What are microflora. Microflora of the human body: types, norm, functions and pathologies. What is normal vaginal microflora

One of my friends, when she turned 17, decided that life was passing her by and that she needed time to try everything. And over the next two years, she successfully implemented this program of hers, dating several partners at the same time, constantly in search of new adventures. It was not surprising when a couple of years later, having picked up a whole bunch of various infections, she ended up in the hospital with.

After a course of antibiotic treatment, the inflammatory process subsided and she was discharged. But this turned out to be just the beginning. After this, not two or three months passed without inflammation in her vagina or cervix. Periodically I had to be treated in a hospital.

But even during those periods when the inflammation subsided, she was constantly bothered by discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor that could not be drowned out by any perfume.

It would seem that in this situation everything is clear. A vigorous sex life sooner or later leads to infection and illness. But after talking with gynecologists who deal with problems of children and young people, I realized that everything is not so simple.

The microflora of each person is as individual as fingerprints. Throughout our lives, we constantly exchange microflora with the people around us. Therefore, people living together and communicating closely with each other develop a similar microflora composition. At the same time, when encountering a new, unfamiliar microflora, the human body often responds with illness. Microflora, which is normal for one person, is perceived by another organism as a stranger, and it takes time to get used to it. This explains, for example, the fact that most children who first join a children's group begin to get sick often. Doctors call this the "adjustment period." The child is faced with a huge amount of foreign microflora, and it takes time for him to get used to it.

A similar situation occurs in the vagina at the beginning of sexual activity. The sexual partner brings with him a new microflora into the vagina, alien to the “native” bacteria.

It is known that many girls aged 17-18 who are sexually active suffer from inflammatory diseases much more often than older women. In young girls, microflora disorders are more often detected, and bacterial vaginosis is more common. This is due to insufficient estrogen production at 17-18 years of age. The level of estrogen in the blood determines the number and activity of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina, and, consequently, how protected the vagina is from infections. When there are not enough hormones yet, the microflora cannot fully resist the attack of foreign microorganisms - pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.

Inflammation of the vagina can be caused not only by sexually transmitted infections, but also opportunistic microflora of the partner. In any case, the entry of foreign microflora into the vagina is stress for your own bacteria. And it takes time for the partner’s microflora to adapt to the woman’s body and begin to be considered “their own.”

Nowadays, many young girls today date several partners at once. This leads to the fact that the composition of the vaginal microflora is constantly disrupted. Therefore, inflammatory diseases of the vagina are much more common in the age group from 16 to 20 years and are more difficult to treat than in older age.

A gynecologist is a doctor who often knows even more about his patients than their husbands or relatives. And teenage gynecologists are often aware of things that parents are not even aware of.

On average, 7 out of 10 modern girls begin sexual activity at 15 years old, and after some time many of them already have several partners. And most of them experience deep microflora disturbances, frequent inflammations that are difficult to treat.

And what conclusion follows from this? Remember how in the good old cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, the thoughtful donkey Eeyore got to the bottom of things: “Why is everything? And for what reason?” he asked. - “And what conclusion follows from this?” - Is this necessary?

“Why” and “for what reason” do young girls have problems with women’s health, we seem to have figured it out. But what conclusion follows from this? This article does not discuss the moral side of the question of when and with whom it is better to start having sex. We are talking, first of all, about preserving the health of a young girl. In particular, about the state of its microflora.

Each girl is given a treasure at birth - a chest with women's health. And those girls-girls-women who take care of their treasure are then rewarded a hundredfold. If a girl is careless about her health, has a violent sex life, has abortions, then often in later life she discovers that she cannot get pregnant or bear a child. When examining such women, they often find a whole bunch of infections, adhesions - the consequences of inflammation and abortion. And you have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on solving a problem that could have been avoided by starting to take care of your women’s health in a timely manner.

Therefore, I would really like young girls and women reading this article to think about it. How their lives will turn out in the future depends on their attitude to their health today. We have already said that susceptibility to infections and the likelihood of developing inflammation of the genital tract largely depend on the state of the vaginal microflora. The more protective microflora, the stronger the local immunity and the lower the risk of getting sick. Therefore, girls who begin to be sexually active early need to be especially attentive to the state of their microflora and visit a gynecologist at least once every six months in order to promptly identify bacterial vaginosis or other diseases of the genital tract.

Even about 15 years ago, some women used tampons soaked in kefir to restore microflora in the vagina. It was, of course, better than nothing. The acidic environment is very useful for the normal microflora of the vagina, although the bacteria contained in kefir are not exactly what our vagina needs.

Today this is no longer necessary because there are probiotics such as Biovestin and Biovestin-lacto. Doctors advise taking these biologically active supplements not only orally, but also intravaginally, i.e. insert them directly into the vagina. "Biovestin" resembles baked milk in color and taste. At the same time, it contains not only bacteria, but also their metabolic products. These substances create an environment favorable for the life of your own protective bacteria.

Despite the fact that Biovestin and Biovestin-lacto were developed as food supplements, many years of experience in the use of these drugs in obstetrics and gynecology shows their high effectiveness in the treatment of microflora disorders in the vagina.

Lactobacilli, which are part of Biovestin-lakto, are the natural inhabitants of a woman’s vagina, its main defenders. When introduced into the vagina, they displace dangerous microflora and help create an acidic environment. Bifidobacteria in the composition of the same drug also compete with “strangers” for space on the mucous membrane, freeing it up for protective microflora.

The only contraindication for topical use of "Biovestin-lacto" is the detection of fungi of the genus Candida in smears, a tendency to develop. In this case, it can be successfully replaced with “Biovestin”, which does not contain lactobacilli.

If we talk about the problem of women's health in general, then we should not forget about the old folk wisdom - there are things that need to be protected from a young age. It may happen that you can’t buy health for any amount of money.


Wow! and there is also a phrase: “having sex for health”... when I read such things, I learn from people their genital sores... what, what, and I don’t want to have sex at all... years of treatment for the sake of a few minutes of pleasure?!.
but in general this is a disease of society - well, it’s not customary for us at this (and not at that) age to have one partner (and most often from men), it’s a shame that it’s mostly women who suffer :-(

10.04.2008 10:32:50

The phrase killed me: “the bacteria contained in kefir are not exactly what our vagina needs.” :), but Biovestin, yes it is.. A funny article, it especially increases the appetite...

07.03.2008 02:08:59

The trouble is that sometimes a small infection, which a woman is not even aware of, can cause intrauterine fetal death. When I was lying in the department where women with various pathologies of fetal development or intrauterine death give birth, I was amazed - there were no outright homeless people or alcoholics there. There were normal, well-groomed women who observed the rules of hygiene and had one permanent partner or husband. Before pregnancy they did not know about their infections, but the majority had developmental delay or fetal death due to some kind of infection at the 6th month.

It’s a pity that such things are not explained to girls in a timely manner. At the age of 20, due to an ambulance mistake, I accidentally ended up in a gynecological hospital with kidney inflammation. I saw such horrors that I suddenly became wiser - no temptations or illusions worked anymore. It's gone forever. And now, at 33 years old, I have a beloved husband and two sons... But how could other fools, out of stupidity and naivety, get into trouble and spend their whole lives being treated. Thanks for the article - perhaps it will make someone more careful and responsible, saving them from pain and unnecessary adventures.

12.11.2006 08:27:07, Natalina

I want to say that inflammation of the appendages occurs not only from the number of sexual partners. When I was 19 years old, inflammation of the appendages began due to the fact that I simply had a cold, and from time to time (autumn spring), this, now chronic disease, worsens.

09.11.2006 14:49:54, INNA

Thank you Anna for what you do

08.11.2006 19:50:14, Dasha

Comment on the article "Microflora and Sex"

The topic of sex is often the last thing people talk about, even when they come to a psychologist with questions about family relationships. And they most often go to a sexologist when they are “completely in trouble”, and by that time a huge number of problems have already accumulated in the relationship. Families rarely know how to talk about this, although the spouses somehow manage to agree on everything else. The lack of information about a partner's sexual experiences gives rise to enormous mistrust. A list of the destructive things that follow for...

Madura is a super stick for women. It helps solve not only women’s health problems, but also increases libido and the quality of sexual life! Men will be crazy about you! Contracts the muscles of the vaginal walls, has a powerful constricting effect, creating the effect of “virginity”. Activates mutual arousal during sexual intercourse, stimulates the achievement of a vivid orgasm in both partners. It is also recommended as a means to improve the quality of sexual life of partners, especially for couples with...

Sex not only brings a lot of pleasure, it can cure a person from various diseases! Scientists and doctors have analyzed all the “advantages” of sex and determined exactly what positive effect it has on health: 1. People who regularly have sex suffer less from insomnia. Endorphins produced after orgasm not only give a feeling of joy and peace, but also relax the cells, causing irreversible drowsiness. 2. Sex promotes good health throughout...

Can sex cause miscarriage? Will the baby get an infection in the womb? Pregnant women experience the process differently. Some show complete indifference to their spouse, while others, on the contrary, rush into battle with redoubled force. Agree, nine months is a very respectable period of time, and among the human race it is difficult to find stoics who are ready to abstain from sex for such a long time. However, pregnancy is a special case and requires a very sensitive attitude during...

Women who are satisfied with the amount of sex are more purposeful and successful in all areas of life - careers, hobbies, sports, in contrast to those who would like to change the regularity of intimacy. At the same time, women who would like to have sex less often feel less confident both in their profession and in their hobbies than women who want to increase sexual activity. Such conclusions were made in a recent study conducted by the largest...

Well, girls, this topic also needs to be raised :) Few people think about what sexual intercourse gives to a woman. But pleasure, a feeling of being needed and an emotional connection with a lover are not all the positive qualities of sex for representatives of the fragile sex. Sex for a woman's physical health. So, intimacy with a man is an excellent workout for the muscles. Like her partner, all the muscle tissues of the female body are in tension during lovemaking...

We are protected from the pathogenic microbes and viruses that surround us by a multi-billion army of friendly bacteria (90-92% of them are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), which cover the skin, populate the intestines and all the mucous membranes of organs, including the vagina, nasopharynx, and lungs. These bacteria form the protective microflora of humans.

If the pregnancy is going well, future parents can have sex; it will not harm the child, and as the due date approaches, it is even advisable to do so. A ban on having sex during pregnancy, if imposed, is most often temporary, and it is better to check with your doctor for how long you need to maintain abstinence. Doctors at antenatal clinics usually warn expectant mothers if sex is contraindicated for them, and when everything goes well, they do not always explain that intimate relationships are not dangerous...

Sex is an extremely entertaining thing, even if you don't do it. After all, how many wonderful discoveries he allows us to make in the field of such seemingly unerotic sciences as physics, chemistry or anatomy. They definitely didn’t tell you about this in your school lessons! Physics If it were not for the force of friction, we would not know the joys of sex. But pleasure is not the only pleasant moment of sexual relations, because there is also an extremely useful effect of burning calories. Scientists have found: during a half-hour...

I have long been accustomed to the fact that the Yandex search engine somehow ranks sites strangely in the search results. But some results still amaze me. For the query “porn with children”, Kazakh Yandex puts 7th in 11th place [link-1], and our native one is already in 5th [link-2] For the query “naked children” in 23rd place in Yandex [link-3] comes up link to the "Children" section [link-4] - where is it about naked people? “Sex at 14 years old” - well, that’s okay, in 2nd place is a link to a topic from the conference [link-5] “child sex video” - [link-6]...

And if I’ve been wearing my underpants for half a day and haven’t had a chance to wash myself, then there won’t be any sex. I think a man doesn’t examine his underpants for microflora, but if they’re just...

Section: Sex (what is Roman rain). Yesterday I was given simply superb sex for no money. I think that our microflora and microfauna have long been 99 percent common. And, they say...

Come on, but the microflora from a foreign member will not be disturbed?))

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family.

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family.

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. It also has the ability to normalize intestinal microflora and fight...

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family.

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family.

One of the causes of infertility is oral and anal sex, reports the weekly Health. The human immune system perceives foreign protein extremely aggressively...

And in general, in my opinion, for anal sex you need to be in a very excited state because the microflora in the rectum is different in composition, completely different from the one in the vagina.

Human microflora

microorganisms that live on the skin and mucous membranes and are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with each other and with the human body. The normal state of microflora is called eubiosis. M.ch. - an important metabolic, synthesizing and destroying own and foreign substances involved in the adsorption and transfer of both beneficial and potentially harmful agents into humans. M.ch. makes a significant contribution to tissues, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, steroids, water-salt, to the detoxification of various substances, the formation of mutagens and antimutagens, etc. The most important function of microflora is its participation in the formation of colonization resistance, which means a set of mechanisms that impart stability to normal microflora and ensure the prevention of colonization of the human body by foreign microorganisms.

Already in the first moments of appearance, the skin and mucous membranes of the newborn are colonized, the number and diversity of which are determined by the mechanisms of childbirth, the sanitary state of the environment in which they occurred, and subsequently by the type of feeding. In a child, similar to that of an adult, it is established by the end of the first three months of life.

The human microflora includes various types of microorganisms. The total number of microorganisms found in an adult reaches 10 14, which is almost an order of magnitude greater than the number of cells of all tissues of the macroorganism. The basis of M.ch. are obligate anaerobic. Even on the skin in its deep layers, the number of anaerobes is 3-10 times higher than the number of aerobic bacteria. In the oral cavity and colon, the ratio can increase to 1000:1.

Microorganisms on human mucous membranes and skin are diverse and are represented by the following genera: oral microorganisms - Actinomyces, Arachnia, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Candida, Centipeda, Eikenella, Eubacteriun, Fusobacterium, Lactobacillus, Leptotrichia, Neisseria, Propionibacterium, Selenomonas, Simonsiella, Spirochaeia, Streptococcus , Veillonella, Wolinella, Rothia; microorganisms of the upper respiratory tract - Bacteroides, Branhamella, Neisseria, Streptococcus; microorganisms of the small intestine - Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Lactobacillus, Peptostreptococcus, Veillonella; colon microorganisms - Acetovibrio, Acidaminococcus, Anaerovibrio, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Butyrivibrio, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Coprococcus, Disulfomonas, Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Gemmiger, Lactobacillus, Peptococcus, Peptostreptoccocus, Propionibacterium, Roseburia, Selenomonas, ta, Succinomonas, Streptococcus, Veillonella, Wolinella; skin microorganisms - Acinetobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, Micrococcus, Propiombacterium, Sraphylococcus, Pityrosponim, Trichophyton; microorganisms of female genital organs - Bacteroides, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Lactobacillus, Mobiluncus, Peptostreptococcus, Streptococcus, Spirochaeta, Veillonella.

The microorganisms that make up the M. are enclosed in a highly hydrated exopolysaccharide-mucin and, forming a biofilm, have a higher resistance to the effects of various physical, chemical, and biological factors than freely located microorganisms. However, if these factors exceed the compensatory capabilities of the ecological system (and its microflora) in intensity, then microecological disturbances may occur, accompanied by the development of pathological conditions and adverse consequences. The latter include the formation and spread in nature of antibiotic-resistant and atypical strains of microorganisms; the formation of new microbial communities and changes in the physicochemical characteristics of certain biotopes; increasing the range of microorganisms involved in infectious processes; expansion of the range of human pathological conditions, in the etiology and pathogenesis of which M. h., infections of various localizations are involved; the emergence of a contingent of people with congenital and acquired reduced resistance to pathogens of infectious diseases; decreased effectiveness of chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis, hormonal contraceptives, etc.

To create a given human microbiocenosis or restore a damaged one, certain strains of antagonist bacteria selected from representatives of M. are used orally, anaerobic bacteria are added to the diet, anti-adhesive or lectins are introduced that block the engraftment of foreign microorganisms, immunomodulators are prescribed that enhance the production of secretory immunoglobulins or increase other specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms. In this case, great importance is attached to the so-called selective decontamination, which is understood as the administration of poorly absorbed chemotherapy drugs that inhibit or eliminate the growth of conditionally (potentially) pathogenic aerobic bacteria and do not affect the anaerobic part of the human microflora.

Bibliography: Kunaeva I.B. body substances and intestinal microflora, M., 1976, bibliogr.; Noble W.K. human skin, . With English, M., 1986, Pinegin B.V., Maltsev V.N. and Korshunov V.M. Intestinal dysbacteriosis, M, 1984, bibliogr.; Shenderov B.A. Antimicrobial drugs and normal microflora, and chemotherapy, vol. 33, no. 12, p. 921, 1988, bibliogr.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what “Human microflora” is in other dictionaries:

    HUMAN MICROFLORA- HUMAN MICROFLORA. The cavities of the human body remain free of microbes only in the first hours after birth; then, being in constant communication with the outside world, these cavities are populated by microbes, which continue throughout the rest of life... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Escherichia coli is a representative of bacteria in the human intestine ... Wikipedia

    Human microflora- Open biocenosis of microorganisms found in healthy people. M. is divided into obligate (constant, obligatory) and facultative (random). The composition of M. is controlled by the body with the help of mechanical, chemical, bactericidal factors, and... ... Adaptive physical culture. Concise encyclopedic dictionary

    Microflora is a collection of different types of microorganisms that inhabit any habitat. The microflora of water bodies, air, rocks, soil is very diverse, the microflora of the rumen of ruminants, pore solutions of different types of soils, etc. ... Wikipedia

    See microbiota. (Source: “Microbiology: a dictionary of terms”, Firsov N.N., M: Drofa, 2006) Normal microflora (eumicrobiosis) is the totality of microbiocenoses (see) that have developed as a result of long-term evolution of all biotopes (organs, systems,... ... Dictionary of microbiology

    - (microbial flora) a set of microorganisms that live in a certain environment - soil, water, air, food products, in human organisms, animals and plants. 1 ml of water can contain from 5 to 100 thousand cells, 1 g of soil can contain 2 3 billion. Skin ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (see micro... + flora) 1) a set of microorganisms present in a certain environment (in soil, water, food products, in human organisms, animals and plants); 2) in paleontology, microscopically small fossil remains of extinct... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Y; and. [from Greek mikros small and lat. flora vegetation] Biol. The totality of microorganisms that live in what region. natural environment (in soil, body, food products, etc.). M. respiratory tract. M. intestines. M. soil. * * * microflora… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Micro... and Flora, a collection of microorganisms found in one or another environment: soil, water, air, food products, in human bodies, animals and plants, etc. Usually, natural substrates are inhabited by a variety of... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (microbial flora), a set of microorganisms living in a certain area. environment soil, water, air, food. products, in human, animal and plant organisms. 1 ml of water can contain from 5 to 100 thousand cells, 1 g of soil 2 3 billion. Skin, ... ... Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    G. 1. A set of microorganisms that live in soil, water, air, food products, in human organisms, animals and plants. 2. Microscopically small fossil remains of extinct plants (in paleontology). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Natural healing system. Set of 3 books, Eret Arnold, Nikolaev Yuri Sergeevich, Ugolev Alexander, We present to your attention a set of 3 books “Natural healing system” Theory of adequate nutrition and trophology The topic of nutrition combines scientific, environmental,… Category: Alternative medicine Series: Health Publisher:

Before considering directly the microflora of the skin, we will have to dwell on several concepts. We will briefly talk about what microorganisms, biocenosis, ecosystem, symbiosis and microflora are.

Microorganisms (germs)

Microorganisms (microbes) is the collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye (their characteristic size is less than 0.1 mm).

Microorganisms include bacteria, archaea, some fungi, protists, etc., but not viruses, which are usually classified as a separate group.

Most microorganisms consist of a single cell, but there are also multicellular microorganisms. The science of microbiology studies these organisms.

Biocenosis and ecosystem

Biocenosis (from the Greek βίος - “life” and κοινός - “general”) is a collection of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that inhabit a certain area of ​​land or water area; they are connected with each other and with the environment. Biocenosis is a dynamic system capable of self-regulation, the parts of which are interconnected.

A biological system consisting of a community of living organisms (biocenosis), their habitat (biotope), and a system of connections that exchanges matter and energy between them is called an ecosystem. Ecosystem- one of the basic concepts of ecology.

An example of an ecosystem is a pond with plants, fish, invertebrate animals, and microorganisms living in it that make up the living component of the system, a biocenosis.

Symbiosis (from the Greek συμ- - “together” and βίος - “life”) is a close and long-term coexistence of representatives of different biological species. Moreover, in the course of joint evolution, their mutual adaptation occurs.


Microflora is a collection of different types of microorganisms that inhabit any habitat.

Human microflora is the collective name for microorganisms that are in symbiosis with humans.

The formed microbiocenosis exists as a single whole, as a community of species united by food chains and related by microecology. 

Amazing fact!

Normal microflora accompanies its owner throughout his life.

Currently, it is firmly established that the human body and the microorganisms inhabiting it are single ecosystem.

Currently, normal microflora is considered as an independent extracorporeal (i.e., located outside the body) organ.

This is an amazing fact! Bacteria - these independent lives, separate from us, are part of us, one of our organs.

This is the Unity of All Living Things!

Normal human microflora

The totality of microbial biocenoses found in the body of healthy people is normal human microflora.

It has been established that normal microflora has a fairly high species and individual specificity and stability.

The normal microflora of individual biotopes (biotope - habitat) is different, but is subject to a number of basic patterns:

It is quite stable;
forms a biofilm;
represented by several species, among which are dominant species and filler species;
Anaerobic (existing without air) bacteria are predominant. Even on the skin in its deep layers, the number of anaerobes is 3-10 times higher than the number of aerobic bacteria.

On all open surfaces and in all open cavities, a fairly stable microflora is formed, specific to a given organ, biotope or its area - epitope. The richest in microorganisms:

Oral cavity;
large intestine;
upper respiratory system;
external parts of the genitourinary system;
skin, especially the scalp.

Permanent and transit microflora

The normal microflora includes:

permanent or resident microflora, - is represented by a relatively stable composition of microorganisms, usually found in certain places of the human body in people of a certain age;

transient or temporary microflora, - gets onto the skin or mucous membranes from the environment, without causing diseases and not permanently living on the surfaces of the human body.

It is represented by saprophytic opportunistic microorganisms that live on the skin or mucous membranes for several hours, days or weeks.

The presence of transient microflora is determined not only by the supply of microorganisms from the environment, but also by the state of the host’s immune system and the composition of the permanent normal microflora.

Microflora in numbers

The surfaces of the skin and mucous membranes of the human body are abundantly populated with bacteria.

The total number of microorganisms found in an adult human reaches 10 14 , which is almost an order of magnitude greater than the number of cells of all tissues of the macroorganism.

On 1 cm 2 skin accounts for less 80000 microorganisms.

Quantitative fluctuations of bacteria in a biocenosis can reach several orders of magnitude for some bacteria and, nevertheless, fit into accepted standards.

The body contains tissues free of microflora

Normally, many tissues and organs of a healthy person are free of microorganisms, i.e., sterile. These include:

Internal organs;
brain and spinal cord;
alveoli of the lungs;
inner and middle ear;
blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid;
uterus, kidneys, ureters and urine in the bladder.

Sterility is ensured by the presence of immunity, which prevents the penetration of microbes into these tissues and organs.

The human body is a complex of interconnected links, the rupture of one of which leads to an imbalance in everything. Very often it seems to people that some things happening in the body are not of significant importance. This is a deep misconception, because any symptom is a cry for help.

For example, what do you think - is skin microflora important? Many will now think that this is stupid, because the skin is a protective organ, which means it doesn’t matter what kind of microflora is there. In fact, every microbe that lives on the surface of our body and inside us is of great importance, because it is its presence or absence that can cause or prevent disease.

All microorganisms on the surface of the human skin exist in mutually beneficial cohabitation until there are more pathogenic ones than beneficial ones. There are normally millions of gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on the skin, but they are all harmless up to a certain point.

This is why it is so important to properly observe personal hygiene measures. However, be careful, because when you cleanse your skin, you wash away all the bacteria (including the good ones). It must be remembered that it is very difficult for a weakened body to maintain microflora at a normal level, and even more so to produce new ones, therefore, with immunosuppression, a disease can occur. Accordingly, it is not recommended to shower too often.

Normal human microflora is not only a balance of skin microbes, it is also an optimal combination of microorganisms in the intestines. Scientists have calculated that the lumen of the thin and thick sections contains more than 2 kilograms of microorganisms, which ensure optimal functioning of the digestive tract.

It should be noted that in the human body there is a constant struggle between pathogenic and beneficial microbes. This means that when exposed to unfavorable factors, the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines sharply decreases, and pathogenic ones begin to multiply quickly - a disease is formed.

The intestinal microflora is rich in beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which enhance peristalsis, prevent the development of constipation, and aid digestion. In addition, small amounts of anaerobes, staphylococci, streptococci, candida and proteus can be found in the intestinal lumen. These microorganisms are harmless as long as their concentration does not exceed the number of beneficial microbes.

If the intestinal microflora changes towards pathogenic, then a process called “dysbacteriosis” is formed. Doctors debate a lot about this condition, but it does not lose its importance. So, what reasons can lead to a decrease in the number of beneficial microbes in the intestines?

Thus, the intestinal microflora is very susceptible to external influences, so it is necessary to constantly maintain the balance of microorganisms in the intestine. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to follow a diet, exercise and not take medications without consulting a doctor.

Fermented milk products support intestinal flora very well, so they are best consumed daily. Remember that alcohol kills beneficial microbes, and therefore makes your body vulnerable to

The intestinal microflora needs periodic renewal, therefore, to prevent dysbiosis, you can use the drugs "Linex", "Bifiform" or

The term microflora refers to a group of living microorganisms that exist within the organs of living things. These microbes, found in places like the stomach, throat and vagina, include fungi, bacteria and viruses. They act as a protective force that strengthens the immune system, or as a destructive force that weakens the body. Some environments are home to microflora, which includes viruses and worms. The microorganisms that make up the microflora, also called microbiota, can be harmless or dangerous depending on whether they are anaerobic or aerobic. The root "flora" suggests that microflora refers to the microbes that live in flowers, but the meaning of the term has evolved and today it is used primarily to describe ecosystems within animals.

Beneficial microbes in most microflora that can nourish the body are usually called probiotics. They are anaerobic. The two most common probiotics in the microflora of many animals are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Lactobacilli are partial to environments rich in sugar and starches. According to many doctors, they produce lactic acid, which supplies the muscles with additional energy. In some parts of the body, lactobacilli produce the disinfectant hydrogen peroxide. Found primarily in the intestines, vagina, and urinary tract, these microorganisms are thought to help the body's beneficial microflora fight pathogens—microbes that cause disease.

To restore intestinal microflora, eat yogurts,
they contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli...

Bifidobacteria, like lactobacilli, also live in the intestines and vagina and produce protective lactic acid. These bacteria are known to prevent ulcers and diarrhea if present in sufficient quantities. They are also believed to help relieve chest pain, eczema and flu, and have beneficial effects on cancer, hepatitis and fungal infections.

The microflora must be balanced. Whenever the amount of probiotics decreases, due to the high concentration of harmful bacteria (such as staphylococci, yeasts and streptococci), infections and diseases may develop and the normal functioning of internal organs may be disrupted. Poor diet, illness, and medications such as chemotherapy can destroy beneficial bacteria and disrupt the balance of microflora. Also, sometimes the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria is disrupted by genetics, polluted environment and stress.

Staphylococcus causes infections...

To restore or maintain microflora balance, many people supplement their diet with probiotic powders or capsules. The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the ratio of bad and good bacteria observed in his body. Many people experiment by gradually increasing the recommended dose until there is a change in the course of the infection, the nature of the irritation, or the energy level.

Fermented foods such as yogurt and wine spirit can often help increase beneficial microflora. Infants receive a large number of probiotics from breast milk. The ratio of good to bad bacteria in the gut and other areas of the body is typically 85% to 15% in both infants and adults.
