually increases in certain positions, in which positions it depends on the position of the organ. In this case, only a gynecologist can advise you on how best to position yourself during sexual intercourse.

4. Vitamins, minerals and other benefits

Regardless of what methods to quickly get pregnant you decide to use, vitamins are truly necessary. But, again, conception is promoted by certain substances that are not contained in full and in the required concentration in conventional vitamin complexes.

For men who want to become fathers, a special Spematon complex has been developed.

Spematon has a beneficial effect on male fertility due to its composition.

L-carnitine increases sperm count and motility.

Vitamin E increases the number, motility and viability of sperm. Effective for certain disorders of spermatogenesis (asthenozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia).

Zinc is necessary for the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which regulate spermatogenesis and sperm maturation.

Pregnoton vitamin and mineral complex will help women prepare their bodies for pregnancy. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent substances.

Folic acid is essential for cell division and growth. At the stage of early intrauterine development, it is required in increased quantities. Taking folic acid during planning and pregnancy itself reduces the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and the development of neural tube defects in newborns.

Vitamin E improves oxygen saturation of tissues, is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in addition, this vitamin is an excellent antioxidant.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) enhances the effect of vitamin E, is involved in the metabolism of folic acid and iron, the neutralization of toxins, as well as in the synthesis of steroid hormones. A lack of vitamin C in a pregnant woman's body can lead to premature rupture of the membranes.

Vitamin B6 is needed for the synthesis of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently formed. It ensures the proper development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus. B6 reduces irritability and aggressiveness, reduces the manifestation of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for those planning a pregnancy. Like folic acid, it is necessary for the formation and development of the cell nucleus, for cell growth and division. Zinc takes part in the regulation of the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as nucleic acids. It helps prevent placental abruption, complicated childbirth, malformations of the child and other pathologies.

Selenium is part of many enzymes, including those that increase fertility. Selenium deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Magnesium regulates more than 300 biochemical processes in the body, including protein synthesis and amino acid activation. It is these reactions that are especially active during pregnancy. Magnesium deficiency is common in women and is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause slow growth of the child, miscarriage, and eclampsia.

Arginine is an amino acid that improves blood circulation, including in the pelvis, and oxygen saturation of tissues, which promotes conception.

Vitex extract stimulates the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone and at the same time reduces the secretion of prolactin. When a high level of prolactin is combined with a lack of progesterone, implantation of a fertilized egg becomes difficult. Taking Vitex eliminates this reason for the possible failure of pregnancy.

It is important to remember that special complexes not only increase the likelihood of conception. With their help, the health of future parents improves, which means the risks associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the health of the child and mother are reduced.

To increase the chances of having a healthy child, both parents should prepare for conception, and the complex of drugs Spematon and Pregnoton is intended precisely for this purpose. Experts recommend starting to take Spematon and Pregnoton three months before the expected conception.

Esoterics and ficuses

Some have high hopes for religion and religious objects. Others believe in the magical powers of more mundane objects. Botany lovers are confident in the miraculous effect of ficus on conception, and gemology fans are convinced of the mysterious role of garnet beads.

On the Internet you can find thousands of conspiracies and rituals for “conception” and the same number of hereditary sorcerers and clairvoyants who promise to help speed up pregnancy.

To believe or not to believe in what official science and medicine rejects is everyone’s personal choice. After all, the placebo effect sometimes exceeds even our wildest expectations. However, try to be critical of promises and the money that is strongly recommended to be spent on these promises.

So, some tips on how to get pregnant quickly are really worth using when planning a pregnancy, others you should just take note of. Well, really esoteric “ways to get pregnant” are worth trying in practice only if you have a heart for them. The most important thing to remember is that what is most important is the physical and psychological health of future parents, their readiness for changes in life and mutual love.

(1) Jacky Boivin, Laura Bunting, John A. Collins and Karl G. Nygren. International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: potential need and demand for infertility medical care - Human Reproduction 2007;22(6):1506-12.

Attention! It is important!

All information in the article, as well as norms and tables are presented For general information purposes only. It does not provide any basis for diagnosing yourself or prescribing treatment on your own. Always consult a doctor!

Children are a gift from heaven. And sometimes you have to wait a very long time for this gift. Some cannot do without contraception at all, because “even from a draft it happens,” while others, although they do not use protection, still cannot achieve the desired result. That is, up to 2 red stripes.

What is fertility and can you improve your chances of getting pregnant?

Preparing for conception - how to properly plan for conceiving a child?

The term "fertility" in science it is customary to call a woman’s ability to “fertility” (to conceive).

Above increased fertility Many potential mothers who are unable to get pregnant wonder, but few people understand how to increase this ability.

So, first of all, you should properly prepare for conception.

Let's wrap up with contraception!

Even if you have already stopped taking pills and removed the IUD, there is a chance that the effect of contraceptives has not yet ended. And the period a woman needs to conceive can change significantly when taking them.

  • If you have used hormonal contraceptives, it means that you (more precisely, your reproductive function) need time to adapt. The time it takes to correct your natural hormonal levels can be quite long.
  • Spiral. Naturally, it must be removed before you begin to attempt birth. But even after removing it, you should go to the gynecologist and make sure that you do not have problems after using it (some of which may affect reproductive functions).
  • Condoms. Everything is simple here. It’s easy enough to remove them from your intimate life. No adaptation time is required.

Days of ovulation - we calculate with accuracy

The more clearly you know about these very days when the body is most ready for conception, the higher the chances of winning.

How to track these days?

  • We count from the 1st day of your last period: usually ovulation occurs (average values) on the 14th day.
  • We use a special application on our smartphone (convenient and easy).
  • We measure basal body temperature every day after waking up and at the same time. It is usually slightly higher on ovulation days than on normal days.
  • It makes sense to pay attention to the cervical mucus on the pad. A very effective method. With sticky, transparent discharge, reminiscent of “egg white”, the period you need begins. Intimate life should be continued for 3-5 days after these “symptoms” are detected.
  • We use ovulation tests. They are not difficult to find, but they cost pennies.

A little about the intimate side of things

  • The vital activity of sperm in the fallopian tubes is no more than a week. Whereas the lifespan of an egg is about a day. To hit the target accurately, you should begin regular intimate life in advance - before ovulation.
  • The more often the better. Yes, you yourself know. Well, at least every other day. Moreover, despite the vitality of sperm, the youngest of them will still be more hardworking.
  • No lubricants, spermicides, or various chemical irritants. They will not help with conception.
  • Relax and just have fun. The more focused you are on a goal, the more difficult it will be to achieve results. The more pleasure, the easier it is for sperm to reach the cervix.
  • Don't rush to jump out of bed after sex. Spend at least 15 minutes after intercourse in the “lying down” position to increase your chances of conception by exactly 2 times.

What's next?

  • A week later (approx.: +\- 3 days) after conception itself, implantation bleeding may appear (an early and short-term sign of conception, lasting from 1 to 48 hours).
  • Basal temperature remains elevated for 2 weeks after ovulation.

All methods of increasing female fertility - what to do if you can’t get pregnant?

Rare couples who begin to implement plans to conceive manage to achieve results on the first try. According to statistics, this takes about 2 years for 95% of couples. Therefore, there is no need to get upset and panic, or become depressed if there is no result.

But what you need to do is increase fertility. And we will tell you exactly how.

Planning pregnancy with the help of medicine

Why not? It won't be redundant. Even if you don’t have problems with your reproductive function, there are others that are better to be immediately detected (if they exist) and treated so that nothing interferes with your conception.

The gynecologist will conduct a full examination, prescribe tests and rule out…

  • (note - it affects ovulation in general).
  • Diabetes mellitus (note - its presence can affect the full development of the fetus).
  • Endometriosis (note - this disease, in addition to the main inconveniences, also affects fertility itself).
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (note - can significantly change hormonal levels, in addition, control of the disease is necessary after conception).
  • Infections/diseases of the genitourinary system, small/pelvic organs.

Health comes first

  • Are you overweight? Start losing weight. This will increase your chances of conceiving.
  • Do not abuse diets - do not overdo it in your desire to lose weight. Losing too much weight changes your menstrual cycle/cycle and reduces your fertility.

Take care of taking vitamins

They should be started well before pregnancy. For example, folic acid. Calcium and iron are also needed.

Let's eat right!

  • We eat only natural and high-quality products. No pesticides, GMOs or other chemicals.
  • We give sweetened foods and baked goods with trans fats (artificial oils) to the enemy.
  • We categorically exclude meat with nitrates, unpasteurized cheeses, stale vegetables and poorly processed fish from the menu.
  • We lean on plant foods (preferably from our region) - vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and nuts.
  • Milk and natural (!) yoghurts, low-fat kefir, eggs and seafood, chicken and tofu are also useful for increasing fertility.

About your partner's health

It is also worth taking care of.

  • Choose a complex of vitamins with selenium for your spouse.
  • Feed him foods with vitamins E and C.
  • A ban on smoking, alcohol, sugar and coffee (or at least limit it as much as possible) while preparing for conception. Nicotine significantly reduces the motility of even the fastest sperm and changes the morphology/structure of sperm.

We categorically and immediately give up bad habits!

  • No alcohol! It immediately reduces female fertility by 60%, even if you drink from beakers. What can we say about large dishes or frequent holidays.
  • Cigarettes are prohibited. Nicotine can disrupt the process of implantation (“fixation”) of the embryo in the uterus.
  • Instead of coffee - kefir, juices, homemade lemonade, green tea, compotes, etc.

Conception is incompatible with alcohol and cigarettes!

Don't focus on the result

If your intimate relationships proceed exclusively under the banner of waiting for conception, then gradually conflicts will begin to arise between you. The reason is simple - intimacy will no longer bring you pleasure.

Therefore, when dreaming about conception, do not become robots! Just love each other, enjoy sex, or better yet, go on a trip somewhere.

Calm and only calm!

Depression and stress, increased adrenaline and cortisol lead to decreased fertility. They also increase the risk of miscarriage and prolactin levels, making egg implantation more difficult.

Daily routine is required

Firstly, lack of sleep leads to infertility. Secondly, getting enough sleep increases your chances of winning. Why?

Because the production of the hormone leptin occurs during sleep, and the higher it is, the closer you are to the goal (statistically, most infertile women have low levels of this hormone).

Reducing the level of physical activity

It is better to replace too hard and intense sports with light and moderate physical activity.

When should you see a doctor, and what kind of examination will be needed?

No need to run to the doctors after the first unsuccessful attempt! Give yourself a deadline , after which a visit to a specialist will really be necessary.

And until this period ends, don’t stress - have fun, live calmly, don’t think about anything.

But who really should consult a specialist are healthy couples, provided that...

  1. They are both under 35 years old and have been having sex at least 2 times a week for over 12 months.
  2. They are both over 35 years old and have been having sex regularly (more than 2 times a week) for more than 6 months.
  3. They are both over 40 years old.
  4. Or there is a history of miscarriage.

You should also...

  • Discuss with your doctor how foods in your diet or medications you are forced to take may affect the process of conception.
  • Get tested for STDs.
  • Be sure to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist.
  • Take tests for the quality/quantity of sperm (for the future dad), a blood test for hormones and undergo an ultrasound.
  • Perform a pelvic ultrasound, hormone tests, laparoscopy and hysterosalpingography for the expectant mother.

Necessary diagnosis and treatment of infertility for 100 percent conception – what is the path ahead?

We are considering all options and use every opportunity.

Discuss with your spouse in advance — how far are you willing to go, how much money and time to spend.

Be sure to find a highly qualified specialist (based on reviews, recommendations from friends, etc.). Even if you have to go to another city to see him, the result is worth it!

What's next?

  • We make an appointment with a doctor.
  • We do not stop at the 1st doctor and 1st clinic - we are looking for our own clinic and our own doctor, whom you can trust and confide in.
  • We make a list of important questions: including the issue of price, prospects for treatment, chances of success, etc.

Modern technologies have significantly increased women's chances of pregnancy. Many mothers who have decided to undergo this procedure are happy with their children and do not regret anything.

The essence of IVF: your egg is “combined” with the sperm of your spouse in a medical laboratory, and after successful fertilization it is transplanted into your uterus. Then everything develops as during a normal pregnancy.

The lowest chances of success even with this procedure are:

  • When using frozen embryos.
  • In nulliparous girls with endometriosis.

Well, one more method: intrauterine insemination. It is carried out, for example, when sperm activity is low (when they simply “don’t have the strength” to get to their destination). In this case, the woman is injected with the purified and processed “material” of the future dad directly into the cervix using a syringe with a catheter.

As for the effectiveness of the procedure, experts estimate it at 20-40%.

The website warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Be sure to consult your doctor!
